Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Nov 1929, p. 12

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12 WILME'TTE LIFB November 1, 1929 Central· Laurel P.~T.A. ' . At the close of the membership dr.iYc Mr:-~ . Jannings reports the fo~lowmg rooms one hundred percent : Mtss Johanmon's, 1trs. Glenon's, ~liss Perring's, ~irs. ·Julian's, and :Miss Ve·rnon 's. There are, however, many ~·ho ha,.·e neglected to send in membershtps, but who will probably want to. The t~H·mhershi .p chairtn~n requests · that they do so as soon a.s possible. . On :\(·\Ttlllwr i :\I rs, A. L. Schapiro. 814 Sheridan road. \\·ill be hostes s at a room ·tea to the mothers and teachers of the pupils of the sixth grade. ~Ir s. G. Bing. :\lrs. C. F. Diet.cr~ch. and :\1rs. frank S\\'irlc:; "·ill he asststmg hoste ses. SUBUR~AN . LEAGUE BOARD PLANS FOR TANK SEASON Single Round Robin Schedule 1n Junior, Senior Divisions to Begin ~anuary 10 . The hoard of directors of the Suburban league, composed of faculty repr'esentatives from ' eru:h ·of th e mem :. her schools-Ne\v Trier, Evanstl"ln, Dce.rficld-Shields, Mor.ton, Pro,· i:-~ o. and Oa 1< Park-met Thursday, Octoher 2-t in Chicago to discuss recom mendation s for the 1930 league S\\'imming season and other matter ~ rl'la tive t'o the league 's inter-schnla ~ t ic activities. Classified by Age For pl,.lrpo ses of interschula ~t ic S\\'itnming competition in the . Suburban lcaiZuc boys arc diYide<~ acco rdin . L!' to age. th ose under 16 be111g clrt'.., ~ec t. · .as junior S\\'illllll<.'rS ancl those < o\'C't' 16 as scninr s\\·immers. After 'discus".. sicm of the recommendation>' for the 1930 s\\'imming season the f11lll'" in g rules wer e adopted:. 1 . .\ s ing! <> r<iund l'flhin s dH ·cluJ, . i11 tht· junior :11Hl ,St'll iur tli\'i~itlllS leo l~t · ).!i ll !llH·llt January )0. ~. Ea (' h ~willlllH'l' is JWnniltt>cl 1t i 1·:11· in t\\· 1, t·\'E'Ilts. and r·n.(' n · la~·.. ::. Tlw St ·nior P\'(: nt ~ ·follow anrl :-.l1: 11 1 he run off in tlh! ~i\'en ordt' l': . ll) 1110 . :>:lrcl n·lay (:!00 yard s :11 ll ,d, l'a rl.;) tidpatt' ht't'ns t ..... .Boy~, It's· A. KNOCKOUT!. EEDLESS to say. we refer· to our special cleaning fluid . It has a series of one-round kayos over such famed opponents as Kid Spot, Battl ing Gravystain, Scrappy Smirch and others. · Ou~ fighter i~ content to work at low cost and satisfaction ·is guaranteed as we make it ourselves. · Serving North Shore Residents for more than 2 A n:rr pka sant a iternonn tea was giY.<:n at· th~ lwme · of ~Ir s. Hemard l3rmrn. 7'1(, · Eltn·nth st reet. October 29. ,,·hen sht . entrrtaitH:d ~liss Smith and the nwthcr:-> of the third 'grade pupils. \Irs. H. <~ . Clark and :\Irs. Fred Von (kr f,ippcn were the assi ~ tin g- hos.tesses. ~I rs. ).f. Ll' RoY ).tinnr. 1i.2(J Sl.H·ridan rt~ad. entertained ·at tea the ·n ·,othcr~ ~md teacher:-. of the pupil s 11i ~Ji~~ \\'yman · :-~ N 8l' nradc Octohrr 2'J. Th~· as:-.isting· hll~tL~~e:-. ~,.L. rL' \1 r:-~ .. \lkrt ·_.\ ntrim and . ).f r:-.. H uhLTt l"arlet( 1 11. Tuc:-.da r. October 2<) ).[ rs. IIarry \\'. 11111 Yat·d 11cttingl. la.us. 231 Ashland · aYenuc',_ was r:n (::) ~0 , :anl lw~tcs ~ at a cldightiul tea to ~~ r :-~. Burt· Par!.;) ner and tht· mother.., r1i her ·third grade ( 4) 1 fill ~· :uti pu.p ib. Ui) st rr,J.;,, :-:wim h!l('k CiO y:u;d :-: :11 lt ;,J.; st roko' 5 Years Snider·Cazel Dru1 1l6i \\'11.\I ETTE A\'E~t ' E . WtL\IETTE Auto Delivery Service in Wilmette and C~o. 400-401 (()) (;) FKEE! !New · Kenilworth ""'""""··"··"·"""""""""·""""'" """W'W'u~'u'IIJ 1 1d 1 tJII&JIWIIIII'W'UI~ · ni\·ing :Odt ·dky l't'!ay (1t) · ~-;', l'tl l.a .. k !'-tl'o·l\· '. ~~~ yanl fn·t ·, -Ill Yard hrt ·ast :-.tnol,· ·. :111<l )00 Yanl frt:e t·· lit> l'llll .t of't'.ill this nnl('i·. ) 4. .lunior t· n ·n ts : (1~ lllu · varcl rdav (~ :-:willnnt · r~-1(, · ~· anl ·t·:t('h) · 100 van! s wim SEE HOW IT'S· DONE·I ATTEND THE Victor Records for Old! FOR two weeks, from October 28th to November 9th, inclusive, we will allow-you ten cents credit for every Victor Rec9rd you 1 bring to our store! We will accept all your old Victor Records, regardless of age, size or type. We will give . you new Victor Records-any selection you choose-in exchange for your old ones. With your old records, therefore, you can build up a , crcdi t with us that will pay for a new · . selection of Vjctor Records of your choice, without the expenditure of a penny on your part. .Jil \'!ll'fl l!l'Past ~trokt ; , 40 \·arcl ~\,· im · ( 4) 40 ~-anl ha <'k stroke ( .-, 1 l >h:ing:; _ Tlw nwthotl r1f :-:t:o rin p;· shall llt · :1~ t'lollnws: E\'t ·t t s :i-:~- 1 ; I' ·In\' ( fn ·t· ) ' -"' : (2) (::) niE-dley 6-0. · · · 6. l'itnrti11g· : .\ . ..\ . P. (I'Ult' ti, .Jl<li!t · 7 !. 7. An outsidt- oftic·ial shalt h· · st·t·ur ..cl hy 1h (' hom E' sc:h1H>l and . ugTt·t·ll \t, 1 ·:-· the Yisiting- s hool. SPECIAL TOASTMASTti DEMONSTRAT·ION. · AT THE PUBLIC SERVICE STORE Set Standard for Officials· Another matter which came to t!Jc attenti on ni the Suburban league IJc,ard ' of directors last \\·eck was that 11 1 obtaining officials for non-league intcr scholastic contests. The league ha>' taken steps to acquire all the iniohna tion possible about such prospect in· offici~ds. Persons desiring tn ofticiate at non-league games ' in which one oi the Suhurhan league schools is par :. ticipating ·will be required ·to fi JJ . out application blanks gi\·ing their trainin1-!. experience. and other detail. . The only con~ition8 · are these: 1. All records returned must be Victor Records. 2. All records must be un·broken. 3. All records must be defaced by a large X scratched across the label. TIIAT'S ALL I Come in I Bring in your old neordal Chooee your fa·orite new one· from our huge atock, and take home-FREEI-a new atoc:k of brilliant Victor muaic for 10111' . Victrola or Victor Radio-EI~ctro!Ja. 1 Taxicab and Motor Crash Thursday; Drivers Unhurt An automobile driven b\' Caroline Baker, 518 \Vashington avct;ue, Xorth western university coed, and a cab 'driYen bv \Villard ]. Burch colliclecl ;tt the corner of \Vashington avenue and Fourth street last Thursda,· mornin;..!.· at about 8 o'clock. A lamp post ,\·as knocked do\\'11 as a result of the roiiision and both cars were hadh· damaged hut neither of the drivers was injure') November 1 and 2 See ho¥1 the Toastmaster toasts · your ' bread, both sides at once, and automatically switches off the electricity and pops it up for ypu when it is d~ne to just the point you like it. MOTHER HIT BY CAR Sergt. V.ictor Faulstick of the Ken il worth police force spen~ last wee,k-end in St. Louis \Vith his mother, who wa~ serious1v injured in that city last Friclav when struck hy an automohil~ as she was getting off street car. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS 1141 Central Avenue . ' WILMETTE, ILL. · Wilmette Musie ShOp Carleton I\a11meyet I I a 79 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette, Ill. Phone Wilmette 3006 The Rovcemore school of Evanston has issued · f onnal invitations to the parents of children in the school for a lee.. turc hv Dr. Frank D. Slutz on "Child Po\\'er·." to he given on Friday evening. 1\ovember 8, at 8 o'clock, in the Royce Imore gymnasium.

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