Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Dec 1928, p. 38

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WILliE TTE LIFE HELP W A.XYBD-FEJIALE December 28, 1928 t7 FOB BENT-APA.BTMEliTS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT& I I I i1 GTRL POR LIGHT OFFICE Oko=. FuniH. 567 Linc<,Jn Av· .· lr tn.D£:1ka. v6LT14-ltp ,..,., ~ ""-"-"TED FOR H.ENT- 2 HOOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam ht:at, janitor sen·ice, nt:ar transpr.~rt.atlrm. Call Wilmette 1801). 67LTN33-tfc \\.\~ _ SD U cana a IIDe lD oae paper. Z5 ce11ta a 1:me In any two papen.. · ceata a UDe lD all three papen. au uta CBi&GE M eeata. A. . . . . of be W'01"U to the 11De. No black face tn»e Uled. lK ttt.eollllt aD ealla with order ad'f'en18emeata wheD broacllt to our omce at 1JU Ca:traJ A·e.. WDmette, or 514 LlDeoiD AYe., WJnnetk&. ;j f; LT14-ltc urday ()r Sunday, 446 Washington St. , -----------------:Glencoe. 6!1LT~14-lt c E.. X" P. V:H T . MAID F O R GEX. HSWK., ~: .:: : h ·: · .:s o:.-. 3 in famil y. Tt::l. Gl enc r,e H f!(J(J.\f ST():-;"1': HOt:SE; 2 BATHS; -4: . 5t,LTX14-ltc Sl IJIJ. nr1 r:,: ntf!r St. T£:1. \Vinn . 153fJ. 6~LTX4-tfc Jo'OU RY.XT-HO{;SES h-:::~ w : r . £"0lA er..vk, no w as hing, 4 69 in ! a; m: y . W llr.lHte 2(J4/i. 5~LTX14-1tc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f"(Jft H.E:-\T - 1::-;"Ft:HXISHED, FOR 1 \\tl11"E GIRL. GE~"LP~-\L HOUSE v·!ar, rnorJP-rn 11 rr,r,m Bungalow, 3 w :·r ti:. a-d::: :..s. P h . K t: ni lwrJ rth 2i~4 . t,athH, 2 car gan·Ji;'t:. Can bl:: f«:f::n Sat- - , \\HJTE GIP.L, LIGHT z will be ac11 u~"" oepted up to WedneedeJ' li o'eloek tor tbe W'JI..KJI:rT'B LIVB or all three papen: nuuwdaJ' 5 o'doek tor the tr'DfNJ:""J[A TALK and FriclaJ' 5 o'clock for the GLENCUE l'."EWS. ,......,.._: Wilmette fHO or WlnDetka t.oot.ZOOt. advertlae!Dmta DelulJine ~Ot J-.._.r·om--C"eMifted SITt" ..\. TIU:S W.\::ST.ED-FElfALE i!J } ' 0 U JtE~T-S'f(,JtES ll OFFICES C_-\TERESS XEED AX EXPERT . CATERc.::: wh r.J i!" :xp~ ri ,nc£: d in all kinds _of .- -:r1 ai nrr.t-n t inclu ding bridg£: parties ~: .. d t a nqut.t .. ph . ·wilmette 3347. Can a ~:< u rr, .,. full c ha rg f.: a nd gi\·e reliable !"": ~. 60LT~13-tfc rWI·'Jr: E F(Jft RE)o;T - LARGE SPACE t·n rnaln fl(J,,r, df:Hirabl e locatio n . 221hx17t;~. Tenant can sublet spac ~: . Ph. Winne:tka 201. 73LTX4-tfc Larg~ ALE-A t;TO. :t LOA~S T:\RT THE XE\\. 'YE:\R RIGHT! 19 ~ BL"Y A r;rJLD SEAL BCI C K a nd Cuupi:s-a lw.~ r.; tv- rs r.~ p ir·k frr,m. 1 ~ 2!1 SUs:tol! Lic&.nSE: r,n H and T r-,v) #-1' At'(:e pttd-Upen En:. a nd S n. ~a n. A C T 0 )£(JBILE L(J _-\~S . REASI) X ABLE "\L\~TE D-f.: LE.A::--.'IXG, COOKI~G AND !"f-nin!! 2 h a lf days or 1 whole day. r &. tf:'!-. imm o:d ' a (: ~ n·· e;.: . )[ t:. r, r AccepA J.~ rJ w rJ rk f r1 r 1 ye ar tJld g-irl, expt·ri[1 0 (:<!:: f:rJ ·· S r.a :e B an k & Tru.:Co. H ll: d, b y th e day, $3.50. \\'ilm f~ tte ~1)4 . H :dg., £ ~,·ans ~h n. P h. C niH·rei :y 12· } 4. . 60L14-.ltc ~'J L~t-tfc 1 · n ~tPETE~T Ff!AXKJiiX BGJLDI~G w:ermd fl. tJffice suitable for doctor t·r d .. ntist. One small private office, $15 fJf·r m11. Bf:st lrJcation in town. Ph. \Vinndka 382. i3LTX9-tfc FOJt S ,\LE-HOl:SES ~orth :hnre Buick Co. Wi l. 3750 4LTX14- . tc Charles H. Brethold l Et an d 2n d ~1 ort g a gt: .« lJ y cb Y r , r h a lf day. Catering or child i t-n t·an·d fr.J r. Wilmette 2n!l. W0l1AX WISHES WOHK 60LT13-2tc --------------------------------MUS1' BE SOLD XEW EXGLJSH BJUCK, LARGE LIVing rtJ(Jtn with fireplace, dining room, kitchf·n, lavatory and breakfast nook 1m fir:-;t ft(,or, master bedroom with fireplace, dt·er-;sing room and private bath and 4 additional bedrc1ums and 2 more hath!-!. J rot water heat, 2 car garage to match ht,use:, with concre:te drive. "\Yill be sacrificed for $23,501). FRANK A. REID 954 Linden Ave., Hubbard '\\·uods Ph. Winnetka 1300 i7LTX14-ltc 77 1:. .ED C AR DEPT. lfJ27 Da\'l'! St. t" ( (\1PETE~T 5 -l;j ~lain S . . \\-ilmHt: T£:1. 65 30L17-tfc WHITE WO~IA~ WANTS h f' wk. by the day or hfJur, references ~i Ye n. Call Wilmette 4207. 60L14-ltc SITL".·\ TIOS WA~TED-:l'lALE Whippl':t li%5 Hup Touring RJckenbackf:r Sedan 4 c yl. EMex Coach Cadillac 5 p~~- r~oup-: an l!t26 Jordan Cour~ C ED C:\RS I fll H.-\XSOX 555 Cht:stnut SL ~IOTOR CO. 3%5 Si Mt:SIC'.U I~STB t:liE:STS 125 . 275 FD.'"E OLD VIOLA ; EXCELLEXT COPY 75 ot Stradh·arius ; in my possession .45 _· ~::ar s . Will ·S£:11 tor 1125. H. :\f. Lay. 2·~ 35LTX14-ltc Tel. Winn. 1221. $~25 L . B. DCRAKT-HAXDY :MAN ESPEC. in window washing; hse. cleaning and ~<: rubbing; wax floors and all odd jobs. X. S. refs. Call Glencoe 73. 61LTN14-ltp . WlnnHka 33(1 4LTX14-ltc - It PETS HOGSEWORK, PAINTING, WINDOW 'vashing and also light hauling. Wil- 6 ROOl\1 STUCCO; HOT \VATER HEAT, garage; price $12,000. Balance like re:nt. mette 3039. 61LN14-ltp $500 Cash PREFERRED STOCK Exqu il'ite TE:d mal£: c h o w , 3 m o . ; al so WORK BY THE HOUR OR DAY. 6 ROOM FRAME, EAST; GARAGE; Cleaning woodwork or windows and ~rr, w n , prize W . PE:kin c~. Winn . 30 5. price $9,000. Balance like rent. waiting table. Winn. 1657. 61LT14-2tp f) ~ C-: nter St .. "\\innHka. 39LTX13-2tc 2 FAMILY RESIDENCE, GOOD LOCAtion ; excellent condition ; separate Gt SIT. \V'l'D.-liALE & FEMALE 4! RADIO. heating plants; good income. Price II BI ' JLJH~G A~D CO~TBA<.:TI~G $24,000. F(IP.. SALE-R. C . A. P..-\DIOLA G~ A~D WEST INDIAN COUPLE VERY EXWlf. OTTEX, lfASOX COXTRACTORperienced, woman cook and general 6:!. ba rgain pri c ': F. 'A.ls rJ R a di r1 la ~o . 32, New and repair v·ork .. ~t our estimate. hswk. ; man drive and wait, references. S351).fJ0 ca~h . free sen·ice 30 days. Tubes Ph. Hi~hland Park 3012. 11 L TX&-t!~ Call )1ohawk 3439. 62LTN14-ltp guarantE:E:d 60 days. .Addre:ss Wilmette WINNETKA 1544 Liff- .\-234. 42LTXH-ltp DJlESSliAil!fG i7LTXH-ltc FOR RENT-ROOJIS DRESSlfAKING AND REMODELI!'JG n RF.P.\IRI~G A::SD REFI::SISHI::SG FROXT CORKER ROOM IN EAST at home. Call Wilmette 1844. ~ide home. Good heat, bathroom facilAXD l!.ATTRESS 17LTX13-2tc l"PHOL~TERI~G r~:n(, vating, by (.XP ~'- rt at your home or ities exce: 1 lent. Kear all transp. Garage BRAKD NE\V "\\"IXXETKA 7 ROO::\f r,ur ~hop . In Evans on sinCP 1916. ~I. if desired. Ref. Ph. ·wilmette 204. residence, 4 large sunny bedrooms, 3 !I ELECTK~CAL REPAIRS 66L14-ltp baths, large li\·ing room with windows 43LT~13-4tp Okman. L"ni\·. 5616. on 3 sides, garage attached and heated. CL()r; KS REPAIRED BY EXPERT. F"CRXISHED FROXT A mo~t attractive well built house, en("lr,..·ks callf:d for and deliYered . Paul \\"AT( ' If H.EPAIRIXG DOXE BY EX- FOR REXT room for 1 or 2 with or without light '\\·atc h~::s cleant-d and adjusted. tirely completed except for installation ~rt. Davey, J£:weler. 1H5 Wllmcttf- Avehou~ek ef ping. Half block fr0m depot. P a ul Davey, Jeweler, 1165 "-ilmette of fixtures and decorating whirh will nue. Phone Wilmette 6. 23L34-tfc 1:?30 ""ilmt-tte .-\.H. Wilmette 3156. 43L34-tfc Av£-nue . Phone Wilm£:tte 6. be done to please purchaser. Occupancy I~STRI."CTJO~ 66LH-ltp could be had in 10 day~. Lot i5xl7 4 ; t4a SII.VER PL.\TIXG mnre frontage if de~ired. A FORlfER r·()LLEGE TEACHER Ft.:f!~ISHED ROO)! FOR ~ ADl-LTS For ::>ale at a Yery low price on \'ery will tutr,r Algel,ra, Latin, Arfthmf:tic, ;· I L \' E R PLATIXG- HAYE YOUR empl(,yed: light and pleasant; h()t and liberal terms. C~<omf'trr. EngliFh, Fr£-nch and G-=rp_or,d r,ld piec £: s r t: n e w~:d at a re a~oncold running wat t- r. Ga ragt: !'pace if ~rHOl\Lt\S man . William R. ~rorrow, 5:i~ fJ 'W'infi. bh- p r ic: . Paul Dave y, Jewelt-r, 1165 rlt · ~ired. Ph rme Wil. 4~07. 66L:?5-tfp thrr>p An: ., ~hicag(). Ph. Lon~beach \\·ilm ·ttt- Avtnu e. Phone \Yilmette 6. 743 Elm St. 3!HJ(). 2:JLTX11-Hp 45A-L34-tfc PLE.-\ ..\XT FRO~T R)l. FOR 1 OR ~ 7iLT~H-l_tc ndults; al::;o ~ ingle n11. 131 Tenth St .. !7 I~TEHIOR ])f:CORATI~G \\'ilmettt-. t36LT13--Hp ;;o <a:~ER.\L REP.\IRS FOR SALE 1927 CHRYSLER 70, ·rown s £:dan, first class condition. Can be seen Saturday or Sunday, H6 Wash· iogton St. , GJencr){:. 4LTX14-ltc ~ $1,000 Cash IHHillll & §tt© rnlce ENGLISH BRICK FREDI' B. & CO. P:\RCI-C\JEX~f SH.\DES , P:\TXTED TO ORDER AP.TISTJf: TE~fPERA~JEXT 'VlLL ALways rf: a(·t to the appeal of beauty. A room l!i attrartln: whf-n itF lamps and 1-hades are In perfc(·t harmony. \Ye Rtudy your hrJmf: and can·fully analyze YOT:P. lighting need!-!. Yat-:es wired. JEWELRY REPAIRIXG- A ~ D REm()df-ling by a craftsman of rare a biti y . P a ul Dan·y, Jewele r. 1165 WilIIV· tte Avenue. Phone Wilmette 6. ~:; XI E TIOO)I FOP. 1 OR :? IX PRIYATE fnmily, close to transp. 420 Park AYe. Ph. Wilmette 293. 66L14-tfp XlCE CO:\IF. ~LEEPTXG R~I. REA~. OFJ·'J·;J{ J,OST A::SD FO'G::SD 2 hlk~. transp. 20 S. L.\RGE bath: ~I 1419 Central. Tt>l. \Yil. 66LTH-ltc GOODRICH 's'fUDTO 632 Church St. - Lu=-'T- TAX LEATHER PURSE, I~ OR nr>:tr r:nnsum.,.rs t-:tore, 4th and Linden. Tf·l. '\\"inn. ~~4~. 55LH-1tc Jll:LP WA~TED-FEJL\LE \YATI)I ROO)!, P R I\" ATE garag-e. Xear tran::;portation. Tel. "\Vinnetka 154:3. 66LTX14-ltc ..\ttractiYe 6 room stmTo hung-alow, best Xorthea~t locatit~n; hot wa U·r h<'at; sun !"tom; lihrarv. ldt·:tl honw for Rmall family. 2 ,:nr g-ar:tJ...:'t·. ltt·duc<'d t0 $:!1,000. :;40 Lin«lt·ll A w. l'h. Wil. 68. 77L14-ltc Gn·f:nleaf 816 2iLTX14-ltc d6 F. R. HRASOR ART STORE Silhou~tt£-s, Individual r·uttlngR hy Appointment 1:{12 ('hkago An., EVAXSTO~. "Cniv. !lli!l. 27LTN4-J6tp ELY Fr"I!XIS:::T-JED f!OO)I Sl"IT~.-\C.:\Ntl'-\ \~TNNE'.l'J.~.t\ ahle fnr t\\"0. n()ard if desired. 1124 11.\l .. F' ACLU~ - DI·:Atr'l'JFl LL\ WOODlirt!enleaf A\'e., ·wilmette. 66LH-ltp t>d. hig·hly n·~tl'idt>d, on prh·att· rnadway, ~un·outukd hy flue lwnws- close FOR REXT ·- ROO)IS XEAR TH.AXSto l'ehools and not too far fnnn transportation, al o w~nt sewing and rem0d56LTX14-~tc portation- to aect·J)tnl.Jlt· purl'ha~t'l" ouly, eling at home. Wilmette 22-!S. 66LH-tfc at ln\\'t·st prkP for hig-h-t·lass prnpeny \\.:\XTED EXPERTF.XCED \YHITE in Yillagt·. ~\ddrcl5s 'J'all\ A-~21. l'!;irl, general houst::work. no laundry, 6i }'Oil REXT-APA RTJIRXTS 7SLT:\ 13-tfc 1-mall family. \\·ilmett , 3!)i2. \\·.\ ~Tf:£) - \\'l liTE GIRL FOR GF.X. h~wk. German or ~wed ish pre f., no h··a\"y l~unrlry, ~mall family. good \\·a ~ ·s. 1G36 FMt:: St An:., "\Vilmette 2046. -------------------------------- ;s }'0 It ~,\J, E-Y ,\(~ AN'l' PRIVATE PARTY HAS MONEY FOR good 1st and 2nd m~rtgages. Monthly payments or straight loanR. Low cum. Ph. Central 8160. 30LTN11-4tp 56LT~l4-ltc :\iJDDLE AGED WO::\fAX FOR HOUSEwork. TE-L V\-·inn. 19 "5. 56LTXU-ltp LIXDEN CRES'r ~t\PTS. \\TIL~IETTE 2, 4 and 5 ROO:\fS Here in Wilmette's most convenient nnd exc lu ~ive location, you will find \\"ell-at·ranged apartments. All apartments have outside rooms which prndde an abundance of light and air. Ample closet space. Schools, churches, and l5hopping facilities within immediate ace ~s. See these apartments today. Agent on premises. \ T.:\C:\N'l'- 125x 1()0 \\' IN~E'l'K.:IIElUo~ aaa ,.o_. Waat Adla Evaaaoa, too This Office will accept classified advertising to be run in THE EVANSTON REVIE w, reaching 16,000 families in Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m. on Tuesday. - ~ - lR U:'\E OF Tlll!~ ~lOST BEAUtiful lots ldt of tlw ft·W remaining in \Yintll'tl<a. Building n'striction. On n quiet driw- no tn es but a beautiful outlook at a price at lt>ast $30 a font under anything comparablt>. Addrt-ss Tall\ A-:.!:?1. 7SLTXl:t-tfc 1-'0U ~ALE-IIS.t~JILD. GOODS ~ tOO Teltphone Wilmette 4 300 or Winnetka 2000 I QCIXL.A~ 424 Linden Ave. & T'YSO~, INC. · Wil. 460 67LTN2-tfc KARPE~ BEl,) D.A YE~PORT, T A Gf'.E. Yelour spring cushions, comfortabk. excellent condition, reasonable. C:1ll \Vinnetka 1581. lOOLTNH-ltc

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