16 WILMETTE LIFE· January 25, 1929 Talks About Turkey North Shore Students Win New Honors at University Miss Dorothy Durham, 713 Greenwood avenue, Miss Estelle Englehardt; 915 Oakwood avenue, Miss Ruth Hinchcliffe, 506 Fifth street, Miss Alice James, and Miss Miriam Wolf, 819 Greenwood avenue, Wilmette, Preston Farley, 300 Abhottsforrl road, Kenilworth, and Miss Ruth Long, 1357 As· · hurv avenue. Hubbard \Voods, were: among those cited with freshma:l schola .:; tic honors at Northvrestern uni· vcrsit,· i>v Dr. Ravmond Asa Ken1, dean ·of the College of Liberal Arts. in the annual honors convocation he!d la st '\n' ek. Dr. Roscoe Pound, dea:1 of thr law school at Harvard univer· sity, dcliYcrcd the address. Funeral Services (> Conducted in a Most Exacting Manner UR forty-five years of research O in this field qualifies us to render a most careful and conscientious service. A graduate lady assistant will ·be tn attend. ance whenever required. This new funeral home will be under th2 management of Mr. M. H. Lieber of Winnetka. scie~tific · AMBULANCE SERVICE . ..,. { A modern invalid coach in charge of} courteous attendants will be stationed at ~o· Hubbard Woods ready for instant re· sponse at all times. Judge Oscar Hebel Buys Valuable Property Here j udgc Oscar Hebel of the Superior court Ita' purchased from the ron·lllan Tn,~t and S<l\·ings hank. trustee~ . the resicltncr proprrty loca ted at 120~10 Sheridan road. \\'ilmctte. heing on a lot approximately 228xl50 feet, at I an unclisclosecl consideration. E. E. ~tult,.; Realt~· company represented all parties to the transaction. BACK FROM EUROPE Dr. Isaac A. Aht. head of the departnwnt of pediatrics at ~orthwest crn uni,·crsity' · medical school. has rcDr. George Herbert Huntington. who tttrnC'd after six months' study and is associated with Hobert cnllt'ge in tra,·cl in Furope. Dr. Aht, regarded Con.;tantinople. will speak at the Stlll - as one· of the world's most distingday noon Forum at the First 'Cong-re- uished authoritie, on the diseases of gational church J anuar~· . 2.7. He will children. will conduct two clinics .a discuss the transformation of Turke ,· week at tl1e medical school. While in that has taken pl.ace since the establish·- Europe Dr. Aht was elected to memment of the ".\'ew Republic." b~rship in the German Pediatric soCiety. A year ago he was awarded the · lcross of the Legion of Honor for his Mr. and Mrs. Dan Stiles, 1019 Sixth distinguished work in the field of pedistreet, are spending ten days in Biloxi. atrics. · Telephones - \Vinnetka 3375 University 1065 Rogers Park 0071 NORTHSHOREFUNERALHOME WEIMESKIRCH & SONS Forty-Five Years on_ the North Shore 928 Linden Ave. South of Gage St. Hubbard Woods YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYVYYV Live Lobster Dinner Every Thursday Evening Featuring on Thursday evenings a special live lobster dinner at $1.25 a person in main dining room. Hours: 7:00 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. Should you have in mi~d a change in your table setting, it would prove a part of wisdom and economy to visit this store and take advantage of the savings offered at the present discount of- GJhe 20% Every plate and glass of this large selection is affected by the above discount during the month of January. Should you be interested and pay us a visit, we offer you every seriice at our command in creating a smart table arrangement for any occasion you wish to meet. ORRINGTON EVANSTON'S LARGEST AND FINEST HOTEL TATMAN A recognized authority on correct table uttingt )i EVANSTON 517 DAvis ST. CHICAGO 625 N. MICHIGAN Ave.