2 WlLME TTE LIFE January 11, 1929- WEIMESKIRCH has opened a new Funeral Home in Hubbard Woods BRINGING to this community a splendid record of service that .includes 45 years on the north shore, the Weimeskirch organization an~ounces the opening of a new funeral home at 928 Linden A venue, at Gage Stre· et, Hubbard Woods. * This new funeral home will be under the management of Mr. M. H. Lieber of Winnetka. AMBULANCE SERVICE * A graduate lady assistant will be in attendance whenever requited. A modern invalid coach in charge of courteous attendants will be stationed at Hubbard Woodsready for instant response at all times. Telephones-Winnetka 3375 University ·1065 Rogers Park 0071 ElMESKIRCH ~SONS 928 LINDEN AVENDE at Gage Street HUBBARD WOODS