Decetpber 1~. 1~ WILMETTE LIFE' Car in Mexico SERVICE OF ATEST CAR· Stealing Is Punishable by Death HEIIFUL TO MOTORISTS An old decree dug up in government Automobile Oub of IUinoia Givea Acceuoriea Thorough Trials -Protects the Owl1 .ra - Chicago again comes to the front as the originator of the newest idea in automotive circles. Sensing the great · need of furnishing authoritative infor~ation to its members, The Automo8·n4 Flowu gifta out of town. W· d·lioormgwheu by ~tle C~u.b of l~linois has inaugurated. m addthon to tts well established Access!lry Display Department, an Autom?hve. Test Car which is being used .TEHERAN GETS .N EW .THRILL ~ prtmartly ·for . th~ purpose of giving Residents of Teheran; Per·3ia, had Flor;·t · fi ,. Evanston Stort: ·v Wilmette Storr: new. accessones an exhaustive test t hetr rst exn,erience with spectacular ~ advertising recently. when an airplane Ill 1614 Sherman Ave. 1161 Wilmette Ave. both. as t.o quality as well as utility, and m thts way acquaint its members scattered Graham-Paige announce- ~u: University S02-86o7 Wilmette 2 u.S regarding the merits of each particu- ments oyer the city,-marking the arlar product so tested. of this ~ake. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Every accessory displayed at the rival of the first cars ------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ club is to be subjected to the most grueling workable tests, and actual results as ascertained on the "test car" will be used as a basis of judging the new products as they appear on the automotive market. Duririg the first three months of the nev·h· established · accessory display 792 inquiries were . received and answered by the department. Many ask information on the dependability of some particular product and it was this query that prompted Si. Mayer, President of The Automobile Club of Illinois to institute the new service for motorists. In the inspection of mechanical fitness, three automotive engineers comprise .the committee on final analysis, In thts · way, each automotive unit or accessory is scrutinized und(~ r the severest of tests, and only after an approval from the engineering staff are such products displayed. This service has been offered to manufacturers and distributors of automotive accessories and the testing protects the motorist against inferior accessories. HERE is no more delightful ter how many other cars you own. files at Mexico recently pointed to the effect that any perso~ stealing· an auto~tobilc s~ould be tried by courtmart!al and 1£ found guilty, shot by ~ finng squad, according to a bulletin tssued by The Automobile Club of Illinois. Pretty hard on the auto thieves if it is discovered that the old Mexica~ ~ Jaw was never repealed. However, the decree has not been enforced in late years and it is doubtful if it ever will be. 1 « « C ~ ~ « ~~~~~~ . .. Give FLOWERS 1 a 2f ~ tJ FLOWERS are the one gift acceptable to etJ«f/Oftl. Not only do Flowers interpreJ the enthusiasm of tbe giver, but they add a bright note to the Christmas spirit itself. Put beautiful Flowering Plants and Cut Flowers on your gift list, and order early. ~ ! ~ JOHN WEILAND I ~ 21 V $1,391 Say it with a New 1fMH T gift than a motor car-no more delightful motor car today than the Nash "400". The whole family will give three ringi tg cheers when this sman, graceful car stops in front of your door on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning. The first one who drives it will tell all the rest it is easier steering, sweeter ha.ndling, than any other car she ever has driven. And immediately, the "400" will become everyone's favorite, no mat- . 54 Highway Bills to Be Considered by This Congress A total of 54 bills in the House and 28 in the Senate, involving nearly three billion dollars of expenditures in behalf of the Federal-aid highway construction program of the United States, will be considered by the present Congress, according to a legislative survey made by the American Motorists' association, the National · motoring body with which The Automobile Club of Illinois is affiliated. These are highway bills which were introduced at the l~st session of the present Congress and which were not disposed of before adjournment. ' The Association's summary shows that there are nineteen appropriation bills which would authorize a total of $2,193,841,145 immediately as expenditures · in furtherance of the Federal Government's highway construction \. program during the next three years. Of tllat number the largest is the Browne-Watson bill, designed to create a special highway fund of $407,000,000 · from the proceed~ of the sale of surplus highway equipment and war materials sold to France following tl'n. war. The bonds, in payment of this equipment, are now in the U. S. Treasury and mature next August. The measure has received the endorsement of the American Motorists' and othet' motoring and allied associations. The construction of a Pan-American highway is provided for under the terms of eight bill~, the ultimate obJect of which is the completion of a htgh·· wav running from Canada through Mexico, Central and South America. Eight ~i11s are purely regulatory, d.ealing with interstate traffic, routes, htghway signs, research, and kindred phases of highway construction. A hundred thousand families are already proud and enthusiastic own· ers of the "400,, though it was anno\inced only June 21. Its new Twin Ignition performance, Bijur Centralized Chassis Lubrication and many other imponant improvements add pleasure to every mile of your motoring. For Christmas delivery, order now. you can select from our complete Holiday display of new" 400, mod· els-a brilliant showing of the new· est and finest in modern motoring. 9 Seda·s from $930 'to $2045, 8 CoN,es, Cabriolets, Victorias from $930 to $1830, Deli11eretl NASH~OO" IMPORTANT FEAT1JRE8-NO OTHER C.~R HdS THBJfl. d.:££ Longer wheelbases Aluminumalloypistons Bijur centralized Twin-Ignition motor (I"""" Str·ts) chassis lubrication One·piece Salon 12 Aircraft-type spark fenders New double drop frame . Electric clocks plugs Torsional vibration Clear vision front High compression Exterior metalware pillar posts damper Houdaille and Lovejoy chrome plated over Nash Special Design World's easiest steerina shock absorbers nickel front and rear (~BI·sifle N11sb .,.,,.,) . 7-bearing crankshaft bumpers Short turn~ng radius (ho//nl cr11d pills) Salon Bodies