-Nt~fiUI B. E. DeMurg ~ WILMETTE LIFE Qu~en Marie of Roumania during her vsstt there. . Mr. DeMurg, who, during his twelve years in America has served a.; manager of the Millbrook Inn, in Duchess courity, N. Y., and of the Lake Placid Inn in the Adirondacks, assumed his duties in Evanston December 1 wh~n the resignation of the formrr· manager, Matthew Szabody was effective. N BW . M the Georgian Hotel llntlter for The Georgian hotel, Ev~ston, anIIOances the appointment of a new ...-nag~r in the person of B. E. Dellurg, a , member of a well known -ofamily of hotel keepers in Switzerland, The new Georgian manager comes Earl L. Hart of 1211 Ashland av. e nue Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Reinwald of who was manager of the Lake Shore to Evanston with thorough under- has returned from a ten-day hunting 1045 Illinois road, Wilmette, announce ()rive hotel in Chicago when that Jtanding of the important matters of trip at Waters Meet,· Mich. He the birth of a son, Cline Joseph, on hostelry was chosen as the abode of cuisine and service. ' brought a buck home with him. December 2, at the Evanston hospital. ~~~~~~==~~~==~~-----~~~~~~------------~~ : Miss Mary Stoddard, daughter of Stolp Library Receives Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stoddard of 524 Sevenl New Pictures Lalce avenue, will leave Sunday for EJ New pictures for the picture file of Paso, Texas where she will spend the the Stolp school library are expected winter with her aunt. to arrive soon, according to Miss Grace -oGayton, school librarian. Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Hart of 1211 poets, musicians, and distinguished Ashland avenue will . leave soon for historical characters will be included. The pictures are used in conjunction Spartansburg, N. C. where they will spend the holidays. with the class room work. .. A Gift for Mother ORIENTAL RUGS MAKE ROYAL GIFTS Fifty..two Holidays The weekly story in many homes is; the washing must be done-the family must have clean clothes, and Mother must sacrifice 52 precious days a year in doing or supervising the work. If this story is true of your home, change it-insist that the family laundry be sent to us each week. Washday will be over before it has begun-Mother's only task will be to bundle the clothes together. and give them to the Washing· ton Laundry man. Tbe day will become a holiday-52 times a year for pleasanter duties. This is a gift your wife will appreciate. Expensive? No. The family bundle will be returned each week at a figure lower than it could be done for at home. Our stock of orientals has been greatly increased in anticipation of the holiday season. Especially interesting for gift givi~ is our selection of small and medium size oriental scatter rugs. The patterns, with colorings of · ridl mulberry, deep blues, and reds are truly gorgeous. We have them priced to suit any purse. Some choice small sizes as low as $8; others in full room sizes priced up to $1000. BEAUTIFUL HooKED Rua~ IMPORTED BATHROOM MATS Heavy oval ruga in a wide ·~tortment ol pattern·. S~ cially priced for clearance. Heavy rubber mats in color· ings of blue, gold, lavender, etc. Also apecially priced for clearance. . I $12.00 $6 to $9 ~h, Mestjian Bros. /,.c. Oriental Rugs- Carpets- Linoleum .Expert Cleaning-Repairing-Laying WBington Laund.y , . . . . . . l'st .,.,_, ~.ILL. Phone Wilmette .145 1887 . Forty-One. Yecus. of. QruJlity. Wo~k. 1928 · 511 MAIN ST., WILMETTE University 5050 Wilmette 1949