Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Nov 1929, p. 28

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28 WI L ME T" T E LIFE · November 1. 1929 BOY SCOU·T NEWSof the NORTH SHORE TROOPS A reguiDt feature page prepared each week by mtmbtt1 of thl Boy Scout Preaa club, North Short Area Couucil = ----------------------~------------------------------~-------------~-~ T\\'o hundred Scouts went to · Great tH'\\. leaders han· rcgtstered 1 Lakes for XaYal ,Day, Saturday, O ct\·· in :\nrth ~bore area Scouting- <1uri ~1 g I her 26. Troops 1. .2, 8. 18, 23, _2(,, 3.!. tht· .past week. ~lav this ·cnlumi1 m~~..:e i 33, J+. Jri. 37, 4ri, 55, 70. 71 and ii at· Y\Hl 111ore familiar ~Yith them. · renckd . Troop 23 of Clencoe had tlw highe:-;t represcntatio~1 \\·ith t\\·tnt \ . 1 y ·r ank J. l~n·usrh ~ 173~ For~·st avt·n:w. l :-; eHtL ~t:a · Scuut Ship Xo . 211 ,,.;,, \' tlml'tte. ~c~·tttma,fl'r nf TnH1p <) of 1· the J~·~l'ph\ chttrrlt inr the last threl' the guc~t \) f Great Lakes, · but the rv, t ~-cars lJa, th1\\" hccnml' Cleput\· cnmmi"'p~id thirty cents for a gnod ham din si t·tH'r i·1r tlw Cathl'llir tron't>s in \\"il- 1 ner with jh1tatnc~. spinach and gi nger .. nH' tte ~I r. l'reu:-rh h;Js prnnwtcd a ,. hrvad. and twcnty-fi,·c cent s j, ·r :1 rl·al nutd utlr tr < h1p at Trnt 1p <)and \\'ith =-ans < il{l' ~uppC'r ,,·ith friL·d potat·1t ~ :tttd t 11 e h t..· Ip . (1 f Peter Hr a un, <1 ss is t;t ., t I ..;alae!. There \\Tfl' )(,() for ditltH-r :ttlll ~C'\)IItllla-.t~· r 11i. Tn·41p <J, has dl'n:l0p<·d 1~~ for supper. a n'r\ acttn· grt>ttp. The dre~s parade in the llltlrtlit tl.!Tr\1np . 30 '1f Elm ~)larl' sch;1 ol, Hig~1ti it e t 11 m i11 u t es n f r a I is then ic :-. :.111 d land ·Park. \\Tknmes luhn L. l'<Lll. drill - was fnllo\\'l'd )),· a tour , ,j inI 0 I H 0 a k s t r e e t . · as its ·n <: \\' ~ r nut 111 a "'- ~ !; pertinn nf the post. .Group~ oi th in,. ter . Al"r. l·dell has a ~cout son. Xawent intn ~:ach barracks and sa,,. t h.v !han l'dell, in 'thi~ trnop aiHI. of enursc, clothing rolled up for inspcctint l. T ill' h . kt..·enly inlt..'restcd in makin . l!" the i ~couts \H'rL' surprised to find that l·:t clt tflHlp a ·real success. ~f r . Cddl is llt' \\· I man ,,·ashed ' his clothes eycry en·n itlg" in ~rnuting · .hut ha~ had training in and hY means of a di·ier \\·as ahk t·' rk;dint.: \\"ith ho\':- th'rnu··h a ~uncia,· ~chnnl ria-:- he ·taught i1~r somt..· tim~· . · It's nice tn reHect these chilly days upon tlwsc glo.r-i<.1tb s·uP11llt'f camping jHlt tl~cm hack on again in ten mittutes. :\ita diliner the group \\'tilt . t(l . ~I r . Hawkins. t Ia· formn ll'adcr. ldt days at Camp ~r a-1\:a:... j a- \\"an nn Spring L~tke. \\"is., where the north -.hm(' the g<1li cnurst· · and \\·atchecl a ~11 ; 1 111 t_ o, .continue h.i:-. ,~igllt ~cllnol studie:-; . I trooys indulge in \'acatio.n-time pleasure and pr<1tit. Jn:-t . a ~l~mp~~. ot the battle. · 1 lu~ rusttc entrance t~) Camp bi.JaWnC'e, one of the seH·ral attrartt\'t..' ~<.nut . ummcr I n1op 31 111 Htghla 11 d Park al:-; 1 The three enenn- line:-; arh·at lr t. ·d tht· fatiH·r l)f a Scl.Hlt .a=-. it:-;. llC\\' ~COl~t - r colon_ies." - It cmnprised eig-ht tents \\'ith a (lt111hincd capacity \ll irnlll tllirt\' do\\·n the hill in tift\·. . yard run s. F or ma:--tcr. Harnl<l ~1. \\lute h the leader tn tlurty-ft\T Sn)uts·. the last hundrC'd )·anis .they fixed the ir and Robert \ Yh itc the First C ;1s ~; , hayonds and charged only tn ~hakl' ~rnut. "Uoh" \\.hite was at camp Junior Leaders Confer OUT FISHIN' hands with the grnup attacked . Flan·s ~ 1a - l' a- J a - \\ · a n t hi s s umtm'r. \ f r. at Lake· forest M . eeting . \ fl'ller isn't ml'an. and rifle shout1ng made the hattie sL·cm \\"hi t l' is a real outdoor man and ;~1 Out li:-hin': realistic. tt..'fl"stcd in hnys' work . His hndJOnrl · wa~ spent in ·the \\est and he has .\II Junior leader:-; nf Xorth ~hnn: lTi s th n ~1gl~t~ are mt..·:-tly g(11·d and dtan, I T!1c football game drew thl' Cl"P\\·ds Out lt:-h111 : agatn and we watched the nay;tl . tati tl tl campv.d . . hikt..·d and -hunted 111 tb ' area. ~cout troot)s. including Junior a..; 1\ockies. sistant Scnutm~er~. ~cnior p~ttrnl i It d n c~n · t kn o ck hi~ icllt..1\\" men, · team defeat Li~le colleg~: 21 -ri in · a IIHnlr any grudge s th<:tl: hard-fought hattie . :\ iat gt..·.ntleman Trnop 3-t ni thl· .Pre:'h\'tlrian ·rhur r h. lra.der . patrol Iea7kr:-;, a'\sistant patn1l Oi- ha_ :\ feller's at hi~ linc~t , wh<:n on Li~le's team was the real cnmcdian Highland Park. is tw\\·. equipped \\·itli leaders, and scribe:-. are urge.cl t11 sa\'~' Out li·;-hiil'. and was \\:atched \rith interest. a llt..'\\" ~cu\ttllla:o;ter. H. 1. . Andcrs·)tl, the clav of :\oyemher 29 tor an all -claY ~upper was held a fe\\" minutes aft\·r 1-tl(l Pleasant a\'elltll', and a tle\\· as-.i:-\ - Jt..Jnt·.or. leaFdtrs; cnn}·~·rt·nc\l: to h\ hel.~l ~he game. Till 7 o'clock we .\\'anckn:d tant ~cntttmaster. \\"illard F . Ericslln. at 11 <lke. nrest. · 1he ~ung -' e.n :-. .\ itllt:r\ glad ttl lla\·t· a friend, around and finally ended up at thv · 50<· X. ~heridan rnad . \I r. ' .\nckrson , rluh rc.,nm~ and till' . \m~o: rtran Ltgtnn Out !i~hin': boxing and wrestling matches for which ha:-; ior ti,·e H·ars bel'n in:-.truct 11 r ·iP hall are-ttl he used i11r thi:-; Ctlllit..T L' Ill'l' .\ h~· 1pin' ltancl he'll alwa\·..; knd . . thr lla\'y is famous. :\iter thanking Phy:-.iral tdttc.atinn and 111 " 1Jl.ll;tl. train- I \\·I:ich i~ pl;~nn_ed t11 .Ill· the higgL·st ()ut . li~hin': 11t1r guide we. retttnJt:d tll our hnmt·:-- , ing. while ~~ r. l·:ricsnn. \\'ho i" an 11 1d th111g . ()t tts k111d e,·er hdd . fnr the T~lt..' hrlltht:riH)t1d (li n1d an' line tired but pleased with a g(HHl timl·. ~rout oi Trollp 32. Highland . Park. i, · :\nrth ~h<~rC' .lu~litlr. kadn> TIH':-l' \n' sk,· and ~trea111 is al\\'a\"s line: abo ;1 teacher ;u 1ct l' Xperiencl·d ;n ~ ,·oung kaders \\'!II dt;-.c.tbs 111 gr11t1p~ ~It' ll c·.·ll1t..' real ch1se \11 (:n<i\ dt,igt~. 1 <·. ~1 . T; C. '"'1rk. \\"ith these IH':,r 1 the.~r respt..'ctin· p~ohkms and <lt.ltic:-;, Out li-.hin'. I Emphasize Responsibility leader.; l'ro11p 3-t ),H·ks it'>n,·ard : ·1 taktng hack tn tht'tr trt1\l]l many ukas I ofTroop's Patrol Leader ,1-! n1 \\"t h and d ~· n·lupmL'll t. \rh ic h wi 11 help them ·m t h t' jt1h. T I! t' \ it·ller isn't pl\lltin' ~rl~t· mc~ . · Out ti~hin': The pat rnl leader has a special rl' Troop -t-t 11 i tltl· :\rckn ~hml· r;u'llp I )h'\\" 'Patrol Ltatkr~ llandhnnk" \\'ill !le\ onlY bus,· with his dreams. :--pnnsihility tn his troop. He is tilt· 1 fpr buys i. lltH cr Ill'\\" kadership t:1 ·is , ~>c t\H~ .text hnnk .nt the <Ia~· ;~t~d :111 ( )ut ti;hin'; . link i>et\\'<'ttl thC' patrol a11d the trPPJl. year with Iht\·id Jdhn Ce(ll, tt:achn )tltl.'rcst11lg study '\dl he tnack ot 11. Iii~ lirl.'n·'s a rc·at oi tan: . He represents the Patrol at the tr110l' t~£ manual tr;tinin . l!" and phYsical cdur.:t -· l ! i" cr l' c <. I : t n do t h t..' I> L" :-. t h t· c a 11 : ' Leaders' council. Through him u-... ·:· tiPil at thl' CCllliJl a-. :-:.rntitma:-tl.'l". lie Winnetka Scoutmasters .\ fclkr\ ah\a\·:- nwsth· man. I) Ian~ a 11 d i r1 C' as are .co mm tttt icat e d t ·' ha~ tau.ght in \'aratitlll 11ihle :'Cht..)Ol. PI v·tt c I hjs P\\'11 special group: a11d thrPtlg! l · ha~ hettl a karkr in \'!11111\-!," jWOpl···s . an I age amporee Out fi~hin'. . -Hnckland llt·u~v. Ontari(1. , 11 im a !so ,,.hat his patrol :-. ta11<ls j, 11" . grPup..; and \\·a:-; trained a ~Ctltlt . ·111 d Till' ~l'(ltltnlaslt'rs 11i the \\"innet1..:a ,,·hat it is cloinl!". \\"hat it lwpcs t(\ <J, '· a,:-i:-.tant ~cnutma,ter in \"irg-inia. l'ontll1lltlit,· Hou~t..· tttl't ;tftt..·r thl'ir tro np lllt..'l'tin!..!,s la~t Thursday to pbn tilt ·ir it~ whole :-;pirit is Ct1tllll111nirated t n t~lt' trtHlp . Ill' is re:'j)Oihihk ior the l'llll · Sacred Heart Troop Lays pan i11 tht' ,·illagl·-\\iclt..· :-:.n1ut ·camp·l - Troop 2 of Wilmette Has · rn· 11) he ill'ld in tile \"illagl' p:trk l' ;' .t an Interesting Meeting duct ni his t>atrnl at troop meetiP:.:' Plans for Development (li thl' \"ilh!..!,l' hall Thut·.;da\· aitt..'l'lltl.·Jl. > · .. ·and rallies in ramp. on the hih:1 J.a,t \\'l'ek Troop ~4 t)i thL' ~acrcd \,n·t..·tnhn 1-t, irt11ll 3:30 t·,l 7 (l'rlork . . l r~~op - ul, "Tlnwtte held 11:-- llll't't- " ·herenT thn· l!"O as a group. I !i-. at th~· Cnn- lcadn~hip determines to a largl' l'X ]kart pari . ll. Huhh.trd \\',hHls, ~tartf<l The l·~ln t lllttllit\· Htltt'L' lt'tHILl:-i lla\l' ttlg J t~esday: October it, 1111 \·::n!..!,-. under the kackr:--hip of platitlt..'d 111;111 .' intnv..;titl!..!. dl'1ll 'l1lst:·a - g.regattnnal church. \\ e hac~ mspL'c- tent th<' part thl' pr:ttrol pla~·s in thl' \\'illiam ll;t\<.'" \\· lr11 i:' t 11 he the Ill'\\" tiPlh ;h !tare trtlllJh (}t till· Cliri:--t ~ltm an~\ then 0ur p;.ttrul llH:ettngs dur- troop life. its attitude to\\'ard tn·np ~rPntma-.tt·l:. l.a:;t yt·ar ht..· \\"as as.;;·is- 1 rh.urch. li till' \\Cat h n matl i . . g11'. HI 1ng \\·Inch \ye practiced tying first aid lifl'.- Patrol Lenders Handbook. tant t" 1\,)hert J),lepel, hut as ~I r. J) 1H·- ~Ills c;u.l!JIIln'~·. tlug_ltt t11 i'rll\' v a 1lh1"'t handagl"s. Folln,,·ing this \\'l' had a JOHN BROWN'S BABY p eI i, h l' r 11n1 in!.!. a cIt- p n t y r 11 mm i :- :-- i, 1Ill' r, 111 t l' r ~ :-. tltt g t It ttl g 1or a II t ·'" 11". in1 k "', First :\id_ ront{·~t. The Eagle patr\,1 1 to:1k ftrst. the Silnr F\1:-:: and Panthers 1 Scout<; Put Him tn Sl{'C'P ~fany Tim~'" \1r. ll:t\l' -. i, t() lit' ~routtlla,tcr . 'l'nl(lp and ~cnut .... ty1ng f~)r second.:. whill' the l\ookiC's I at Camp ~la-Ka-Ja-\\'an '.?<.J 2-t i, 11rganizing thl' patrdl \\·ith ol,kr - -·- - - - -- tnok thml. ~fr. Conk then explained T<.lhn l~rown's h:tl)\· ha(l a cold 'uJH11l ~rtltlh a patr11l .le:ukr:-. F;tthn Crant I HERE'S A. BARGAIN! · anrl FatiH"r llaarth arC' IH1th ... itw to I L' lhnttu.~· h a spertal arrangement the to us the ~fa-Ka-Ja-\\.an banner we· its chest. -. 0 ,.., I I . {' . pu'h tilt.· tr·hlp. help strt·tJL!.thl·tl tit<' .~C(lllt Je;t< qnartn~ 1s ·)Ifenng to had won with all eight oi the points. John Drown's hahy h;~ d a cnlcl upnn its chest. trOi·p Ctllltl.llllllit) and_ t.:d a .hrgcr tr<~()j) ~l'IHlh in this CO.J.l~tcil l}l\p t~nts1 ,at a 1le alsn talked abo·u t the two a<h·anrernt·mht·r...h tp. l·,a~·IJ ~c .. ut t-. a 1,,1 L!·llll~! rem a rkahly ltn\" prtrt' ·11 ~ l-.7:,. I hese llll'llt (l\\' (ll'~ls_ \Yl' had \\ '011. Tht..· troop J llll11 nrnwn 's bah~· Ilad a colcl ttpntl. out aitl'r Ill'\\' tllt'tlther:-. and help t(· :uT ttn,· tents ni ··the regular army " ·as then <hncled inw twn parts and ,,.c its chest. huilclup tltt.." trlltlp tn thirt\·- t\\n. Latt..1' -.tyk. \\·itl1 t\\'n :-helter haln:~. Thcv played ~eep-away ,,·ith a football. 1\fr. So they ruhhNl it we'll with campnrat . :rl the pari-.h i, planning t11. iurni"h t"l' arl· thl· thing yu11 h;l\·c heen !nuking Cook satd that t\\'o wl'eks from tonight il. I roc 'P "ith anotlwr rot~m ,,·hirh \\'ill he ior itlr nn·rnight. \\TC'k-end hikes for we are going to go tn \ \" ashington (First time. sing all through; srcond larger and mnre suitable ior tnwp \"(1ur tronp anrl patrt)l. There is onh· park and play capture-the-flag. :\ny time, omit "hnln·" and rock arms: third nH.·~ting:-.. All hoy:- oi ~cn~tt age. in t 1 1i~ I a limitt·d supp.!y ;l\:ailahle so tal~e ad- prospecti,~e Scnuts who wish t o join time, nmit "cdd" and sneeze; fourth pansh shoulcl .rnmt· to thL· meettng:- 111 rantage of th1s oftcr now. \\' ntc or real snappy troop come out and see time, omit "chest" and strike chc. t: Troop 24 · on \\.tdne:-.day t\·ening-s at I call Scout headquarters Highland Park. Troop 2.-Rohert Fletcher, tro<~ p ·re- fifth tin1e, omit "camphorated oil" and 7 :30. Phone ~431. J!Orter. hokt . nose.) ~cn' ral 1 These Are Newest I Leaders · in Scout ~ Work in This ~real · I ( R·e member Th.is Summer (/a1np Haven Sco·u ts Enjoy Great Day Visiting Great Lakes Naval Station .,j. 1 1 I , 2!. ·· · 1 J a

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