Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Dec 1928, p. 10

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10 WILMETTE LIFE December 28; 1928 News of Interest to Methodist Church Church Chut'Ch~Goers of Our Village and all welcome. The material used in the classes is the Revised International Graded lessons. There will be no meeting of the Young People's club until January 6. 'J.'he Ladies' Guild is suspending its meetings during the holiday season. They will be resumed on Monday, January 7. The We~nesday evening lectures on "Great Poets of the Ages" have been intermitted during the holidays. The three numbers on Goethe, Browning and Tennyson will be given during January. The Sunday school celebrated the Christmas Sunday with special exercises, an'J brought generous offerings of money provisions, clothing a_nd other gifts for the families allocated to the School by the Children's Memorial hospital. Sunday morning, January 6, at 11 o'clock, Dr. Willett's subject will be "The Making of the Future." ' 'I'hf' abO\·e represents the architect's conception of the appearance of the door into the new church house. It is symbolical of the welcome that will await you as you approach the door and the hospitality with whieh all will be received who enter the door. This door will be open "'even days in the week through which those may enter who find strength and renewal of life in on.e or all the many forms of servic<>s to be rendered in this great new building. The regular services will be held next Sunday morning. The Church school sessions of all departments will proceed in their regular way. The worship service will be arranged with special consideration for the large grou~ of coll<>ge students who are home for the holidays. The pastor's sermon will be addressed especially to the interests and needs of youth. The Ladies' Aid society will hold Its regular monthly meeting Thursday, January 3, at the church. There will be Hewing for the Old People's Home-Mrs. Harriet Lewis, chairman. Luncheon will be served by the Second Division. The hu:-;in<·ss nwt·ting will be held at 1:30. At 2 o'clock Mrs. Minnie f'hapman, ~uperin tend<·nt of the Woman's Church Federal ion Protf·doratt:>, .will SJlt'ak. 'l'ht· ~·kuior High league will meet Suuday e\'ening at 5 ::10 in the church chapel. ·willard Oshurn will be the lt>adC'r t>f thi~ "E\'ening or Stories". Society. Also, gifts for a local H. Ulll'ich sang the offertory solo. The children deposited their Advent savings family. !lt the foot of a large decorated cross in The entire church Through our continued giving to the chancel and stacked a great pile of World Service we are bringing gifts below the lighted representation of Christmas all the year all around the Nativity. The money contributed by the children was equally divided between the world. four larg·e Episcopal institutions for boys anu girl~ in Chicago. The children's The bulletin last Sunday morning car- g-ifts were sent to Chase house, a social ried the following quotation for the bene- settlement carried on by the Episcopal fit of High School and College students. It indicates some of the returns to be church. secured from a college course. At the Midnight service, the church was Welcome To College Students We welcome with glad hearts the re- crowded to the doors. The choir rendered turn of our college students. They have the choir rendered the Christmas music been sorely missed from church as well ueautifully and a larger number received as from their homes. Their departure the Holy Communion than was ever the has made very difficult the maintenance case in the church. The Christmas offerof an adequate organization for young ing of the people also exceeded that of people of colle~e age. Howewr, our loss ot11er years. Is their gain. We hope that during their absence they have found that college has fulfilled its offer as expre:s:sed in the words of President Hyde: "To be at home in all lands and all ages; tQ count nature a familiar acquaintance and art an intimate friend ; to gain The Sunday after Christmas a standard for the appreciation of other ~J :-15 a. m. . . . ........ . .. . . Sunday school men's work and the criticism of one's Joseph Johnson, superintendent own; to carry the keys of the world's 11 a. m. . . . ... . ... . .. : . . Morning worship library in one's pocket, and feel its re- . Sermon: "Preparedness." :~ources behind one in whateYer task he undertakes ; to make hosts of friends among Our CJui:::;tmas has been a most joyful the men of one's own age who are to be or:e. 'l~he Christmas spirit, i. e. the Spirit leaders in all walks of life; to lose one's of Chnst, has been evident. In spite of self in generous enthusiasms and cooper- illness, our services have been very well ate with others for common ends; to learn attended. Several new members have manners from students who are g ntle- been added to our number. Others are meri, and form character under professors planning upon uniting with our church who are Christians--these are the I eturns 111 the very near future. We praise Him of a college for the best four years of who is the author and finisht:r of our one's life." faith. Cards, flowers, gifts, and money have been given to the pastor and his The Scout troops will resume their r eg- family. They are very grateful for the ular activities next week and will meet good will or their people. as follows: Girl Scouts 'l'r·oop J-l\Jonday evening Next ~unday we will have a congr gaat 7:15. tlonal ltwding immediately after thl· Girl Scouts Troop IV.- Tue!>day after- morning serYice. In order to begin our noon at 3 :45. church building in the near future, it is Girl Scouts Troop 11.-Wcdne:sday after- necessary to know what the Board ol noon at 3 :45. Ameri(;an .l\1 is~ ions is g·oing to do for Ul:>. Boy Scouts Troop III.-Tue::;day even- We must ::;end them our requirements ing. and they must be decided next Sunday Junior Boy Scouts-Thursday evening. morning. Every voting member should be pre:sent in order to help us to decide those requirements. Wilmette Eng. Luth. Church St. John's Lutheran Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette Herman W. Meyer, M. A. pastor 406 Prairie avenue, Tele,Phone 1396. Church telephone 3111. Sunday after Christmas Sunday school and Bible classes 9 :45 A. l\1. First service and sermon 11 :00 A. M. Second service and sermon ::3ermon: All for the Sake of Jesus Christ New Year's Eve, December 31 at 7 :15 P. :M. Confessional service for com· municants 7 :-lu P. }{. Regular service and Holy Communion Sermon : The Christian's Striving for Higher Aims Ne\o\' Year's Day, January 1 at !J :15 A. l\1. Confessional service for communicants !J :45. A. M. Regular service and Holy Communion Sermon: The Name Above Every Name: Jesus !J :30 A. l\L Services l ~ St. Augustine's Church Sunday, December 30, will be the first Sunday after Christmas. There will be Holy Communion at 8 A. M., Church schools and Bible classes at 9 :45 and Morning Prayer with address at 11 o'clock. January 1 is the Festival of the Circumcision of our Lord. There will be Holy Communion at 8 a. m. Last Sunday morning the Bishop of the Diocese of Chicago visited St. Augustine's to administer the rite of Confirmation to a large class which has bt· n in preparn tion for some tim<~ . Dy tlw admission of this class St. Augustine's in~rc:ased its Communicant membership about 01ae-fifth. It is a much larg-l·r class thnn has ewr ueen cot~ftr·mNl at St. Augustine's ~ince the txnish b<'gan and is ex<'.eeded by only one or two of the large!'t city Churches in the diocese. The following were confirmed: George William Ab<'gg, Albert .James Louis Abegg, William Sali:sbury Akely, Elizabeth Mary Balhatchet, Mary Ellen Boozer, Janet Alfor·d Brown, Ln.urence Clark Buckmaster, .Tames Wesley Burdette, Phyllis Carleton, Katherine Sarah Clark, Ray Pearce Dunn, Bessie Stewart Edge, Jane Brabant Engel, Richard Perry Graham Helen Winifred Green, Agnes Marie Green, Charlotte ]~Iizabeth Harvey, Virginia Hawley, John Nelson Hellmuth , Stephen Arthur Theodore Hellmuth, Edwin Irving Horn, Charles Day Hubbard, Rosa Louise Humphreys, Virginia Carl Jenkins, Elizabeth Schaub Jenkins, John Jordan, Ellen Mm;garet Jordan, Mary Evelyn Lauer, Enninie C. Lewis, Mary Marjorie Mt'aker, Ralph Meaker, Ralph Meaker, Jr., Karl Eely Edwards Charles Samuel Midelburg, Virginia Mary Moyer. Roger Rowen Palenske, Elizabeth .Jane Palenske, Jean Ragsdale, ·walter Henry Robinson, Alice Jeau Ross;;, Mary Gardner Ross, Ruth Constance Seymour, HPnry Specht, Robert :Specht, Amy Ger:\ldine Sprague, Crnlg Stoddarrl, Marr·us Wallace Stoddard, William Henry Stover, Regina Swirles, Mary Jeanne Tansill, Doris Helen Tansill, Ma.ry Jane French Elizabeth Florence Turck, Alma Williams, Betty Kathleen Wilson, Dorothy Winifred Bersch, George William Bersch. Sunday, January 6, is also an importa.nt day i~ the history of our congregatiOn. It will mark the Sixth Anniversary of .the dedication of our present .chapel. 'Ihts has for its special feature the first yisit to our church of the new Synodical Pa~t01:, the Rev. K. E. Irvin, D.D. Dr. ~rvm I::; a comparatively young man. He Is a. splendid speaker and always worth hearmg. He will have an inspiring message for us. Friday, January 4 at 4: Classes for children Thursday, January 3 at 2 P. M.: Ladies' Aid and Missionary Thur::;day, January 3: at 7:45 ,P. M.: Senior Young People Friday, January 4: at 7 :45: Junior Young People. A 11 children of the Sunday school and all the members of the staff are re- A w·ry importaut husine~s s<'ssJon will 1·e h ld Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. This will he tlw F'ir:-;t Quarterly conferE--nce over which th~ district RuperlntendtAnt, Dr. J. Hastie Odgers, will preside. The program for the ensuing year will be presented and carefully considered. This Is an open session to which any member of the church or congregation is welcome to attend. The pastor will announce at that meeting a ~I> cial series or mid-week ~ervices to follow on the six successive Wednesday nights. The Cook Book Issued by the Woman's Exchange is m etlng with very great favor, and copies are being sold rapidly. The Items llsted below Indicate In part the rauge of our Chri!'itmas ob!'ervance. The Church School in all departments A cash offering to Lake Bluff or-. phanage. Entertainment of the boys and girls on Christmas Day. The ~oung Woman's Missionary Society Dolls for the girls and a cash offering of twl'nty-nve dollars for the boys at Marcy Center. Queen Esther-Standard Bearers . Suitable gifts to the girls at Olive Hill Institute. The Woman's Foreign Missionary Soelety Glft to speed out-going missionaries on their way. The Woman'b Home Missionary Soelety Kimona.a for the girls In Epworth School. The Girl Scouts A procram, party, and pfbl for each child In the Evanston Branch of tbe IlUnote Chnctreo'e Home and Aid quested to be at . the Sunday school service Sunday morning, December 30 at Wednesday ev~ning, January 9, is the v ::w. We hope that all parents of Sunday date of our Annual Congregational meet- :-;chool children and all the members of ing. At this time we will have reports the teaching staff will bear this In mind. !!·om every organization in the church. There have never been more beautiful I he pa~tor'B r ' I>Ort for the year past will all:>o be read. Three councilmen are to and impressive services at St. John's than <luring the past week. Nor has the atbe elected at this meet. '!'hey will be in:-;talled at the following Sunday ::;ervice. t ... ndance ever been as great at the chlldIt was. a~ our la::;t annual mel'ting that n'n's servil-e on Chrh;tmas eve and at the the bmldmg of a new church became l 'hristmas morning st·rvi_ces. more than :in idea. It is safe to surmise that the new church building will receive There will be two communion services considerahlt· attention at this annual during· the <:oming weE·k. The first will meeting, Every member is urged to at- lw held on New Year's eve, December 31, tend. t lH' preparatory service for communicants beginning at 7 :15 and the regular service A New Year's resolution i!-> a ::;plendid al 7 :45 o'clock. The second wUl be held thing- if kept. This is especially true on New Year's Day, with the confessional when the resolution has reference to a ~ervice beginning at 9 :15 and the regualr deeper spiritual life. If you are one of ~~.,rvice at 9 :45 o'clock. It will be a last th?se who make New Year's re~olutions opportunity in the old year to receive m1ght we sugg·est a few from which to the Sacrament and also a fine beginning choose? for the New Year. . . . Those who wish to receive the Sacrament at either of these UESOLVED ~ervices will announce this to the pastor THAT IN 1!)29 : on Saturday next at the parsonage or on I will giYP more care to the needs of Sunday morning in the sacristy of the my soul. church. I will give God a chance to use me In His work The pastor of St. John's hereby wishes I will attend the services of worship to acknowledge with profound thanks the more regularly. kind gTeetings of the members of his I will endeavor to become a steward church. which came to him, together with of God, as to my time, . talents, and pos- a grft m the·. form of a substantial check. sessions. , I will become an ACTIV~ MEMBER And now as we write our last message of some church . for publication in the closing year we I will read ;,. portion of God's Word extend to the community in which we live every day. a cordial greeting. May the Lord bless "And now I commend you to God and our going out and our coming ln. St. to the word of his grace, which is' able John's is here to serve you and your to build you up, and to give you the in- children by preaching and teaching the h ritn.nce among all them that are sanc- me~sage of Him Whose name God has tified." Acts 20:32. written on the portals of tJte New Year: JESUS. V ere ·.V. Loper-Minister Christmas was obset'Ved with great Kenilworth avenue and Warwick road, . William E. McCormack joyfulness at St. Augu!-;tine's. The cele-Kenilworth Minister of Education bration .began with the Children's Dr. Herbert L. Willett, minister :Manger ser\'ice at 4 p. m. Christmas Eve, when the church was filled with children Sunday morning, December 30, at u · On Sunday the Church school meets and theiJ· friends. The Girls' Vested o'clock, Dr. Willett's subject will be, "The i'1 th e following departments: 9:30 ·a. m.Primn.ry, Junior and Intermediate departchoir, the Primary department and the Making of the Past." ments; 10 :4fl a. m.-Cradle Roll and Beboys and girls of the Church sch"lols sang Christmas carols and anthems. \Irs. A. ( Continued on page 12) Sunday school at 9 :45. Classes for all, Kenilworth Union Church Glongregational Church

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