WILMETTE . LIFE December 14. 1928 Wins Budd Medal ~--------------------------~ I . HEAD CO.mtCE BODY Ayres Boal and W. P. Sidley Named to High Offices in Cticago Auociation of Commerce Ayres Boat, 701 Sheridan road, Winnetka, bas been re-elected vice-president of the Chicago Association of Commerce in charge of Industrial Development and Public Improvements. At the same time announcement is made of the re-election of the board ·of directors of the association of William P. Sidley, prominent attorney residing at 739 Humboldt avenue, Winnetka. As officers of the Chicago Association of Commerce, the two appointees will be among the leaders of a body that, with its 6,500 members, representing every prominent financial, professional and industrial institution irt the city, has been far-reaching in its interests in local, national and worldwide affairs and recognized as the leading institution of its kind in this countrv. The association took a lead in obtaining the co-operation of th_ e Mississippi Valley states on behalf of Illinois in the suit before the United States Supreme Court instituted by Wisconsin attacking the diversion of water from Lake Michigan through the Drainage Canal; delivered to the city of Chicago, without expense to the taxpayers, the most comprehensive survey of street traffic conditions together with suggested remedies ever produced; raised $150,000 for the Special Grand Jury investigations now being conducted by Frank J. Loesch; helped put the Mississippi Flood and Florida Storm relief drives over the top; and brought to a successful finish after thirty years of litigation the famous So~heas~rn ra~ case by which the Interstate Commerce Commission was authorized to issue new rates placin~ Chicago and the middle west for the first time on a competitive trade basis with New England and the eastern seaboard to and fmm the southeastern markets. Other new officers chosen this week are: president, Frank F. Winans; vice-president domestic and foreign commerce, V. L. Alward, of the American Furniture Mart Building corporation: vice-president, local business, John L. Coyne, of Mandel Brothers; vice-pr~sident, civic affairs, Clifford W. Barnes; general secretary, J am\!s B. Forgan, Jr., · of the First National Bank; and for general treasurer, Harold E. Foreman of the Foreman Natinal bank. Those nominated to serve two years on the board of directors include Alexnader H. Revell, Jr., Albert W. Sheret_', and Harold C. Smith, present members, and F. B. Ernst, Frank A. Mitchell and John J. O'Brien. Mr. Mitchell · is at present chairman of the association's executive cnmmittee Kenneth McBride of Dayton, Ohio, spent last week-end with .Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hunsche, 1302 Wilmette avenue. Mr. McBride recently returned from Egypt, where he was a professor of English at Lafayette university. NORm SHORE LEADERS . Madison and Wabash is no\N a regular stop of all Chicago, North Shore and Milvvaukee Railroad Com~ pany trains with direct con~ nection by bridge to CARSON PIRIE ·scoTT a,c·o A ticket office is conveniently located at the store exit to the platform Frank E. Miller of Evanston, an em·ploye of the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois, was presented with the Britton I. Budd medal for the · saving of human life at the annual meeting of the employes December 5. at the Evanston Country club. -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~w~a~s~re~p~o~r~te~d~at~t~h~e~s~c~h~oo~l~tl~ti!~~w~e~e~k. ACT TO CURB "FLU" SPREAD . . All chtldren attendmg the Joseph. Scars school in Kenilworth who complain of colds or sore throats are being sent home as a precautionary measure against a threatened "flu" epidemic. A considerable number of absentees SAVE on fu~l colll I hill minlt!r Lower in cost-greater in heat value-and absolutely cleanKoppers CHICAGO Coke atlords the practical and economical answer to your house-heating problem. Bum Genuine Lkan SwU You save when you buy it-you save when you use it. It cuts down surprisingly on housekeeping overhead-cleaning and decorating expensebecause here you have a fuel from which all smoke and soot have been removed in its manufacture. Few ashes. Phone 1our dealn today GUARANTEED We demoDatrate to your utisfac:rloa thac it il to your advantage to heat your home ·.L th" ...~ Wlua II aua, or It 11 fellluv.:g at our apellle aDd your IDODeY refunded. . for operating your beatiDc plant. Edlarer & Soas, Wilmette, 111.-PIIoae Wllaett~ Ul Xuttea Brothers, 711 Mala St., Wilmette, 111-Pboae Wilmette 1 Wilmette Coal & Balldlar :Haterlal Tarel, lltl Lake A.n., Wilmette, ID.-Pboae Wilmette fiH . L--' .. __ I t ~---------------------~--·I FREE SERVICE Our Service Man ie iJi your neighborhood ~ery day; ph~ Ul and he w!ll call and Inspect your heating plant, advue the correct lize coke to use and the best method M. Porteobauser Painter and Decorator Estimates Without Obligation 1030Greealeaf l\oae2764 ~------------------------·