WILMETTE LIFE Invitations ·Out for Historical Book Week News Society Dinner ..___ (c_o_n_tin_u_e_d_f_ro_m_pa_g_e_l_l_)_ One of the outstanding social events in Kenilworth each season, and one which. always .is anticipated eagerly, is the dmner gtven by the Kenilworth Historical society. Members of the society have received the invitations to the event worded in this manner : "You are commanded to lay aside all else which may dully interfere and to appear in person, together with your gracious family, at 6 :30 o'clock at the ~enilworth Assembly hall, on the evenmg of Monday, November 19, to attend upon the annual dinner and festivities of that occasion. You are also commanded to wear the costumes of ~our esteemed ·ancestors of a generatiOn ago, that the spirit of the event may be heightened to the honor and glory of Old Kenilworth. If, perchance, you have not the habiliments of the past, your welcome will be none the less sincere. . Both young and old can heed thfa call. There will be tun and mirth tor all." All persons who lived in Kenilworth twenty years ago or prior to that time, their wives or husbands, also their children and grandchildren on attaining legal age, are eligible to membership in the Kenilworth Historical society. Henry ]. Taylor, Jr. is its president, Leon B. Allen, its secretary. The Fortnightly dances for the Eighth grade of Roycemore school are held every other Friday at the Roycemore gymnasium. The first one of the year was held last Friday evening. Jane Mcintosh and Marian Hedrick are the Kenilworth girls who belong to the group. oped by observation and much brous- Watson Lectures on Art ·ing among the books selected for chit, dren's reading rooms in public ·l ibrarAHnet Wide Attention _, i~s and in .such bookshops .as give spe- · The popularity of the lectures given c1al attent1on to the matter. by D udley C ra fts atson at t h e Comto begin. The library recommends the. mun_ ity House in Winnetka under the following guide books for beginnersNEW ORDER FOR BOOKS auspices of the North Shore Art the remaining way must be charted for Miss Grace Gayton, librarian of the one's self.-Taussig-Book of Hobbies; Wilmette Public schools, announced League was again proven last Monday Newton-Amenities of Book Collect- this week that a new order for books evening. A g~·oup of three · hundred jog; Eberlein-Practical Book of Fur- will be sent to the publishers about people waited for thirty minutes after niture; Calvert-Problems of the November 15. The new books are exActor; Teall-Pleasures of Collecting; pected to arrive before the Christm'as the time scheduled for the lecture. Mr. Watson's able handling of his subject, Pope-Hunting ·With the Bow and holidays. Arrow, and Martin-Pictorial Golf. "The Art and Life of Northern Africa" more than repaid his listeners for their BOOKS ON DISPLAY Offers Some Suggestions Books will be displayed and book patience. will be posted at the Howard and Mr. Watson's next lecture will be for Children's Reading lists Stolp school libraries during Book given Monday .evening, November 19, Anne Carroll Moore who conducts Week, according to Miss Grace Gay"The Three Owls," the weekly ,page ton, school librarian. Next week i5 and his subject is to be l'Modern Architecture." Single tickets may be of reviews of children's books in the Book Week. procured at the door for each of these New York Herald Tribune gives the lectures for those who did not procure following points for children's reading: PUPILS GET BOOK MARKS the books for the course. 1. Reading is an end in itself; its Book marks are to be given to pupib object is lifelong pleasure and profit. using the Stolp and Howard school A CORRECTION 2. Love of reading is induced by libraries during Book Week. In a Dannemark Electric company natural exposure to books in early Mrs. A. Roy Hulbert, 31 Richmond advertisement appearing on page 6 of childhood; it cannot be graded. road, Kenilworth, has as her guest for last week's issue of WIL~ Lrl'lt 3. Thorough mastery of the mech·few days Miss Margaret Mayhew. the price range on Balkite radios was a anics of reading is essential. It is akin to the · learning and practice of Miss Mayhew is a former resident of given as $197.50 to $487.50. The correct prices are $125 to $450. the rules of the game in the world of Kenilworth. sport and should be so represented to children. 4. Choose books for positive values -the interest of their subject, old and new, their originality, their pictures, their topography, and attractive outward form. It is better to buy twelve good books you know that children will read than twenty-four lifeless editions to stand in rows on the shelves. 5. Appreciation of good form in children's books is an active factor in Darinc tbia aale you wiD haft an opporta~ ol 1Ma7iq, at J"eell&&'k. getting books read. It may be develable aavinca, the beat that aDJ' market a&onla at HOME PRICES --ancl that meana prices below "Loop" diatrict. · w Barry's NOVEMBER SALE Floor coveriqs of every type; Domestic and Oriental Rqa, Carpets, Linoleuma, HaD Runners-the correct thine for nery room in the houae. SPECIALS I'OB Prida~ and Satarda~ CARPET .BBMKAKTS WITH SURPRISING :NEW DELICIOUSliBSS Here is chicken specially raised for good eating. All the scienoe of chicken breeding and feeding Is used to make these chickens tender, meaty and · full fta vored. To eat them Is to know a new Joy tn your favorite food tor these are really a new kind of chicken-as different from ordinary chicken as good old-fashioned home made ple Ia from factory made. You will find in thia assortmeat Carpet remDaDta that baYe previoual:r aold up t~ SS per :rarcl. Your Choice, $1.50 per ~d. (Bring your own meaauttments) .. WAPSII VAJ.LIY CHICICBN Shipped in Special Sanittltfl CaHI Dirtct from Out Modern Poultry Plant· in the Countrv, uFteah Every Day" To the Foilowing Dealen Only PALACE IIABKET COMPANY PALACE IIABKET COMPANY 7tl Elm Street, Wlaaetka 1145 WUmette A.Ye., WllmeUe p ALACB MARKET COMPANY PALACE XABIET COMPAKT tt41 Ceatral St., Evaaatoa JUt Sllenaaa ATe., ETaaatoa A. l. WICHKAN Ill Deapater Street Linoleum Bemaaat1 .E very remnant in this collection iJ of extra cood yaJuegraclea that have sold up to S3 per aquare yard. Your Choice, $1.00 per Sfl· ~d. (Bring your own meaauremtnta) Bay yoar Christmas preseats from o·r large stoek liOW. Yoar sele~loa eaa be held here for later deUve17. E.Uaada~r, C·tU··· LaJialf, Sewlatr Stair Cleaala~r aad BeJtalrlalf ······· LlaiBifl a.._..a~4 Ca~e11 Tht Liug11t Excluaive CtUpet, Rug md Linoleum Stott N ortb of the u Loop" ETaastoa-TeL Uah. 118 DaYi4...~,!~ ,,parr~ 818-111 GROVE STREET - · Plloaee: UalverlltJ' ... 11 · a=aleal....... Served Exduaiwlv «t tht ·-J. p-..~.:-- S PM8 l IKOKm COUKTRY . CLUB IMDBPBMDDCB PRODUCE CO. IIIDBPaDBIICB, IOWA