January. 25, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 31 Evan~ton Nash Co. DE SOTO .TAKES LEAD Boosts Local Sales Chrysler-Built Six Goea to Head of 38 Percent in Year Ita Price ··Field in ·Short Time By D. K., Vogecling Astounding in every respect. is the record made by the Chrysler-built De Soto Six since its announcement five months ago. This is the opinion of J. E. Fields, who, in addition to heading the De Soto Motor corporation as president, is also vice-president in charge of all Chrysler corporation sale.s. "Not yet" six months old, the DeSoto Six has established itself firmly as the leader in its price field," says Mr. Fields. "In this short space of time it has won an enthusiastic dealer acceptance and an even more enthusiastic public acceptance. No other car has equaled its reconl for sales and production during the first months following its announcement, and no other car has brighter prospects for even greater success during the coming year. "When the De Soto Six was first exhibited last August it gained an immediate and unmistakable acceptance by the motor-buying public. Dealer after dealer reported crowded show- J rooms, and a ·rush of orders ensued. The style and appearance of the new car, its adult size and brilliant performance, backed by the high reputation of Chrysler motor cars, made it at once apparent that the De Soto Six \.\·as in itself a new standard of value in the fi eld of moderate-priced cars. "Faced with an avalanche of orders, I the factory made every effort compatible with Chrysler's high stamtards of manufacturing practice to increase production to meet the demand. Plant facilities were expanded, reorganization of production method s took place and, without confu sion or compromising the quantity. the volume of production increased steadily until it was onlv slightly behind 'the demand. "The fact that De Soto, meeting with the instant success that it did, was able to meet and satisfy an overwhelming demand for its product constitutes, I believe, another feat remarkable in itself." The L. and R. Auto Service of Linden avenue is the dealer. · HERB ON BROS. HERB ON BROS . . (President Evanston Nash Company) The Automobile show .this year real. ly marks the first anniversary of the Evanston Nash company. In spite of the fact that some three months were used in remodeling the new home, the local organization succeeded in placing more Nash cars in Evanston and the surrounding territory, than in any yf'ar past. The increase amounted to thirty-. eight percent. Although the factory gain, due to the immense popularity of the "400" series introduced (Bernie) the last six months D. K. Vogeding of 1928, registered some eighty percent, the Evanston distributor had but nine months to accomplish . their new record. There is nothing so encouraging as the expansion program which was caused by the tremendous acceptance of the new line introduced in July. The Nash Motors in all five plants has made extensive additions to care for a great production schedule. There is hardly a dealer in the enti re Cook county organization who has not enlarged his service plant to approximately double its former size. This condition was particularly true of the Evanston Nash company which when first organized in January covered more than twice the area that heretofore had been used to distribute Nash cars in this territory. The personnel was three times as large. Enjoying such a volume of business as Nash Motors has in the past year always brings inquiry as to the cause. The new salon bodies with their extraordinary appointments have been a prominent factor. Tastes often cause families to differ as to the car to be purchased. The Nash "400" has seemed to meet general acceptance and become a point of agreement where there has been some difference as to selection. Twin ignition which is used in practically all aviation engines has given the Nash car the finishing touch in performance qualities. The public first accepted twin ignition more as a novelty in motor construction, but performance has made it as much of the motor as some other essential parts. HERBON BROS. 732 TWELFTH STREET GAS Phone 20..-21 ··· · Wilmette HER BON BROS. 732 TWEL.FTH STREET Complete Service Is Aim of Wilmette Battery Firm The Wilmette Battery and Electrical Service of 740 Twelfth street claims one of the most completely eouipped shops on the north shore. Keepingstep with the times this organization . which is owned by Jensen and Frankowit~as 'in recent months gradually added to its equipment in order that all types of work may be efficiently and speedilv done. Grease racks, wash racks and ·a speedometer .service arc now a part of the business of the Wilmette Battery and Electrical Service. In addition to electrical work, the organization is equipped to take care of tire trouble and has added an electrical tube vulcanizing outfit to aid in this work. : Jensen and Frankowitz are authorized agents for Firestone tires. GERMAN AUTO MARKET GROWS Germany with a population of 64,000,000 person s and a netw~nk of good roads over almost the enttre country, is destined to be the largest automo tive nation in Europe, it was indicated in a report to the Department of Commerce. Registrations in the last year increased 29 per cent over the previous vear. There are now in operation approximately 350,380 passenger cars, . 122 000 trucks, 8,596 trucks and 436,288 motorcycles, of which the United States is the principal supplier. ----------------------------------------- OIL ··· · Phone ::r: trJ it' .~ 20.-21 ··· · Wilmette 0 z aaee. Chry·ler .qle aad CJli..y·ler value that will Le of interest to you. A..k aLout tllem at tlae SLow. North Suburban Sale& 1840 Ridge Avenue CJ..rYsler perlorm- maDy thing· aLout THERE are HERBON BR-OS. 732 TWELFTH STREET ::c trJ it' ~ 0 Evanston STORAGE . HERBON BROS. HERBON z BRIDGE TOLL IS HEAVY Approximately $118,000,000 is taken from pockets of the country's motor ca~ owners annuaJly in the form of hndge tolls, it is estimated by the American Motorists' Association. BROS.