Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jan 1929, p. 46

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46 W I L M E T T E ·t I F E Ja~uary 25, 1929 BOY ·scOUT NEWS of the North Shore Troops A r~gulu ltatutt p11g1 prepartd each wetk by membtn of the Boy Scout Pteaa club, North Shore Area Council Scoutmastet·s Will · ~ Scouts Eloquent Tough Goin' Through Forest Preserve in Praising Work Be Special Guests at Dinner Feb. 4 ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · at the Winter Camp All the Scoutmasters and assistant Scoutmasters of the Korth Shore Area council arc looking forward to attending the annual Appreciation dinner with their wives. Dinner this year will be at the Moraine hotel, Highland Park, on the evening off February 4. This affair is given by the Scout council to the Scoutmasters, assistant Scoutmasters with their wives in appreciation for the untiring se rvice that they have rendered to the boy life of the north shore through their troop organizations. To doubly show their appreciatio·1, the council members and troop committeemen turned out in large numbers at the Regional conference held at the Edge\\'ater Beach hotel, January 15 and 16, to learn how to do a finer piece of work in the future. Because the men did attend the Conference in such large numbers, the:v were It was a bad day for, photography, but that didn't prevent some ambitious awarded the fine Banner for having the largest delegation of any of the Scout snapping this view of a group of diligent north shore Scouts on the job 106 councils in the region of four at the Cabin-in-the-Woods. \Ve couldn't make 'em out but witl be happy to states. Karl D. King, president of the give you a tip if you like puzzles. They belong to Troop 13, Kenilworth. North Shore Area council, announced that the council is going to present VISITS LAKE FOREST this banner to the Scoutmasters so Since Mr. McPeek has gone to Milthat theY maY feel that the council waukee we welcomed Mr. Rybolt, our men are · back · of them to the utmost. new executive. At our last Friday's meeting, Mr. Rybolt came to visit us. Scouts Learn Swimming in List of members 111 Troop 55 of As we ·vent through our activities, he inspected our troop. We are proud to 'Tank at Deerfield High Glenview: say that Troop 45 was the first troop Scouts from the troops in Highland Committee- Paul Beda, chairman: on the north shore to be visited by the Park. Highwood, Lake Forest anrl Charles Bartling, V. L. Miller. new Executive. He said a word to us Deerfield have the opportunity to get Troop leaders-Re\·. Raymond Sangsome real swimming instruction and er, Scoutma5ter; Assistant Scoutmast- and promised to come again soon.to pass their Scout swimming tests. er, Raymond Danielson; Junior Assist· Alan Hokenson, Panther Patrol. Dr. Drieske is in charge of a series ant Scoutmaster, Joseph Rau; Senior . ~---------------, of eight lessons which started last Patrol Leader, Henry Metz. Saturday morning at the Deerfield The Patrols, as newly organized, are Shields swimming tank and will conStag-\Villiam Carper, tinue on Saturday morning for the as fotlows: That the ~orth Shore Area counnext couple of months. The morning leader; James Beda, assistant; John cil won a fine banner for having Wood5, Ralph Bucklin. \Volf-Gcrprogram is dh·ided into three periods. At 9 o'clock the beginners: at 10 hart Guider, leader, Frank Appleyard, the largest delegation at Region o'clock those who can swim but want assistant, Robert Johnson, Kenneth Seven's conference in Chicago Janto pass their s, ;imming tests, and at Zinimerman, Gilbert M uetler, ] oe uary 15 and 16? 11 o'clock those who want instruction Roseman. Fox-Glen Hutchings, leadThat Mr. McPeek reports he is or tests in Life-Saving. Scouts here er; David vVettengetl, assistant, Rusis the chance YOU have been waiting sell Grenning, \Vinton \Veser, Harold getting along fine in his new poOppen, William Menge. George Stick- sition at Milwaukee? for. Take advantage of it I rath is now working with Ray Danielson a3 assistant Scoutmaster. . That . two fine awards are to be Kenilworth Troop Locates given at the Hobby ' Show-one for Headquarters in New Gym Expect Big Attendance the best display and one for the Troop 13, has its new meeting place largest number. of guests? at Hobby Show Saturday in the new Kenilworth School gym. \Ve expect our Scout Hobby Show It sure is fine. At our last couple of That the Hobby Show comes Janto be the best in years-it will be held meetings we have had some good conuarv 26-at the Glencoe Union at the Glencoe Cnion church, January tests and games. \Ve have had drill chu~rch-opening at 2 o'clock? contests. inter-patrol stunt conte5ts, 26, starting at 2 o'clock. Both Lake Forest troops are trying for two water-drinking con tests, rooster fights, That the Area- Wide Court of etc. Some of our games have been : awards which will he made-one for Award wilt be held at 8 o'clock attendance and one for the hobby exThe game of Spud, relay races, etc. January 26 at the Glencoe Union We are planning for the hobby show hibitions. There ,,\'ill be about thirty- church? five troops from alt over the council and the court of honor January 26. participating, so we must \vork hard -Paul T. Gilbert, Jr., Scribe . . That the North Shore Area Counto win. Troop 45 has ma.ny things ready for the Hobby Show Some of cil headquarten have lately been WIN ATTENDANCE BANNER them are: \Vireless set; Archery established at 21 N. Sberidan road, The North Shore Area council had equipment; Fire hy Friction sets; Highland Park? the most representatives present at the game boards: Bird houses; Arrow Regional meeting held at the Edge- heads; mounted butterflies and knot That the World Scout Jamboree water Beach hotel, January 15 and 16. tying boards. Everybody is invited, ~o will be held in England, July 31 to The council had twenty-eight men I expect to see you there. Come any August 13, 1929? present, about ten more than any of time in the afternoon or evening.the 106 councils represented. We are Ralph Gleason.-Troop 45. That Scout Anniversary Week is glad that the Scouting men in our February 8 to 14? council are so interested in learning OUGHT TO 'W IN how to make our · Scouting better. The Troop 33 is all pepped up on the That there are now 954 Scouts, boys of Lake Forest want to thank Hobby Show and we are spending a thirty-six· Scoutmasters and twentythe men and congratulate them for lot of time in our meetings getting four Assistant Scoutmasters in the winning this award. -John Patricelli, things ready for it. We ought to North Shore Area Council? Troop 45. win.-Bill HallbergJ Scribe. The following reactions of older Scouts are quoted to show what the fetlows who went to Winter camp ~t Wilderness, Mich., shortly after Christmas, really felt they had obtained from the experience : A fifteen vear old Star Scout says: "the thin~r i got most out of winter camp which means most to me, is the good fellowship and association with the other bovs. I particularly had an opporttuJit.v to work on a merit badge program. Another Scout with all the enthusiasm and impatience of youth says: "I would insist on faster details." He adds, "My patrol has meant the n~o s t to me. While they were not particularly point getters. they were such a fine gang of good felto\'VS." A Senior Patrol Leader in his troop says: "The confab has meant most to me and made me a better Scout than any other experience I have ever had. I think winter camp has made me and probably every other Scout! better Scouts. I have tried to obey the Scout laws and have slipped only a few times." When asked to write down whether or not he considered that he had learned and deserved an Honor rating, one boy said: "It is a hard que.stion to answer. All that I cat;I say ts , that I have tried." Other quotations along with these show that the boys themselves actualty experienced a big event in their lives; that they are taking back wit.h them from Winter Camp an expenence that will make them better men in the future. Scout Directo,·y Do You Know- Scout Movement Becomes of Age at Anniversary Boy Scout Anniversary Week this year witt be of special significance because in addition to marking the nineteenth birthday of the Boy Scouts of America, it also marks the, "coming of age," of the Boy Scout movement internationally. With a record of twenty-one years of world-wide service, under the leaqership of Sir Robert Baden-Powell, Chief Scout of the world, and with forty-three nations represented in the International Scout Bureau of London, England, the Boy Scout m~ve ment claims to be the greatest umted effort in behalf of any by boys of which history holds record. At present there are more than 1,8()(1000 Boy Scouts in the world, with the Boy Scouts of Americ.a leading in enrotlment with more than 800,000. TROOP 30 BUSY Mr. Hawkins took charge of Troop 30 at its last meeting. Mr. VanDyke and Mr. Leach were also there. Our troop is growing. We hope to have three full patrols soon. Mr. Hawkins is teaching us some first-aid that he has been learning at the Scoutmasters First Aid.-Christ Keller. PLAN HOBBY DISPLAY Troop 18 at our last meeting discussed plans for the Hobby Show and tried out for our part in the Scout exhibition. We are planning to work on cord grading in the near future. We have one new Scout Barney Simpson.-Phit Swabacker, Scribe.

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