Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jan 1929, p. 55

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January 25, 1929 18 FOR RENT HOUSES WILMETTE LIF·E FOR SALE-HOUSES 84 55 REAL ESTATE FOR R.ENT-5 ROOM BUNGALOW, 1 bath, sunporch, 1 car garage, on Hard,. ing Rd. in the village of Northflt~ld. WINNETKA F'or further information call Wil.· 2062" DISTINCTIVE AND CHARMING HOME or Wil. 3300. 69LTN18-ltc 'Yith huge living room, stone fireplace, ,hbrary; 4 large sleeping rooms · 2 baths; ~aid's ~uite; extra lavat~ry; 8 ROOM STONE HOUSE; 2 BATas:. oil heat, electric refrigeration ; 2 car $100. 730 .Center St. Tel. Winn. 1530. ga~age. Concave ceiling. Fixtures and 69LTN4-tfc fimsh the finest. This is one of the ~nost pict~resque places in town. Leavmg. th_e City. Quick action necessary. FOR RENT-GARAGES 72 This IS for someone who wants an unusual house and environment at a GARAGE FOR RENT - 807 FOREST Ave. Ph. Wilmette 3135. 72L18-ltc . ve~·y moderate price. Shown by appomtment only. For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-MODERN 6 rm. Home in Glen Ellyn. Hot water heat, open fireplace. Hardwood floors. Garage. lh acre lot. Consider, North Shore home in trade. D. C. Lee, 222 W. Adams St., Chicago. 84LTN18-ltp 100 WINNETKA WINS FLAG lzaak Walton Leaaue Votin1 Award Goes to Winnetka for Second Time; Tied With Kenilworth FOR SALE...:..HSEHLD. GOODS EARLY ENGLISH, DINING ROOM St>t, also buffet to match, $50. Oval mahogany library table, $10. All in good condition. Wilmette 842-W. · 100L18-ltc 8% YARDS WILTON STAIR CARPETused 2 months, taupe & rose, reasonable. Tel. Winn. 2006. 100LTN18-ltc 'iS FOR RENT-STORES & OFFICES P ..~UL SCHROEDER & CO. 418 Linden Ave. Wilmette 698 OFFICE FOR RENT - LARGE SPACE 77LTN18-ltc on main floor, d esirable location. . 22 1hx17lh. Tenant can sublet space. ~---------------Ph. Winnetka 201. 73LTN4-tfc FOR SALE - I~ WI~NETKA, EAST side residence, 1 block from park and beach, 4 blocks from New Trier, 172 FOR SALE-HOUSES blocks from e lementary school, near transportation. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths and lavatory. Tiled and glassed break~ fast room. Tiled vestibuae, glassed sleeping porch, large living room with custom made fixtur e::;. 2 car garage. SUBSTANTIAL AND ATTRACTIVE Lot large, we ll woode9,, and. landS room brick on finest corner in Wllscaped. New general electric ice box. mette. Hot water heat, with Rilent 'I'el. Winnetka 1!.175. 77LTN18 · ltc automatic oil burner. Beautiful wooded lot 100x176. House is p erfect and ~~~.dy for your occupan cy. Price $47,- JM©lill~it fll~Jffi®IflcYS/ ~ COLONIAL MAHOGANY DRESSING table; 4 post, double bed & springs; also single mattress. Reas. Tel. Glen. 100LTN18-ltc 121. 101 WTD. TO BUY-HSEHLD. GOODS WANTED TO BUY -SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Furniture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston Til. Ph. Untv. 189. 101LTN48-tfc 102 FOR SALE-l\IISCELLANEOUS ~ lMoJJ©mllffi~it@IIfl&CC@ 0 340 Linden Ave. ... For Sale North East Glencoe VvANTED- A FEW MORE REGULAR customers, for our 48 hour, poultry Town farm eggs, doz. 69c. Wisconsin Cream- Glen coe "' ery Butter, lb. 62c, del. Hammond Ice " Cream Kitchen. Ph. Wilmette 657. SPECIAL 1 " 0 102L18-ltp X. E. WINNETKA-~EW 6 ROOM Wilmette 68 hom e. .. Oil h ea t; at taeh ed garage; FOR SALE-RELIABLE GAS RANGE, Winnetka 77L18-ltl: beautiful grounds. Reduced to $16,000. " reasonable. Wilmette 3292. 102LT18-ltc 1 177 Wilmette AYe. ·wilm ette 273 77L18-ltc PRACTICALLY NEW NATIONAL Cash Register, $275 value, priced real ' Olt S ~\I,E-YACXNT 78 sonable. Tel. Winn. 653. 102LTN18-ltc & The American flag which the Winnetka chapter of the Izaak \Valton league offers to the north shore village having the highest per capita representation at the polls in primaries and general elections has been won for the second time by Winnetka, with a margin of only seven-tenths of one per cent over Kenilworth. Kenilworth has also won the flag twice. Unless Glencoe or Wilmette should win at fut~rc primaries or general elections, it will be a race between Winnetka and Kenilworth for the permanent possession of the flag. The latest award will be made at the New Trier High school in the near future. Following are the official returns of the November election on the basis of which the flag award is made :. Prect. ...... .... 1 .......... 2 0 ···· 0 ·· 0 · " ..... .. . .. 3 .......... 4: 5 Reg. Voted 503 499 741 648 455 390 616 814 462 764: Pet. 88.3 ·' ... ... .. 6 .. . ...... . 7 8 · 0 ··· · ···· 0 . 0. ···· 0 ·· · 944 612 302 662 497 791 509 288 586 467 ., " 9 10 90.8 " ···· · 0 0 .11 · 557 480 460 522 468 410 913 " An attractive 2 story red brick Colonial home consisting of six rooms, three bedrooms, 1 bath, extra lavatory and HALF ACRE-BEAUTIFULLY WOODed, highly restricted, on private roadtoilet on first floor. Hot water heat; way, surrounded by fine homes-close walls canvased; 2 car garage. Lot to schools and not too far from trans72x160. Party leaving town. Price for portation-to acceptable purchaser only, quick action $26,000. at lowest price for high-class property in Village. Address Talk A-221. . 78LT:N13-tfc REALTORS Glencoe 702 337 Park Ave. VA CANT-WINNETKA C HILD'S BED, BABY BUGGY, HIGH ehair. Tel. Winn. 2068. 102TN47-ltc JO:l ·· 0 ·· ..... 12 13 ···· WANTED TO BUY-1\IISC. CLEAN, WRITE RAGS, 1232 Central Ave., Wil103LTN48-tfp vVi\LTER P. SMITH & CO. WANTED 10c per lb. mette. 77LT~18-ltc SPECIALS 6 room brick on well landscaped lot 70x132. 2 car garage ; canvased walls ; extra lavatory; radiator cabinets; electric refrigeration ; gas stove. Price $25,000. ONE OF THE LAST REALLY FI~E j r es idential lots aYailable in Wilmette not on a heavy traffic St. Beautifully wooded corner 73x160. Further parOculars on application. IE ~tt wnlliiTill®ttttce THE WILl\IETTE STATE BANK NOTICE OF INCREASE OF CAPITAL STATE OF ss COUNTY OF COOKS ' Public Notice is hereby given that at the regular annual meeting of the Stockholders of The ·wilmette State Bank, a Corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Illinois, held at the Office of said Bank, Wilmette, Illinois, on the tenth day of Jal)uary, A. D. 1929, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P. M. a RESOLUTION was adopted increasing the capital stock of said Corporation from One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) consisting of One Thousand (1,000) shares of the par value of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) each to Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) consisting of Two Thousand (2,000) shares of the par value of OnE> Hundred Dollars ($100.00) each. That Seven Hundred Seventy-four (774) ~hares being more ·than two-thirds of the who!~ stock of said Corporation were represented at said meeting and that all of said stock voted in favor of said RESnLUTION. That Certificates of said 'increase of said capital stock have been filed in the Office of the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois and with the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County, Illinois, as required by law. DATED this 17th day of January A. D. 1929. JUDSON F. STONE, President. F. D. ANDERSON, Cashier. L17-3tc ILL~~gf:l " . . .. ... 14 1,010 .. . .... ... 15 713 Kenilwo1·th ...... 19 608 ......... 20 · 584 684 ·wilm ette ..... .. . 18 .. . . .. . . 21 743 .. . ..... 22 499 .. . . . ..... 23 714 ..... . .. 24 686 .... .... 25 782 ..... . .. 26 911 ..... . .. 27 545 .. .. . . .. 28 768 .... ... . 29 "548 ....... 30 657 .... . .. 31 780 652 534 540 670 633 454 609 57~ 90.1 687 778 463 597 629 707 86.6 4~6 ~JJ.J..LJJ.@J.J. ~ ~ ~\!::V \Sf~., ~ Attractive 6 room shingle. Garage; Sherman Ave. 1564 splendid location · gas stove · ice box · Evanston ' · · Un1'v. 28'R · P · 0272 carpets and drapes. Price $23,500. "" 78L18-ltc Also ~ffi'fi"\ ~~no ~- ~f{jln~n lliiD/1\)o 736 Elm St. SMITH & BROWN' INC. Winnetka 142-147 77LTN18-ltc LOT FOR SALE - SACRIFICE, 15% off on Wilmette-Lar. Sub. Cor. Bus., D. L. Carlson, 9231 So. Bishop St., Cedarcrest 1934. 78LTN18-ltc FOR SALE--6 RM. BUNGALOW ON large lot. Desirable neighborhood. Price $12,500. Very easy terms. No brokers. Wilmette 1582. 77L18-ltc VACANT-125x160 WINNETKA HERE IS ONE OF THE MOST BEAUtiful lots left of the few remaining in Winnetka. Building restriction. On a quiet drive-no trees but a beautiful outlook at a price at least $30 a foot under anything comparable. Address Talk A-221. 78LTN13-tfc END YOUR WORRIES WE CAN LOAN YOU 75% OF FULL value of your home for 4% commission. VIZ: We loan you $10,000. You pay it hack at the rate of $110 per month, including interest and principal, for 15 years, then you own your home absolutely clear. You can easily afford to refinance your home under this liberal arrangement. Mr. and Mrs. Ira C. Darling, 256 Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, left last Tuesday for New York to spend a few days before sailing on Saturday, January 26, on the steamship, Conte Biancamano, for Italy. Mr. and Mrs. Darling are not taking a cruise, but an independent trip, stopping m Italy, Sicily :md the French Riviera. They will motor through Italy and France and will be in Paris a fortnight before sailing for home. They expect to be gone three months. -oMrs. John McPherrin and her children of Des Moines, Iowa, who have been with Mrs. McPherrin's mother, Mrs. E. L. Scheidenhelm, 704 Lake avenue, since the Christmas holidays, have gone to Miami, Fla. for the winter . . -o- IHI®nim~®IITl ~®~lltty 720 Elm Street, Winnetka 90 FEET OF VACANT IN THE HEART of Lincolnwood section in Evanston ripe for building of 2 moderate priced homes . Owner will accept $3,000 cash BAHA'I' LECTURE Ph. Winn. 254 and take back 2nd mortgage on bal"Seekers After God Through the 77LTN18-ltc ance. The price is right. Act quick. Call University 8081. 78L18-ltc Ages :-How the Scientists and Pro- C®o EXCEP. ATTRACTIVE WHITE FRAME colonial in A-1 condition with unusually lge. rooms, 2 l:iUn porches, 3 baths. 4 bedrms., attached 1 car garage. Many perennials, shrubs, rose . bushes, etc. Hardinge Oil Burner. Price, $30,000. phets Find Him:" is to be the subject · of the last address in the January series of lectures in the Bah'ai Temple foundation hall to he held Sunday, January .;\fAIN STREET- OVER 900 . FEET 27. in the Bah'ai temple, Linden avefrontage. Ripe for building store, auto show room, garage, etc. Very wide nue near Sheridan road, Wilmette. The boulevard, excellent commercial traffic. lecture is given at 4 o:ctock. The pubProperty can be purchased at a very lic is cordially invited. reasonable figure. details. Call us for further ~fr. and Mrs. W. J. King, 611 Forest avenue, Dr. and Mrs. C. Howard Searle of Evanston, and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Seibold, 522 Forest avenue, are leaving next Friday to travel through southern Florida. They will be gone about three weeks. M iss Sally Ogilvie of Kankakee was the guest of her sister, Mrs. FOR SALE-3 CHOICE LOTS AT MT. Prosepect ready for building. Reas. George P. Magill, 1011 Lake avenue, 746 Elm Street Winnetka Winnekta 1617 Owner, Wilmette 2345. 78LTN18-ltc last weekend. 77LTN18-1tc Beaut. red brick colonial residence on lar~ corner lot, best location with 2 car attached garage, open scr.eened University 8080 porch, excellent condition, canvased 1108 Davis St. 78L18-ltc walls and ceilings. 3 bedrms., tile bath ; space for room above garage. V ACANT-$300 CASH AND $25 PER Owner moving West must sell at once. mo. buys landscaped lot 66 ft. x 187 ft. Price $26,000. All improvements in. Price $2,800. No brokers. Wilmette 1582. 78L18-ltc IEoiEo§ttMllit~~ce&llll:yCC©c JHleo>Jkle1M©Irll & JJ®ImJk~ -o- Mrs. W. Fread, and her two children, Tommy and Jean~ who have been visiting Mrs. Fread's mother, Mrs. George P. Magill, 1011 Lake avenue, returned to her home in Lincroft, N. J ., this week. -oMrs. John P. Booth, 521 Sixth street, has as her guests, Mr. and Mrs. R. Colway of La Crosse, Wis. The Colways, · who are former resident of Wilmette, now will make their home in Evanston. -oDonald Markham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Markham, 1610 Central avenue, has been ill this week with a mild case or scarlet fever. Donald is in the first. grade of Logan school. -o~1r. and Mrs. Sidney Y. Ball of Hill road, 'Ninnetka, are going to New York on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Darling and wilt be at the boat to see them off on their European trip. -oThe Young People's club of Kenilworth Union church met last Sunday at 6 o'clock. This club is composed of all young people of high school age.

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