January 25, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE Delicious Whipped Crealll ·~ ... I '" helps make dessert a complete success More and more, it is becoming quite the thing to follow a heavy meal with a simple dessert-such as jello, cornstarch or prepared puddings of similar nature, baked apple, etc., topped of course with a liberal mound of delicious whipped cream. Her~'s a dessert that is well adapted to follow a meal made up of hot dishes" Served in squares with a thick topping of whipped cream, it brings the certain praise cf all who partake. Date and Nut Pudding Photo and recipe by courtesy "Better Ilomes and Gardet1s" · I ~ 1 cupful flour 1 cupful nutmeats 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder 1 Borden's Egg U teaspoonful sa lt 1 cupful sugar 1 cupful dates cut in pieces 1 teaspoon:'ul vanilla X cupful Borden's milk Sift the flour, baking powder, and salt together. Mix dates and nutmeats, chopped coarse, thru the flour. Beat the egg; add the sugar gradually; then add the vanilla. Stir in the dry ingredients, alternately with the milk. Pour into a well-oiled baking pan or individual custard cups. Set the baking pan in a large pan containing boiling water. Cover. Bake in a slow oven (275-300°) for 1 ~ to 2 hours. Recipe serves six. ttEat a Nourishing Breakfast-" is the advice of the nation's doctors. Not a big breakfast, necessarily, but one balanced in nourishment. One essential is cream - fm the ccffee and the cereal. It fortifies the meal, as well as adds its biggest zestand helps avoid mid.-morning letdowns and nerve tension. Borden'.s Prepared Soured Cream is fresh cream ripened and soured by a scien~ tific process. Has a wonderful piquant flavor and a delicate aroma that invites the appetite. Serve with vege, tablesalad,mix with cottagecheese,blend with mayonnaise, use it to improve any recip~ calling for soured cream. · I Your Borden~s milkman is also a pur; veyor of many other "quality·~ foods -eggs, butter, cottage chc~se - 15 good foods in all, to eat and drink. BORDEN'S FARM PRODUCTS CO.ofiLLINdiS Phone Wilmette 1545