Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jan 1929, p. 40

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WILMETTE LIFE Janu,!lcy 18, 1929 News of Interest to the Chur-ch-Goers of ·our Village English Lutheran Sandny, Jununry !0 The Second Sunday nfter the Epiphnny Sunday school . 9 :45 A. M. Joseph Johnson,· superintendent 'Morning Worship ........ . . ..... . 11 A. M. The Luther league · will hold its biweekly Tt>a and De,·otional in tht> <'hapel Sunday evening beginning at 6 :30 P. M. The league has determined to add at least $500 to the building fund of the chu_rch ·wilmette and Park a VPnut>s, Wilmette In the next few months. They have been Herman W. Meyer, M. A., pastor offered tht> opportunity of introducing a avenue Telephone 1396 new tooth paste and they solicit your 406 Prairie Chur('h telephone 3111 support. Tht> p::~Rte is the product of a very reliable manufacturer. It is worth ~crvlces the price ! Help the league if you can ! Se<"ond Sunday after Epiphany 9 :30 a. m. - Sunday school and Bible The Janunry Get-to-Gether of the conF' t gregation h; scheduled for January 30. classes. f'hildren·~ address - C'hrh.;t's 1rs The women's 1\fis~ionary society is spon. soring th(' program and entertainment. Miracle. 9:45 a. m .-First sen·ice and sermon. They have for their feature attraction an 11 a. m.-S~..· cond ~o;erYice ancl ::>ermon. illustrated leeturt> by 1\Ir. A. D. Gash, a Rules for the life that has seen the prominent Chicago attorney and also a membt>r of this church. Every member light, Rom. 12. of the church, particularly those not well Meetings acquaint£>d with the other members, Monday and Friday at 4- f'lasses for should be present. We hope that you will ('hildren. feel free to bring your friends and neighMonday at 7 :30-C'hoir r.ehearsal. . bors. They are always welcome het·e. Tuesclay at 7 :45- Executt\'e comnuttee of Y. P. R The Catechetlcal class has Qegun its Wednesday at 7 :30- Boy Scouts, Troop preparation for Confirmation. The date of the Confirmation is uncertain as yet. G. Thursdav at 7 :45-Bible hour. 8 :45It depends pretty largely upon the progress made by the class. We have a Sunday school !';taff. nt>w tt>xtbook which is very interesting. The weather has h<1d something to. do All children 12 years of age and older are with keeping the attendnnce from bt>mg eligible to this class. normal. For this reason the pastor has withheld hi~ report on the affairs of St. . Three Councilmen will be installed Sun- .John's. It will be publicly rt>ad nt·xt Su_nday morning, barring accident or illn ss. day morning anrl we hope that a cap.acity They were to have been installed last congregation will assemble to hear lt. Sunday, but, owing to the extreme d.rop in temperature and the slippery footmg, The primary clas~ of ehildren attending few ventured from their easy chairs. We cannot imagine the same conditions the midweek dasses will be instructed for duplicated and we are counting upon our the next two months by Miss Marie Meyer who will take the place of t~e councilmen being present next Sunday. regular tt·acher, Miss .Clara Mueller.' wht.le the latter is spendmg a vacatwn m California. Chicago Welsh Male Choir of sixty voices, under the direction of the well known conductor and composer, Daniel Protheroe, who will sing the ·hymns and the folk songs of Wales. The choir meets for rehearsal Thursclay evening at 8 :00. h The "'ilmette Baptist church is t e church of the lighted cross at the corner of Wilmette and Forest avenues. St. John's Lutheran 1 t Febat the Diocesan Convention ear Y n ruary. Henry Fo~ler, treasurer of the North Shore Area of the Boy Scouts, J. T. Lake and the rector represented St. Augustine's Troop, No. 4, as well as the North Shore Area at the Boy Scout Conference for Region No. 7, including Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin and Illinois. Our North Shore Area had the largest delegation of any councll and was a warded tht> championship banner. The Senior High league will meet Sunday evening at 5 :30 o'clock in the church chapel. The .Junior High league will meet S~n day evening at 5.:30 o'clock tn the .Tumor department room of the church school. Th country storetdea will be carried out i~ the woman's exchange sale to ~e This sale Wlll F rt'd ay, January 25 · All held the articles be preceded by a supper. which have been on sale at the E~change h been marked down to a considerable d~~~unt for this sale. This s.tep ~a~ bf ~n made necessary by progress mll t ~ u th; ing enterprise which soon c~ s or E removal of the house in whlch the xchange is located . All friends of the church are invited to both the supper and the sale which precedes and follows the supper. Cor. of Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue we extend a cordial invitation to you to share with us all the services of the \Vilmette Presbyterian church. The Rev. Marcus Grether, assistant to the pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Austin will preach nt>xt Sunday at the regular' morning worship h.o~1r, 11 o'cloc~; Sermon topic: "The Invtsible Conq~e~t. Sunday school at 9 :30 A. M. Chrtsh:=tn Endeavor at 5 :30 P. M. Mid-week l'lernce Weclnesday at 8 P. 1\I. Mr. Earl G. Low, leader. Following is the musical program to be preRented by the choir: Ot·gan Prelude"Prayer" (.Jocelyn) . . Godard Anthem"Rtill Still \Vith Thee" .......... Foote Anthen;-"Legencl" . . ...... Tschaikowsky Orgnn Offertory-"Andante" ..... . Mozart Solo"I \Vill Lift Up Min~> Eyes" .. Stoughton Miss Bushouse Orgnn Postlude"To<'cata" (Suite in G minor) . . . Rogers Qunrtt>Ut>f'nthf'rinc Bm;house, soprano Rose Lutiger Gannon, contralto .John D. Miller, tenor Ed ward Otis, bass . · F.rma E. Rounds, organist and dire~tor First Presbyterian 1 The intere!';t in th;-cook book stiH cont'nues Copies may be secured through t;le E~change, phone Wilmette 2891. "Road~ to tht> City of God" is the engaging title of the new course of study being led by Dr. Schermer~orn. He gave an outline of all the variOus chapt;rs l<ast Sunday morning, and all . th~ men are greatly enthused over the proJect. This church co-operates in the Sunday Evening club which meets ~t the Congrt>gational church at 7.:30 o clock. This Sunday evening the Chtcago Welsh· ('hoir, under the direction of the we~l known composer and conductor, Damel Protheroe, will sing the hymns and the folk-~ongs of Wales. Wilmette Baptist "The friendlie!';t church I have ever known," is the tribute of one of our newer members. I~ this what most appeals to you in a church home'! We think the inspiring sense of the presence of God far more important. Worship and friendship-we are se(·king to build both. The regular session of the Bible hour will be held next Thursday evening at 7 :45 o'clock. The subject of the lecture is the early Ju«;laean ministry of our Lord, John 2, 13 to 4, 42. The usual ~ym!l singing session will open the meetmg. The teachers and officers of the Sun"Treasure and Testing" i!? the Sunday clay ~ehool will haYe their regular meetmorning theme in Dr. Allison's seri~s of in~ after the Bible hour on Thursday, studies in the parables of .J.esus constder- at 8 :45 o'clock. ing togetht>r th ' story of the great pearl and of the dragnet. The Mothers' and Daughters' banquet to be giYen under the auspices of the The children's sermon is entitled, "The Ladies' Aid and Missionary society of Other· Side of the Moon." Our boys and St. .John's will be held on Friday evening, girls will wonder what lesson this will February 1 beginning at 7 o'clock. Tickteach. ets are seYt>nty-five cents the person. New pupilf: are invited to come into Pastor I ferman W. Meyer will deliver our vnrious clas~es. '!'here is still time the sermon at the twentieth anniversary to enlist in new courses which began Jan- of the Evangelical Lutheran Young Peouary 6. ple's league which will be celebrated at First St. Paul's Lutheran church, LaSalle Our boys have been asking for the and Goethe streets, Chicago, next Suno~y chance to join the Junior choir and evening at 7:45 o'clock. Madame Scott has decided to take them in. Rehearsals continue weekly on Thursdays at 7 P. M. Sunday, January 20, will be the second The subject of our mid-week meeting Sunday after Epiphany. There will be next Wednesday is "Ttle Unique Bible." Holy Communion at 8 A. M. Church The month of January is the time for Everyone is asked to bring a Bible, schools and Bible classes at 9 :45 and new and renewal of Auxiliary memberespecially an unusual copy or one which Morning Prayer with address at 11 ship for the Pre:;;byterian Home and will has a story connected with it. be received by Mrs. R. WalJace Young, o'clock. 922 Ashland avenue, phone Wilmette 2095. Advance notice is given or our WedSunday being the third Sunday nesday night programs for February, In Next Presbyterial meeting Friday, February the month. there will be a Corporate which will begin at 6 :30 with an informal Communion 1, at the Second Presbyterian church of for the Daughters of the supper and will continue with ~roup, King at the 8 A. M. Service. Evanston. It is expected that a large meetings for young people and adults number from our church will attend this under inspiring leadership. Friday, .January 25, is the day set apart all day meeting. by the Historic Church to celebrate the The B. Y. P. U. meets ·Sunday at 5 :30 Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle. There In the Guild room under the leadership will be Holy Communion in St. Augusof Beulah Lovell and the service com- tine's at 8 A. M. mission. "The Genius of Prohibition" will be the theme of the pastor's sermon next At the first meeting this year of the Sunday . Link F, under the leadership of Mrs. morning. Wednesday, .January A. E. Gebert, will meet for a ohe o'clock Associated Guilds, Mrs. A. H. Ullrich was 16, marked another anniversary . of the luncheon at the home of Mrs. H. A. Bush, elected president, Mrs. William Edmonds, enactment of the prohibition amendment. 721 Greenwood avenue, Thursday, Jan- first vice president; Mrs. Hubert Carle- The sermon wm be in recognition of that ton, second vice Jlresldent ; Mrs. Richard uary 24. Two years ago the pastor Wilson, secretary, and Mrs. A. E. Logie, achievement. preached a sermon on this occasion which treasurer. Link H, under the leadership of Mrs. was later printed under the title of the A. Bremer, will meet for a one o'clock The women of the Associated Guilds "Why and Whither of Prohibition." It luncheon at her home, 621 Maple avenue, are sponsoring a benefit bridge to be has been distributed to thousands of readTuesday, January 22. given at the home ot Mrs. A. H. Ullrich, ers. All interested in the development of what president-elect Hoover has called Miss Coupland's class will have a meet- 925 Lake avenue, Monday, .January 28, at "a great social and economic experiment" Ing next Monday evening at 7:30 at the 2 P. M. in behalf ot Chase House and are invited to attend this service. other charitable organizations in Chicr:.go. borne of Mre. Z. A Parkhurst. Children will be cared .for at the ~oung The annual meeting of the parish will Tbe Boy Scout.e will hold their regular People's house next door to the church meeUng at the church Thursday evening be held In the Parish House Friday eve- during the Sunday morning service. Miss ning, .January 25, at 8 P. M. Brief reat 7:10. ports of the year's work will be presented, Louise Henrekson, a teacher In the Wardens and Vestry elected for i929 as demonstration school of the Natlonal The · SGDday Evenlac club preeenta the well Kindergarten college, Will be in charge aa deleptea to represent the Parish ot the children at this hour. St. Augustine's Next Thursday is Division Day. The Divisions will meet as follows: FIRST entertains the THIRD at 10 a. m. at the home of l\irs. Dee Stoker, ::W~ Myrtle street, Winnetka . SECOND entertains the FIFTH at 10 :30 a. m. at the home of Mrs. Gordon Tht> various Spokes of the Woman's Culver 910 Elmwood avenue. FOURTH meets at 10 ::lo a. m. at the Society wlll meet Tuesday, January 22, home of Mrs. W. H. Thayer, 121 Robsart at the following homes: Spol<f' 1, with Mrs. Lowell D. Snorf, 230 road, Kenilworth. Tenth street. The Scout meetings will be held as folSpol<e 2, with Mrs. Herbert K. Curll, lows: 15 Crescent place. Monday e·v ening-High school Girl Rpol<e 4. with Mrs. Thomas B. Gibson, Scout Troop. · 429 Tenth street. Spoke 5, with Mrs. J. T. Booz, 730 Green- · Tuesday afternoon-Girl Scout Troop wood avenue. · Spoke 6, with Mrs. M. P. Linde, 1638 IVTuesday evening-Boy Scout Troop III. Wednesday afternoon-Girl Scout Troop Central avenue, at 1 P. M. Spoke 7, with Mrs. B. Kendall, 510 Fifth II. Thursday enning-Junior Boy Scouts. street. Spoke 8, with Mrs Ralph W. Moody and Next Sunday morning the Church Mrs. Frances P. Campbell, 1235 A~h school will hold one of its monthly rallies. land avenue. Spoke 9, with Mrs. W. H. Magner, 219 A program of unique interest is being pla1med, and all are urged to be there Dupee place, Friday, January 25. Spoke 10, with Mrs. George G. Lawson, prompty at the nine-thirty assembly. 1218 ForeRt avenue. Chapters seven to eleven of Paul's First Rebecca Spoke will hold their regular meeting Tuesday evening at the churC'h. Letter to the Corinthians will be the baDinner at 6:30. Program and business sis of study at the Fellowship service next Wednesday night. Mr. Johnson will also meeting following the dinner. make a ..brief address on some phase of . Recreational program: Monday, 7:30 the work of religious education. P. M., Troop 5, Boy Scouts. Men's volleyThe church is looking forward to a visit ball. . on the first Sunday in February of Dr. Tuesday, men's bowling, 7 :45 P. M. Wednesday, basketball, Howard school, Edmond D. Soper. He is the president of Ohio Wesleyan university, Delaware, 7:30 P. M. Thursday, Young People's Night. Bowl- Ohio and is the author of the text-book which is being studied in our Young Peoing, volleyball and basketball. pel's department. Frhl:...y, Boy Rangers, 7 :30 P. M. The music for next Sunday morning is as follows: The Organ Prelude, "Chorale Symphonique" by Diggle ; and the Organ Postlude, "Fiat Lux" by DuBois. The choir will sing, "0 Thou That Hearest Prayer" by Davies, and Mr. Rollin Smith will sing, "The Publican" by Van de Water. The Friendly Circle will hold its regular monthly sndal meeting Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in the Young People's house. The hostesses for the evening are Mesdames Sneary, Pifer, Prescott, and Proctor. Methodist C burch Unitarian Church Evanston Raymond B. Bragg, minister 11 o'clock-Sermon: "The Advance of Liberalism." · Immediately after the service there will be a dinner served in the Church House. A musical program will follow the dinner. Sunday, Ja.naary !0 Meeting of the Woman's Allfance In the Church House. Sewing at 10 o'clock, luncheon at 12 :30. At 2 o'clock Mr. Bragg will give the fourth lecture i the series "The Making of Modern Religious Liberalism." This lecture fs called ..Unitarianism In the Age of Enlightenment." Wednesday, January !I (More Church News on page 48)

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