2 WILMETTE LIFE January 25. 1929 Elect New Directors "D ream p· 1cture M an" at Annual Meeting of · Wilmette State Bank Our DeUvery ServiOe During this bad weather, our delivery service has brought our store to the doors of many who could not get out to shop. The service has been prompt and satisfactory. On bad days. or in fact on any day when it is not convenient for you to come to the _ Village, call Wilmette 4 14 and we will deliver any reasonable sized order. Branson De Cou, familiarly known as the "Dream Picture Man," will give an illustrated lecture at the Wilmette Sunday Evening club January 27. His subject will be: "Dream Pictures of European Wonder lands." There will be musical accompaniment on the .A mpico piano. J. Alden Sears and B. F. Le'-':is, Jr., were elected directors of the Wtlmette State bank at the recent annual meeting of stockholders and directo~s: Mr. Sears recently assumed a posttton as vice-pre 3ident and trust officer at the bank. Mr. Lrwis is a welJ knowt. \Vilmette resident. The meeting reported a gratifying increase in business during the past years and votecl an increase in capital. Officers of the bank are: Judson F. Stone, president; Phillip Hoffmann, vicepresident: W. D. Leary, vice-president; J. Alden Sears, vice-president and tru st officer; F. D. Anderson. cashier; W. B. Robinson, Jr., assi 3Ulnt cashier and assistant trust officer; C. E. Clifton, Jr., assistant cashier. Directors, in addition to tho'ie mentioned above, are: F . L. Bateman, W. W. Buchanan, Lyman M. Drake, Phillip Hoffmann, Frank J. Seng, C. N. Stevens, J ud 3on F. Stone, Arthur J. Taylor, Henry Taylor, Jr. , and S. A . 'Vheelock. LEAVING FOR FLORIDA The Wilson B-.kery 1162 . Wilmette Ave. Wilmette Phone 414 Wilmette · A Free Service Call Sales ~ Service Atwater Kent Howard Kolster Radiola Sparton and Brunswick Columbia Victor combinations Read the Details YOUR RADIO ~~your deserves as good treatment as your motor car. We have a fine Service Organization in charge of a graduate Radio Engineer. . To prove this we want to give you a free inspection. If there is anything wrong we'll charge you only for the materials used. Just mail or bring in the appended coupon before January 28th. We also want to tell you about our RADIO SERVICE CLUB insurance against interrupted use of youf Radio" Mrs. Mark Cresap entertained tl 1 e Wednesday Bridge club of Kenilworth at her apartment in Chicago. Mr. and ~{rs. Cresap have taken thts apartment for the balance of the winter and early spring month s. ~~ rs. Cresap's mother is Jcaying- Saturda,: of this week with Mrs. P . D. Rathbone, mother of the John RathhonL·s HOT LUNCH AT SCHOOL on Abbott sford r{)acl, Ke nil\\'orth for Ninety children are having the fun three month 3 in Florida. of buying hot lunches at St. Franci ~ school each day during the cold " ·eath Mrs. S. M. Dingee and Miss Anna er period. Hot cocoa i3 sen·ed to fifty Dingee, 926 Lake aYenue, and Mis s little ones who bring their own lunche s. Georgianna Roger s of Wilmette and ~1rs .· Frieberg and Mrs. Joyce. who San Diego, Cal., left J anuar~' 8. for a provide the lunches, extend invitations motor trip to St. Petersburg, Fla., to to mothers to stop at the -~ chool to be gone until the spring. have luncheon with their children anv -0day of the week. "There is plenty fo.r Mrs. Thomas J. Dailey of Indianapall," 3ays Mrs. Frieberg. olis. who has been the guest of h~r sister, Mrs. A. C. Ohlendorf, 237 Linden avenue, since the Chri.;tmas holi-------------------------~ days, returned to her home this week. M. Portenhauser Painter and Decoratar Estimates Without Obligation -(}-- Walter H. Magner, 219 Dupee place, went to Morris, Ill. last week to attend the funeral of his grandmother, Mrs. Walter H. Magner, who died Satt:trday at the age .of 85. GREATER CHICAGO LAKE WATER COMPANY 1112 Bankers' Bldg., Chicago Tel. FRAnklin 5t7t Filtered Lake Water for Chicago·· 'Vateh for A nnonneement ··------------------------·· 1030 Greealeaf Phone 2764 Suburbs SERVICES SUNDAY SERVICES 1 1 A. M. Wednesday Testimonial Meeting-S P. M. Sunday School Exercises-9 :45 A. M. January 27, 1929 Subject: "TRUTH" Reading Room- I 1 6 3 Wilmette Avenue· HOURS: Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A. M. to 7:45 P. M.; Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Carleton Kaumeyer. -----------------------------------------------···· '79 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette. Ill. 1 Dear Sirs: 0 Free service inspection 0 Am interested in your Radio Service Club NAME . .. .. . ... .. . ......... . ADDRESS The Bible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and all other authorized Chriatian Science Literature may bt read~ borrowed or purchaed. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM PHONE . . .. ... ... .