pecember 14, 1928 WILME.TTE . LIFE· 1 :m::~o~J:'::::I'O~c:=:ml=tlf! NEW GYM IS MONUMENT o I::::IO·... ' ... eo~-==roce::1'01: TO . LESLIE F. GATES Gr~t Asseml;llage of ~itizens . Witnesses Formal Op~nmg of · New Trier Gymnasium D 0 0 1 At MORGA' 616 DAVIS STREET ·EVANSTON Univ.Z750·51·52·5S WUmette SSS·SS6 Orders AcceptedFree Delivery ·TREES Select Your Tree Now .J!!I~am and Spruce, SOc and up CHOCOLATE NOVELTIES Imp. Sarotti-assortecl figurea ISc each New Trier's quintets began the ba!;kethall season by losing both the light and heavyweight games to Englewood last Friday evening, in the new gymnasium, which was dedicated between game5 to the memory of Leslie F. Gates, . whose untimely de'a th, a short time ago, deprived the township of a financial genius who had made the erection of the new building possible without burdensome taxes. The victorious Englewooders won the pony game, 28 to 20 and beat the Gray-Green heavies 28 to 23. The big schedule for the dedicaticn lasted from 5 :30 o'clock until nearlv midnight. The. lightweight game wa-s first on the program. The interesting and impressive dedication ceremonie!', which were witQessed by 2,500 people, started at · 7 o'clock. After this was the heavyweight game and then th e ne\\' gym, now the Leslie F. Gates Gvmnasium, was inspected. 11 usic by the New Treir orchestra, hand and Glee cluh5 was an important part of the program. The orchestra played the overture to "Martha" and both the band and orchestra accompanied the singing of the school songs. Both the selections given by the Glee clubs were heartily applauded. The Girls Glee club sang "Strawberry Fair," by Daniel Protheroe, and the boys gave the "Song of the Joily Roger," by Candish. XMAS · F OO . ·o D c. 0. D. and Telephone 0 -full to the overflowinJt. with the sweehneats fOrU the HOLIDAY SEASON/ Our stores present an imerestinA. select. i on lo the Christmas'Food Sho~per/ ~ u 0 0 lad Ftnu OOip mr fiRIJUIJ'IHIT, MINCE MEAT Monarch 2 pound alaaa jar Sic: tltDCeries eurlq tint/so~ ~¥f~rChnum.~~~ I ORAIIGES-NAVEL CALIFORNIA-Reg. 90c doz. .Large Size .. Doz. 59e MONARCH 7 T- W TOFFIES Something new in candy Super quality-worth $1.25 Pound can 49c 0 CAMBY (Bud) the Finest Mixed Regular 40c: value Pound 250 Raspberry-Strawberry TEA GARDEN PRESERVES Pound jar 31c Doz. $4.50 0 ORAMGE5-FLORIDA-Sweet and Juicy. Large Size ..............Doz. 59e Order Your FRUIT CAKE NOW! We have the finest made Special Combination Proctor and Gamble 1 pkg. Large Chipso 2 pkgs. Large Ivory Flakes 3 bars Ivory Soap Reg. value $1.20-All for Reviews Growth of School President Gathercoal, of the ·5chooJ board. preceded the dedication with a re\'iew of the growth of New· Trier High school. The first structure comprised what i" now the center of the .main building. It opened in 1901 with seventy-one students. \Vithin ten years the enrollment had increased to four hundred and in 1912 ....._ it was necessary to add two wing5 to the main building and to build the gymnasium, natatorium, mess hall and auditorium. The rapid increase in enrollment led the school board to add sixteen more acres of land to the sch ool grounds iri 1918. In 1922 the enrollment had increased to twelve hundred; so that the m e.H hall had to be en larged and a rear wing to the main building erected. The heating plant became inadequate in 1925 and the new heating p)ant wac; built, "which," said President Gathercoa l, "we believe will take care of a!J time to come." The latest structure, the new gymnasium, built at a cost of $675,000, should certai nly be adequate for the seventeen l}~tndreq students. now attending New Trier, for it is built to take care of an enrollment of thirtyfi ve hundred. President Gathercoal said that some architects had called it the hest high school gymnasium·in the United 'States. After telling how the late Mr. Gates' financing had enabled the gymnasium t 9 be built without burdening the ta;cpayers, President G~thercoal satd, "M r. Gates' very untimely death has deprived this community of one of its mo3t outstanding citizens," and suggested that it be named after him. As this met with the hearty approval of the audience the new building was ded- Dark, 7Sc po~nd Liglit, $1.M pound CANADA DRY GINGER ALE Doz. $2.10 PICKLED PEACHES Tea Garden Jar 89c: D 0: Home Made PLUM PUDDING $1.00 0 I GRAPEI'RUIT-RUSSET~Indian Riv~r Jumbo size_. ........... ~ Special on Monarch Melba PEACHES S extra large halves Doz. $4.50-Can 39c GLACERS MINT CANDY l·mported from England Jar SSe lo· ~Se 0 0 APOLLDIARIS The Queen of Table Waters Imp.-Carbonated with Its own gas The choice of discriminating people at home and abroad Quarts-Doz. S4.9i; Bottle Uc Pints-Doz. 12.7&; Bottle 2ic Imp. from Holland EDAM CHEESE 4 pound average $2.25 Imp. from Switzerland 0 SWISS GRUYER Portion bOK 49c: 0 0 0 1 O CURRANT JELLY Monarch Large jar .3Se MOIIARCB COFFEE None Better at 11.00 Pound Special Imp. from Norway The finest eating cheese CAMEMBERT Doz. $3.75 PECANS-Shelled Large Halves Portion box 4Sc CAVIAR ROMANOFF Imp. from Russia 0 D SUGAR-PURE CANE, GRANULATED-tO lb. White Ooth Bag............6Se WALNUTS English-in the shell Every one guaranteed Reg. 9Se-pound 79c 3 lbs. lor $1.49 Can 49c u 0: 0 FIGS 6 CROWN Royal Natural Imp. Turkish Large iize-pound 59c Z·lb. box, 79e IMPORTED GRENADINE IMPORTED BRONX COCKTAIL MANHATTAN COCKTAIL VERMOUTH IT ALlAN Sweet and Dry 0 BUTTER-MEADOW GOLD-BRICK...............................................$'70 HUNTL~uyll ~n;1tMER'S WORLD FAMOUS I;JISCUITS CASAVA LACE CAKES Daintiest Wafer on earth LA TOURAINE Cheese Wafer 0 ASPARAGUS Illlnols grown-all green Just like fresh-Reg. Sl.OO value 0 1 Luge Can, 79e STUFFED ORANGES 3 Oranaes in the jar Plain $1.58 STUFFED ORANGES GRENADINE 3 Oranaea in jar For aalad $2.GI D 0 2a~~~e~t~o t~hee :c~~~~r~e~~l~~~i:n~· o~a:~~ children of this community in their preparation for life." . Edward ]. Phelps, (Continued on chatrman page 14 ) of the We bave the la·gest and linest cllspla" ol BalsaiD 0 : and Sp·aee T·ees. Collie and seleet yo... 'bee Mow! I : ; 0 1:1'01::::1 o. ·a-=I'O·w:::::::IOI:I'OII==::::r-oe.z %01====10 · · · · , ..