W"l L M E T T E LIFE December 14, 1928 Gih Suggestions Prom SHOPPER'S In the Gift Shop the last minute .shopper will find just countless gift suggestions. Every Department Gift Shop Quaint imported pottery, candlesticks in lovely modes, book-ends that intrigue, Moroccan leather gifts- yes, here you will find the most unusual gifts- just the ones you were ·tooking fQr Ask to see the Imported Stationery. Gifts That Are Sure to Delight H E R For her you must choose carefully with an eye for the individual. Here are suggestions: Vanity Lamps with slender exquisite glass bases rising to delicate rose shades. The most feminine of gifts. Per pair Jewel Boxes Beautifully wrought silver jewel boxes. A gift she can always use. . '.1 j . · . · ; $10.00 Feininine Compacts Diminutive silver ones, Modernistic colored ones, dain(y silhouette styles. The newest note in compacts $1.00 to $10.00 Bracelets Costume jewelry is most acceptable. These bracelets in modem trend are the latest. . Book...Department I . Al)out books as gifts- · Dorothy · Wordsworth in a letter to Coleridge, said "Yes, do you send me a book. Not a bar· gain book, bought from a haberdasher, but a beautiful book to caress- peculiar, dis. tinctive, individual." Just · so · . will your friend feel about this most thoughtful of gifts. I ' :; ; " . $1.10 to $15.00 Pearls Necklaces of creamy pearls as gifts reign supreme. See our new selection of pearls. $2.50 to $15.00 Letter Portfolios A truly delightful gift and inexpensive too. Imitation lizard and leather let· ter folders in brown, gray, and red. Only ,· ; . . $6.00 to $40.00 Here "The · Three Bears," "Mother · Goose," "The Fairy Tale Books," "The Boy Scout T ·ales." "Ae~oplane Adventures," hold sway. The most delightiul ~f books for children of every age from the cradle days to the teen age. If you have never visited our Book Nook come in today . . $1.00 & $1.50 Books for the · Booklover Everyone likes new books, different books, fascinating books. All the latest fiction and romance, and many Xmas editions of all classics. An Indian Journey .·· $4.00 Waldemar B onsels Jesus, the Son of Man $3.50 Kahlil Gibran Fo1Ditain Pen Dept. Parker, Wahl, Sheaffer and Waterman Christmas G i f t pens and pencils. Make your selection here. · And . get or Get don't for· the Kodak Camera. one here. Spanish Summer ····· $5.00 George Craig Stewart West Running Brook $2.50 Robert Frost The Ballad of Reading Gaol ... $3.50 Oscar Wilde The Lost Lyrist · · ~ · · $2.00 Elizabeth Hollister Frost 630 DAVIS STREET. University 123 Wilmette 724 rs ·