Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Nov 1928, p. 27

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·November 2. 1928 I W.ll.METT. E LIPE. Recreation Events Schedules · for the Winter sports leagues conducted by the Wilmette Playground and Recreation board {Qr men are announced as follow.s ·: Games wtll be played . at Howard and Stolp gymnasiums. Teams whose opponents are not ready to play 10 minutes after game .time may call a forfeit. N oYealter 7 Stolp, 7 :30-State Bank vs Wilmette Ice; 8 :3G-Termlnal A. C. VB St. Joseph; Howard, 7 ;00-Methodlst vs K. of C. I ~ 8 :06-K. of C. II vs Wil. Shoe Store ; 9 :00 -Presbyterian II VB I. 0. 0. F. NoTeaber U Stolp, 7 :30-PresbytLrlan I VB St. Joseph ; 8 :30-State Bank vd K. of C. I ; Howard, 7 :00-Terminal A. C. vs Wll. Shoe Store ; 8 :00-MethodiBt vs I. 0. 0. F. ; 9 :oo-K. of C. II VB Presbyterian 8 :15-Baptlst VB Methodist ; 8 :15-Wll. Shoe VB English Lutheran : 9 :00-St. Joseph vs Presbyterian. December 3, 7 :3~P. T. A. VB Metho- · diBt ; 7 :30-WU. S)loe VB Am. Legion : 8 :15-St. Joseph VB Ridge Electric ; 8 :15Eng. Luth. va Presbyterian ; 9 :00-Baptlst VB Wilmette Ice. December 10, 7 :30-BaptlBt VB P. T. A. ; 7 :30-Wil. Shoe VB Wll. Ice ; 8 :16-St. Joseph vs Methodist; 8 :15-Presbyterlan VB Am. Legion ; 9 :00-Eng. Luth. VB Ridge Electric. December l, · 7 :3D-St. JoBeph VB P. T. A. ; 7 :3o-Preabyterlan vs Wilmette Ice : 8 :15-BaptiBt vs Wilmette Shoe ; 8 :16 -Eng. Luth. vs Methodist ; 9 :00-Ridge Electric vs Am. Legion. January 7, 7:30-Am. Legion vs Methodist ; 7 :30-Ridge Electric vB Wilmette Ice ; 8 :15-Eng. Luth.: VB P. T. A. ; 8 :16Presbyterian vs Wilmette Shoe : ·9 :GOBaptist VB St. Joeeph. ; Basletltall P·rti,.,l.rly youd/ul ia it· Ji.tinctiuc ·tyL, i. tlai. com&i11atio11 .felt ,~J /ur tt&lfl $50 ,._ II. November Jl Stolp, 7 :30-Wllmette Ice VB K. of C. I; 8 :3o-PreBbyterian vs Wll. Shoe Store ; Howard, 7 :00-State Bank vs I. 0. 0. F. ; 8 :Oo-Termlnal A. C. vs Presbyterian II ; 9 :00-Methodlst vs K. of C. II. November 18 Stolp, 7 :30-Wilmette Shoe vs St. Joseph; 8 :30-Wllmette Ice vs I. 0. 0. F.; Howard, 7 :00-Presbyterian I vs Presbyterian II ; 8 :00-State Bank vs K. of C. II ; 9 :00-Termln~l A. C. vs Methodist. December i Stolp, 7 :30-K. ·lf C. I vs I. 0. 0. F. ; 8 :30-St. Joseph vs Presbyterian II; Howard, 7 :00-WlJmette Ice vs K. of C. II ; 8 :00-Methodist vs Presbyterian I ; 9 :00State Bank vs Terminals A. C. Deeember I! Stolp, 7 :30-Wll. Shoe Store vs Presbyterian II ; 8 :30-K. of C. I vs K. of C. II ; Howard, 7 :00-St. Joseph vs Methodist; 8 :oo-wnmette Ice vs Terminal A. c. ; 9 :00--State Bank vs Presbyterian I. Deeember 11 Stolp, 7 :30-1. 0. 0. F. vs K. of C. II ; 8 :30-Wll. Shoe vs Methodist; Howard, 7 :00-Termlnal A. C. vs K. of C. I ; 8 :00St. Joseph ve State Bank; 9 :00-Presbyterlan I vs Wilmette Ice . .January t Stolp, 7 :30-Presbyterian II vs Methodist ; 8 :30-'l'erminal A. C. vs I. 0. 0. F. ; -Howard, 7 :00-Wilmette Shoe vs State · Bank ; 8 :00-K. of C. I vs Presbyterian I ; 9 :oo-wumette Ice vs St. Joseph . .Jan·ary 11 Stolp, 7 :30-Termlnal A. C. vs K. of C. II ; 8 :30-Presbyterian II vs State Bank ; Howard, 7 :00-1. 0. 0. F. vs Presbyterian I; 8 :00-Wilmc,t.te Shoe vs Wilmette Ice; !t :00-K. of C. I vs St. Joseph . Stolp, 7 :30-Methodist vs State Bank ; 8 :30-Presbyterian I vs K. of C. II ; Howard, 7 :00-Presbyterian II vs Wilmette · Ice; 8 :00-1. 0. 0. F. vs St. Joseph; 9 :00 -Wilmette Shoe ·vs K. of C. I. Janaary SO Stolp, 7 :30-Methodist vs Wilmette Ice ; 8 :30-K. of C. II vs St. Joseph ; Howard, 7 :00-Presbyterian II vs K. of C. I ; 8 :001. 0. 0. F. vs Wilmette Shoe ; 9 :00-Ter. mlnal A~ C. vs Presbyterian I. Indoor Baseball All games played at Stolp gymnasium. Any team whose opponents are not ready to play 15 minutes after game is scheduled may demand a forfeit. Friday, November 2, 7 :15-Printing Studio vs Wilmette Shoe ; 8 :30-St. Joseph vs Wilmette Ice. November 9, 7 :15-The Printing Studio YS St. Joseph; 8 :30-Ridge Electric vs Wilmette Ice. November 16, 7 :15-Printlng Studio vs Ridge Electric; 8 :30-Wilmette Shoe vs St. Joseph. November 23, 7 :15-Wilmete Ice vs Printing Studio; 8 :30-Wilmette Shoe vs Ridge Electric. . · ··December 7, 7 :15-St. Joseph ·vs Ridge Electric ; ~· 8 :30-Wilmette Shoe vs Wilmette Ice. Volleyball All games will be played at . Howard gymnasium. A team whose opponents are not ready to play 15. minutes aft~r game is scheduled may call a forfeit. Monday, October 29, 7 :30-Baptist vs Presbyterian ; 7 :30-Eng. Luth. vs St. Joseph ; 8 :15-Ridge Elec. vs. Wilmette Shoe ; 8 :15-Am. Legion vs Howard P. T. A. ; 9 :00-Methodist VB Wilmette Ice. November 5, 7 :30-Presbyterian vs Ridge Electric; 7:30-Am. Legion vs St. Joseph; 8 :15-Baptist vs English Lutheran; 8 :15-Methodist vs .Wilmette Shoe; 9 :00-Wil. Ice vs Howard P. T. A. November 12, 7 :30-Howard P. T. A. vs · Wilmette Shoe ; 7 :30-Wil. Ice vs St. Joseph; 8 :15-Methodist vs Presbyterian; 8 :15-Arn. Legion vs English Lutheran; 9 :Oo-B®tlst vs Ridge Electric. November 19, 7 :30-Baptlst vs Am. Legion ; 7 :30-Methodlst vs Ridge Electric; 8 :15-Eng. Luth. vs Wilmette Ice ; 8 :15-Howard P. T. A. vs Presbyterian ; 9 :00-Wll. Shoe vs St. Joseph. November 26, 7 :3o-Wil. Ice vs Am. Legion ; 7 :30-P. T : A. vs Ridge Electric ; Mrs. Paul Van Dom, formerly Miss Jessie Hess of Wilmette, will entertain at a party on November 11. Mrs. George A. Hallstein of 595 Orchard lane, Winnetka, gave a bridge luncheon Thursday afternoon for Miss Mitchell. --o- RHYTHM IN S'I'YLE A Vogue in Hats wlucb mar~s the vivid modenWtic trend of a :youthful age originated by . . . . ' Mrs. H. L. Bundy of 1337 Elmwood avenue entertained Mrs. Philip Rea of Marietta, Ohio as her guest last week. NE~ILG'll{{~ND r" ·· 'T J\OULEVAR.D ~ t.. nrAGO ·SOUTH PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS .January !I .. I Correct Time At a Glance There is no substitute for its convenience. ... I SILVERWARE RINGS DIAMONDS FINE JEWELRY NOVELTIES GIFTS THAT LAST LEE NELSON Jeweler New Location 1626 ORRINGTON AVE. (New Hahn Building) University 461

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