December 14, 1928 SPECIAL A.S8E88M:ENT NOTICE WILMETTE determine whether or not the facts stated In said certificate are tnie, and that· said court has fixed Monday, the 31st day of December, A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as the business of the court wlll permit, at the room of said County Court in the County Butlding, in the City of Chicago, In said Cook County, as the time and place for the hearing on said application. All persons desiring may file objections in said Court before. said day and may ap· pear on the hearing and make their deDated, December lOth, 1928. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C. MILES McDONALD HANS VON REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. . L12-2tc SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE ~~~ ' LIFE' Building, In the ·cuy of Chlcaao, Jn 4 Cook County, as the time and place for the hearing on said application. All persons desiring. may file objections In saJd .Court before ~d dar and may ap. pear on the hearing and make thelr de·fense. · Dated, December lOtb, 1928. EARL E. ORNER . ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL . PAUL A. HOFFMAN C. MILES McDONALD HANS VON REINSPERG GORDON ~LSON Board of Local Improvements of the V11lage of Wilmette. L12-2tc SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Wllaette Speelal Asse&8ment No. 111 ' IN THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMlnNT of the Vlllage of Wilmette tor · the improvement of the ' first alley north of Maple Avenue from Fourteenth Street to a line two hundred and fortysix feet west of Fourteenth Street and the central eighteen feet of that part of said alley lying between said line two hundred a~~ sixty-four feet west of Fourteenth Street and the east line of Fifteenth Street by grading and paving with concrete and otherwise improving same. Special Assessment No. 231 in the County Court of Cook County, IlJlnols. NOTICE Is hereby given to all persons interested that the Board of Local Improvements of said Vfllage, has heretofore filed in said Court, in said cause a certificate showing the cost of the im~ provement, and the amount reserved for interest, leaving no excess to be abated in said assessment, and also that said Improvement 'has been completed In substantial conformity to the requirements of the original ordinance therefor, and has applied to said court to consider and determine whether or not the facts stated In said certificate are true, and that said court has fixed Monday. the 31st day of December, A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will permit, at the room of said County Court in the County Bullding, In the City of Chicago, in said Cook County, as the time and place fnr the hearing .on said application. All persons deslrmg may file objections in said Court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Dated, December 10th, 1928. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZET... ALBERT L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C. MILES McDONALD HANS VON REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. L12-2t,. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE - Wilmette Speelal Assessment No, !36 IN THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT of the Village of Wilmette for the improvement of the first alley west of Eighth Street from the south curb line of Lake Avenue to the north line of Central A venue by grading and paving with concrete and otherwise improving same. · Special Assessment No. 235 in the County Court of Cook County, Illinois. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested that the Board of Local Improvements of said Village, has heretofore filed In said Court, in said cause, a certificate showing the cost of the improvement, and the amount reserved for interest, leaving no excess ·to be abated in said assessment, and also that said improvement has been completed in substantial conformity to the requirements of the original ordinance therefor, and has applied to said court to consider and determine whether or not the facts stated in said certificate are true, and that said court has fixed Monday, the 31st day of December, A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will permit, at the room of said County Court in the County Building, in the City of Chicago, in · said Cook County, as the ti~e and place for the hearing on said application. All perf!ons desiring may file objections in said Court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Dated, December lOth, 1928. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C. MILES McDONALD HANS VON REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. L12-2tc SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE for ~he lmprovement of ·Sixteenth ·street from the north line of Lake A venue to the south line of Ashland Avenue, etc. also Glendening Road from the pavement to be la.ld In Greenwood A venue to the north limits of the Village of wnmette, and Ashland A venue from the pavement provided to be laid ln Glendening Road to the southwest line of Main Street by grading and paving with con.: crete and otherwise Improving same. Special Assessm~nt No. 226 in the County Court of Cook County, Illinois. NOTIC]i: Is her~by given to all persons Interested that the Board of Local Improvements of said Village, has heretofm:e filed In · said Court, In said cause, a certificate showing the cost of the improvement, and the amount reserved for interest, leaving no excess to be abated In said assessment, and also that said Improvement has been completed in substantial conformity to the requirements of the original ordinance therefor~ and has appliea to said court to consider and determine whether or not the facts stated In said certificate are true, and that salt" court ha~ fixed Monday, the 31st day of December, A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will permit, at the room of said County Court in the County Building, in the City of Chicago, in said Cook County, as the time and place for the hearing on said application. All persons desiring may tlle objections in !'laid Court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Dated, December 10th. 1928. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL PAUl.. A. HOFFMAN C. 'MILES MeDON ALD HANS VON REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. L12-2tc SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Wilmette Speelal Assessment No. lt8 IN THE MATTER . OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT of the VIllage of Wllmette for the improvement of the first alley north of Lake A venue from the west line of Fifteenth Street to the east llne of Sixteenth Street bv grading and pavlnc. with concrete and otherwise Improving same. Special Assessme~t No. 208 in the County Court of Cook Cout1ty, TIUnois. NOTICE is hereby given to all per~ons interested that the Board of Local Imorovements of !'laid Village, has heretofore flied in said Court, In · said cause, a certificate showing the cost of the lmnrovement. and the amount reRerved for interest, leaving no excess to be abated in Raid' aRsessment. and also that said improvement has been c;ompleted In subRtantial conformity to the requirements of the orfafnal ordi'lance therefnr, and has apolled to said court to consider and determine whether or not the facts stated in said certific~te are true. and that said t~ourt has fixed Monday, the 31st day of December, A. D. 1928, llt ten o'clock A. M .. or as soon thereafter as the businPss of thf' court will permit, at the room of said County Court in the County Ruildim~. in the City of Chica~o. ln said Cook County, as the time and nlace fnl' the hearing on said application. All nf'r~ons de~iring may file obiectlons in said Court before satd day and may apnear on the hearing and make their defenf!e. Dated, December lOth, 1928. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CA7.EL ALBERT L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C. MILES MeDON ALD HANS VON RETNSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. · L12-2te Wllmettf' Spe~lal A~sessment No. !!9 Wilmette Special Assessment No. 233 IN THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT of the Village of Wilmette for · the improvement of the central eighteen (18) feet of the first aJley north of Lake A venue from the east line of Sixth Street to the west curb line of Fifth Street by grading and paving with Portland cement concrete and otherwise improving same. 3peclal Assessment No. 233 in the County Court of Cook County, Illinois. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested that the Board of Local Improvements of said Village has heretofore. filed in said Court, in 'said cause, a certificate showing the cost of the improvement, and the amount reserved for interest, leaving no excess to be abated !n said assessment, and also that said Improvement has been completed lr. substantial conformity to the requirement~ of the original ordinance therefor, and has applied to said court to consider and determine whether or not the facts stated in said certificate are true, and that said court has .!!_xed Monday, the 31st day of December, A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will permit, at the room of said County Court in the County Building, in the City of Chicago in said Cook County, as the time and place for the hearing on said application. AJI persons desiring may file objections in said Court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. ' Dated, December lOth, 1928. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C. MILES McDONALD HANS VON REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the VIllage of Wilm«;ltte. L12-2t,. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Wilmette Special Assessment No. 22& IN THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT of the Village of Wilmette for the improvement . consisting of constructing and installing water service pipes in Sixteenth Street from Greenwood Avenue to Ashland Avenue and in other streets in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois. Special Assessment No. 225 in the County Court of Cook County, Illinois. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested that the Board of Local Improvements of said Village, has heretofore filed in said Court, in said cause, a certificate showing the cost of the improvement, and the amount reserved for Interest, leaving no excefils to be abated in said assessment, and also that said improvement has been completed in substantial conformity to the requirements of the original ordinance therefor, and has applied to said court to consider and determine whether or uot the facts stated in said certificate are true, and that said court has fixed Monday, the 31st day of December, A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock A. M., or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will permit, at the room of said County Court in the County Building, in the City of Chicago, in said Cook County, as the time and pl:tre for the hearing on said application. All persons desiring may 1\le objections in said Court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Dated, December lOth, 1928. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C. MILES McDONALD HANS VON REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. L12-2tc IN THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT of the Village of Wilmette for the imnr ovement of · the first alley north of Lake A venue from the east curb line of · Wilmette Avenue to the west curb line of Seventh Street by grading and paving with Portland cement concrete and Qtherwlse improving same. Spf>cial Asf!essment No. 229 in the County ronrt of Cook County. I111nois. NOTICE is hereby given to all per~ons interested that the Board of Local ImnrovPments of said VIllage, has heretoforf' flied in said Court, In said cauf!e. a. certificate showing the cost of the lmnrovement. and the amount re~erved for Interest, leaving no excPss to bP. abatPd in ~aid a~sessment. and also that said imornvement has been completed In sub~t~ntial conformity to the requlrementl" r.f the orie;inal ordinance therefor, and ha~ apnlied to Raid court to con~lder ancl d~>termine whether or not the facts statPil ;., ~~id certltlc~te are true. and that saiil "ourt ha~ fixed Monday, the 31~t day of DecPmber. A. D. 1928. at ten o'clock A. M .. or a~ ~oon thereafter as the bu~l nP~!'l nf thP court wlll permit, at the ronm nf !"~id r.ounty rourt in the Countv "Rnildine-. in the City of Chicae;o. in s~lf'l C:nok County, as the time :tnd nlacP. f."· the hearing on said application. All ner~on!'l del'liring may file objection::; i" o::aid r.ourt bPfore said dav and mav anl"'PAr on the hearing and make their de- Injured in Auto Crash at Lake and Tenth Sta. An automobile accident at the intersection of Lake avenue and Tenth street Saturday night about 6 o'clock resulted in the sending of two of the six occupants of the cars which figured in the crash to the Evanston hospital. Mrs. R. 0. Law, of 24 Warwick avenue, Winnetka, and Fred Smith, of 577 Oak street, Winnetka, were the victims. One car driven east on Lake avenue fpm:P · by E. }. Schumacher, of 1414 Wilmette Dated, December lOth. 1928. avenue, Wilmette, was struck by an· F.ARL E. ORNER other which Smith was driving north BRNEST C. CA?.EL .AI..."RERT L . GRINNELL on Tenth street. according to the rePAUL A. HOFFMAN port of the Wilmette police. In the r. MILES McDONALD car with Schumacher were Mrs. Law HANS VON R~TNSPERG GORDON WILSON and Mrs. Sanger Brown, of KenilBoa,.d of Local Improvements of worth. F. S. Kaulbach, of 800 Grove th£: Village of Wilmett_ e. L12-2tc street, Glencoe, and John Parker, of 577 Ash street, Winnetka, were riding RPEf'IAL ASSESS)IENT NOTICE with Smith. Both cars were damaged. Wilmette Speelal Assessment No. !SO Wllmf'tte S~eclal Assessment No. !37 IN THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT of the VilJage of Wilmette for. the improvement of the first alley north of Oakwood A venue from the west curb line of Ninth Street to the east curb llne of Tenth Street by grading and paving with concrete and otherwise Improving same. Special Assessment No. 237 In the Count;y ('ourt of Cook County. Illfnols. NOTICE is hereby gfven to all per~ons interested that' the Board of Local Improvements of flaid Village, has heretofore filed In said Court, In said cause. a certificate showing the cost of the improvement, and the amount reserved for Interest, leaving no excess to be abated In said assessment, and also that said Improvement has been completed tn substantial conformity to the requirement!'! of the original ordinance therefor, and has appUed to said court to consider and IN THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT of the Village of Wilmette for the improvement of the first alley south of Maple Street from the west curb line of Fourteenth Street to the east line of Fifteenth Street by grading and paving with concrete and otherwise improving same. Special Assessment No. 230 in the County Court of Cook County, Illinois. NOTICE is hereby given to all perf!ons interested that the Board of Local Improvements of said Vlllage, has heretofore filed in said Court, In said cause. a certificate showing the cost of the Improvement, and the amount reRerved for interest, leaving no excess to be abated in said assessment, · and also that said improvement has been completed in substantlal conformity to the requirementR of the original ordinance therefor, and has apptfed to said court to consider and determine whether or not the facts stated In· said certificate are true. and that saiil SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE court has fixed Monday, the 31st day of December, A. D. 1928, at ten o'clock Wilmette Speelal Assessment No. Itt A. M., or as soon thereafter as the busiIN THE MATTER OF THE SPECIAL ness of the ·court will permit, at the room ASSESSMENT of the Yl11age of Wilmette of said County Court In the County SHOW FREE MOVIES Special showing of the thrilling moving picture, "Alaskan Adventures," will be given for both children and adults at Field Museum of Natural History Saturday, December 15. There will be two performances for children, at 10 a. rn. and 11 a. m. That for adults win be at 3 p. m .. All witl be given in the James Simpson Theatre of the museum, and admission is free. Stephen C. Simms, director of the museum, invites children from all parts of Chicago and suburbs to the morning entertainments, and the general . public to the afternoon performance. "The Hole in the Watl," to be made from · the play of the same name by Fred J ~ckson, wilt be the next picture to go into production at Paramount's Long Island studio.