NoYember 23, 1928 WILMETTB . LIFE Plan a Si1nple Dessert There.,s a decided tendency in favor of gelatins or light puddings, for Thanks.. giving and Sunday dinners. They,re delicious, topped with whipped cream. Easy ·on the digestion, yet so .satisfying. Borden,s Heavy Cream "whips in a minute." And why not have a fruit salad with whipped cream? Photo~ AJ~~o~tl:Jrwlal, Molded cotfte JlmKwedieUy with Vl'hipped aeam. Co"rtes;y of Putorial RnietD. Here's the recipe: l ,U cups strong black coffee. Soak J4 envelope gelatine in ]4 cup cold coffee. Put ing coffee into double boiler with .U cup milk and 7) cup sugar. Beat yolks of 3 eggs slightly; add .U cup sugar and ~ teaspoon salt. Cook until mixture thickens, remove, anq add softened gelatine while mixture is still soft, and gently stir to mix. Fold in whites of the three eggs beaten stiff. flavored with .U teaspoonful vanilla. Turn into slightly dampened molds; chill thoroughly; serve with unsweetened whipped cream. Cereal and Cream &rden'J~Cream has many delightful uses This is scientifically ripened and prepared Soured Cream with a wonderful piquant flavor. Its delicate aroma is an invitation to the appetite. Serve it with wgt, table salad. mix it with cottage cheese, blend .it with m4Y' 4mnaise. use in any recipe calling for soured cream. An Appetizing and Nourishing Breakfast Dish Everyone in the family (and this includes you, mother) needs a substantial breakfast, to avoid fatigue and tense nerves Ia ter in the day. Cream makes the cereal en, joyable and balances the breakfast. i ' BO·RDEN'S FARM PRODUCTS CO. of ILLINOIS Phone: Wilmette 1545