Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Dec 1928, p. 40

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WILMETTE LIFE' . December 21, l928 Sparts and Other Wilmette Recreation Board News Aero Club Makes Receive Entries · J'l Rapid -Progress on With the Athletic Leagues for Annual Ice Plane Building Carnival E v e n t s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ed Braun, 1708 Washington . avenue, winner of the North Shore Championship One Mile Open race in the Wilmette annual Ice Carnival, will defend his title in the meet January 5 at the Village Green rink. Braun was the first to register at the Wilmette Playground and Recreation board office. Plans are .being made to accom . . modate more than 400 skaters in the . meet and events are being held for all ages. There will be two open events in this year's carnival, whereas, last year only the mile championship race was open to other than Wilmette residents. Fancy skating is the other event to be open to all north shore residents. Prelim.inarY ennts will be run off in th e morni~1g, most of them for boys under 16 years of age. These morning . e\'ents ~- ill facilitate the handling of the .contestants in the afternoon events which are to be run from 2 o'clock to 4 :30 o'clock. The program oi event s for both the preliminaries and final e\·ents will be: 10 = 1 n. m.-100 P rellminarles: ~·ard dash. Boys under 12 years of agt'. 10:1 5 a. m .-.:!20 vard dash. Boys under 14 :n~ar::; of ng-;, 10:30 a. m.- :!20 yard da:-h. Boys under 16 :·ea r s of ag-e. 10 :-15 a. m. - HO yard dash. Boys un~ er 1-1 years of agt' . . 11 a. m. - 100 yard dash. Buy.· unde1· 10 years of ag·e. 11 :15 n. m. - 100 yard dash. Ciil'!.· und r 10 Yt·ars of agt.· . Baptist Presbyterian Ridge Electric \Vilmette J ce 3 St. Joseph 3 Howard P. T. A. 2 Baptist (15, 15) P. T. A. (8, 9) American Legion 1 Fran!< Guthridge Martin Lynch English Lutheran 2 Earl McDow Raymond Hobinson Methodist 2 Arthur Youngberg John Baughman Wilmette Sho' 1 \Valte r H ~ws Tom Dicl~ens (~t'OI'g"t· '\\" illiam ~ .JPsse Walworth 1lnsk{·tball Alfred Struebing D. C. ~ton<', rde r ee \Yon Tennin:1l A. <'. ii Presbyterian · I 4 BA SKE'l'BALL 4 Wilmette I ce (23) Tt' l'minal A. C. (26) K. of C. H 4 '\V. Uttenreuther H. F. Eugene Haidt State Bani\ ... H('l't Anderson L. F. ·w illiam Johnso n K. of C. 1 3 .James H offm an C. Harry Sierens Methodist :~ \"ictor Deinlein 1~. c:. Erwin Brammer Wilmt~ tte Shoe 2 l<~d Phillips L ·. G. Harold Johnson I. 0. 0. F. St. J oseph 1 Presbyterian II 0 'Vilmette I ce 0 Statt- Bank (:!:!) Presbyterian I (2!)) t' . Schaefer R. F. ],alph Whitst>tt Ballard Hol)ins<tn L. F. Fred Qun~·Je Lawrence Roth < '. Robert Hill llolwrt Smith H. G. 'l'ed Stone Jnck Cullen L . G. Charles Lauer Frank Arnold Frank Reynolds Harloff, referee ,) VOLLEYBALL Only two games were played 'in volleyball last week and, since n e ithe r of them involved contenders. for leag ue championship, the status of the three leading teams -Baptist, Presbyterians, and Ridge Electric-remains unchanged. Results of the two games were : · St. Joseph Methodist (15, 11, 14) (13, 15, 15)) Joe Hoffman Lowell Todd Victor Deinlein Le~lie Matson Ed PhillipR Walter Lindblad I e t er Wagner Frank Getman Harold Schlueter . Tom West. Hay Hoffman G. W. Gathercoal, r efer ee l TEA~I STANDINGS Indo~r Ridge Electric St. Joseph Printing Studio Wilmette Shoe Wilmette Ice Won 4 4 3 1 Lost 0 1 2 4 5 0 VnJleybaH Won 6 6 G Per Cent 1000 800 600 200 000 Per ent Lost 1 1 1 2 857 857 857 600 428 285 200 4 5 4 4 5 333 285 5 166 Per Cen t 1000 LoRt 0 1 1 2 800 800 666 fiOO 2 2 2 tJ tJ ') 600 600 400 250 5 5 " 000 000 Women, s Basketball .-\iternoou F.nuts 2 p. m.- 100 yard dash. Boys unllL·r 10 ;\'t>a1·s of age. 2:10 p. m.-100 y:\l'cl da:-h . <_;iris UlHl~'r 10 y ·a r s of age. !? :20 p . lll. - 100 yanl dnsh. Do~·s \llHl\'1' 1:.! yen rs of age. !? :30 p. m.-100 yard dash. Girls 12 years of age and under. 2 :3;:> p . m . -220 y:ud dash . Girls 14 years and under. 2 >15 p . m.-220 yard cla s h. Boys under 14 yP:us of age. !? :55 p . m -SRO yard da s h. Boys under 16 year.· of age. :: :05 p. m. - 440 yard da~h. Boys under 18 years of age. :::: 15 p. m.- HO yard dash. Girls 15 years and oYer. ::: :25 p. m.-l)n e mile>. Xorth Shore Championship. 0})('n. :\fen only. 3 :tO p. m. - HO yard da s h. Buys und er 14 years of age. 3:50 p . m .-:2~0 · yard dash. Boys under 16 y ea r:- of agP. 4 p. m. - Two mile. Boys lG yL·ars and over. 4 :10 p . m. - Fancy sl\ating. Open. \Vilm ette Shot· l'rl'sbyterian l i (16) (25) Thorsen Hund Bob Wolff R.V Bud Wilson L. F. F. Tabernade l'. Joh11 Campbe ll C. Colegro\'v Earl Lt·:--:lie n. G. !lex Johnson Ueoq.~·e '\\"a idlll'l' U. :\l ergen thaler L.P. Kit Karstens, referee A sih·er cup \\·ill be awarded the winJH:r of the One ~file Xorth Shore Championship. and medals will be awarded the second and third place winner s. Gold, silver, · and bronze medals will be gi,·en 'in all other events. Regi st ration must be made before January 3 at J o'clock either at the Playground and l{ecreation board office, telephone \\'ilinette 468, at the oflice - of \\.11 . .\lt:T'n·: Lin: or with any of the in . tructor s or attendants at the t\\'o ice skating ponds located at the \ "ilJage Green. and at Golf course pond at the foot of Greenleaf street. Officials for the meet have not been selected a . yet but will be announced next week. K. of C. II (3-t) K. of l'. f (:!i>) .\larvin Baker Bob Luding H. F. James Phillips L. F . Tom :\lcAnllt· Hoy Leonard Bill McGiveon l'. l~eorge Luding L. U. \\"esley Concidine H. c:. D. Lil:htt.·nbt·l'gl·r Braves (14) Bob Bteffen~; Roughnecks (24) Kit Karstens, referl'e Eleanor Clifford Ethel Keenor <~em·gia Leffingwell Vera Johnson Geraldine W eber St. Joseph (19) .\lma 1\fuehlberg :\lt>thodist \22) Madeline Hicks Peter \Vagn e r llelen Braun l'harle~ Varney H. P. Lorraine ·w eber Victor Deinlein Kathleen Kalnw~ Fred Waidner L. F. Rita \Veber H.a.y Hoffman Flm>si e Clifford ~tanley Culver L. Ed Phillip!:; Ethel Hosberg Fred Lundb erg· H. G. Skaer. r eferee Jam es J loff'man l{obe l't \Ve iland L. G. t 'ha.rh's Lundberg L. G. Harloff, refere' Rinl<y Dinl"s (30) Ponies (28) _ Pahlyma Lee Burpee Vernette Lewis Elsie Paterson Georgia Leffing\\'ell Ethel Keenor E\·a Berndtson Florence Frykman Alma Muehlberg Betty McCann Marjory Thorse n Elinor Craig Alice '\Valton · Simer, referee \\'ith the defeat of the Ponies last evening by the Rinky Dinks, the Hor sefeathcr team, last year's champions, are left in the lead in the \\'oman's Basketball league. However, th cv arc still to meet the Ponie·s and since the two teams are evenly matched there is still a chance that the first round \Yill end in a thr ee cornered tic for leading place. The Rinky Dink team has been previously defeated by the Horscfeathcr team. Results of this week's game arc: ~[onday Members of the Wilmette Aero club expect to have ~~eir fir.st model pla.nes ready for exhibttwn flymg by the ttme the club resumes its meetings following · the Christmas holidays, which will be on ] a'nuary 10. Soine of the planes were ~nished last evening at the weekly meetmg held at Central school manual training room. The remaining members who did not get their planes finished will have !he craft completed by the next meetmg when the entire class will begin the next work on the next plane, which will be a more complicated one than the glider Baby R. 0. G. plane just finished. \Vhilc the charter members of the group ,,·ill start on the second plane, ~ new clas s for beginners will start the Baby R. 0. G., Glen 'vV. Gathercoal, recreation staff assistant in charge of the club, announces. The new group will have a special hour for instruction bv Kenneth Brubaker, \Yho also instructs the advanced class, apart from the hour aJloted the older members. No boy is allowed to start the second plane who has not complet.ed work on his fir st model and the fin1shed model passes suc~essfully a difficult flying test given by 1fr. Brubaker and Mr. Gathercoal. A new phase of the test was added thi s week, namely, that model plane must be able to "loop the loop" and start from a quiescent position. gain and maintain an altitude of twenty feet or mare . ( i: f " r National Play Association Makes Award for Playgroun . r Omit Supervised Play Activities . During Holidays "Flu. " E P· .d . Cr1pp · Ies . emtc Recreation Board Staff The taff of the \Vilmette Playground and Recreation board has been badly crippled by the influenza epidemic during th e last week. Glen W. "Happ" Gathercoal, instructor at Howard sch?ol and in charge of Village Green mtramural activities, is the latest victim. ~frs. Gertrude Franckbo~e: .. instructor of girls' gymnastic actJvJtJes at Howard, has been ill with influenza for the past two weeks. Gymnasium classes, basketball, indoor baseball, volleyball, or other activitie s of the Playground and Rccreatitm hoard will not meet during the Christmas holidays from Thursday, December 20, to january 7, Daniel M. Da,·is, director of recreation, announces. The Friday evening swimming class ior women, which meets at 6 o'clock at t'hc So\·ereign hotel, will be the only activit\' not inclmlcd in the above statement. · This class will meet on Fridays during the holiday period. The swilnming class for women on Wednesday morning at the Evanston Y. M. C. A., will not meet bt.:tween the two dates mentioned. Skating ponds will be available e\·cry day that is cold enough to freeze the ice but this activity does not necessitate an instructor in charge nor definite hours for instruction. The ponds will be open from 9:30 o'clock in the morning ur!.,til 9:30 o'clock in thr evening durin!! the holidays. IIorsefeathers (24) Wild· ats (16) Gertrude Koerper l\'larce lla Kummer B e tty Ryerson Marjori e Miller Blanche K eil Gladys F ehlen B~ ty McCa11n Elizabeth N lson Madelin e Hicks Ruby Muther Margaret McCann Alma Jones. Skaer, refe ree Team Standings Horsefeathers Ponies Rinky Dinl\S O'Kays H.oughnecks Braves Flnppers Wildcats Won 6 5 5 3 Lost 0 1 Per Cent 1000 One of the fi rs t checks for $2,000 in the se ries of a\\~ ards by the Harmon Foundation o{ XC\v York city to real estate companies for donating play .. grounds was receiYed this ·w eek by Carl 0. Johnson and company, Inc., of Rockford, Ill. This company ha s gi \·e n a play site of six and four-tenth acres in its 157 · acre Rolling Green sub-division to the Rockford Park district. The award \\'as made through the Playground and Recreation Association of America, which announce3 that the Foundation has se t aside $40,000 for similar grants. Five other companies. four of which are in the middle west, have also received awards. TheY- are: Gartrell Realty company, Ashland, Ky.; the Ralph B. Bradford company, Gary, Ind.; Will County Realty company, Joliet. Ill.; Estates Realty company, Lorain, 0.; and the Boundary Realty company, New York city. The Foundation, whose late president, William E. Harmon, '"as born in Ohio, is seeking through the awards to demonstrate the human and econom ic advantages of play areas tn new subdivisions. 1 3 3 5 5 5 . 833 X33 500 500 000 Utilities Team t~ Give First Aid Demonstration A first aid demonstration by the Service company's First. Aid team is planned for the Howard school soon · after the resumption of classes on January 7. A talk on safety will be given in connection with the demonstration. The demonstration will be presented twice before pupils of tho:! upper and lower grades. , 3 1 1 183 Public 183 0 THREE-DAY HIKE Troov No. 13, Kenilworth Bov Scouts, is planning a three-day hike to ~be taken 5'00n after the Christmas vacation if the we~ther is favorable. PLAN HIKE TODAY Illinois' 1919 crop of winter wheat, The Junior Hikers of Kenilworth totaling 239,200,000 bushels, was the planned to hold the last hike for this most valuabl_ e and the largest ever pro· year today. duced ir. the state.

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