Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Nov 1929, p. 29

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November 1, 1929 WILME'TTE LIFE , 29 North Shore Scout News Scouts Find Drowned Boy When Summoned by Police th p day " ·hen he could join the Boy ,.j Scouts. ..The fc~tl~er o f thi s boy feels that !f \\'hen a small boy of Birmingham, he had JOtncd he would have s howl' d · \\·a sh., disappeared·' recently, Boy greater caution a nd. his life p'fobably Sc\ntts who were attending a Court of \\'Ott!d ha ,.e been sa ved. Honor ineeting were 1 called to duty by Cabi~-in-thethe police and immediatly started · to · search for the. lo st hoy. The youth had Pro~otions · gone o t1 a fishing trip and. failed to re~I ally Scout hiker s are traveling to ·. . Scn~ ral promotion s in rank and a turn. He was 12 years old. 1'\l'c Scont!' th e Cabin-in-the- \Vood s, west of Glen,,·ent off into the wood s. following ~~11~ t_e\\' additions to the ] unior Officers' coe, the se fine fall dav s. Troops are lt st was the result of last week's meettrails from a stream. look ing . ahead. too, an(l are planning rt was in semi-darkness that a Srout in.g oi Trol)p 12. \ "ista del Lago troop, we ek-e nd trips during the "moon of came to a moss-:covered ledge wlu.: re .\\'t1cn they elected officers . Scout Ho\v- s hort hikes." or the Xovember "Mad he: co uld see evidence of someo ne ha \'- a nl \\' ilkins. \\'Ito ,,·as patrol l ~ade r is Moon," as the Indian saYs. Here is ing slipped into the wat e r . 'He mana 1.{l:r! t ~o w ~cnior Patrol leader, to take' G. the chance for your troop to register tt) get down and found a fishing pole Fa c h! .s p.la.cc:. and C. :J[inor is takitl'g for any of the open dates vou see in at the base of a wedge and then:· d; :> - H . \\ tlkm s place as patrol leade r. John the sch ed ul e below: · Beam i:-:; taktng D. Campbell's place envered a deep pool under a wa teHall Kove mb e r 1. Troop 13; November 2 '\\'hich he could not sec int o on acco unt as patrol leader. John was assistant and 3. open; ~ovemhcr 8, 9 and 10, ·J i the d~rkness and the depth of the and \\'as pr,mwted. with Robert Link open; November 15 and 16. Troop 33; ~aking his nld jnh. Fostn Cilgis is water . Kovember 16 and 17, Troop 3; NovemFnur Scouts \';ho ca111c to the scene taking C. }.ri1wr's old joh as assistant be r 22, open: ?\ ovember 23 and 24 :-\tripprd and w ent into the ice cold patrnl kadcr. In other truop ofiiccrs Troop 37 and Xm·c mher 29. 30 and De~ ponl. After :;everal clin· s they hH:ated 1{ . J~nrtJ is 110\\' h and ling Robert Link's cember 1. Troop 9. duties as troop chaplain . Jim Donathe boch· of the lost vouth hut bccan"e ·Jld _ oi the terrific pressttre co uld nnt di:;- hue is the new troop rc:pnrtcr and B. EYES OF SCOUTING lodgt· it. · They came to the surf:tce 1-.: carn~ th e new quartermastn. The and a police officer secured a pike ·P"'l le .;crihe ior this \'Car is tW\\- Tnm _ -\ntrim (Scoub stand at attention \\'hen they sing this song ) and after considerable cffnrt rea chtd taking Foster -Gi lgi s' place.-J im Donthe hod,v and brought it to the surface . ahue. Troop 1.2 reporter. The ~~·es of Scouting are upon you All the livelong day . 'l'l1e Scouts wh n had gonl' into the water gathl'red \\'t)od and kindled a The eyes of Scouting are upon ~· ou :- mall fire and tril'd tn a<hninistn arti. You · cannot get a\\'aY . Do not think . you can -escape them ficial rc:-\piration Inn the I>P\' \\'(!~ :tl reach· dead. In the· night or in the mo rn. Tlie father of the ho,· \ras in me of S co ut Harold Huhn. Troop 52. Deer- The eye of Scouting a·r e upon ~·u u the fi s hing parties and soon came to field. i:-~ the first Scout to register for 'Til Gabri e l. blows Jlis h orn ! · the srl'ne. Although terrihh· shnck,..d the "\'t)rth Shore :\rca \\' inter camp at h~· the death <1i t'Ji:- son. 1;~.. compli- \1 a-Ka-J a- \Yan scheduled for the Vista del Lago announces a young 111l.'llll'd the Scout:- (lll their \'lT\' cni- ':·ec k ft~11m;· ing Christm~L S. This is t!le people's assembly for young folks of cit'Ilt work. He ~aid tha-t his su;1 " ·!w iir..;t \\'llltcr th~ CLHlll~t! had had tts high school and college age whose had just become 12 had alreacl .\· bought 1 own camp: havtng pr~:·10u s ly gone. to p~rents are members. The first party a hanclhonk and '"a~ looking ftln,·ar'l t :1 Oak Park:' Camp \\ tldenu.· ss. :\ow, wrll take place tomorrow evening. Vista del Lago Troop in Election and . the. 1_1ortp shore· Scouts can enjoy a thnlhng advooture to the "far north" where they will need to be real .Scout campers. The exact fee cannot be set until the railway rates are determined, but Scouts can figure on a dollar a day, plus transportation. Winter camp will be limited to first class Scouts. , Oh! what a grand time those Scouts will have: skating, skiing, snowshoeing an·l all wmter sports are at their best. Woods Popular With Hikers Gl\6Stmes' Cafd~ · tuJ_/rniJtJJn ·,iz Colu_nlal dof.r. · /ill a ~alp~senf..daf need/ Christmas cards were un known in 1 775· A goose quill pen . ink, parchment. plus fast horses on the mail ·coach s p read Christmas Greetings from friend to friend. Filling· this old need for greetings is my business. I keep the commercial touch out- so that your greetings and name with one of my designs truly expresses your own individuality. There are many attractive designs to choose from at S 14 to S 1 oo per hundred complete. Early Bird Scout Applies for Place at Winter Camp · Order Now! . We!ti.OR.W.Brotfters AJtTI_,sT· .Suite ·;15. .17 H4\ltrtBuildiJW lbl8 Otringto~ Avef\.u&- E"a~of\.~ Ill~ GREENLEAF 0799 It Is None .Too Early for ·christntas Sittings Now Give photographs of the childrenFriends and relatives who know and love w i II t h em appreciate t h i s thoughtful remembrance The gift that only you can gtve . ·· All Children Smile for Bernie 1623 Sherman· Ave., Evanston BERNIE .STUDIO· 11 Better Pictures .- .- Better Values" Tel. University 8998

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