Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Dec 1928, p. 2

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2 ENTERTAINED AT TEA The Junior Neighbors- of . Kenil"'orth were invited byP Mrs. Howard Bent and Miss Marion Bent of KenHworth to hav -.: tea with t-hem Sunday evening, December 23. The Junior Neighbor~ appropriated funds from their treasury to provide Christmas stockings for the children of Grov~ Hou.ie. The \V. W. Kerrs, 707 Forest avenue, spent Christmas and a few days with Mrs. Kerr's mother, Mrs. Replogle, of La Porte, Ind. Mrs. Replogle is 90 years old. WIL · M·ETTE L.lFE December 28, 1928 Kenneth Kerr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Joseph Joyce of Kenilworth, chairman of the Tenth Congre5sional W. W. Kerr, 707 Fore~t avenue, esdistrict of Cooperation with War Vet- caped serious injury when the bus in erans, has expressed appreciation on which he was riding from Marion, behalf of the men at Great Lakes at t~ Chicago went into a ditch near Hamthe U. S. Veterans hospi£al, 105, at let, Ind., at 3 o'clock last ' mday m<?rnNorth Chicago, for what she char- ing. According to Kerr,. the ~nv~r acterized the best Christmas they have did not see an approachmg tram m · ever had in these two hospitals. She time to bring the bus to a stop, so he has announced that this was made swerved it into the ditch. Kerr repossible through the sp lendid coopera - ceivecl a bruised eye and shoulder. tion of the members of the clubs of He came on to Chicago by rail with the district, their husbands and friends, thirteen other passengers who were v;ho made Christmas a happy day for not severely hurt: The seriously inthe war sufferers and sent Christmas jured were rushed to LaPorte, Ind. cheer to the families of disabled vet·· The bus carried about twenty-five erans by their gifts in abundance of uassengers. Mr. Kerr is spending t~e food, l?lankets, clothing, toys and in Christmas holidays with his_parents 111 many mstances, money. Wilmette. Through Mrs. Joyce, an invitation 1 is extended to the men and women of Mr. and Mrs. Brower Munroe, 724 these villages to go to Great Lakes to MacLean avenue, announce the birth visit these boys who will so gladly of a baby daughter, Elizabeth, on welcome their guests. December 21. Mrs. Munroe was This year Mrs. Joyce herself gave a formerly Miss Betty Rye of Wilm~tte. prize of money to be divided among Her mother, Mrs. Frederick Rye, and the units for the best decorated wards her brother, Bob, who recently moved and the men entered into the competi- to New Jersey, arrived last Saturday and are at the Munroe· home. tion with great enthusiam. Kenneth Kerr Bruised as Vets Grateful for Many Chicago Bus Is Ditched Christmas Contributions SOCIAL SERVICE WORKER . REPORTS ON WORK DONE (Continued from Page 1) o,., 1929 to the · RESCUE HE past year may have brought its share of hard luck and woe; but here's young 1929, eager to start things anew and give you a lift on the Road to Happiness. We wish Godspeed to all of our friends and their families. · Airway-Motor and ·Railway T ransporation T What Is Their Future! A suies of Six Articles Appearing in The Christian Science Monitor January 7-8-9-10-11-12 Price of Series 2 5c Leave your orders at the r , RIDGE AVE. PHARMACY C. C. RENNECKAR CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM I I 6 3 WILMETTE AVENUE or at the LINDEN TEA SHOP 4 I 3 LINDEN A VENUE, WILMETTE Phone Wilmette 316 We Submit With Pleasure This Balance Sheet Drawn Up for You Pleasant Relationships CREDITING YOU: Friendliness and Generosity Confidence and Loyalty DEBITING YOU 365 Days in Which to Be H D:PPY and Prosperous LEAVING A SURPLUS Our Appreciation and Best Wishes for 1\ llappy Ntttt ltar WOLFF·GRIFFI. S HARDWARE 1119-21 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 183-184 . Miss Mona Heller, 808 Elmwood avenue, left Thursday for Washington, D. C. She will spend ten days a3 the guest of Miss Geraldine Free, daughter of Congressm~n and Mrs. Free. Miss Heller and M1ss Free were clas3mCJtes at college last year. ~

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