Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jan 1929, p. 42

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42 Mr. Walgreen, father of Miss Ruth Walgreen, who is an Alpha Phi at Northwestern university, is giving a dinner dance at the Sa:ddle and Sirloin club in Chicago for the Alpha Phi girls and · their escorts tomorrow evening. WILMETTE LIFE January 18, 1929 James Burnham of Kenilworth who Employs has been at Oxford, England, this past Jinx: Trims New Trier year has fully recovered from the mumps, and was able to spent part of . Once again W~ukegan, last ye.~r·s the holidays visiting friends in Eng- di·.strict champions, proved the JtnX for New Trier High school basketball land. -oteams in games played at the Leslie F. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Clark of Kenil- Gates gymnasium last Friday. Wauworth left for New York this week kegan won both the heavyweight a.nd 5%% MONEY and are sailing today for a three leightweight games by three , pomt Have funds to loan on choice Improved North Shore Suburban ree- . weeks' trip to the British West margins. Indies. ldence property at 6%" lntereart. New Trier's heavyweights were beSee us on renewalL -ahind at the half 10 to 8, but forged Arthur Wakeley of Kenilworth has ahead near the end of the game only E. G. Pauling & Co. gone to Battle Creek, Mich., for a few to lose, 22 to 19. Captain Nel·.son and 5 N. LaSalle St. Franklin 7741 days. Thompson led the scoring for New Trier. After getting away to a 16 to 8 lead Loans Insurance in the first half New Trier's lightweight team slumped in the last half and allowed Waukegan to go home with the long end of a 24 to 21 score. This was the first defeat for the New Trier team this sea·,;on. Captain Saxton and Reed Realtors · scored the most points for New Trier. Wauke· gan Old Allen Bulleys Are Sailing Janu~r~ry 19 on Cuban Honeymoon Thursday evening, January 17, Miss Lucille Kite, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kite of Ivesdale, Ill., was married to Al,len Bulley of 220 Sheridan ro? l Kenilworth in the chapel of the Fou;th Presbyterian church, Chicago. · They \vere married before a very small group, mostly young .friends of ~he bride and groom. Mts·3 Mary KtlP, sister of the bride, was the maid of honor and Miss Bernice Bulley, sister of the groom, and Miss Faith Mart in of Chicago were the bridesmadis. Little ~ancy Starrett, daugh · ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Starrett of Kenilworth, wa·.s flower girl. Freet Bullev father of the groom, served . Mr. B~tllev as best man and the usherc; were H~wlev Smith of Hubbard \Yo::>ds, Kenn-eth Dennett of Chicago, Alfrerl ).fcDougal of Kenilworth, and 11. E .. BrattY of Chicago. After the \Vedding a reception followed at the Lake Shore . Drive hotel. The week previous to the weddin::;, Mr. and ~tfrs. Charles Kile and Miss Kile took an apartment at the Senec:t hotel. East Chestnut . ;;treet, Chicago. :l\Ionday evening Mr. BuiJe.y gave his bachelor dinner. at the Union League Club. There were twelve guests present. vVednesday evening following the rehearsal ~fr. and Mrs. Charles Kile gave the bridal dinner at the Seneca. Mr. Bu1lev and his hrirle are sailing for Cuba on~ Saturday, January 19. and on their return, will occupy the home of ~fr. and ~frs. Starrett, 3.33 Richmond road, Kenilworth while Mr. and .M n. Starrett are in California. L~ter they will take an apartment in Evanston. 1fr. and :M rs. Paul Bradley, 62-l Abbottsforcl road, Kenilworth, left for Cuba la:-.t ThursdaY. They will he gone t\\·o weeks. ~ -0- C. R. NORMAN & .Co. 1137 Central Ave. Renting Ph. Wilmette 3966 Property Management The Misses Edith and Ruth Moore, .340 \Voodland avenue, Winnetka, e!ltertained at seven tables of bridgr Tuesday evening in honor of their cousin. Miss Carol Patterson of Oakland, Calif., who is a guest of the Moores this week. REAL ESTATE LOANS Money to lo~n for construction or on improved property. --oMrs. Mark Cresap of \Varwick road, Kenilworth, will entertain her bridge club at luncheon next TuesdaY at the apartment in Chicago which she and her husband have taken for the winter months. STATE BANK and· TRUST Orrington at Davis Evanston, Illinois C0~1PANY Greenleaf 5000 Briargate 5000 Wilmette 3100 -SERVICEOn All }fakes of Oil BUfll('fS YO SALE TALK J·hone Edgewater 72t3 4003 Lincoln An., Chicago, Ill. The· Reason WHY Gettuine ·M rs. Thompson \\' eeks of \\' hite\Yater, \Vis._, spent the holidays with her grandson and his '"ife. Mr. and ~frs. Arthur \Yakdy of Kenilworth. -0- _ .... ~f rs. Charles Duhsk\·. 627 Abbottsford road, Kenih,·orth: has issued inYitations for a luncheon and bridge January 30, at the Orrington hotel. -o~fi s ~far~· Crush. 710 Laurel avenue, left Thur~da:v for ~1cnasha, \Vis., to accept a position an ·kindergarten instructor in the public school. Is a BETTER Fuel Koppers Chicago Coke is a carefully prepared fuel for use in heating the home. It is made from the best grades of West Virginia and eastern Kentucky coals. These coals, after being RUlverized and mixed in such propor· tions as to give the best possible result'seare put through a coking process which drives off the smoke, soot, and o er impurities which are injurious to health and destroy the draperies and ther decor. tions of the home, leaving the fixed carbon which is the heat,p ducing element. Thus almost a ton and a half of coal is required to produce ton of coke. -o- . ~1iss Louise ~fcCov, daughter of Mr. and 1Irs. C. S. McCoy, 7.30 Ashland arenue, has returned to Vassar college "·here she is a sophomore. ' WE MAKE·· Automobile Loans Refinance Automobiles buy Providing more heat than hard coal, yet costing less, ton for ton, and with few ashes, Koppers Chicago Coke is the fuel of real economy. A size for every use. Automobile Paper immediate cAsk Your 'Dealer to 1upply you with this superior fuel. Demand the llenuineuk for it bv full name. GUARANTEED We guarantee genuine Koppers Chicago Coke. If a trial order does not convince you that it i5 to your advantage to heat your home with this fuel, it is re, moved at our expense and your money refunded. SERVICE confidential Edinger & Sons, Wilmette, UJ.-Pbone Wllmettf 841 Kutten Brothers, 711 Main St., Wilmette, 111.-Pbone Wilmette 1 Wilmette Coal .t Building llaterlal Yar·l, JSOl Lake An., Wilmette, 111.-Pbone Wilmette 4!00 BROADWAY INVESTMENT CO. BROADWAY CHICAGO PHONE LONG BEACH 6317 .I I 4753

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