December -14. 1928 WILMET1"E · L.IFE 71 ANN~ PERSONNEL --roRt'ObiGN SCHooli· , Prominent Speakers to Talk on Events of Widespread Interest in January Seaaions .\t a recent meeting of the committee for the Schools of Foreign Affairs to he held in Evanston itr January, Mr~. George H. Tomlinson, chairman, announced the personnel of the organization as follows: Mrs. J. H. Long, vice-chairman; Mrs. \\'. L. Norles, secretary; Mrs. Wilfred L. Childs, treasurer; Miss Caroline Littler, assistant treasurer; Miss Martha Bennett, publicity chairman ; Mrs. Douglas D. Waitley, chair of ushers. On the progr~m committee, Mrs. U. S. Grant has charge of the schools on, ·'The Influence of the British Commonwealth on the Peace of the \Vorld"; Mrs. Augustus McDonald, on "Latin America"; Mrs. Franklin Fearing on "Disarmament"; Miss Emma Rogers, on "Italy," and Mrs. E.. A. Bronson on "The Press and International Cndcrstanding." In this day of- coutinual and close C01lltlltmica t io11 \\·ith foreign nations, :. nd \'nil thr pr(·sent interest aroused '~" 11Jc 1'rcsident-Eicct Hoover's visit . 1· ;~rt:th America rounding out of his ! n\'~wlc· <lgc of other countries, the pulJIi,: concern in international relations is general and lh·eJy. Such discussions as will be brought out during the school sessions will bear directly on the current problem s of widespread in. tcrest. M. Piarro de Lanux, in charge of the International bureau of th e League of Nations in Paris, will speak on the evening of January 17, when "Disarmament" is the topic. Vivien Carter. an Englishman and editor of the "Rotarian," an international organization, will speak January 3, at the school, on "The lt1fluence of the British Commonwealth on the Peace of the \\'orld," Charles H. Dennis, editor of the Chicago Daily News, is one of the speakL 'rs in the discussion on Januan· 31. on "The Press and Intern~tionaf Un ~ derstanding." Other speakers will be announced next week. These schools are tn he held on Thursdays in January, nn January 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31. Thret' sessions will he held each day. at 4:30. 6:15 during dinner, and at 8, at Plymouth hall, 141 i Hinman avenue, Evanston . . A course ticket may be purchased through Mrs. GIRLS ENJOY SOCCER rick announces that basketball will be . Girls of the Joseph Sears school in taken up when the soccer season closes. Kenilworth have been playing soccer under the direction of Miss Gertrude Troop 1 of the Kenilworth Girl Herrick, assistant athletic director at Scouts at their meeting last week wit·" God the Only Cause and ·Creator" the school. In games played last Fri- nessed a first ~id demonstration given was the subject of the lesson-sermon day the sixth grade defe<1ted the fifth by the public ·service company at tht" in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on twice by a score of 6 to 2. Miss Her-, Joseph Sears school. Sunday, December 9. The golden text was, "Thus saith the Lord that created thee, 0 Jacob, and he that formed thee, 0 Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee. I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine" (Isaiah 43 :1). Among the citations which comprised the lesson-sermon was the following from the Bible : "Thus saith the Lord the King of Israel, and his redeemer the Lord of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God . . . Fear ye not, neither be afraid: have not I told thee from that .._.;.· time. and have declared it? ye are my witnesses. Is there a God beside me? yea, there· is no God ; I kno\\· not an~· " ( 1saiah 44 ;6, 8). The lesson- ermon also included the following passages from the Christian, Science textbook, "Science and He:1lth with Key to the Scriptures." by Mary Baker Eddy: "God is individ!.}al, incorporeal. He is divine Principle, Love, the univenal cause, the only creator, and there ts no other self-existence" (p. 331) . Christian Science Churches ·THE NEW .., STOVER CO. FRIGIDAIRE New Low Prices Effective December 1Oth lit N. Mlehlgan An. 890 Linden Ave. C. D. Ewer, 1111 Ashland a\·e · nuc, entertained her Drama Study cluh ~~ onday of-this \\'eek. ~f rs. ------1631 Sherman Avf'. Randolph ftiO HUBBARD WOODS EVANSTON HIG'HLAND PARK 313 N. :Miablgan Ave. Wlnnt~tka C. S. Grant at the Comniercial Trust and Savings bank, Evanston. The course ticket will admit one person to each of the ten sessions, or several admissions may be used 4t one session. The -dinner charge is extra. Mrs. A. B. Cultev of 1307 Oak a\·enue, Evanston, is (n charge of dinner reservations. 1511 Greenleaf tf81 Highland Park Ut 38! Central Ave. Display rooms are open el·ery evening except S·aday 130] tttttt t tt+M+·+ t tttttt THE NOISELESS . OIL BUA.NEP. ' THIS IS OUR SILVER· We'll tell you what the trip will cost And pack your stuff so nothing's lost. We'll tell you what the ex· press rate or the freight is and what our charge will be. CUP WEEK o~c::===::~o SECOND MORTGAGE. We specialize in negotiating Sec· ond Mortgage Loans on North Shore real estate at regular inter· e~t rates, and we make promptness and courtesy prime features of our service. PHON£S·WILHETTE 3 2. UHIVERSITY 1317 OtAIRS & TABLES- FOR.. R.ENT R:-~1)~-s:: STORAGE HOVING SeetbeWID· dow Dl8pi&J' The 1V~bore Bond and Mortgage Co. 1 150 PACKING SHIPPING ~ 521 MAIN .&::.~. STR.~ET Emnston Showroom, WILHETTE,Ill. 1620 Sherman Ave. Greenleaf 700 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wil. 2 181