Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 Dec 1928, p. 28

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28 WILMETTE LIFE December 21, 1928 Christma$ Holidays Bring Busy Whirl for Younger Set Mrs. R. Poole Re-Elected Holiday Affairs Ravinia Opera Club Head ·for Young Folk T.he officers and committee mem bcrs Make Long List of the Ravinia Opera club were enterBY JEAN TEN BROECK EcoNoMY s~oP Impetuously, with their luggage piling high in railway baggage rooms, they are coming home from schools and colleges, these boys and girls, youn~ men and young women, of the north shore, for a season that is theirs. For them it is a time of happiness, for many older ones it brings it3 happiness, its memories, its sadness. These older ones wiJJ have their holidav pleasures, but as we cull our items ~f the comings and goings, and the diversions of north shore residents, we find that the young people sweep ~o the center of the stage to hold it almost in monopoly rluring the holiday period. For them we turn this column into a calendar todar to give an resume, a record of th(· affairs for the end of this week and next that wiJJ ~o occupv the you.n ger set that for many families the gay vacation time will mean only flitting glimpses of son3 and daughters. Some of these affairs have been chronicled earlier, others are new, but they are: Fridav. December 21-Mr. and Mrs. C. Ives. \Valda of Winnetka, are entertaining the members of the senior class of the North Shore Country Dcty school at dinner in honor of their son, Ives, Jr. Their guests later attend the dance given by Peggy Glidden and Louise Ruffner of Highland Park. Muriel Wilson, Catherine Taft, Mary Forrest, Sarah Page, Eloise Kramer, Maurine Jones, Celeste Jones, J osephine Farley, Patricia Goodhue, and Virginia Taylbr are hostesses at a dance at the Edgewater Beach hotel. December 22- Dorcas Branson will g-ive a luncheon at her home in Wilmette. In the evening, at the Eva~1ston Country club, Ralph \Varble, Donald M. French, Joseph Tuerck, Logan Bagly. William Bennett. Robert Gcrtel, Arthur Johnston, Charles Smith, Richard Fuller, and Robert Gonsalves will be hosts at a dance which \\'ill be preceded by a dinner given by Mr. \Varble, Mr. French, and Mr. Tuerck at the Georgian hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Scott and M r:;. Lansing B. \Varner are giving a dance at Indian Hill club that evening for their sons, Edward Scott and Bradford Tobey. December 23-Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Lackner will introduce their daughter, Louise. to society at a luncheon at Indian Hilt club. December 24-Virginia Lamson, Lucv J acohs. and \Velthvan Harmon, will be co-hostesses at luncheon at Indian Hill for the sub debs. December 25-Louise Fentress will make her debut at a tea given by her parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Fentre-;s, at their home in Winnetka; December 26-Mr. and Mrs. Francis Butler of Winnetka are giving a dinner for their· sons, Hermon and Francis. before the dance the Francis Norths of Highland Park are giving for th~ir on. Francis, Jr. Ten girls will be hostesses at a dance at the Evanston club that evening. Thev are Faith Burge, Martha Etzhack. Elizabeth Kcllev. Marv Louise Cotton. Alice Feakins.' Mable. Throckmorton. Ruth \Vatts, Elizaheth \Veher. Marv McDonald. and Ruth Shepherd. December 27~~1 rs . Hermon Butler of Winnetka is giving a small skating party and luncheon for her two grandson3, Hermon and Claude Reck In the evening Edna, Mary Janr. and \Vinifred Seng of \Vilmette are ~iving a dinner dance at the Lake Shore Athletic club. Mr. and Mrs. a \Ve are in need of toys and Christmas decorations. Every day we · have people coming to th-e .s hop tained Monday of last week by Mrs. asking for toys, toys, toys, and we Leverett Thompson of Lake Forest, have none to sell. Please look over vice-president of the club, at an after- your last year's toys and see if you noon tea at Onwentsia club. can find one or two you can spare. vVe need men's, women's and chilMrs. George E. Parker of vVinnetka, presided at a short business meeting dren's clothing as well as furniture and dishes. during which a discussion of future activities took place. If not convenient for you to bring The nominating committee report ed, · them we will call for them. Just announcing that Mrs. Ralph Poole of telephone Wilmette 1544. Mrs. Jesse Lake Forest, who is at pre sent in Eu- · B. Denman, chairman. , rope convalescing after a severe illnes s, will act again as president with pracThe Economy Shop is maintained tically the same group of officers th3t bv the Philartthropy department of served the past year. tl;e Woman's club of Wilmette. Among those present were Miss Isa Its proceeds go to charity and welbel Cline of Kenilworth, Mrs. Le . t r r fare enterprises. Mee of Wilmett~, Mrs. Edward Baumann, Mrs. Robert Ripley, Mrs. Theodore Coyne, Mrs. Roland Whitman, Mrs. Everett Harris of Winnetka, Mrs. Junior League Announces J, \Villiams Macy of Hubbard \Vood~. Cast for uTreasure Island" and Mrs. George Orr of Glencoe. Junior League girls are now rehearsing daily, morning and afternoon, Chicago Wellesley Club for, "Treasure Island," which they will Will Give Xmas Program present the morning of January 5. at the Harris theater. Edith de Nancrede, The spirit of a Wellesley Christmas who directed "Racketty Packetty party is to prevail at the meeting of House ," is also directing the new play. the Chicago Wellesley club Saturday, The role of Jim is being played by December 29, at 2:30 o'clock, at the ~1 rs. ] ohn R. \Vinterbotham, Jr. Mrs. Fortnightly, 120 Bellevue place, Chi-. Hawkins is acted by Mrs. ] ohn How1 cago. lands; Dr. Livesey is Mrs. Charles Following the program, which will I~ vans; Squire Trel~nvney, Katherine consist of ,a lecture recital, "Antiques :\dams; . and Captain Smollett, Mrs . J. of American Song," given by Oli\·e V\' aller 1\larshaJJ, who played in Nevin White, and the singing oi "Racketty Packetty House." Christmas carols, tea will be served. 1ean Adams has the part of the Members may bring guests. pirate, Black Dog; and Mrs. Norman ~f acLeish plays Bill Bones. The Gives Christmas Bridge characterization of Captain Long John Monday afternoon was the occasion Silver was given to ~Irs. George Hasof the Christmas fund bridge given by kell. The rest of the cast consists of: Pew, the Wilmette Junior auxiliary of the I ~fant Welfare society for its members, Marian McKinley; ~forgan, Gertrude the Senior board, and those on th~ Lucey; Hands, Mrs. Herman Dunlap Smith; Merry. Jean Logan; Ander\\'aiting list for membership. Owing to illtiess the affair was not son, Frances Oliver: Dirk, Katherine held at the home of Mrs. A. ]. Ruby Thayer; O'Brien. ~Irs. Perkins BuJJ; in Glencoe. but at the residence of Mrs. Arrow, Bertha Alling: Dick. Mrs. J. J. -Johnson, 1100 Michigan avenue. Richard Sandegren: Ben Gun, Mrs. S. K. Platt; Girl, Virginia Skinkle; Arthur Barrett of Winnetka will en- Red Ruth, Mrs. Carl Seibolt; Hunter, Landon : Grey. Dorothy tertain at a dance in their home in Virginia \Vegener; and Allan. Elaine Blackhonor of their son, William. man. At the Evanston Country club· Mary The last performance of "Racketty Elizabeth Townsend, Martha Tencher. Shirley Ross, Gretchen Drever. Packetty House" which was to have Helene Mahan, Mary Elizabeth Parker, been given December 22, has been Virginia French, Marjorie Evers, and postponed because of illness of the Ruth Wenter will he hostesses at a cast and the general holiday rush. dance. Charlotte Picher and Elizabeth Selects Debut Assistants Knode. two of the seasons debutant~s. Miss Virginia Woodland, who is to are entertaining that same evening make her debut at the Fortnightly at a dinner dance at the Blackstone, December 26, has chosen the followand later in the evening Jean Mac- ing girls to be her assistants: The Leish wilJ be guest of honor at a Misses Jeanette Peterkin, Lillian Dudhall given by her father and moth~r. ley, Betty Frey, Jean Stevens, Marion Mr. and Mrs. Bruce MacLeish of Hub- Eckhart, Mattie belle Hubart. Marice bard \Voods in the Red Lacquer room .M urphy, and Virginia Smith. Miss of the Palmer Hoyse. . Smith, who is the roommate of Miss Thursdav will also be the occasion of \Voodland at Smith college, will arrive of the dance Mr. and Mrs. Chester F. from Freeport, December 26, for the Sargent are giving at their home m occasion. \Vinnetka for ·their daughters, Barbara Ann and Peggy. December 28-Marian Flentye and tot nnounced Kathrvn Parshall of Wilmette are An announcement of interest to the ~iving- a luncheon and bridge at the north shore and particularly to Kenil·· Cluh Vista del Lago. worth is made by Mr. and Mrs. A. That afternoon Chloe \¥atson Shreve Badger of Evanston, who this of Winnetka witt g-ive a tea dance and week have disclosed the engagement in the evening Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. of their daughter, Frances, to William Stanton will entertain for their son Dent Reichmann, son of Mr. and Mrs. and daughter, Henr~· and Louise, at a Alexander F. Reichmann of Barringdance at Indian Hill club. ton, Ill. The Reichmanns formerly made December 29-Mr. and Mrs. Arthur their home in Kenilworth. \Y. Cushman and Mr. and Mrs. Roswell B. Mason of \Vinnetka are giving a Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gallagher, now dance for their daughten, Marv Cush · of Glencoe and former residents ·}f man and Annie Mason, at Indian Hilt Wilmette, are entertaining at a family club. party at their home Christmas eve. North Shore Clubs to Stage Holiday Festivity for All North shore clubs come in for their share of· holiday festivity, their affairs arranged to intrigue the interest of old and young. Their holiday appeal is expressed through their Christmas programs which follow : Club Vista del Lago for the fourth week in December discloses that a Christmas dinner wiJJ be served Tuesday, from 12 o'clock noon unt.il 9 in the evening. From 8 in the evening until 10 on Thursday, December 27, a dancing party is planned for juniors and their friends. Saturday afternoon, December 29, children will hold s~ay from 2 :30 until 5, with their mothers permitted a cup of tea during the afternoon. Monday. December 31, is the occasion of the New Year's party. The Kenilworth club has scheduled a children's party for Friday afternoon. December 28, at 2:45 o'clock, which will offer entertainment for the children, embracing a clownjuggler, novelty musical numbers, story telling and tricks and pranks by a celebrated magician. Everyone, "from the little tots. up" is invited. Hostesses for the affair wilJ be Mrs. \vendelt H. Clark. Mrs. Frank W. Ketcham, Mrs. Dewitt S. Stillman, and Mrs. Alfred S. Wiltberger. The young people's dance, upon their own request, has been postpon'ed until after the holidays. The New Year's Eve ball will take place Monday, December 31. Indian Hill club and Skokie Country club also have entertainments down on the social calendar for both adults and childr.e n. Indian Hill will have its annual Christmas carol "sing" with an outdoor party and a tea to follow on Saturday afternoon, December 22, and on New Year's eve, December 31, there is to be a gala supper dance. Skokie has announced a Christmas and winter sports dinner dance for December 22, and a children's party for the afternoon of December 29. Plans Tea for Daughter Mrs. C. D. \Vorthington, 1016 For est avenue. Glencoe, wilJ entertain at a very informal tea and reception for her daughter, Mrs. Alfredo MazzarelJa, December 28. the date of which is also the first \\'edding anniversary of Mrs. ~f azzarel la . Announce Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oscar Olson of Glencoe announce th engagement of their daughter, Carloyn Alma, to Burton Wood Depue, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar B. Depue of 7460 Sheridan road, Chicago. To Give Alumnae Bridge The Ace of Clubs will give a bridge party Decembe r 31, in honor of the alumnae of New Trier at the home of Jean Lindstrom, Sheridan road, Wilmette. About fifty guests are expected to attend. · T hA Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Webber of Cau1ornia, formerly of Wilmette, announce the engagement of th~ir daughter, ~Iizabeth Haynes Webber, to Lloyd L. Fuller of Fullerton, Cal. Plans Dinner Dance The Club Vista del Lago is to be the setting for the dinner dance the Wilmette Junior auxiliary of the Infant \Velfare will give on January 12.

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