Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Dec 1928, p. 16

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I Latest Sellool News Publiahtd WHicl'l b'l tht «hool 'hlltlnn I JUNIOR LIFE of Told by the Pupils WilnNtlt untltt aup«uiaion ol Wilmttte Plavuround tmd R«reation Botlrd. VOL. I NO. 47 Award· Letters to Football Players Q t S tO l P S Ch00 l Letters have been awarded to the footThe date orlcinally set for the presentation was before Thanksgiving but due to some mistake made by the company manufacturing the letter, they were not awarded unttl December 13. K·r. Davis, Director of Recreation, had charge of the program. Mr. Harper gave a speech about trying to win and being cracious about losijlg. Mr. Stone awarded the letters to the players of the three teams. Mr. Ball, who was the coach of the teams, should have given a speech but he was Ill. Cecil Williams gave a short review of the heavyweight team's season. Richard ~eston did the same for the lightweight team and Paul Soule for the Peewee team. The letters received were red with a white disc as a background. A blue stripe Is to be put under the letter to signify that the wearer got his letter for playing on the Wilmette Pu bile school footbaH team in the North Shore league. -Chester Hanson, 8B Stolp. ball boys of the Stolp school. I School in 2000 A. D. I -------------"Hey, Ma, can I take the monocoupe to school today? ' They have a swell new hangar now." "Well, maybe, ff you'll promise not to make any nose dives or tailspins; that's how your grandfather was kllled." _ WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, DECEMBER 28, 1928 Fletta Enjoys a Jaunt This Story Has a Plot, Through Chf1sler Plant as Well as Hero, Heroine My mother, brother and I took a trip through the Chrysler Motor factories In Detroit last Saturday afternoon. There was a guide at the door who took us through the buildings. He was very nice and polite and answered any questions that we asked. After taking us through several large buildings and showing us how the different machinery was operated, he took us to a very large room which had a track similar to a railroad along the side of the room, which was lined with cars. Some looked finished and some did not. Men on both sides were busy doing different tasks on each car. At the end of the line the cars would run off finished and men would drive them a way to be inspected and then take them out to be shipped to dltrerent parts of the world. The whole process of operation was wonderful.-Fletta Freeman, 8B Howard. Jane Carol Sundlof's dog, "Spud," had a scrap with a large police dog last Wednesday. In the melee that followed Spud had his ear half torn off. Not to make it a grewsome story, o_r anything like that, it was hanging there. Jane tried to chase him home but he would not budge. Then Jane asked Mr. Todd if she could take him home. Betty Kirwain went home consoling J'ane while she consoled Spud. Witnesses say that it was an odd prt9cession with Spud, who is a brindle pup, much unconcerned over his ear while ~=-~a {ru.!!l~~~s J~~~':~e~;Th?h-F~u a~; Jane Carol was sobbing because it was "Everybody take your seat now and hurting him so badly.-James Kraft, Kan," "Lavinia," and the "Sistine Madonna... Before Thanksgiving we drew talk all you want because this is a free Howard 8B. period. approoriate pictures for that day for "Observe the things you see because recreational work. From the boys' stand- you STUDY BRASS· WINDS will have to write about them. Aftpr point they werett't so "hot." Now we We are now studying the brass-wind we get there we may have time to vtalt are drawing designs tor boxes to be the diamond mines. Don't be afraid to· instruments in music. We · have comtransferred..::,nd painted In enamel. · Some- ask questions. pleted the wood-wind and the stringed time after the holidays, we will finish the "The telephone showR the inauguration· choirs and are studying the brass-winds. :~e~B~ve plctures.-James Kraft, How ... of the new president. You may look at it We received a grade on the string choir but I am afraid some of us were very If you .want to." Whisperings heard from the back seats disappointed in them. We are completing the brass-winds as quickly as posof the plane : <Jible and mean to start the percussions "Let's go -play pool, Tim." very soon. It Is interesting work as "All right, Bill." "I'm going to take a nap," Joe said as there are so many in the brass choir to Howard 7A has elected the captain ol he fell into a deep slumber.-Frederick write up. Our notebooks will soon be collected · for the wood-wind.-Lucy Anna the boys' basketball team. He Ia Frank Leason, SA Howard. Jonas, 7B Stolp. ~y. He did very well In soccer ball and ::__aure to make a good captain. We won REVIEW BOOKS ....., eoecer shield and are on the trail THE SCHOOL CAT Monday, December 10, 7A Howard were of the basketball shield. The tlrst team to be prepared to write "Book Reviews." The school room cat is a pretty thing, fa a ~ example of our "steam." We Each child was to write on a book they Its color is brown, and is studded with expect to have at least nine or twelve . had read since school began. The books black . boya out to each game. The season Is soon were supposed to be on the seventh grade Even though it's an adventurous thing, to begin and we are prepared to ftght.- Jist from the library.- Elaine Angelbeck, From room to room it goes on its fling. Georce Maxwell, 7A Howard. -Robert Klemm, 8A Howard. 7A Howard. Eighth Grade Boys Finish Art- Appreciation Lessons "Now, children, as we are .studying about Africa we will take the afternoon oft to go and see for ourselves what it's like." "How are we going to go?" said Tom_ The teacher answered, " I suppose we'll have to do with the 'little seven'-motorplane-but you can drive, Tom." Now we are ready for history. "Who was the first man to make a nonstop flight across the ocean?" "A man named Lindbergh." "What kind of motor did he use?" "Wright Whirlwind." "Who was the first man to fly across the North Pole?" "Byrd." "What did he do at the South Pole afterward? "Planted a colony." "What were some of the best planes way back In 1928 ?" "Ford trlmotor, Fokker's, Sikorsky Amphibian." "For homework, we will copy the diaThe eighth grade boys have ftnlshed their work on Art Appreciation for half gram of the old Wright whirlwind motor the year. We have studied and written from our notebooks and it must be finished." 6 Saturday afternoon, and thousands were there. The great battle was on! She was on him. He t was i 1depending th t H i the t star tr P e- rea man. e was ry ng 0 crash through to that white line-his goal in spite of every obstacle! ~lowly, inch by inch, he fought his way, hammering that wall of human flesh that blocked him. He must get through ! Victory was in sight, but the time was gettin~ short. Could he make it? One desperate ·plunge and he would be there. A shrill whistle rent the air. He groaned in despair. Too late. And there he stood, at the corner of State and Madison, the girl waiting on th 't d th t ffi II ht e opposi e corner Panl ke 8rAa Set 1 g against him.-Roger a ens e, o p. Jane's Pet Dog "Spud" Tangles With Police Dog Eighth Grade Groups Have Combined Gymnasium Hour The first period Wednesday morning, December 5, the SA and 8C boys had gymnasium together. Bob White of SA, who rings the passIng bell, rang the bell ten minutes early. The other boys wanted to know the reason for this and Bob told them we were going to have assembly. All the boys were very glad to hear this for · they expected to get their letters for football. They were all disappointed when they discovered that they were not ·going to get their letters but felt better when they discovered that Rollln Pease of Northwestern university faculty was going to -sing different songs from different countries. - Roger Palenske, 8A Stolp. AT SCHOOL At school we have a lot of fun Correcting problems when they're done, But when the teacher says to sing, It's quite a different sort of thing. We have to sit up straight and tall, That Isn't fun for me at all, So when the teacher says to sing ·we take our books out with a "bing." But If we have some other studies, I'm glad to talk to all my buddies. School is not so bad a thing, Except when teacher says to sing. -Jan ellen Brandt, grade 5 Howard. WIN BY FORFEIT The boys of Miss Scheidler's room of Howard won another game by forfeit, Thursday, December 8. We have now won three games and lost one. We hope we win the soccer shield. We will if we defeat the Howard 6A team. - Stanley Cochran, 6B Howard. PINS FORTHCOKING The 7B class of Stolp got a letter Monday, December 10, from the Classroom Pin company. It said that the pins would have to be made special because they did not have the kind we ordered In stock. We will get our pins the week after Christmas.-Reglna Swirles, 7B Stolp. VOLLEY BALL PRACTICE The sixth grade girls of Central school are going to start their volley ball games soon. We practice every gymna.:~ium period. We have elected Mary Jea.n .Lewis for captain of 6B.-Jean Laurence, 6B Central EN.JOY POEMS 'rhe seventh and eighth grade rooms of Stolp school heard Mrs. Foster tead some poems. We all enjoyed them very much. Some of the poems were "The First Bluebird," "Little Bateas" and many others.Esther Morgan, 7B Stolp. WIN SOCCER GAKE Central 5B beat Howard 5B In soccer November 12 at Washington park. The flnal score was Central 5B (2) Howard 5B (0). Frank Swirles and Don Roberts made the polnts.-Junior Miller 5B Central ' 7·.A. WINS KICKBALL HThursday, October 18, the 7A girls of owarjJ had a kickball game. We 0 1 ed 7B n ay noward. The game was exciting, 7A won. was 29 to 30 -VIrginia Brady,The 7A score Howard Elect Frank May Head · of Basketball Players CAT STOPS WORK When the cat visits school no work is done. One has to feel sorry for the cat ~· because It's held all the time. Ilk~· · to wander around but we do not e to have It wander, 80 It lltays. It can cry all It wants to, but It stays.llarjorle Iverson, 8A Howard. . It KAKE ART DESIGNS In Art class the girls and boys are making designs to trace and paint on wooden boxes. I think this is a very good Idea. . They make darling little gifts for Christmas. Miss Scheidler, who teaches us in Art, is advising us with these boxes.-Marjorie Warble, 8B Howard. · HAVE DEBATE One Thursday Miss Madsen told us that we were to have a debate. We were to debate whether it is better to live in the country or in the city. The city side won but there were good points on both sides. -Stanley Cochran, 6B Howard. NEW SOCCER CAPTAIN Seven B, Howard, has elected a new 80Ceer captain and he is Frank Christy The ones who ran against him wer~ Thorne Edwards and Edwin Horn Thome Edwards was our football captain· Alfred Brown, 7B Howard. · TOO XANY TARDIES CB Howard has had too many tardy marks this Year but we ho~ to improve We have made a rule that all wtro ar~ late will have to pay a nickel and that has brought the marks down a llttle.Alan Henrekson, 6B Howard. EXCITING GAME HOLD POSTURE TEST 7B and 7C Stolp girls played a very The 7A and 7C girls had a posture exciting game of volley ball Decemtest Tuesday afternoon, December 13 ber 3, which was won by 7C 10-25. Mrs. during gymnasium period. Most of the Ball had two nets across the gymnasium girls passed tor it was not as hard a and the balls were hard to keep ln test as usuai.-Grete von Reinsperg, 7A bounds.-Ruth Solomon, 7B Stolp. Stolp. KATH. INSTRUCTOR ABSENT GYM TEACHER ABSENT Mrs. Jones, our Arithmetic teacher, has Mrs. Fanckboner, our gymnasium been absent since the lOth of December teAcher, has been absent two weeks. Miss with the flu, as most everyone has Skidmore has been taking her place. Mrs. Miss Theman has been our substitute. Fanckboner. we hope, will be ba.~k next -Helen Perry, 7B Howard. Monday.-Helen Perry, Howard 7B. u: A HSENT WITH COLD MONOLOGUE OF A PENCIL Ruth Solomon has been absent from .JUNIOR POLICE ON .JOB school for a couple of days. She has a "Blast it ! When will those fool Junior Pollee are certainly doinJt their duty over at the Howard school. There't cold. We hope she will be back IOOD.-( kids stop biting my rubber head? It's bad enough to have the teacher using one at every corner-at least that is what Lucy Anna Jonas, 7B Stolp. up lead but-those kids ! Oh ! Oh ! My the boys and girls think who do not like ORGANIZE GIRLS' CLUB poor head. When will they stop bitthe cold and would like to come ln.-Ruth We have a Girls' club at Laurel school. ing my poor head? Robinson, 8A Howard. 'Ve are helping the little children to be "Why does that silly teacher lend good and we help them across the streets. me to all these dumbbells? Do I have LIKES SCHOOL -Patsy Lake, third grade, Laurel school. to go in this guy's pocket? Oh ! I'll ,_!came t9 this school Wednesday mornnever see the teacher again ~ in all the snow. This school Is very FINES FOR SNOWBALLS "I wonder what those ·two little u&nerent from the achool I carne from but Fines have been made for the children square books with dots on them are., I like It and I'm sure I'll keep on liking who throw snowballs toward the school He's taking them out. He says "Read lt.-Evelyn Howard, Howard 8A. and at the little children. Leonard 'em and weep... What does that mean., Prochnow, 7B Howard. OBSERVE BOOK WEEK , "Help! I'm falling out of his pocket: --..~· week Is book week In the Howard I m drowning. Help! Help! I've falORDER CLASS PINS ~1 and they ba ve a lot of new booktt len Into the river. I hope someone The 7B class was going to have class Ia tbe achool library. They surely are finds me before I drown. Oh ' I'm rings hut we have decided to get class drowning !"-Dick Steen, SA Ho~ard. 1004 ODeL-Alfrecl Bartnick. 8B Howard pins.-Ruth Sanderson, 7B Stolp ..·----------------~ f

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