.. · , I WILMETTE It LIFE PETS December 14, 1928 CLA&&IFIED ADVERTISEMENT& O..tll Notia- ~·-:'en:Sv:Ma.men:.U.::O ~m ~-0~ R11t11-1& Gllllaoe baal.ave wboee IWDM appear Ill the telepbone dlncto17, or who are '?,#·r abllarlben to either WILIIIDTTB Lin. WINNJDTKA TALK or G roo·~a . . ceata a llDe In all three papen. CBA.BGB ·· eeat· ..&.ftl'aCe of lve worda to the Une. No black face t7Pe used. 10., dlaoount ~-all oaa1a with order &4verta.ementa when broqht to our oftlce at 1211 "411tral Ave., Wilmette, or 614 Uncoba Ave., Wbmetka. cepted up to Wednelda7 6 o'clock for the WII..IIBTTB LIFB or all three papen; Thul'llda7 6 o'clock for the WINNJIITKA TALK and lrrld&J' 6 o'clock for the OLENCCIB NEWS. Telepllonea: Wilmette 4800 or Winnetka J000-2001. FOR SALE RUSSIAN WOLF HOUND. L. B. DURANT-HANDY MAN SPECall Mrs. Prinz, Georgian Hotel, Evanciallzlng In window washing ; house ston. · 39LTN12-ltc cleaning and scrubbing; waXing floors & all odd jobs. N. S. refs. Call Glencoe 73. 61LTN12-ltp FOR SALE-BEAUT. REG. PEKINESE, H. trained. Tel. Winn. .3085. 688 Center st. Winn. 39LTN12-ltc SITUATION WANTED BY RELIABLE houseman, wlll also do window washing. Phone Highland Park 3779. 81LTN12-ltp 41 BEPAIBING AND REFINISHING BY EX- WORK BY THE HOUR OR DAY. Cleaning woodwork or windows and adjusted. waiting table. Winn. 1657. 61LT12-2tp Wilmette 43L34-tfc CHAUFFEUR, LINCOLN CAR EXPERIence, references. Wilmette Life A-224. fi·A SILVEB PLATING 61LTN12-ltQ SILVER PLATING- HAVE YOUR good old pieces renewed at a reason- HOUSEWORK, PAINTING, WINDOW washing and also light hauling. Wilable price. Paul Davey, Jeweler, 1165 mette 3039. 61LN12-ltp Wilmette Avenue. Phone Wilmette 6. -'5A-L34-tfc 66 FOR RENT-BOOJIS GENERAL BEPAIBS iO FRONT CORNER ROOM IN EAST JEWELRY REPAIRING AND R~side home. Good heat, bath room facilmodeling by a craftsman of rare ab1lities excellent, Near all transp. Garage ity Paul Davey, Jeweler. 1165 Wilif desired. References. Ph. Wilmette mette A venue. Phone Wilmette 6. 204 66L12-ltp f>OL4-tfc . ONE OR TWO ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping. Near transp. Ph. WilLOST AND FOUND ii mette 1913. 66LTN12-ltp LOST LAST SAT. SCOTCH TERRIER, wearing plaid collar with Glencoe phone FURNISHED ROOMS. RUNNING WATand license number. Suitable reward. er: near transportation. Also garage Phone D. S. Campbe11, Kenilworth 716. Apace. 633 Park Ave. Ph. Wilmette 55LTN12-ltc 3566. 66L12-ltp WATCH REPAIRING DONE pert Watches cleaned and Paul Davey, Jeweler, 1165 A venue. Phone Wilmette 6. NICE FRONT ROOl\1 -CLOSE TO transp. Suitable for 1 or 2. 418 Park Ave. Ph. Wilmette 2269. 66L12-ltp FURNISHED ROOM, iences, near transp. Wilmette !:345. ALL CONVEN 629 Park Ave., 66LTN12-ltc ·· SITUATION W AlfTED-M:A.LE = ao oeDta a 11De In oae paper. 16 eenta a IIDe ID &n7 two papen. ·nn·u· DtGtffitJe fot Jnaertion~Clualled advertlsementll will be ac- · A BY FOB SALE-AUTOS FOR SALE-AUTOS YOU CAN SAVE HUNDRED DOLLARS SPECIAL THIS WEEI< 1925-26 Willys Knight Sedan, newly painted, excellent tires, fine condition throughout $500. OR MORE Other makes from $25 to $700. ~EXk~~T~E~T~f~ARD WERSTED MOTOR 562 Lincoln ave. NOW Several late model, high grade cars have recently been turned In to us for nonpayment. At least one-third of the original cost was paid on deliveryand in order to release the money we have in these cars, we are willing to allow a substantial discount on this unpaid balance. You can have full confidence in the mechanical dependability of these cars. Our mechanics have gone over them thoroughly, and they carry the Standard 90-Day Guarantee. HERE ARE A FEW SPECIALS : NASH 4-pass. Coupe, Royal · · · · · · 1928 HUDSON Brougham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1927 CADILLAC 4-Pass. Phaeton . . .... 1925 AUBURN Cabriolet, 6-66 .... ...... 1928 CHANDLER Big Six Sedan . . . . . . . . 1927 AUBURN Sedan, 8-88 .............. 1929 REASONABLE DOWN PAYMENT LIBERAL TERMS. THE PRICES WILL INTEREST YOU. Winnetka 4LTN12-ltc co. STUTZ SEDAN, 1923, GOOD CONDItion, $350 takes it. Tel. Winn. 265. FOR RETURN OF WHITE 4LTN12-ltc REWARD gold wrist watch and band, taken from the .window sill in girl's gymnasium 11 BUILDING AND CONTRACTING of New Trier High School .on Dec. 4. Return to Ethel Glass, Rm 402 or 1049 WM. OTTEN, MASON CONTRACTOR. Bluff Road, Glencoe 55LTN12-ltp New and repair work. Get our estimate. Ph. Highland Park 3012. 11LTN6-tfc LOST- DEC. 6TH REDDISH BROWN Irish Terrier white spots on feet and !I ELECTRICAL BEPAIRS heart, brass trimmed collar, name Ca_C_L_O_C_K_S_R_E_P_A_I_R_E_D __ B_Y __E_X_P_E_R_T-. sey. R. D. Smith 706 Elmwood Ave., Wilmette. Ph. 1466 55L12-ltp Clocks called for and dellvered. Paul D v y J le l165 Wil tt A a e ' ewe r. me e ve- LOST GRAY ANGORA CAT, REWARD. 23 L 34 -tfc nue Phone Wilmette 6· Call Wilmette 3025. 55L12-ltc !i LARGE WARM ROOM, PRIVATE bath; garage. N Par transportation. 66LTN12-~tc Tel. Winnetka 1543. FURNISHED ROOM FOR 2 ADULTS employed ; light and pleasant; hot and cold running water. Garage space if desired. Phone Wil. 4207. 66L25-tfp FOR RENT- ROOMS NEAR TRANS portation, also want sewing and remod eling at home. Wilmette 2248. 66L12-ltc WOULD LIKE TO COMMUNICATE with C. S. couple desiring two rooms with kitchen and dining room privileges in quiet home of 2 adults. Twin beds garage. 'Vrite Winnetka Talk A-213. 66LTN12-ltc FTJRNISHED OR UNFURN. RM. LADY or married couple. Private home Glencoe 976. 66LTN12-ltc FOR RENT-PLEASANT FURNISHED room for 1 or ~- Tel. Wilmette 623. 66L12-ltc .Standard Motor Securities Corporation 1119 Chicago Ave. Phone University 57-58 Open Evenings 4LTN12-ltc THE KING OF SPAIN DRIVES A USED DODGE Mitchell Sedan ...... . ... .... ..... .. . $ 50 Chandler Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Buick Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Buick 4 Pass Coupe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450 Moon Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Chevrolet Coach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 ARTISTIC TEMPERAMENT WILL ALDodge Sedan ...................·. . . . . 150 way react to the appeal of beauty. A Dodge Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 room is attractive when its lamps and Dodge Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 shades are in perfect harmony. We Dodge Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 study your home and carefully analyze Dodge Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 YOUR lighting needs. Vases wired. Dodge VIctory Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750 USED CARS YOU CAN TRUST AT PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD TO PAY 632 Church St. Greenleaf 816 27LTN12-ltc INSTRUCTION LOST-SUNDAY. MORNING BLACK suede purse on Lake Ave., or '1 th st. ---------------Reward Tel. Wilmette 1395. 55L12-ltc A FORMER COLLEGE TEACHER will tutor Algebra, Latin, Arithmetic, Geometry, English, French and Ger- FOUND BROWN IRISH TERRIER, man. William R. Morrow, 5530 Win1\Iale. Kenilworth Police Dept. throp Ave., Chicago. Ph. Long beach 55LTN12-ltc 3900. 25LTN11-4tp HELP WANTED-FEMALE THOROUGH TRAINING IN FRENCH 56 grammar and tutoring, preparing for - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - college examinations. 5 lessons. $50. WANTED WHITE WOMAN FOR Tel. Winn. 2336. 25LTN41-ltp washing, ironing and cleaning. Prefer one living in north central Wilmette. Phone Wilmette 3340. 56L12-ltp 27 INTERIOR DECOllATING WTD. WHITE GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework; 3 in family; good home. Ph. Wilmette 2908. 56LTN12-ltc PARCHMENT SHADES PAINTED TO ORDER WHITE GIRL OR WQMAN FOR mother's helper. Go home nights. Tel. 67 FOR BENT-AP ART~IENTS 'W inn. 2111. 56LTN12-ltc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HELP WTD.-~IALE · FEI\IALE liS .----------------WANTED COUPLE; WHITE, EXPERienced, for small family. Tel. Kenilworth 490. 58L12-ltc GOODRICH STUDIO C. M. McDON.A.LD PHONE WILMETTE 224 1019 Davis St. Evanston~ Ill. 4LTN12-ltc GOLD SEAL BUICk MAKES A DELIGHTFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENT Stop and see these cars at our used car showroom. GOLD SEAL MEANS 90 DAYS GUAR. 1929 List Applications on Hand Trades Accepted-Open Eve. and Sun. 80 SITUATION WTD.-FEMALE F. S. BRASOR ART STORE Silhouettes. Individual WASHING & IRONING TO TAKE Cuttings by Appointment home. Will call and deliver. Ph. Wil1312 Chicago Ave., EVANSTON. Untv. mette 3246. 60LTN12-ltc 9179. 27LTN4-16tp W ANTE'D PLAIN SEWING-Mending. Companion, care of chidren. Ph. Wil30 LOANS mette 1090. 60L12-ltp Charles H. Brethold 1st and 2nd Mortgages 545 Main St.. Wilmette Tel. 65 30L17-tfc WANTED CLEANING OR GENERAL houSework, 2 half days or 1 whole day. Ph. Wilmette 964. 60L12-ltc PRACTICAL NURSING OR CARE OF small children. Ph. Wilmette 3772. 60LTN12-ltp 3rd floor, 2 room apartn1ent all furnished. Heat, gas electric light, 'vater. Laun dry tn basen1ent. 0 block from stations and stores Quiet. 2nd floor apartment for $47.00. 2nd floor, 2 larger rooms for $50.00. 750 Glencoe Road. 67LTN12-ltc North Shore Buick Co. USED CAR DEPT. 1027 DAVIS ST. WILMETTE 3750 .4LTN12-ltc COMPETENT WOMAN DESIRES WORK by day or half day. Catering, or children cared for. Ph. Wilmette 2919. 4 AND 5 ROOMS AUTOMOBILE LOANS, REASONABLE 60LTN12-ltp Here In Wilmette's most convenient and 1926 Jordan Coupe .... ..... ... . . .... $625 rates, immediate service. Motor Accepexclusive location, you will ftnd well-ar1927 Whippet .. .................... 325 tance Co., State Bank & Trust Co. MOTHER WITH BABY NEEDS POSIranged apartments. All apartments 1915 Hup Touring ................... 125 Bldg., Evanston. Ph. University 1204. tion. Will do housework, cooking, or have outside rooms which provide an Rlckenbacker Sedan . ............... 275 30LTN4-tfc nursing, for small wages, if she could abundance of light and air. Ample 4 eyl. Easex Coach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 have baby with her. Wilmette Life closet apace. Sehools, cllurchea, and PRIVATE PARTY HAS MONEY FOR A-225 60LTNl2-1tc shopping facllltles within Immediate good 1st and 2nd mortgages. Monthly _ acceu. See these apartments today. i&& Chestnut St. Winnetka 330 payments or straight loans. Low EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WANTS Agent on premises. 4LTN12-ltc com. Ph. Central 8160. 30LTN11-4tp wash and ironing to take home. Wlll call and deliver. Wilmette 904. 60LT12-ltc f24 Linden Ave. WI I. f60 ~ou 67LTN2-tfc LAUNDRY MONDAYS AND TUESdays, also dinners. Experienced. GreenThis Office will accept classified advertising to be run leaf 3318. 60LTN12-ltp THREE NICE ROOMS WITH HEAT and hot water, $25 per month. Suitable ~ EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16,000, famifor young couple. Tel. Wilmette 4480. GIRL WISHES TO CARE FOR CHILDren afternoons and some evenings. 67LET-ltp lia an Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by p. m. Call Wilmette 2868. 60LTN12-1tc on Tuesday. · 7 RM. DUPLEX, IN FINE CONDITION, MORNING WORK, 9 TO 12, REF. $9 good location near schools, transportaper wk. Ph. GreenlE\af 2378. tion, 811 15th St. Ph. Wilmette 846J. 60LT11-2tp . 67LTN12-ltc USED CARS LINDEN CREST APTS. WILMETTE HANSON MOTOR CO. - aaa Waat Ad Ia BYaa8toa, too 5 QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. THE I Telephone Wilmette 4300 or· Winnetka 2000 -