Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 2 Nov 1928, p. 14

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14 ' WILMETTE LIFE November ~ · 192R News Q/ Interest to the Church-Goers of Our · Village afternoons under the leadership of Miss Florence Mitchell. Girls nine and ten Sunday, Nov~mber 4. wtll be the 22nd years of age are invited to become Sunday after Trinity. There wlll be Holy members. Communion at 8 A. M.. Church schools and Bible clas~es at 9:45, and Holy ComSea Scout Troop No. 7 meets at the munion with address at 11 o'clock. church on Tuesday evening at 7 :30. .6 "~ St. A dust,·ne's Church the church promptly at 5 v. m. . Dinner will be ,served at the Unity church and a devotional meeting 1 will follow immediately. Mr. A. D. Gash. Sr.. will address this meeting upon invitation of the Unity Luther league. oroceeds from the sale of these stamps is used for charity cases at the Lutheran S::tnitarium for consumptives at Wheatridge, Colo. The young folks have always disposed of these stamps very quickly, and we hope will do the same this year. Christmas is a time of sending greetings. And since Christmas is essentially a Christian holiday, we have always maintained that the best kind of greeting cards for Christians to send on that day are those of a Christian character. It has been somewhat difficult to get these 1n the past. but very soon we shall have a supply of them at the church. Come and . see them. on · Thursday afternoon and evening November 22, the societies of the church are cooperating again to give their annual Christmas sale and supper. The various circles are working like bees to get the articles for their booths in shape. ~ext Sunday bt-lng the first Sunda;Y In Roosevelt Troop No. 2 Boy Scouts also the month. will be Corporate Communion meets at the church at 7:30. Sunday for th e Boys' and Girls' Communion league. · On Wednesday the Church school The Girls' choir will hold Its practice faculty will hold its regular monthly today, Frlc'l:w. at 4 :l 5 In the Parish dinner and meeting at the church. house, and the Boys' choir at 7 p. m. Miss Katherine Crane will speak of her A conference for the Laymen of nil the travels in Western Africa at the annual Diocf'se of C'hicago began la~t night at Thank-Offering meeting which is to be St. .Jnme~· burch Community House, 666 held on ·w ednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Rush street, Chicago, and continues Everyone is invited to attend this meetthrough today until tomorrow at noon. ing which is held under the auspices of After dinner tonight at 6 o'clock. at St. the 'Voman's Guild Foreign Missions deJames' cafeteria, there will be a confer- partment of which Mrs. A. H. Howard ence at 7:30. and another tomorrow is chairman. A fre ·' will offering will be taken for the missionary work which is morning at 10 o'clock. being carried on in 'Vestern Africa. Yesterday, helng AJJ Ralnts' Day. there were Holy Communion :'iervices in st. The beard of deacons will hold its Augustine's at 8 and 10 a. m. regular monthly meeting immediately following the Thank-Offering meeting. A Father and Son dinnPt\ primn r·il:v On Thursday th e Boys' club will meet for the Boy Scouts and their fathers. of St. Augustine'~ Troop No. 4, will be held at the church at 4 o'clock. In the C'lub House Wedn('sday f'Yt>ning, November 7. nt 6 : 3 0. A II Boy The Junior choir will meet fot· rehearsa l Scouts anc'l thf:"ir fathers are urged to :tt 4 o'C'lock under the direction of Amy attend, and fath e rs of boys und er Rcout Leslie Tosk y. age are specially Invited to com(' and . bring their boyR Rt>servations should bt> The Senior choir will rehearse at 7 :30. madt> quickly with the rector or any of the Scout troop. On Friday th e Woman':-; Guild, Mrs. A. B. Klunder, presid ent, will hold its St. Augustine's Moving Picture Ma- month!y luncheon and meeting at the chines and Booth were used at the How- church. The board will meet at 12 o'clock. ard and Byron :;:itolp schools Hallowt>'en 'fh,. Northwest Circle will sen-e the night to entertain the children of the luncheon at 1 o'clock. Following this town with moving pictures. Mr. Ray- l\[t·s. W. A. Tucker will lead in the devomond Irving ~Up('rvised the showing at tions, and r eports of th e Decatur and the Central school. Milwaukee con\'entions, which were att ndt-d by r presentntives of this church, Several of the men of St. Augustine's will be given. Rese rvation~ may be made . are planning to attend the Racine Con- hy telt' phoning the church office, Wilferenc e on Evangelism for Laymen of the mette 1204. dlocesP to be held at Racine. WiR. on Novembt>r · !l. 10 and 11. They will be On Friday evening- members of the glad to haw others go with them and Senior department will attend the dinner make up a party. lnd meeting of the Pilgrim Federation to be held at the Pilgrim church in Oak Some twenty-five of the Merit Badge Park. councillors of the North Shore Boy Scout organization met last night in St. Augustine'H Club House to plan for and systemize their work with the boys. TWENTY -SECOND SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY Miss Jane Addams will be the speaker SUNDAY at the Sunday Evening club in the ConNovember 4, 1928 gregational church next Sunday at 7 :30 p.m. 9 :45 A. l\f. . ........ . . Sunday School JoReph .Johnson, superintendent 11 A. 1\f. ....... . .. . ... . Morning Worship Ser·mon-"A Citizen of Character" ... Wilmette Baptist Sunday morning we hold our bimonthly Communion service. This is a deeply spiritual exercise to which we invite all disciples of Christ whether of our denomination or of others. Dr. Allison's ·sermon will be "Forgiveness and Cleansing." Our minister preached the Conl'iecration sermon at the close of the 111inois Baptist convention Sunday night. The meetine-s were held at First church, Peoria. Thursday, October 25. to Sunday, October 2R. :md 1205 delegates from outside Peoria were in attendance. It was a great convention. Girls of this congregation :1.nd their friends have an unu~ual opportunity in our new Junior choir, which will be under the skillful direction of Madame Gilderoy Scott. The rehearsals are held on Thursday at 7 sharp and those sincerely interested will be welcome. Jlllethodist Church English Lutheran Congregational Church Vere V. Loper, minister William E. McCormack, minister of education A Mt:>mber~hip Contest in the Sunday school begins this Runday. The su~erin tendent has divided both departments into eQual sides. Red and blue buttonR The Central A venue Circle is meeting have been mailed to show which side you today at the home of Mrs. F. A. Smith. are on. Those bringing in new membPrs 7:!9 Eighth i!treet. Mrs. M. G. Hopf and will receive special recognition. At the Mrs. .J. F. Johnson are the assigting host- end of the contest, the one bringing in esses. Luncheon will be served at · 12:30. the most new members will receive a handsome solid gold button. On Sunoay the Church school meets in Annu:1.l Fall Dinner will be held all departments. 9 :30 a. m .· Primary de- in Our the church parlors November 9. The partment, Junior department. Intt>rmedi- Woman's Missionary society has chargf' ate department; 10:45 a . m., Cradle Roll of this affair. There has always been a department. Beginners department; 12 great demand for places at the tables. noon, Senior department, Forum for Only 100 tickets have been printed, so adults. apply early if you plan to come. The eats are excellent. the fellowship is At the morning worship service at splendid. 10 :45, Mr. Loper will preach on "The The Church council will meet Wednes· Inheritance of Humility." This is in his day evening. November 7. We will have series of sermons, "An Outline of Chris- a. final check-up on the building fund tian Character," based on the Sermon pledges from our membership at this on the Mount. meeting. Every councilman is urged to be present. Visitors are always welcome at our This church co-operates with the Sunchurch. We preach Jesus Christ as Lord day Evening club which meets in its auditorium at 7:30. The speaker this and Saviour and believe the Bible to be the ·word of God. We invite all unSunday is Miss Jane Addams. churched people of our community to On Monday the North End Circle, Mrs. worship with us. "A church where you H. B. Mulford. chairman. w111 meet at feel at home." the home of Mrs. W. J. King, '611 Forest The Men's Brotherhood will hold its avenue. for luncheon at 12 :30. Mrs. F. second in the basement on the JL. Bowes. Mrs. P. S. Hill and Mrs. Bruce night ofmeeting November 12. The membership P. Owens will assist. in this organization is not limited to members of our church but is open to all The board of trustees will hold its unchurched members of our community. regular monthly meeting in the church The organization began with eighteen parlor at 7 :30 p. m. men from varied walks of life and the charter list will be held. open until JanThe Crescent Circle, Mrs. J. A. Born- uary 1. 1929. The aim of the men is to camp, chairman, will meet on Tuesday enroll 60 charter memb~rs. The Brotherat the home of Mrs. Norman H. Hall. hood wlll have charge of the November 705 Gregory avenue. for luncheon at C'on~regatlonal Get-to-Gether. Mr. Arthur 1%:30. Mrs. Hall will be assisted by Mrs. Stark Is the chairman of the entertainB. A. Langdon. ment committee. Paul A. Kier is president of the new mens' organization. The Wekeacaflla Camp Fire Girls will The Luther league of our church is inmf'et at the Church at 3 :45. vited to be guests of the Luther league of l nity Lutheran church on the night A Bluebird R"roup for younger girls Is of November 11. Car:s enough to carry belnc organized and wtll meet on Frtday all members who desire to go will leave An extraordinary meeting is · announced for Sunday morning at 9 :30. It is one of a series planned by the church school to bring all of the departments into closer relations. lt is advertised as a meeting combining the elements of a high school The F . A. S. ~ociety will meet Sunday pep meeting, a political rally, and an afternoon at 5 :30 at the home of Dr. and old-time revival. Mrs. G. D. Alli~on. 1028 Forest avenue. Mis~ Hazel Green will have charge of the The sermon theme for next Sunday meeting. morning will be "Candidates for Personality." The sermon will be appropriate Next Wednesday evening Dr. Alli~on to the meaning of these days. will have for his topic, "An Evening with Whittier the Quaker Poet." · This church co-operates in the Sunday Evening club. The speaker for this SunThe B. Y. P. U. will hold their regu- day is Miss Jane Addams. She is too lar meeting Sunday afternoon at 5 :30 in well known to need further introduction. the Guild room. The service is held in the Congregational church and begins at 7:30. The regular monthly met>ting of the board of trustees and the board of The Senior High School league wiiJ deacons will be held Monday evening at meet Sunday evening at . 5 :30 in the 8 o'clock at the church. Young People's house. Thirty-seven were present last Sunday evening. Miss Jane Addams of the Hull House. Chicago, will be the speaker at the SunThe Junior High league, which will inday Evening club Sunday evening at 7:30 elude the seventh, eighth and ninth at the Congregational church. gr.ades, will be organized this sunday evening at 5 :30. The choir, under the leadership of Madame Scott, will hold its rehearsal at The interest and attendance at the 8 o'clock Thursday evening. S~nctu~ry services continue. The Bible drscusswn next week centers around the The Boy Scouts meet at the church at idea of "Social Pressure." The pictures 7:30 Thursday evening, h~ ve to do,with "Schools in the Southern The book to be reviewed is The church office is open daily from Highlands. Walpole's "Cathedral." The illustrated 9 to 12 and from 1 to 5. Saturdays from h~mn, "God of Earth and Sea and Sky " 9 to 12. Will be sung. . This service is held ~n The Wilmette Baptist church lo- Wedne:-;day night beginning at 8 o'clock cated at the corner of Wilmette and and lasts just one hour. Forest avenues. It is the ·church of the . The 'Y'oman's Foreign Missionary solighted cross. Ciety Will meet Thursday, November 8, at the church. Hostesses: Mrs. Edwin ~oun~berg and Mrs. M. H. Bickham. The devotiOns will be led by Mrs. L. w. Wilmette and Park avenues, Wilmette Jone~. and the lesson given by Mrs. J. c. Ma_rtm. Echoes from Branch meeting. HHman W. Meyer. M. A., pastor 406 Prairie a venue Telephone 1396 :r'hts is dues paying month ! The meetIng will be held from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. Church telephone 3111 is St. John's Lutheran Services 22nd Sunday after Trinitv 9 :30 A. M. Sunday school and Bible classes. 9:30A.M. Confessional service for communicants. 9:45A.M. First service and Holy Communion. 11 :00 A. M. Second service and sermon. Friday, November 2, at 7 :45 : Junior Walther league. Monday at 7 :30: Choir rehearsal. Monday and Friday at 4 : Classes for children. Tuesday at 7 :45: Church council. Wednesday at 7:30: Boy Scouts, Troop 6. Thursday at 7:45: Bible Hour for Adults. Thursday at 8 :45: Sunday school staff. Now that the festivities connected with the twenty-fifth anniversary of our church are all over we can say that the services, as well as the social meetings which followed them, were enjoyed by all who attended them. There were an unusual number of visitors present from neighboring churches, and this together with the fine attendance of the members of St. John's more than taxed the seating capacity of the church at every servict>. After the service on Thursday eveninethe Ladies· Aid and Missionary society together with the two Young People's societies sprang a surprise of their own on the pastor and his wife. Not to be outdone by the men of the church who had presented the pastor with a beautiful watch. these sr·cieties equipped the parsonage with the very latest in gas ranges. a gift to the pastor's family. 1\leettn~s During ~ recent ~ek eleven meetings were held m the church and in the homes of the church with a total attendance of ~ell over four hundred. This does not mclude a dinner at which two hundred and fiftY: more were present, nor any of the services held each Sunday, ~ollowing ne;- members were remto the church last Sunday mornmg. They are the first of a considerable group to be received at intervals. Ther-;e new members came from many different places and from several different denominations. They are as follows: Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Groves. 1223 Wilmette avenue; Mr. and Mrs. E. S . .Johnson. 715 Greenleaf avenue; Mrs. 0. E. Koegel. 716 Ninth street: Mr. Ted Mayer. G~rrett Biblical Institute; Mr. Walter Pllgrlm, 1411 Elmwood avenue; Mrs . .J. A. Prescott and John, Linden Crest AiJartments: Mrs. S. W. Saylor, 726 Eleventh street. ~etved :rhe The laying of the Corner Stone for the new building will be held Sunday, November 11. at 10 :45. A brief service wilL be held in-between the Church school and the morning hour of worship. All members and friends of the church are asked to att~nd this significant service. Presbyterian Church Corner of Ninth street and Greenleaf avenue. Dr. Walter R. Cremeans, pastor of Westminster Presbyterian church, Springfield, . Ill., will supply the pulpit of the First Presbyterian church of Wilmette, Sunday, November 4, at the regular morning worship at 11 o'clock. Dr. The Young People of the church have Cremeans is an outstanding member of again received 300 packages of Wheat- th~> ~vnnil of TJiinoi:o; and it is hoped our ridge Christmas seals, each package con- people will turn out In good ·numbers to taining l\venty-ftve ·separate stamps. The Continued on page 67

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