Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Nov 1928, p. 24

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WILMETTE ..LIFE N~vember ·23, 1928 Children Write Annotations Overa1l1ht DeUveries I )_ 1 (Continued from Page 23) got their presentR.-Margaret Howard school. of the heroes. The book has many high points of tnte~est.-Ronal Fuennan, HowJones, ard school. Hunchbar.k of Notre Damf: . Victor Hugo I liked this hook because It was very Interesting and educational. I saw the movie ftrst, and enjoyed it thoroughly, thE:n I thou~ht I might read ft. Although the story in the movies was different from the book they both were wonderful. This i~ one ~f Victor Hugo's masterpieces. This book js "'orth your while. The story takes place in Paris.-Ruth Genner, Howard school. Den Hur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lew Wallace 1 liked the book because it told of the life of a J ew, seeking r evenge on a man who was once his friend . In his attempt he had many strange adventures, and it tolrl of him being put on a ship as a galley slave apd of the hard . life he li ved. Th en it told of the charwt race and how he won from his enemy who was killed. I think thi s was one of the best books I ever read because it gives you a clearer idea of the life of people in the time of Christ.-Henry von der Hoff, Howard school. ,_,... Midshipman Wickam .... . ... . .. · . · · \V'~In The reason I like this book is th~t the main character of the story is a young man about nineteen years of age. H ~ is the son of a rich man. His father wat~ts him to stop being a sailor and work for him This boy has an uncle of the navy wh(; was an officer and this u.ncle gbt him more interested. He told his father thnt he would not work for hi~ . He wo uld stay a sa ilnr and earn h1s ow,n monPy. He would try fC!r his officers st1·ipes. Every hoy who . likes ~dventure <.;hould read this book-Alfred Struebing, Hr)wn rd school. A l ·,nm~ cti<:ut Yankef' in King Arthur:s " A POULTRY l'ltesb F·om Iowa Fa.ms ittr, .. . Honest to goodness, folks, you don't know w·hat real chicken tastes like until you have tried WAPSIE VALLEY CHICKEN! And here is what . makes them so deliciously different: Scientific· breeding and feeding. Fatness and plumpness- that soft, tender, flavory meat that tickles your palate and tastes good all the way down. Cleanly dressed by the "dry-picking" process; never allowed to soak in water. Individually wrapped in white par.chment paper wrappers, inviting even in appearance. Shipped fresh every day direct from the heart of America's greatest poultry country, in special sanitary containers. : WAPSIEVAtLEY CHICICEN m cons~quence have a flavor and goodness that puts them in a class by themselves. Why be sacisfied with "storage" or ordinary poultry when you can regale your appetite with such succulent birds? All these dealers receive W apaie Valley Chieken a FRESH EVERY DAY. Once try these AMBASSADORS OF GOOD EATING-and no other poultry will fully satisfy you! PALAefo; MARKt.:'l' VO.:\lPANY 71& Elm Street, Winnetka Phone Winnetka 333·<l PALACt~ P .\1., .\<; E )lA RKE'r CO JIP AYY I u:; W llmeUe _\H., Wilmette P .\L .\CJ-~ MARKET COllP ..L Y 1»41 ('e ntrul St., .Ena.nston 1:i:ilt JIARK.ET COJIPAYY Sherman A,.··· , .El'anston .A. l. WICHJI.\N &11 Dempster Street .El'UO"ton-Tt'l. Wilmette t.j)~ Sewed Exclr.taivelu at the SKOKIE COUNTRY CLUB INDEPENDENCE PRPDUCE CO. INDEPENDENCE. lOW A ( 'rJurt . _. . . Mark Twain ConnP.c.:tieut Yankee in K!ng Arthur's Court" is very good. It g1v~;; ~he crJmplete acco unt IJf th e story Kmg .\ rthur" and mixN; this irnn n:agnate. up in it and makt-s it funny and m~er stm~, with some sad thing·:-; thrown m. Th.Is man is telling the story to Mark Tw.a·,n :-tncl in th e end he dies at Mark Twam .s house talking to his wife who had been 1h·ad f<Jur hundred yl:"ars. It is a_ go~?d Dntkt's Yoeman . .... "Drake's Yoeman" was very int restslory and I think anyb(J<ly would llkt· It. ing because we studied about Drake in - ~Ta.rk Simonds. HcJward school. Social Science. The story deals with his plunderings and hi s failur es. Un like GRADE 8 other books, this book (Drake's Yoeman) A Yank ··E> Girl at Hampton Rt>ads . haf' several high points of interest. In Alief' T. r.urt1s one· part of the s tory it t e lls how, when, I E-n j<JY d "A Yank~>t> Girl at Ifamptr n and why they made the attack of the P..uarh;" becaust> it tPlls about a hrave " T own of Gold" as it was called. ·when Yank t-t-> girl who w:1.rns her fathH abo~t they finally captured the t own they found an attack by th e I 'tJilff'd erates. Thts so much gold and silver that they couldn't girl al:-;o ha::; xpt:ri... n<:Nl many other <.:arry it a ll away in a day.-Dick Steen, thrilling a. dwnturt->~ . In this book many Howard school. int t- r P ~tlng dHail~ :l.l"fl explnint-d about th t- n vii war. - ~Ia. rgaret Ht>rmes, St. Alice of Old Vincenn s .... Thomp~on .Jo;-;~·ph 's school. Alice of old Vincennes hold s your inter st with a combination of romance, Tt·xas Blue Bonnt-t Jacobs mystery, and a thrilling battle. I was [ lik e llw IJor,k o[ "Texas Blue Bonnet" also interested in this l'itory because of be<·:tus~ it is about a girl of thirteen. She its historic interest s. It is laid in Vincame from th e Texa:o; Ranch and it tells cennes during the late eightee nth and all about her early days. She comf:'s to a l'ly nine teenth centuries and tells of :\Iassu ·hus~ tts for school ancl stays with the notable battle b etween Lord Hamilher aunts who :-Lrt- very kind to he r. It toii, the English_!llan, and George ~ogers is <L v ... ry in t ... re!-'1 ing book. - :\lildred Cla rk, the Amencan general. It gives us f31Jl'l"t" , ~t. .Jost-·ph'!-' Sl:hoiJI. n. fine example of Fre nch settlement and Pioneer life.-Virginia :McConnell, HowGypsy x ~w .. Rankin ard school. [ like this book bt·<·ause it is very inten·sting. It tells about a littl e gypsy The :\lystery of the Sea Lat·k ..... Bolin g-irl who \·isitt·c! ht·l' aunt and the advenThis book is a very good book for boys. ture~ sht" had with the little neighbor It shows how the boys took interest in girl. It also tdls ah<n1t the adventures the boat and made money on it. Jack she had with th t> ca \'e man who h ad es- Holman was to be captain if they got capt>cl frnm tht> prison.- Fl<,rence ::-.;aekel, the sloop out of its grave. The boys St. .Jostph's school. worked hard on their fortune, the ship's grave. The ship · was owned by Mr. Fal.Timm y Quigg-, Tlw Office Boy. hom of Xew York so they wrute a letter The ~tory of Jimmy Quigg is very in- to him to see if they could have the sloop. tPre~tiltg'. I like it because it tells what His r eturn answer was yes. After using can happ ... n to a person when he disobPys plenty of muscles on the ship they got his parents. Jimmy Quigg disobeyed his it out. Jack used it to ferry across the moth(>r < tr.d went to cap ture his boy river. It was called Holman's F e rry. The friend but he hurt hi s leg and was caught fare was ten cents. This was the best by the man that had his boy friend a nd part of the book. It shows always to was also locked up for abo ut a w ek with- ~tick to your task. - Marshall Doose, out anything to eat. I advise anyone to Howard school. rPad this if they want an int e re~ ting book.-Regina S lzer, St. Jose ph's school. Barnaby Lee ...... B e nnett "Barnaby Lee" was written about GRADE 8 colonial times in Holland. I like it for Hunchback of ~otre Dame .. Victor Hugo it is very inter·esting and exciting. This [ liked this book because it was very book is about a young boy who is stolen interesting and educational. I saw the and put on a pirate ship. He runs away movie first, and enjoyed it thoroughly, while the ship is docked, and travels tlwn I thought I might read it. Although through woods and marshes. He is the story in the movi es was different r escued and put on trial, because the from the book, they both were wonder- pirates claim him. He comes out all ful. This is one of Victor Hugo's master- right and is sent to a big house. After pieces. This book is worth your while. being there for some days his father, The story takes place in Pa.ris.-Ruth who is suppo ed to have been dead, comes Gennet·, Howard school. to the house and takes him home.·M arjorie Paterson, Howard school. Rebf'cca of Sunnyhrook Farm Kate Douglas Wig ·ins . . . . . .... . . Wister This is a very interesting book. It The Virginian This :story is about a cowboy in tells about R becca who lives with an Pldt 1·ly au1 on a farm. Rebecca is very Montana who came· from Virginia. Nobody knew his real name so they called mi~chievot..;!-', and ~he tries Yery hard to pka se h Pr aunt, but does not succeed be- him the Virg·inian. I lik~ this story bec:wse s lw is very old and not used to cause it is like the west used to be. It tlw guy life which Reb cca. lead . .- :\Iil- t ells of the hardships of the men and cattle in the winters or on rainy nights. drNl StellZt' r, St. J oseph's school. It ·is an adventurous book and it is good 1-fit'hael Strngoff . . . . Jules Verne reading.-Lee Blaylock, Howard school. A :-<t()J'Y uf H.us::;i:t during the time wlwn tlw Czars rul > d. Michael Strogoff, Alice of Old Vincennes ........... . ..... · · . ... .. .. .. ......-. . . Maurice Thompson a t·ouri vr of the Czar, goes on a dangerThis book is a story about the Revoluous jrJunwy for him. on which h e has many xdting- adventures in escaping tionary war and tells how Clark fought l"mm th · T:trtars. -C he s t e t~ Hanson, Stolp for posst>ssion of Illinois and the neigh, s< ·hoo i. boring· states. The part I liked most was when Lieutenant Beverly was captured Three Muskete rs .. . ... .. Duma::; and the Indian chief helped him escape . Tlw rt>:d·on this book is interesting is because of a good tum done to him by lw<·:t us,' tlwre is always something excit- a friend of Beverly. This story is ing-. On<'t> ) ou start it you can't stop especially interesting because we are 't ill it's a II dont~. The main plot deals stuuying about Clark and his expedition with tht> Fn·nch and English and is very in Social science.-Ruth Bersch, Howard ('Xciting. In r ead ing the story it makes school. you want to be a pal or lackey of one (Continued on Page 26)

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