4 WILMETTE LIFE January 25, 19~ r $25,000. He gave as part payment North Shore fqmiture the · four-flat building located at t61s- · Shop to Open Here Soon 20 Belle Plaine avenue, Chicago, at a consideration of $25,000. on a lot . Preparations are going ' forward for the opening, within a few weeks. of 44 x 100 clear of encumberance E. E. the North Shore Furniture Shop to be , Stults Realty company represented all established in the Rensch Warehouse parties to transaction. building at 521 Main street. The ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ business is to be conducted u~der the managemen.t of A ram K. MestJtan, well known Mam street rug dealer. !he new .concern is to c~rry complet~ hnes of htgh grade furmture, accordmg to Mr Mesfi~ 4 n :Bernard F. Weber, Jr., bas just purchased from lsador Jenks the new and modern two apartment building, on a lot 33 x 125 located at 1314 Arthur ~venue, Chicago, at a consideration of $55,000, subject to encumbrance of · .I · NEGOTIATE REALTY DEAL Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haven Windsor, Jr., 419 Sheridan road, Winnetka. announce the birth of a son, Henry Haven III, January 17, at the Evanston hospital. Mrs. Windsor was the former Louise Hunter, a member of the 1\.f etropolitan Opera company. -o-Miss Edna Schulz, 1314 Isabella street, i:; spending the winter with her sister, Miss Lois Schulz in Augusta, Ga. She stopped en route in Nashville, Chattanooga, and Atlanta. Miss Lois is instructor of dietics at University Hospital in Augusta. Miss Schulz will return in April. . . Wilmette friends of Scoutmg-thetr number is legion-are reminded by local Scout sponsors that Wilmette is lagging behind in pro~ding ~s s~are of the capital which is to make posstble the establishment of the North Shore Area camp at Spring Lake Wis. TJ . "t 1 "t ·. explained should 11s capt a, 1 ts. . not be confused wtth the upkeep or budg~t expense of the Wilmette Scout ·Organization. "Friends of Scouting in Wilmette," reads a comment by a leader in Scot.1 t activity, "need to be r~~1ind~d t~at their help is urgently sohctted m ratsing Wilmette's share of the Scout camp fund necessary to pay for the cflmp site and erect and equip a mess hall and other buildings. Winnetka and Highland Park have nearly completed their share of this expense. Don't wait to be called, but buy a few acresat $25 per acre-and mail your che~k to Dan G. Stiles, treasurer of the \Vdmette Scout organization, at the Fir~t National bank. He will give you 3 receipt indicating your participation in a very worthy cause. · Solicit Funds for . New Scout Camp at Spring Lake, Wis. Is Cupid's Messenger M R. DANIEL CUPID soon exhausts his supply of arrows on St. Valentine's Day. So let your Lady Fair know it is the Day of H~arts by sending her a box of special St. Valentine's Candy. Nouelties. for Valentine Parties KROGER I'UBBIBB Established 1900 Last Da)'s ol l:. M. Loblaw Groceterias Will ·Locate Store in Wilmette DoN'T FoRGET OuR HoT NooN LUNCHEON VILLAGE CHOCOLATE SHOP First National Bank Building, Wilmette Ave. FUR COATS .ddllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfl!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllf!IIHJI~ LoblaV'.- Groceterias Inc., w.ill open a store in \Vilm ette at 1115 Central avenue in the same building that is bring erected for the Woolworth Five and Ten Cent store, announcement concerning which appeared in a recent issue of \Vn.~ft'l'TE LIFF.. The Loblaw Groceterias Inc., is a corporation operating an extensive chain of high grade grocery stores. Their field up to a few months ago was principaJlv in the east and in Canada, hut du . 1 1 g the past eight month s they ha\ e opened forty-six new stores in the Chicago area. R. M. ] ohnston and company, north shore realtors, vd10 negotiated the lease in conjunction with · Percy Q. Cook representing Loblaw Groceterias Inc., state that the term rental for the lease, which runs fifteen years, Only a few more days amounts to $63,000. in which to take advantage of the tremendous Frank \Villard, creator of the comic savings. If you are d~ strip, "Moon Mullins," and Mrs. Wilbating whether or not to lard, 505 Ridge avenue, Kenilworth, buy a new fur coat- are at Sarasota for the season. Mr. stop in-see these beau- and Mrs. \Villard were guests of honor tiful garments note at the "Cotton Pickers" ball given at their low prices, and the Tampa Bay hotel, Tampa, Fla., last you'll make up your Tuesday evening. mind to buy . NOW! Annual January Clearanee ol of Wilmette people and the Ridgt Road vicinit1J biJ the RIDGE AVE. PHARMACY CARL C. RENNECKAR, Editor. long now," sa id Paul Bleser when we were talking about spring. At that, winter IS nearly over. chocolates is just right for these Ion!! eve~ nings at home. Price, ::::: Open E ver.ings $1.00. '10 MAIM ST. Phone University 4900 EVANSTON It seems that some of our customers are giving our monthly bill the pocket veto. Some men smile m the evening, Some men smile at dawn; But the man · worth while Is the man who can smile, \Vhen his two front teeth are gone. Men's wornout col- My girl can't understand why a person will take a year to write a no\'el when h~: could buv one for a half doll.;r. Nyal Service Hot \Vater Bottles, full 2-qu..-ut stzc. Special, 98c. Squibb's Liquid Petrolatum, the best i n t e s t i n a 1 lubricant. Pint, 85c. Nyal H. & H. cough remedy \vill knnck that hacking cough. Special at 39c. "Lechner" said that "Old Timers Night" at the K. of C. meeting this week was a biv, success. Albert G. Ackermann, 811 Park avenue, returned this week from Quincy, Ill., where he attended the funeral of his brother-in-law, Xavier Fritch. who died last Friday. Mr. Fritch had been prominent in mu3ical circles in Quincy. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Fatch, 611 Washington avenue, returned last Wednesday from Blackwell, Wis., where they had been visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Flanner, :;ince the Christmas holidays. -o- -o-- Liberal allowance on your old fur coat A kis~cd Polish bride 7,001 weciding guests. The odd one possibly w a s t he friend bridegroom. FIREPLACE RUG For a Wedding Gift Other beautiful Chinese articles made by artistic hands. lars, if toru between the hem and collarband, make excellent bandages, three from on(; collar, to use on small cuts and wound s such asll children have. \ Ve wonder how many \Vilmette people are still keeping their New Year'<; resolutions. Glad we did not make am· so you can't get bac·k at us. That 2~-lb. box of T r e b o r ' s assorted Personally Imported RIDGE AVENUE PHARMACY Opposite St. Joseph's School Phone Wilmette 316 Pagoda Looltl Studio I 6 3 2 Chic~go Avenue Hours 1o KATHARINE P. CRANE Evanston Greenleaf 5960 to 5 and by appointment ~----------------------------------------------------------~