.. WILMETTE LIFE November 1. 1929 APITAL URP·LUS . $200,0~ . $ 2 0o,o_oo;J . . "-" ' . . . The Right Trust.Plan ' .. . . It would require a great deal of time and un . · limited study -before an individual could.gain a broad vieW of all the functions of trusteeship. For the average man this research is neither . necessary nor practical. ·But a brief discussion ·_· · With our Trust Officer ·will enable him to out .. line .the type of Trust arrangemeht best fitted to the requirements of your estate. , . . .. . ._ · And if you have made no Will, you should plan a consultation with our Trust Department without delay. TRUST DEP.A.R T;\1ENT The WILMETTE State BANK · A TRUST * COMPANY ..