Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Nov 1929, p. 24

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W i L M E' T T E LIFE November 1. 1929 · is played by L. Larrabee, and sevCHURCH CIRCLE TO MEET eral of his soldiers are Fred BorgThe North End circle of the' First feldt, Wesley Yates, Harry 1~. SweetCongrcg;ltional church qf Wilmette will ing. Ned Stanford and Robert M. meet ·at th~ home of Mrs. F. H. CorHarper. f.rnest Hetzel is the chat)lain, CtOb~r (Continued from page· 17). nell. 1110 Ashland a\-1nue. Monday, No. , Ycmher 4. ~frs. Cornell \viii be assisted and · Troy . Parker of Evanstort plays Miss Clara Selzer, daughter of 1\Ir . . by Mrs. Frank L. Kontz, Mrs. \\'illiam. J~la:\ depend are likewise historical t~e, part of -the .. Hessian execution:;~ and Mrs. John y./. Selzer, 1601 . Walnut ~t ann. and Mrs . John Shank.· Mrs. H. tach . : 1 h<._ group oL \tllagers an_ d, hat~ge · avenue, who v;as Jnarried last Saturd;.,y B. !\1uliord is ch'airmati of the circle. ·~Iencoe Player H~s Part on IS comp~sed. of st udents a\( orth- morning to Raymond DeThorne, Sl)ll . · · .-\n tmportant part · ts played by I wcstem tm.n·erstty w1 10 are w~ mg to of Mr .. and Mrs. Frederick DeThorn<.· PLAN HALLOWE'EN FETE Frallk J. ~f.orrc of_ Glencoe, who ls pl~y th~ _small pa~ts as _expenencc to _ of -\V~ukegan, \vore a white satin go,rn The . \\'e.k cra.t!la Camp Fire group c)·r G:;~~t as ~I ;:tJor . ~wltHlnt1, . comm~ ndcr as_~lst._t.hetr dra~lta.ttc studtes. .~nd th~ t_ rimmcd with lac.e; ami her long t~tll . \\"ilmettc is w hold : a Hallowe'en nl the. rcudmg party ·. ~I aJor Sw1ndon ofhcers \\·ho st~ 111. court-martial oyct veil, also trimmed \vith- lace ~ was cat ,.1 ~ party . ~atnrday. :\oyemhcr 2. The and t;cncral . Burgoyn~ pro\·idt scr1~ !he uufp't' tunate Dtck, wlw '·thL·y _ tltln~ with· orange blossoms. Tile lllaid1 g~i group has hcen engaged · " recently in ou~ly enough, much (\.t the humor . ol 1s , Parson _ A nderson, ar~ meylhers of · honor Miss Florence DeThorne· s· ·t .1 . n).aking- !read hands and artkll's fur the plav neither one de;dring to as- the cast \\·ho will have been seL' 11 i'n the · o'f · th~ -aroom \\·ore an orcJ '· ct'· · ~~t~ 11 ., . . .. I" f I . I· . ,.., . ' . sa In charity. sum<.· tht.· · r~spon~d>1ltty of the o_th_n ear ter s-ce ne. o t 1e P a_\·. gown, while the bridest1Iaids, ~I is ., a~HI_ ear)1 w.1th Ins own very deft111tL' Floren<:e Selzer, sister of the bride and ne"·s _ o t th'-· proper next step. WOMEN OF RQT ARY' TO MEET Miss Angela Miller .of McHenry, Ill.. The North Shore group .oi the Chi·- ,,·ore frock s. of pink and blue satin. L'ncle Titu s. Dudgeon is play'-·'! hy A W ~II Known North . Sho~e <.ll- j;,·att · 011 ' . ..\"'r ". Farttsu·ortlt . - .. · s t t )It , a tt<l cag·o . .\ Vomen of Hota·r_,. will meet . next The wedding ceremon to k I· - . h1s w1fe ·1s plavcd hy .\Irs. F. j. ~lorre. \\ednesdav at the .. home ot . Mrs .. S J Y · .~ P<~n . 9 ;30 0 , 10 k :\s . Uncle \\'illiani ~ i s cast Dr. R H. Leonard Be;toli, 1~1,5 · Aslmry ·avcnu_ c. i ~~ith · th ~ Ja~ ~ oseph s 0~-n_1 .1:ch \\'hitficld of I::vanston ,. with ~Irs. B. JIttbbard \\' oods. l he membrrs mil . e c.· · · e~mqllll tct~t E. ··Fillis of \Vinnet.ka opposite hit1L sew for the·. Countv ho~pital, .and attn mg. t~n~med;~~ely ~ollokfmg t.hc1scr\ll'l' as.td · a,nc re<.T~I \\'illia111 C. VanHorne uf \\'innetka is' lunch there " ·ill he bridge. Mrs. james ~ t~'as tetlwelc mg fre1 a 1 · Haw k·: 1 o f \\"1 · ·1 · . I tontha tc 10me .o e s ))'trent cast· as J,awyer ::-tns ·and as ~uch F ·. R owe~1 me t tl' 1s pn;s1c cnt t 1 11s · h t 1e · )rt 1 .< ". . ,.,. . 11 re.ads · tl1c will to the assc,mhled famih·. \·e.a:r-, 'while . ~1 r~. C·lareltrr C. 'I' ern t)f )' e evemng t . ere was t _ anctng- and' ·i Christy ·Dudg:con is played hy \\' illiain Evansto11 -is serrt~t;trL ~l'itcre a'n: Jurty · a tght supper was serv~d . . . ,. J. Pickard of EV<lJJSton. who i:-; pia\'- .members. The best man for Mr. De'l'hornc ,,~a . ing his .first p·a rt' \rit'h the , ~orth ~l1i)re _ Roman Selzer, brother ' · of 'the hridt:. · ~ . OF W,lNN·ETKA · )'he~ter Guild. · Essie. an unfortunate · Yfiss ~bri<in Bal(h\·in nnd ~[iss Jane 'f_he t;~shcrs \\'ere 'Lero_v Selzer, anoth<.·r waif · whom . the_ Deril's hiscipk .. he - \\'i llarcl of \\"ilmctk spent thi s last br~thcr of the ·bride, and George friends, is 'p layed hy ,\Irs . L. C. l.ar - ' \reek-end at h(,nw. The,· Glllll' frnm AI- Schmitt of 1\fcHenry. · Is a Candidate for _.. rabce ·of \\'innetka . . hion. collt.·gl' aJ Alhit;n, ).li.ch . ~fiss . The bride ~nd groom who are no\\ Recruit Drama Students Jbld\\·in i:-- a ~op hnmore thert·. \rhik on a riwtor trip to Iowa. · will ma kt· The Scrgeant of the King's army ).fi:-;.- \\-illard 1s·a freshman. their home in \\'ankegan . Superlative Cast in Theater Guild Drama c. Selzer-DeThorne wedding Takes PJ O ace 26 . ... · Man- R Benjamin.' F. · .Langworthy-· . Superi. o n. ourt · Judge · (Election Nov. 5th} 011 .. .. tlr t' "PEOPLE'S TICKET AGAINST- COALITION" GJhe c)tyle Jophistzcate . Independent Republican· Voters ~tnd Citizens in This Village Who Relieve in the Right of the PeGple to Choose Their Judges I rtstead. of Leaving it to the Political Bosses Will Vote for Mr. Langworth)'. and His 1.1 'Running Mates on the byCJ~ster "PEOPLE'S TICKET AGAINST- COALITION" Ail People.'s Ticket Candi~atPs Have Bun Rated Qiwlified for ·the Office by the Chicago Bar A ssoci(l-· tion. A modern interpretation of Footwear Fashions . in which is carried out a coordin·a.tion of Shoes, Hosiery and Bag.with the styles of leading French and American Dressmake~s . . .. ·Where Ca nd l·ln t f·!' nn tlu· J>··otllt·'!O 'fl (' k··t llf('! !i'nmuf'l Aflnm~ (;f'OfA'f' ' J':. William Jl. ~ldilut .. :r Jlalght Wttltt>r r . . Hurry Jo'.· llumlln '.'\lurph) Uowar<l W (' hu rl··s 0. llayes 1t111ltlllll Stf'Jlhf'll ) ,on· (;f'orgf' H. (; r··ur ·t'hnrlt·s l'. · Ull·r~l'tn 1-:dwnr(l J. ·u .-s!' H··n,lnml'l F. J.angworth:r a corre~:t ensemble this ·9 oster production in Calcu.t ta Lizard and Lizard Calf is decidedly modish. A ((CAMPUS" model in' Bla-~k o_ r Seal Brown -priced at ' an "Oxfortf:"- is·· ipdicate_ d· for BE SUR· E ·, TO VOTE · · Tuesday November 5th ... 115 North Wabash Ayenue · EVANSTON SHOP on the Corner of Orrington ..t\venue & Church Street 'J.6-JtMtU tY@omfJIUU/

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