Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Dec 1928, p. 39

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December 21, 1928 December 25, Holy Communion at 8 A. M. and 11 A. M. · WILMETTE LIFE 39 Aid Society in Evanston Saturday, December 22, to put on a little program for t~P. children there and to enj.oy a party Wedl).esda'y . Decem~er 26, Saint With them. Santa Claus will go with Stephen's Day, there wtll be Holy Comscouts who are to m eet at the Linden munion at 8 A. M. On Thursday, Decem- the Avenue "L" station Saturday at 1:15 p. m. ber 27, St. John the Evangelist's day, Holy Communion at 8 A. M., on Friday, 'rhe regular Girl Scout Troop meetings December 28, Holy Innocent's Day, Holy will be omitted during the week beCommunion at 8 A. M. · tween Christmas and New Year'R. Instead, there will be a hike for all three At the Chlldren's Manger Ren-ice on troops on Friday of next week. Th e Christmas Eve, at 4 P. M., the boys and Scouts will meet at the church at t en girls of the Church school!"l will place at )'<'lock Friday morning. the foot of the great Cross in the Chancel, the money they have b een saving durTh(' Girl Scouts will s ing carols Saturing Advent for four Church in s titutions day eYening of this we ek as they \Valk for children in Chicago. Each child is :1.rouncl in parts of the Yillage. Th ey also asked to bring a wrapped up present will meet at the Methodist ch urch· at 7 :30. for a boy or girl, and place it in tht> Manger below the Pulpit whe re there will A Ch ri s tma s "Scout 's Own" will be held be during Christmas week a r epresf·nt;l- ~unday afternoon from four to five in tive of the Nativity. These presents will th t- hi~·h sc·hool room of this churc h. This be forward ed immediately to Chase wlll bf' a program of ChriRtmas song·R, House, a Church Soc·ial Settlement in <.:tn ri es, and poetry in whi ch so me of the Chicago. Therf' will he seats for adults Scouts will take part. All Git·l ~couts, in the rear ·of the church. .w ti\·" or inactiYe, who wi~h to attend 11'~' cord ially inYited. Th e Midnight senice beginning f'hrh;tmas EYe at 11 :30 P. l\L will bP a full TO GIVE LUNCHEON Festival service with s p cia! Christmas ~[i ss Christine Baumann, 279 Linden music. There will h a fiYe minute address at this sen·ice. The two serYif'es avenue. Winnetka, is giving a bridge of Holy Communion on Christmas Day luncheon at the Vista del Lago Decem · will be plain sen·ice~ without musk. her 26, in honor of ~fr .5. Samuel Hill Rt. Rev. Charles P. Anderson, D. D., of East Orange. K. ] .. '"ho will visit Bishop of f'hicago, will admini~ter· the her parents, Mr. and 1f rs . Thoma s ~acred rite of Confirmation n ex t Sunday morning, December 23, at the 11 A. M. Lothrop of Glencoe for the Chri.;tmail serYice to a cla~s of about sixty, which holidays. has been in preparation for some tim e. This is a much larg-e r f'onfin11atinn clas~ Mr. and 1frs. Albert B. Tucker. 1214 than has P\'er bee n pt·epared since St. Augustine's Rtnrtecl, and will mean an ad- Lake aYenue, are receiving congratulauition of about one-sixth to th e Com- tions upon the birth of a second son. municant membership of the parish. Robert James . Bobby was born TuesAt the 11 /1.. -:\f. sen·ice last Sunday morning th f' r ec tor ga\'e . an addreRs on Baptism ancl admitted the following hy Baptism to Church m e mbe rship: :\fr. R. H. Meaker. Mr. Ralph Mea k e r, Mr. Karl E. Edwards. Miss Janet Brown. Miss H e len Green, Virginia Green, Arthur Green, Eleanor Ricks, ·walter Robinson, Bruce Meaker, Marjorie Meak r, Louise Schreiber, Barbara Ro~~. Robe rt Kt>ith M<'Lain, and Russell \Vest Stineman. Hubbard Woods Home 7 -room brick-4 bedrooms, l bath, 2 enclosed porches, vapor heat-oil burner, 2-car garage. Make offer under $20,000. day evening at the Evanston hospital and weighed eight pound s. fifteen ounces. Earl Poronto, son of Mr. and Mr~. H. E. Poronto. 901 Elm\\'ood avem1e. will return tomorrow from \Villiam" college for the Christmas holidays. -o- Murray & Terry Realtors 40 N. Dearborn St., Chicago Phone Central 4625 -a- The \Vilmette Methodist church offers a r imilar prayer this Christmas seaHon. Tt gathers into its pmyers and petitionR all human hearts everywhere, espe<' ially those Jf this community. The sen·ice Sunday morning . eentPrs around the Chri~tmas message. The theme of the sermon will be "A Little Child Shall Lead Them." The choir will sing "As Blooms the Rose" by Mathews and "Christmas Bells" by Stevenson. Mr. Lutton will sing "Koel" by GrantSchaefer. 'J'he rhurch has already been decoratPd with Christmas trees and other suitable features. This work was done by Mr. and Mrs. E . G. Bentley. This church co-operates with the Sunday Evening club which m eets at the Congregational chur<'h at 7:30. Dr. Herbert L. \Villett is to be the speaker this Sunday evening. Christmas musie will be sung. The mid-week meeting next Wednesday night will be omitted because ·or the pressure of holiday acti \'ities. A new series Is being prepared to begin immediately after New Year's. This series will involve lt careful reading of the First and Second Corinthians, as well as a brier study of certain poetry. Each night one theme in the fi e ld of Religious Education will be considered. Elizabeth Balhatchet of 725 Tenth street spent la st \\'eekend at Ferr~1 "God bles~ us. eY ryone"-so prayed hall. Lake Forest. a.; the guest of VirTiny Tim in Dickens' " hristmas Carol." ginia Buck. Methodist Church 'rhe Woman's Exchange will be open only during the afte rnoon from ChriRtmas Day to New Year's. The long awaited cook book of the Exchange is now off the press and is for sale at the Exchange. Copies may be ordered by telephoning Wilmette 2S!ll. Constant words of appreciation come to the pastor and Building committee uoncerning the appearance of the new building. It has now advanced far enough to give some intimation of its commanding beauty. The Girl Scout Troops 2 and 4 arc going to the Illinois Children's Home and SlhJ MONEY Have funds to loan on choice improved North Shore Suburban resIdence property at 5~% interest. See us on renewals. E. G. Pauling &: Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. Franklin 7740

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