Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jan 1929, p. 32

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32 WILMETTE LIFE I January 4, 1929 Music News and Events Amy Neill Quartet Premieres Feature I Next Music Club Recitalist Will Give Chamber Opera's lOth Week Beginning Saturday Premieres of two well-loved operas, "La To s c a" and "P e II e a s · a n d Melisande," with Rosa Raisa and ~lary' Garden, respectively, will be among the features of the tenth week of the Chicago Civic Opera company's season. which opens this Saturday aiternoon. Another important event of the week will be the :\merican debut of Emil Schipper, leading barito.ne oi the \ ienna and Covent Garden operas. January 12. Herr Schipper, who is expected to arri,·e from Europe early in the week. will sing the part of Telramund in "Lohcngrin" as a.n introduction to his first American public, at the Saturday matinee. Monday evening, Tito Schipa, who rejoined the Civic Opera company December 6, singmg in "The Barber of Seville," will make his farewell appearance in "L'Elisir d':\more." The noted tenor wilt leave at once for his home in California. Schipa's performances during the season have been brilliant and each of his appearances has been an e\·ent of greatest interest to operagoers. The comic opera in which he closes his engagement here is one which will show him at his best. ~ L.~~------------------' Musicale January 13 The Any Neill String Quartet is to pre ent the second concert of the sea· son in the series of the ~orth Sho.·e Chamber .Music association, ·to be given in the Kenilworth As semh ly hall Sunda ,. aiternoon, January 13, at 4 o'clock. ~[iss Lillian Poenis·ch, clarineti t, will a . _; ist the quartet in the rendition of Brahm s' Clarinet Quintet, a composition very rarely played and which \\·ill comprise an important part of the program on January 13. ~orth Shore music lovers will be particularly ~n terested in hearing this part of the program. it is anticipated. . The program will al. o 1nclu rle a · ~{ozart Quartet in E. ~f ajor. \"o Chamber ~[ u ~ ic organization 111 Chicago·s musical circle:') ha;; re ce in~cl more wide:;pread favorable comment than the :\mv Xeill String Quar~ ·t which made it-s debut in Kimball 1a.l, in the au tumn of 1927. It s success \\·a; in:'tantan('OtlS. T hi.;; group is characterized a:. ·'mu~icallv ancl technicall: equipperl for this mo--t difficult form of art music." I J . ' Gala Performance Friday A unique feature of the week will be a gala performance on Friday evening in which three acts from popular operas :will he giHn. The bill will be made up of tht> second act of "Carmen," the · econd act of "Faust" and the third act of "~am ·on and Delilah." The ensemble of the three acts will introduce nt.' arlv a score of the artists who have appeared in leading productions during the season, including Edith Mason and Alice d'Hermanoy, sopranos: Cyrena Van Gordon. Coe Glade, ~[aria Claessens, Irene Padoska and Ada Paggi, contraltos: .-\ntonio Cortis, Charle · Hackett, Charle · ~far shall and Jose Mojica, tenor·; Cesare Formichi and Desire Defrere, baritor.es; Edouard Cotreuil and \"irgilio Lazzari. ba so ; Muriel Stuart. Edward Caton and other ballet member ·. Two German performances. two in French and four in Italian will make up the varied repertoire which begins with a second performance of "Der Rosenkavalier" Sun d a v afternoon . Frida Leider will again b-e in the role of the 'Princess. ~{aria OI-zew·ka that of Octavian and Edith ~[ason that of Sophie. Alexander Kipnis will sing the Baron Och·. Swigart Trio to Give Program at Orrington The S\\·igart Trio. popula r nort 1 shore group. will gi\·e a musicale in the Tudo r Loun.g e of t he Orringt on hotel. Evan·ton, Sunrlay evening. Januar~· (,, at 8 o'clock. Guest.:: of he hotel and othe r friend· have been invited to at· te.nd the p r ogram \\. 1ich will also Je hroadca.::t r\\'er qation \\-EHS. Su :l cia\··.- mus ical e i~ t he seconcl oi L1e current ·eac;;on !-)\· the Swi~art Trin at the Orrington.' T he group is cnn:· prised of G~orge Swigart. violin :E.::. telle ~wi~art. cello. anrl Franc es A il · Albert Spalding, violinist, will give the third concert of the current .-\rtist- der.;;on. piano. Sunday's program will Recital series of the \Vinnetka :Music club scheduled for ~fonday evening. he a· follows: January 7. The recital will be given in the auditorium of Xew Trier High I chool. Monday's appearance marks the second for ~[r. Spalding since the Tri o--F :\fajor Rubin:-:tt'-in r·r,n :\[cto ~Ioderato .-\rtist- Recital series was inaugurated a few years ago. · ~[r·d :: rato I t I ) I ) 1 I Garden in "Sapbo" Tuesday evemng will bring a second performance of "Saph o" with ~[ary Garden and on Thursday evening she \"\·ill appear again in "Pellea · and ~lelisande." one of the week· · premiere·. ~{i·s Garden was Chicago ' · fir 5t and only ~felisande. having made her debut in that role in ~o ..·ember, 1910, and her pre ·entation has established a tradition for the part. The second premiere o i the week will be .. La Tn ca." Saturday evening, featuring the second appearance thi · ·eao;;on of Rosa Raisa. T osca j, one of Raisa's greate t rolt·.; and ·he will have with her a str ng ca · t which will include Charle· Hackett. \·anni-~{arcoux, \"ittorio Trevi . an and other·. "The ~tarriage of Figa·· with Edith lfa on, Eva Turner and ~{arion Claire in the leading soprano role-;, will be presented again \\. edne·day evening following it initial su<..:ces · thi · week. E. Robert Schmitz. piani t. will appear in recital at the Studebaker theater, Chicago, Sunday afternoon, Jan· uary 6. Bertha He plays under auspices of Ott, Ine. The Xorth Shore Trio. comprised of E"tt-11 .,. ~ \viga rt III \Yinifred Townsend Cree, violinist: Dan·.:-::: frr·m Hf>nry Eighth .\nne Slack. celli ·t. and Ernau :\kely. ~[ o rris Dancp fa) ~[ ondav en:nin'!. lanuarv 1·+. is the pianist. will give the musicale at the (h) ~hephH (l's Dane.:: dare nf the next ~e~\· Tri e r Orchestral Georgian. Evan · ton, Sunday even in ( r-) Tor ch Dance IV January 6. The program ha · been an- as ·ociation concert to be pre·ented r)\· D' Amhro!"il) the Little Symphony orchestra. ~fi ::s R.-·manC'e nounced a follows: Brahm ~ Citta Grado\·a. pianist. who ha · pre- . Hungarian Dance Xo. 2 Tri0-D :\Iinc>r ..\r~n:-:ky viou:-ly appeared on the north shore George -.:;;wigart .\ Ileg-rt) ~[od .-ra tr· · 1 h I · 1 S 1 h ' :-;cht>rzn 1 \Vtt 1 t e .!tt e .. ymp 10ny ore estra. ~[u~i c Pictures Vo lk .manr~ Elegia-.\d ag-in I \Vill he the soloi · t on thi · occasion. <a) In the ~fill Fin:tl··-.\ lleeT" n··n Tr·.. pp· · I '[ · G d h 1 d 'tl 11 th e(h) On the s .. a .\ 1· · ra o\·a a· P aye WI 1 a tc) The Cuckoo and the 1Vande r ~ r E '-·\·.- rrtP.url .J<.rin mt"1re important o rchestra - in .-\m erica . s . . xtt:t-Lucia DonizE:ttt aum"rt-:-=qut> Paul J··· rin Her - ucces · in the north short: serie · ..\!:1 Eit-n Aim PP Schutt ~! ... ~ · ··~nitinn , Sturr~~~- Ryrl~~ l la:'it ·eason wa · sud~ a- to comp~l a reThe Trio a~d the Swigart String Sf?a nt h D;tn ,., t .. ranatl··::< en'!ag-ement. Sh e 1· charactenzed h\· Quartet compn ·e d of George and E ·. 'trnut·t Hayden I 1 ~ 1.· ·.. ·.. _ ·. .t ·. . ., '.· F. , · L. b .· 1 Fr 11 m :\[ilita n· ~\·mph0ny .eac n.t~ CrtLIL a .. . an artt.,t y.r1 0 h tel!e . \\ tg-art. .u~ente tm erg. VIO a. ~lavnnk nn.nce Xn. ·H> Dvorak l "sens1tt."·~ and po_ettc. yet cor:1htnes ~re ,. and Edmunrl Terlikowski, violinist. ar\~ti niatur~· Yi cnne:-:,., ~[arch Krds!.:::r and bnlhance \nth a techntcal ~<l.~tp- rt·ceiving numerous req uest · br appearrnent t:q ual t1 1 all demand· upon !t. I ance · during the winter season. .-\11 Begin Rehearsals Soon I . The ~ew Tri t· r nrche-'t:~l a.:;.::ncia- arc: \ ~·ut_hful .-oloist· who are rapi.clly 1 (1.::-;t,\le b_- '1 ) ·tor: c~)ncer , arc made _ e;ta~JI_.-h:n~ themseh-es a· o utstandtn ;~ . C f or .New T r·er on~ert ~ ~nptton- r~· ~re.;;entcd tn the purcha'e I tl u,,c,an ... ~(r·. ~{arran E . Cntton. hea(l ot tht· ·1 ! st:a'~- ·n t:ckt:ts. -------music department at Xew Trier High · POSTPONE MUSIC MEETINGS school. wilt begin rc-hear.;;al· ·oon for Raisa and Rimini Give I The Senior ~fusic club of Xew Trier a Sundav afternoon concert to be High school has postponed it- ·next given at. the school Sunday, January Benefit Program Sunday meeting until January 9 because rna _· 20. as soon as classe are re umed One of the out·tanding- musical ! of the members have been ill. The January 7. The concert will take the trt-:lt-; or tht> current sea·on i· Junior ).[u · ic club has also po·tponed place of the annual Christmas pro- o:;cheduled f ~_> r Sunday e\·ening. Jan- it· meeting. gram given by the Xew Trier music uary tJ , at the .--\uditorium, Chicago. department. which had been scheduled when Ro..;a Raisa. soprano, and IN PIANO RECITAL for Sunday. December 16. but was Giocomo Rimini, baritone, "vill give a Leo Podolsky. pianist. will be prepostponed because of the large num- joint recital for the benefit of the Rosa ented in recital at the Playhouse. Chiber of absences at the school during Raisa Scholarship fund. The recital ca~o. Sunday afternoon, under directhe influenza epidemic. ·was arranged by Bertha Ott, Inc. tion of Bertha Ott, Inc. North Shore Trio Will Gitta Grad ova Is Give Georgian Program Next Soloist With ~loflerato :\Ioderato Con :\Ioto II \Yidmung Tarantelle Schumann Popl)r f, "Little Symphony" ·,.._ /1 · II I i ... . , ,y

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