Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Nov 1929, p. 10

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10 WILMETTE LIFE November 1. 1929 Announce Affairs Martha Katz Will Wed Burton Wolff Sunday f Tha·t Will Precede . The Standa:rd club, Chicago, will be the scene of the marriage of Miss Martha Katz, daughter of . Mr. and. Mrs. H.ermann Katz of 515 Central av enue. \Vilmette. and Burton.~- \Volff uf Chicag-o. Th e ceremony will take pla~e Sunday evening, November 3 at 7 ~.>0 o'clock in the . evening with the Rc.v. Abraham Hirschberg of Templ e Sholem o fficiating. . . Mi ss Ellen Katz will a~tend her srster a s maid · o t hono r. · and th e brides- ' maids. \\'ill be Mi ss ~firia m \Volff, . a sister of the groom -t o- he, M1 ss M~r jory Solomon of \Vilm ctte, and ~it ?s Carolyn Haa s o f Atlanta , Ga .. a cousm of the brid e-elect. The bes t. man for Mr. \Volff \rill be Ro bert Frank of Chicago, while the ushers will be Bert Kl ee , J oseph Ha 1 s , an·d Leonard \Vinberg. November .Wedding There have been many interesting social events given for Miss Elizabeth Harding and Paul Starrett proceding their wedding on November 14. A shower and. bridge was given by Mrs. Fran cis Pflueger on October 23 and on October 26, Dwight Harding was host at a dinner· dance · givt;n at the Tavern. On vV ednesday, October 30, Miss Elizabeth Hunt gave a supper·· dance in the Bi: tll oon 'room of the Congress hotel. Thur :~ day, .Octo1)er 31. Miss Mar. g aret Bowman entertained at a luncheon and th e . matinee. On November 3, Mrs. ~ o rr i~ R. Glaser i~ givitig a supper. ·M.rs. Edwin Mittlehusher is entertain ing the bride . and her maids at . lunchcon . and matinee on 1\ ovember 6, and that evening Miss Helen Verrall gjves a dinner dance- . at the Drake. On . Ko ~ \·ember 8, Mrs. David Hm\·ell will he host e ss at a hridge and tea; Kove mbe r 9 Miss · Mattie Bell Hubbard will hr h~stess at a dinner-dance ,at the Opera club. November 12, · Miss ~1ar).{a re t Harding, sister of the bride, will gin the ·spinster dinner and the evening he~ fore the wedding 1lr. and Mrs. J ohn C. Harding. parent s of the bride. will gt\'c the bridal dinner at their home in F\'anston. The marriage ceremony will he S(Jlt·m· niz ed in the Congregational church. 1·: y 'anston, with Dr. H oward \Villett nf Kenilworth officiating. A reception will iolow , at the Evanston Country (' )u h. ~fr . Starrett formerly lived in K enilworth and is well known on th(' north shore. ~faurice Bos ley, ·Jr .. son o f. ~Ir. and ~fr s. Maurice Bosley, 528 \\'an,·ick You can easily make your kitchen a bright; cheery place, if you select ·the right kin.d of ~quipment. TRAVEL 6,000 MILES .., ..... 24x36 inch tables iu G.. n, SPARKLING CoLOR ·- you have your· c.hoire of grun, ivory or white size. Priced for this exhibit You ca, see instantly. literally hundreds of ·uses for a cupboard · as spacious as this one. In colors that harmouiz e. F. E. \\' illiamson. 531> Ros lyn road, Kenilworth, president o i the Burlington railroad, has just returned from a 6,000 mile inspection. trip· through five states, including \\'yoming, Colorado. the Texas Panhandle. and parts of Oklahoma and Kansas. spending mos t of hi s time in T exa s. ·Accompanying ~[r. \\'illiamson wer e th e executive ,-ice-prc sident,: C. E. Spens. Vi ce-President E. P . Bracken, and Chie f } ~ n g inee r A. \Y. ~ ewton . Th.c group \\Tilt from Chicago tc) Cheyenne. then to Dem·er and nn south. The cities the,: vi sited in T exas were F ort \\' qrth , (~ah- cs t un . I>alla s and Houston. \\' illi am ~lc ~ i c k. son of !\Ir. and ~Ir.s . He rbert \'. ~l cs ic k. 331 E sex road, Kenihm rth has as hi s guest th is wee kend . hi s cousin , Richmond Lloyd, of H nle Park. On Sa turcl'ay evening tlwy wiJI att end , th e T ri - Ship dan ce tt) he gin·n a t Kc \\· Tri er Hig h sc hool. Cha rle s South,,·a rd of Kenilworth .is in charge o f the dance. · road Kenilworth entertrined tw e nt yfo ur y oung people o f the Jose ph Sear =;ch ool at a masquerade Saturday en.l· ning, October 26. ., "THE ·sTORE OF KITCHEN IDEAS" Has been selected by· expert home economists as a shop for the definite purpose of simplifying kitchen shopping. Members of the $100,000 THRIFT CLUB .... Are Careful Investors Where s pace is at a premium - this little base is ideal. We are just as painstaking 1n our line and in Specially priced offering helpful suggestions either · on repairs or tn the selection of suitable gifts. complete stock is now on display. A ·. 'PRICES ARE UNUSUALLY LOW During This Sale of Kitchen Utensil~ H undt·eds of specially priced articles combining the smart and practical, make this an ideal one for supplying all kitchen needs. PAUL DAVEY JEWELER 1 165 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 6 THE KITCHEN SHOP 509 DAVIS ST. EVANSTON GREENLEAF Member 6310

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