Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Nov 1928, p. 70

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WILMETTE ·LIFE 17 JNTEBIOB DBCOBA.TING 58 HELP WTD-KALB II PBKA.L"B H0~1E SERVICE CLA881FIED ADVER. TI&EMENT& ~-· Not;,. ClaaaUled advertlaementa wlU be charlred onl7 G., · ....,. 111 . . . - t o realdenta of the dlatrlct from Ev&DIIton to Ratti-10 11 centa a Une In " one paper. J6 centa a llne tn any two paper& centa a Une In all three papen. MJIUBU:M CBA.BGE 5t eeatt. ALLOW ME TO REARRANGE YOUR furniture, giving the · charming and balanced effect you have often wished for. Fee most moderate. Ph. ' Glenview 203. Myrtle Warren. 27LTN3-4tc WANTED-SALESMEN AND SALESwomen, salary and commission, Glenview Rd., west of Glenayre Station. All Improvements ln. ()pen every day and evening. Jules Dixon &: Co., Ph. Glenview 76. 58LTN-16tc Oleaooe IDclualve whoee namea appear ID the telephone directory, or who are ....war 8UNcrlbera to either WILIODTTB. LU'lD. WINNETKA TALK or OLBI!.fCOB NJDWS. 10 SITUATION WTD.--FEKALE 10 LOANS WANTED PRIVATE FAMILY WASHes, work guaranteed, we call for and deliver, references furnished, c a 1 1 Greenleaf 692. 60LTN6-ltc POSITION AS DIET OR PRACTICAL nurse for invalid or motherless homewould take entire charge. Wilmette , ref. Ph. Wilmette 4262. 60LTN6-ltp ELDERLY; COL. AS MOTHER'S HELPer ; will do any sort of hswk. ; no cooking ; strong and reliable. Rm. $8 ; call Pearl~, Winnetka 1426. 60LT6-ltp GENERAL HOUSEWORK, GOOD COOK. fond of children. No washing, best of ref. Write Wilmette Life A-190. 60LTN6-1tc A.· ....,.. of lve worda to the line.. No black face type used. 10" dlacount on all caab with order advertlaepienta when brought to our oftlce at 1212 Central Ave., WUmette, or 684 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. Charles H. Brethold 1st and 2nd Mortgages 545 Main St., Wilmette Tel.. 65 30L17-tfc Dttulline for J.6 ..... ttl·on··ClaeaUled " .-cepted up advertisements be acto Wednesday 6 o'clock for the WILIIETTE LIFE or all three papera; Thursday 5 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 6 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000-2001. will MONEY TO LOAN FOR SALE-AUTOS FOR SALE-AUTOS . ON FIRST OR SECOND MORTGAGES at reasonable rates, quick, courteous, confidential service. 1928 Hupmoblle Roadster. Sport equipment. Priced to sell, only ..... . $1,445 1925 P eerless S cylinder VIctoria . . 550 ON FIRST MORTGAGES; NO COMMISPRICED RIGHT 1928 Master Six f!edan, only run 5,500 1926 Ford Coupe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 l'llon. miles, $425 down payment. Gold Seal. 1926 Ford Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 WINNETKA BLDG. & LOAN ASSN. 1927 Nash Six, 4 dr. Redan, very clean, 716 Elm St., Winnetka Tel. Winn. 1387 $250 down payment. 30LTN6-ltc 1927 5 pass. Buick Sedan. $370 down. 1926 5 pass. Master Buick Sedan, Gold 548 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 3090 AUTOMOBILE LOANS, REASONABLE X~~~~e cA.li . ·cA~lf 5 4LTN6-ltc rates, Immediate service: Motor AccepTOWARD DOWN PAYMENT ---------------tance Co., State Bank & Trust Co. FOR SALE-VARIOUS REPOSSESSED Bldg., Evanston. Ph. University 1204. automobiles at prices 25% less than 30LTN4-tfc J027 Davis St. Unlv. 5961-2 elsewhere ; down payment $25 to $50, 4LTN6-ltc balance In semi-monthly payments. Mo- MONEY TO LOAN ON NORTH SHORE tor Acceptance Co., Ph. UniversitY 1204. VACANT. IMMEDIATE APPRAISAL. 4LTN4-tfc LOW RATES. WRITE WILMETTE LIFE A-H8. 30LTN6~2tp Chandler Sedan ..... . ........ .... $ 65.00 DETROIT ELEC'rRIC CAR DOUBLE drive, almost new, good batteries and U REP AIRING & REFINISHING Buick Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75.00 tires, also charging outfit. 535 LongFord Touring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95.00 wood, Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 129. WATCH REPAIRING DONE BY EXDodge Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375.00 Qldsmoblle Roadster . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395.00 . 4LTN6-ltJ.' pert. Watches cleaned and adjusted. Paul Davey, Jeweler, 1165 Wilmette Studebaker Roadster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400.00 Dodge Coupe ............ ... ... .. .. 450.00 1925-1~ TON REO SPEEDWAGON. Avenue. Phone Wilmette 6 43L34-tfc Packard Sedan ............ . ...... 600.00 Bargain. Call Wilmette 2480 after· 6 :30 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 6 Dodge Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 795.00 P. 1\1. LTN -ltc H SERVICE BUREAU Buick Roadster .... . . . .. .. ....... 835.00 ALL USED CARS SOLD ON 3-DAY 1926 DODGE COUPE; EXC. COND., new tires, heater. Tel. Winn. 17. GREENJ-.~EAF TRIAL. YOU MUST BE SATISFIED ! 4L6-ltp We furnish male and female help The most r eliable and oldeRt employDodge Motor Cars ll RUILD1NG AND CONTRACTING m ent agency on the North Shore. 1019 Davis St. Evanston Univ. 224 PROMPT SERVICE 4LTN6-ltc WM. OTTEN, MASON CONTRACTOR. N. S. En1ploytnent Agency New r\nd repair work. Get our estimate. P h . Highland Park 3012. 11LTN6-tfc 1618 Sherman Ave., Evanston 44LTN6-ltc DRESSJlAKING EVERY POPULAR MAKE ji).J. SILVER PLATING ALL KNOWN MODELS DRESSMAKING, FURS REMODELED, '25 Oakland AJoa~~:Vne~S tf:!s ...... $295 by day or shop, Exp. Ph. Wil. 3464. SILVER PLATING - HAVE YOUR '26 Dodge Sedan, driven little . ...... . $395 17LT6-ltc good old pieces renewed at a r eason'26 Studebaker Sedan, big six .. .. .... $625 able price. Paul Davey, J eweler, 1165 '26 Oakland Sedan . . ....... ....... $485 28 ELECTRICAL REPAIRS Wilmette Avenue. Phone Wilmette 6. '26 Oakland Coach, lik e n ew . .. ..... $425 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 45A-L34-tfc '25 Studebaker Sedan .............. $285 CLOCKS REPAIRED BY EXPERT. '2.f Nash Sedan, 7 pass . ............ $235 Clocks called for and delivered. Paul r.o GENERAL REPAIRS '26 Ford Coupe . .. . . .... . .. .. . . . ... $175 Davey, Jewder. 1165 Wilmette Ave- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Oldsmobile Demonstrator, big discount nue. Phone Wilmette 6. 23L34-tfc JEWELRY REP AIRING AND REFord Crt'dlt, Immediate delivery modeling by a craftsman of rare abilAuto 2:; INSTRUCTION ity. Pau· Davey, Jeweler. 1165 Wilmette A venue. Phone Wilmette 6. 1010 Chicago Ave. Univ. 59 50L4-tfc 4LTN6-ltc .JANE TRIGGS, B. A. WELLESLEY. r.:; LOST AND FOUND Tutoring i~ grammar and high school - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1926 Hupmobile "6" ........ ... . ... .. $675 subjects. Ph. Wilmette 3588. 25LT6-ltc LOST A SHEPHERD POLICE DOG 6 1926 Jordan Coupe, New Paint ....... 625 1927 Chevrolet Sedan ..... .. ......... 375 mo. Has collar with name & address; 1927 Whippet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 PJ ANO TEACHER, EXPERIENCED reward to tinder. Call Wil. 1016 or at 1925 Hupmobile Touring . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 will call at your home. First class ref. 515 Central Ave. 55L6-ltc Ph. Irving 6305. 25LTN6-4tp Rlckenbacker Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 1925 Chevrolet Touring, with winter LOST-A PAIR OF HORNED RIMMED enclosure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 2? INTERIOR DECORATING glasses in blue leather case. Ph. Wil1926 Ford Roadster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mette 1681. 55L6-ltp Jewett Coupe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 4 cyl. Essex Coach . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 LOST - OCT. 27 A LACE SCARF IN 192f Ford Coupe .... ............. ... 7!i Jordan Coupe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 t h e 700 block on Central St; reward Dodge Touring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·fO ARTISTIC TEMPERAMENT WILL ALfor return. Ph. Wilmette 1380. 55L6-ltc ways react to the appeal of beauty. A room Is attractive when its lamps and LOST-LARGE HUSKY POLICE DOG; 555 Chestnut St. Phone WinnetkA. 330 very friendly; children's pet; Reward. shades are ln perfect harmony. We 4LTN6-ltc Tel. Winn. 58-l. 55LTN6-ltc study your home and carefully analyze YOUR lighting needs. Vases wired. HELP WANTED-FEMALE SPECIAL Fall Clearance Sale McKENDRY REALTY CO. MONEY TO LOAN 1614 Orrington Ave., Evanston, Unlv. 8383 CHILDREN CARED FOR BY DAY, 30LTN6-4tp part day and eves. ; West side pre f. Also TYPEWRITING done at home: Ph. Wil. 2261. 60L6-ltp WTD. WASHING AND IRONING, WILL call for and deliver. Ph. Wilmette ~·599. 60LTN6-ltc A YOUNG GIRL WISHES A POSITION CG<anmllcdl (Co JD)&wn~ 9 ITrru~o Jill oi.ri . As· North Shore Buick Co. GOOD USED CARS for general housework. Ph. Wilmette 1080. Ref. furn . 60LT6-ltp EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WOULD like to do laundry or housework, on Friday. Ph. Wilmette 4230. 60L6-ltp HOUSEWORK, CLEANING, COOKING and serving, half days or several hours daily. Ph. Wilmette 964. 60LT6-ltc A YOUNG WOMAN DESIRES CLERIcal position or as bookkeeper. Write Wilmette Life A-187. 60LTN-ltp Sl SITUA'fiON WANTED-MALE 6130 WORK BY THE HOUR OR DAY. Cleaning woodwork or windows. Serving & waiting table. Landscape work a specialty. Tel. Winn. 1657. 61LT6-ltp WTD.- YARDS TO RAKE, CLEAN furnaces, wash basements and make fires. Ph. University 4721, Mr. Walker. 61LT6-ltp YARD HOUSE OR WINDOW WORK or e~tra work of any kind including chauffeuring. Ph. Wilmette 964. 61LT6-ltc GARDENER, EXPERIENCED, SINGLE, Scotch. Ph. Winnetka 1580. 61LTN6-ltp SIT. WTD.- EXPERIENCED CHAUFfe ur. Ref. Wm. Whitmore. Ph. Greenleaf 5523. 61LTN6-ltp 62 SIT. WTD-MALE & FEMALE ---------------RELIABLE COUPLE, HOUSEMAN, chauffeur, cook or maid. Ph. University 5061. 62LTN6-ltp C. M. McDONALD 28 USED CARS Lake Shore Sales TUTORING 66 FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED ROOM FOR 2 ADULTS employed ; light and pleasant; hot and cold running water. Phone Wil. 4207. 66L25-tfp ' LARGE DESIRABLE FRONT ROOM with ~vood burning fireplace and two closets. Central east location. Phone Wilmette 2671 or 1682. 66L6-ltc 2 FURN. BEDRMS.· IN PRIVATE home., kit. priv. if desired. Prot. Glencoe 976. 66LTN6-ltc PARCHMENT SHADES PAINTED TO ORDER HANSON MOTOR CO. A Used Dodge Sedan 1 OR 2 RMS; PRIV. BATH & GAR. space. H. Wds. Tel. Winn. 2988. 66LTN6-ltc A LOVELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH bath ; very homelike. Ph. Gl~ncoe 1568. 66LT.N6-ltp GOODRICH STUDIO lI WILL RENDER THOUSANDS OF 632 Church St. Greenleaf 816 GEN'L MAID, WHITE, UNDER 30, miles of economical transportation. We 27LTN6-ltc refs. Family 3 adults, children 6 & 10 LARGE RM., PRIVATE BATH, GAR., have a few in excellent condition. ---------------yrs. 163 Bertling lane, Winnetka. . near transp. Ph. Winnetka 1543. F. S. ~~~RF!~Tn:TORE 56L6-ltc 66L'l'N6-ltc 562 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 1312 Chicago Ave., EVANSTON, Unlv. COMP. WHT. MAID FOR GEN. HSWK. FOR RENT-ROOMS. NEAR TRANS4LTN6-ltt! 9179. · 27LTN4-16tp no washing. must be good cook. Refs. portation. 220 Wood Ct. Call between Tel. Glencoe 79. 56LTN6-ltc 5 and 6. Wilmette 2248. 66L6-ltc \VERSTED 1\lOTOR CO. - · - ~ou Waat Ad Ia b8118toa, too This Oftict will accept classified advertising to be ran in THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16,000 familia in Evanston. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p.m. on Tunclay. - Teltpboat Wilmette 4300 or Winaetka 2000 - LARGE FRONT ROOM FOR ONE OR GIRL; EXP. WHT; PROT: ; GEN. two adults. 731 lOth St. 66L6-ltc hswk., like children; fam. 4. Winn. 492; ·66LTN6-ltc FOR RENT-FURN. ROOM CLOSE TO ---------------transp. Ph. Wilmette 1913. 66LT6-ltc HIGH SCHOOL GIRL OR MOTHER'S helper. Good home and pay. Ph. Wil. 17 FOR RENT-APA.RTIIENTS 2821. 56L6-ltc - - - - - - - - - - - - - J'OR RENT-I ROo-' . KITCHENETTB MOTHER'S HELPER AND MIDDLE RJ)artment, steam heat, janitor service. aged woman, light housework, no washnear transportation. Call Wilmette tng. Ph. Wilmette 3667. 56LTN6-1tc 1800. &'ILTNII-UC )0

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