54 ' WILMETTE LIFE LOST AND FOUND U January 25. 1929 SIT. W'l'D.-:MALE & FEMALE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ;Ce-Chtssifted advertisements will be charged only · to residents of the district from Evanston to regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or Glencoe Inclusive whose names appear In the telephone directory, or who are GLENCOE NEWS. FOUND-ENGLISH BULL DOG, FEmale, white and brown. Kenilworth Police dept. 55LTN18-1tc &I HELP W ANT~D-FEMALE AT YOUR SERVICE For a Competent Maid For a Second Maid For an A-1 Cook For a Houseman or Chauffeur General Not . Rates-15 cents a line in one paper. 25 cents a line in any two papers. .30 cents a line in all three papers. 1\llNil\IUM CHARGE iiO eents. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. 10% discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. advertisements will be acto Wednesday 5 o'clgck for the WlLMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. Deadline for Insertions Classified . - - ce pted up Agency WANTED, SERVICES, WHITE WOMan, couple hours a morning, 3 or 4 1616 Sherman Ave. Univ. 943 & Gr. 6130 mornings a week. Phone afternoons, 62LTN18-ltc Kenilworth 4499. 56LTN18-ltc COUPLE EXPERIENCED, CHAUFWANTED - EXPERIENCED WHITE feur, h~useman, and cook, best North girl for general housework, small famShore references. Ph. Glencoe 191. i.ly, good wages. Glencoe 1233. 62LTN18-ltp 56LTN18-ltc }'OR ItEN'l'-ROOJIS 66 A REFINED YOUNG LADY WITH ;_: :.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-:--:-:::::-::= personality to sell-in a very select FURNISHED ROOM FOR 2 ADULTS specialty shop. J ewish preferred. Ph. employed; light and pl~asant; hot an.d Greenleaf 1918. 56LTN18-ltc cold running water. Garage space 1f desired. Phone Wil. 4207. 66L25-tfp WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITr ess. Apply Sheridan Cafe. Main St. SUITE OR FURNISHED ROOM, PRIVWilmette. 56Ll8-ltc . ate bath Garage. Winnetka 1543. c: I . 66LTN18-ltp EXPERIENCED 'WHITE MAID, GEN. FOR RENT _ 1 OR 2 ROOMS FURN. hswk., no washing, a in family, small or unfurn. adjoining each other. R eas. house. Tel. Glencoe 841. 56LTN18-ltc Ph. Wilmette 729 . 66L18-ltp North Shore Emp. 4 }' OR SALE-AUTOS INTERIOR DECORATING F. S. BRASOR ART STORE Silhouettes, Individual 1926 Jordan Coupe . ............. $625 Cuttings by Appointment - WHITE GIRL TO DO FURNISHED ROOM, ALL CONVENI1925 Hup Touring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 1312 Chicago Ave., EVANSTON. Univ. WANTED cookin,g and downstairs work . 199 Birch ences near transportation, 629 Park Rlckenbacker Sedan ......... . ..... 275 9179. 27LTN4-16tp St. T e l. Winn. 3321. 56LTN18-ltc Ave.,' Ph. Wilmette 2345. 66LTN18-ltc Cadillac 5 pass. Coupe . . . . . . . . . . . .. 275 USED CARS HANSON 1\·f O'roR co. 555 Chestnut St. Winnetka :l30 4LTN18-ltc 30 LOANs GENERAL HOUSEWORK, ADULT FOR RENT - WELL FURNISHED family, referen ces n ecessary. Ph. bedroom bathroom joining, private, Winnetka 1525. 56LTN18-ltc modern 'horne. Ph. Wilmette 1126. 66Ll8-1tc PLEASANT ROO)[, NEAR TRANSportation, reasonable, 1520 '\Valnut, Ph. Wilm et t e 3007. 66Ll8-ltc b'UH .KEN'!' ROOl\lS NEAR T-RANSWTD.-WHITE GIRL FOR i\fOTHER'S portation, also garage space for rent. h elper, family of 3, good home. Ph. Wilm ette 2248. 66Ll4-tfc Wilmette 2908. 56LTN18-ltc .'olCB H.OOM .J<'OR . l OR 2 IN PRIVATE ·-family, close to tran sp. 420 Park Ave. ! · ,), HELP WAX'fF.D-:UALE Ph. W ilmette 293. 66Ll4-tfp WANTED -- HUSKY '\VHITE MAN, ROOi\1 FOR RE~T- SUITABLE FOR .American, age 25-35, for night work 1 or 2, n~a r trans p. 1073 Gage St. outdoors. :\lat·ri ed man preferred. Ph. Winnetka 2574. 6.6LT~18-lt c Rteady work for th(' right party. Salary $150.00 p r mo. Ph. Wilmette 1630 between 8 A. M. and 5 P. l\f. only. FROKT CORNER ROOM IN EAST 1-;ide h ome. Good h ea t, bathroom facil57LTN18-ltc ities t:>Xcellent. Near all transp. Garage if d esired. Ref. Ph. Wilmette 204. WANTED - EXPERIENCED DRIVER, 66Ll8-ltc who would buy part interest in small laundry bu~iness. AddresR '\Vilmette FOH. TIENT-2 DESIRABLE FROXT 57 LTN 1S-ltp Life A- 2G:l. rooms, east side, near all transp. Ph. ·wilmette l!HO. 66L18-ltc I·'OR RENT-NICELY FUH.N. LIVING room. Large in-a-dor bed, near transp. Ph. even il~gs. Wilmette 4487. WTD. -WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Ph. Glencoe l 1 n. 56LTN18-ltc SPECIAL 'rHIS \VEEK BUICK COACH MASTER SIX .... . . $2~0 192.7 DODGE SEDAN, like new .... 460 1~2L.PQDGE SEDAN, leather .... . . 425 WILLYS-KNIGHT SEDAN ........ 450 DODGE SEDAN, r ebuilt . . . . . . . 200 1923 MOON SEDA~, good .... 48 1926 DODGE SCREEN TRUCK .. 200 1925 DODGE COACH . . . . . . . . . 300 Charles H. Brethold 1st and 2nd Mortgages 545 Main St .. Wilmette Tel. 65 30L17-tfc C. M. J\1cDON.AJ4D PHONE 10i9 Davi!' St. 'WIL~IETTE MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES at reasonable rates, quick, courteous, co nfidenti8l sen·ice . 224 EYanston, Ill. . 4LT~18-lt c ... North Shore Buick Co. OFFERS MciZENDRY REALTY CO. 1614 Orrington Ave., Evanston, U niv. 8383 30LTN16-tfc '28-5 P. Buick Sedan .. $1075 ~ 32~~~~1\~IA~s~sA~G~E~~~~~ -------------'28-5 Buick Coupe .... $1-+00 S'VEDISH MASSAGE & THERAPEU'26- Packard 6 Sedan ... SR25 tic light treatment, by graduate masOPE~ EVENIXGS 1027 DAVIS ST. A~D SUNDAYS WIL. 3750 4L18-ltc ·· 11 UUILDlNG AND CONTU.AC'.fiNG WM. OTTEN, MASON CONTRACTOR. New and repair work. Get our estimate. Ph. Highland Park 3012. l1LTN 6-tfc DRESSJlAKING FOREIGN EXPERIENCE, F IR S T class dressmaking, by the day, or at home, cheap, references. Winnetka 2331. 17LTN18-1tc DRESSMAKING AND REMODELING at home. Call Wilmette 1844. 17LTN17-3tc !I };LECTRICAL REPAIRS BY EXPERT. delivered. Paul Wilmette Ave6. 23L34-tfc CLOCKS REPAIRED Clocks called for and Davey, Jeweler. 1165 nue. Phone Wilmette !i INSTRUCTION WILL TAKE 10 PUPILS, 5 TO 8 YEARS old, for muRkal class work, piano. Mrs. Bottonley, '\'VIlmette 4223. 25L18-ltc 'rTJTORING JANE TRIGGl-~. B. A. WELLESLEY. Tutoring in grammar and high school subjects. Ph. 'W ilme tte 3588. !i I~TERIOU DJ~COR .\ TING fl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 25LT1~-1tc EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR, BUTler, can do cooking, or couple. Ph. University 5286. 61LTN-~tp ARTISTIC TEMPERAMENT WILL AL- P A IXTERS' TOOL BAG LOST FRI. <·ontaining tools etc. ~larked Kier on ways react to the apeal of heauty. A BY THE HOUR OR DAY. end, lost between Wilmette and Hub- WORK room i~"; attractive when its lamps and Cleaning woodwork or windows and bard 'Voods on Ridge Rd. Finder shade~ are in perfect harmony. We waiting table. Winn. 1657. 61LT18-2tp please notify or call Paul Kier, WinMud;.· your home and carefully analyze netka 3322. 55LTN18-ltc YOl R lighting needs. VaHes wired. CHAUFFEUR WISHES TO DRIVE private parties by the hour, day or LOST - ON CE~TRAL AVE., NEW Wil. 460 week. Will also give driving instruc- 4Z4 Linden Ave. 632 Church St. Year·s day, lavelier, with green sets. GreE>nleaf 816 67LTN2-tfc tions. Tel. Winn. 494. 61L18-ltp Wilmette 1781. 55L18-ltc 27LTN14-ltc HANDY MAN WORK, OR AS JANI- APARTMENT-FURNISHED, 2 ROOMS, tor, round house or store. Wilmette enclosed porch, also single room well 4407. 61L18-ltp heate~. running water in room,' bath, ~ou gas, light. 1h block from depot. 1230 CHAUFFEUR, 6 YEARS' EXPERIWilmette Ave., Wilmette. 68LT18-ltp This Office will accept classified advertising to be run ence, best ref. Ph. Victory 10114. in THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16,000 fami~~~~~~~~~~~6~1L~T~N~1~8-~1~tp 7 RM. DUPLEX, IN FINE CONDITION, ·r good location near schools, transportalies in Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by p. ml 62 SIT. WTD.-liALE & FE~lALE tion, 811 15th St. Ph. Wilmette 846J. 67LTN16-3tc on Tuesday. . EXPERIENCED COLORED COUPLE want perm, pos. as hesman. and cook. FOR RENT-5 ROOMS & BATH, N. Sh. refs. Tel. Oakland 0868. heated, 2nd floor, $60. 491 Madison 62LTN18-ltp Ave. Tel. Glenc. 1258. 67LTN18-ltc LOST AND FOUYD P.ARCH~1ENT SHADES PAIN'l'ED TO ORDER 60 Sl'l'lJA'fiON W'l'D.-FE:liALE 32LTN16 4tp f'O)fP. WHITE '\VO)fAN W A N T S work bv. th e dav, cooldng, cleaning or · n9 PETS J any kind of hom·ework. Ph. Wilme tte 4201. 60L18-ltc FOR SA.LF..-THOROUGHBRED AlREdale puppies, born Dec. 19. Reason- COLORED GIRL 'WANTS WORK BY able price. Tel. Winn. 1992. U 39LTN18-ltc the week, go home nights. niversity ---------------~844-R. 60LTN18-ltp FOR SALE YEAR OLD, MALE Police dogkwell trained, good watch- EXPERIENCED WHITE LAUNDRESS dog, Call enilworth 1392. wishes work by the day. Call Sat. or 39LTN18-ltc after 6 P. M. during week. Wilmette ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4444. 60L18-ltc .REPAIRING & REFINISHING SERVING DINNERS OR LAUNDRY WATCH REPAIRING DONE BY EXwork. Tel. Winn. 2256. 60LTN18-ltc pert. Watches cleaned and adjusted. AND COOKPaul Davey, Jeweler, 1165 Wilmette GENERAL HOUSEWORK A venue. Phone Wilmette 6. 43L34-tfc ing, also fir l-it floor work. Experienced, colored, N. S. references. Glencoe 154. UPHOLSTERING AND MATT RES S 60LTN18-ltc renovating, by expert at your home or our shop. In Evanston since 1916. M. WASHING AND IRONING, WILL CALL Okman. Univ. 5676. 43LTN18-4tp for and deliver. Ph. Wilmette 2565. 60LT18-ltp .&u·A PLATING WASHING AND IRONING TO TAKE SILVER PLATING HAVE YOUR home, will call for and deliver. Wilgood old pieces renewed at a reasonmette 3246. 60LTN18-ltc able price. Paul Davey, Jeweler, 1165 Wilmette Avenue. Phone Wilmette 6. WANTED LAUNDRY OR CLEAN45A-L34-tfc ing by the day. Call University 6637. 60LTN18-ltc GENERAL REPAIRS SO . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EXPERIENCED LA UNDRESS, WANTS JEWELHY REPAIRING AND REwork, to take home, will call for and modeling by a craftsman of rare abildeliver. Wilmette 3509. 60LTN18-ltp ity. Paul Davey, Jeweler. 1165 Wilmette A venue. Phone Wilmette 6. 61 SITUA'riON WTD.-1\IALE 50L34-tfc "f 6 9? le " ·. ~eourse.ap~~~~t~~ee;tts ~rea~~~urc~l~vn cfr~~~~ -0)--------o-------.: 66 LT~ 1 8-ltc PLEASANT FRONT H.OOM FOR ONE or two adults, also single ro0m. 731 Tenth street, Wilmette. 66LT18-4tc PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, SUITABLE for 2, gentlemen prefered. Wilmette 623. · 66Ll8-ltc FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT, NEAR transportation. Address Life A-264. 66LTN18-ltc &_'_ i _ F...,.O_R_R_E_N_T_-_A_P_A_R_T_~_I_E_N_T_s __ 43 APARTMENT IN ORRINGTON HOTEL - Beautiful two-room combination with electric kitchenette, bathroom with tub and shower, and three extra large closets. West exposun' with three large windows. Service garage In building. Unexcelled complete hotel service. Most convenient and comfortable way of living. Am paying $162 but will made reduction to suitable person who will assume my ninemonth lease. Call evenings. Greenleaf 4660. 67LTN16-tfp LINDEN CREST APTS. WILMETTE 2, 4 and 6 ROOMS Here In Wilmette's most convenient and exclusive location, you will find well-arranged apartments. All ? apartments have outside rooms which provide an abundance of light and air. Ample closet space. Schools, churches, and shopping facilities within immediate access. See tqese apartments today. Agent on premises. GOODRICH STUDIO QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. - Baa Waat Ad bl BYaa8toa. too 5 - Telephone Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000 -