Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jan 1929, p. 1

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W VOL. XVIII. NO. 19 I ·L METTE WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, JANUARY 25, 1929 LI·FE PRICE FIVE CENTS Published weekly by Lloyd Hollister Inc., IZJZ-IZJ6 Central Ave., WUmette Illinois Entered as second class matter March JJ, 1924, at the post office at Wilmette, Illinois, u · n der the Act of Ma;ch J, 18l9. SubscriJJtion price sz.oo a 11ear. FORUM TO HEAR ABOUT TURKEY'S NEW REPUBLIC p... George Herbert Huntington of Robert College to Speak at Congregational Church "Chest" President The Forum at the First Congregational church . of Wilmette, which meets at noon on Sunday, will have as its speaker this Sunday, Dr. George Herbert Huntington of Robert college, Constantinople. Dr. Huntington will speak on the subject : "Does the New Turkish Republic Merit the Confidence of America and Europe?" Dr. Huntington is an American who has spent more than twenty-seven vears in connection with Robert college "'here he is now vice-president. During that tjme he has travelled exten sively in Turkey and the ~ear East forming a thorough and scholarly knO\vledge of the conditions there. He has as his friends some of the leaders of the New Republic and know s their purposes. He has seen the old Turkey transformed into the new Turkev and his impression s are both authoritative and unbiased. Besides hi s position with the college, .Dr. Huntington · is director of the American Chamber of Commerce for the Levant at Constantinople. The . Forum is an organization for free discussion of modern religious, civic and social questions and is open to all adults. Glenn Jackson is director and leader. Meetings arc held in the Forum room of the First Congregational church every Sunday from 12 to 1 o'clock. Among the questions which Dr. Huntington "ill answer arc the follo\\.r ing: Have the American people any interest in Turkey? Is the Republic of Turkey a mere continuati on of the old Ottoman Empire? · \\' hat does the "westernization" of Turkey mean? \\' hen the present group of leaders are gone ·will Turkey relapse into old conditions? How far has there been a separation of Church and State? Is there freedom of religion? 'Vhat contributions are American colleges making toward present reforms? Is it a mistake to maintain missionaries in Turkey? Why should the U. S. hesitate to abolish the capitulations in Turkey when European countries have agreed to do so? Why does the Senate refuse to ratify the Treaty of August 6, 1923? Hector Dodds, 720 Prairie avenue, has been re-elected president of the Witrnette Community Chest As3ociation, Inc. Mr. Dodds directs the solicitation of the annual community fund for charity and ·w elfare agencies for the second ·year. Plans for the campaign in March are now in proce~.5 of formulation. C. C. Branstrom Heads Odd Fellows Lodge Here The follO\ving officers were installed by A. T. Sherman lodge No. 892, I. 0. 0. F .. in Wilmette, Thursday evening, ] anuary 3: C. C. Branstrom, \Vilmette. noble grand; \Villiam :M errill, Winnetka, vice grand; Benjamin Erickson, Winnetka, chaplain; Carl Knobel, Wilmette, warden; George Mergenthaler. \tVilmette, conductor; Homer Oazel, Deerfield, recording secretary; Charles Knobel, Wilmette, financial secretary ·: Vvilliam D'Arcy, Wilmette, R. S. of N. G.; Arthur Loomis, \Vinnetka, L. S. of N. G.; Clarence Koltman, Winnetka, R. S. of V. G.; Carlton Affelt, Vv.innetka, L. S. of V. G.; Lester Dolittle, Wilmette, inside guardian. Some months ago Frank J. Schei- Famous Lecturer to Show "Picdenhelm, 804 Forest avenue, Wilmette, tures of EurOpean Wonder-· asked the directors of the State Bank . lands" at Sunday Cub and Trust company, Evanston to re-' lieve him as of January 1, 1929 from the active duties and all responsibilBranson De Cou, the "Dream Picities of its managemen~. · ture" man, will give the first of two Mr. Scheidenhelm has served the lectures Sunday, January 27, before the bank for more than twenty years as E · h cashier, president and chairman of the Wilmette Sunday vemng club at t e board of directors. When . he first First Congregational church. Mr. De became associated with it, its d~posits Cou's 3ttbje~t this Sunday wili be: were. about $1,600,000. Now they ap- "Dream Pictures of European Wonderproximate $12,000,000. Its growth in· lands." The pictures will have musical all other respects has · been equally accompaniment on the Ampico piano. great. The· present new building and Sunday will mark Mr. De Cou's its commodious banking quarters are largely due to his efforts. fourth visit to the Sunday club. The "The directors fully realize the value second of hi s current lecture series of Mr. Scheidenhelm's services to the will be given Sunday evening, Febbank and its stockholders," reads a ruary 3. statement from the bank officials. The program for this Sunday's lec·"They also feel that he 'is entitled to ture i3 announced as follows: Pictures freedom from responsibilities and details relating to its management. · New Glimpses of Old London (and Therefore they have complied with his the Shakespeare Country) request. He will continue as director Picturesque Holland and as vice-chair of the board." . The Classic Rhine Journey 1fr. Scheidenhelm has gone to FloriA Glimpse of Brussels d~ for a vacation of a few months. On Ever-Captivating Paris hts return his time will be at his own The Marvelous Route3 des Alpes disposal but the directors of the bank from Nice to Chamonix place emphasis ·on the fact that their The Top of Europe (The Mont mterest in him, and his interest in the Blanc Region) bank will continue. He will keep in Lake Maggiore and the Isles of Enc<:mstan_t touch with its officers and chantment hts advtce and knowledge gained from The Wonder Cathedral of Milan yea_rs of experience will always be at Como-Gem of the Italian Lakes thctr command. Music A. K. Scheidenhelm, .who has served a. Pavano-The Earl of Salisbury as assistant cashier, was promoted to (Byrd) the position of vice-president and b. Minuet in G Major manager of the Real Estate Loan de(Purcell) partment of the bank. c. The King's Hunting Jigg (Bull) A total of $1,250 was received from (Grieg) . the sale of Christmas seals at the Nuit d'Ete - Nocturne Op. 54 -Joseph Sears school in Kenilworth, Die Lorelei-(Li3zt) tt was announced recently after the Hommage a Rameau-Images Series final checkup had been made at the 1, No. 2-(Debussy) <;chool offices. Etude Transcendente-(Liszt) Years of Pilgrimage-2nd Year(Liszt) (Sonnet of Petrarch, No. 104) Cathedral Chimes-(Arranged by Arnold Brown) Liebestrauin No. 1-A flat-(Liszt) F. J. Scheidenhelm Relinquis~es Active C onnecttons at Bank BRANSO NDECO US HOWS . 'DREAM PICTURES' SUNDAY -- St. Franci~ P. T. A. Will Hear School Head Today The regular meeting of St. Francis Parent-Teacher association will . be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock in the school hall. Supt. J. R. Harper of the 'i\rilmette schools will be the principal speaker. A large attendance is requested. A social half hour will precede the program. Methodist Parishioners to See Movies of Themselves A novel and interesting entertainment is promised at the Wilmette Parish Methodist church tonight. Last Sunday two of the members took several reels of film of the congregation entering and leaving the church. These well-known townspeople will be shown on the silver screen together with pictures of the laying of the corner . stone of the new church. A small admission will be charged. Effective printing is the tonic that keeps business * Sell Tickets Now for Auxiliary Masquerade Tickets are now on sale by members and at the Snider-Cazel and Renneckar Drug stores for the Masquerade dance to be given Friday evening, February 8, by the American Legion Auxiliary, Wilmette Post, No. 46. The affair wiH be held in the auditorium of the W;lmette Masonic temple. Joe Schneider's orchestra will provide the music for the dance. in good health Civic Luncheon Group to Hear of Public Graft Probe The Wilmette Civic Luncheon, at its meeting at the University club, Chicago, this noon, will be addressed by David B. Stansbury, assistant pro3ecutor with Mr. Loesch before the Special Grand Jury investigation of public graft. His topic will concern phases of that investigation. . Kenilworth Pupls Will See "Merchan~ of Venice" Supt. E. L. Nygaard and Miss Gertrude Herrick, literature and playground instructor, plan to take a group of eighth grade pupils from the Joseph Sears school in Kenilworth to see George Arliss in "The Merchant of Venice" at the Studebaker theater next Wednesday afternoon. The pupils have bee.n making a study of this famous Shakespearean play. JOINS WILMETTE REALTY W. ·G. Stacey, for many years :t realtor on the north shore and located for the past nine years on Linden avenue, Wilmette, has joined the organization of the Wilmette Realty company, 513 Fourth street, Wilmette. Mr. Stacey will continue to specialize in north shore homes and vacant. LLOYD HOLLISTER INC. WILMETTE 4300

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