. .. ' - '\VILMETTE I LIPE PLATIB'G f5A CLA881FIED ADVERTISEMENTS GtrJ«IIl Notia _ Rtltet-- li A C'....Ged &4verthlement. will be cbar&e4 oDIJ' to I"MMdent. of the dlatrlct from II:YaMtoD to a.... IDciUIIIve wbo.e DUllea appear lD tbe telephone dlrectorJ, or wbo an :reo;~~ to eltber WILIUII'l'TI: LinD. WINNBTKA. TALK 01' centa a line lD one paper. IS centa a line ID an7 two papen. 10 centa a line lD au three papen. MlltJM u· c.~aA RQ B H eeab. ._.... of .ftve wont· to the Une . No black faoe tn»e UMd. lOCft 418oouot ~~cub wltb order aclvertleementa when broUidat to our oftlce at 1111 Ave., Wilmette, or &h I4PoolD Ave., Winnetka. advertt..ment. tbe WIUIBTTB LID au tb cepted up to Wedneada7 & o'clock for WINNBTKA TALK an:r l'rl ree papen · Tbuncla7 & o'clock for the Teaepllonu: Wilmette 4100 or Detulline lot I,.,,.,;0~Clauttted I" " will be ..,.. ~fnn!tk:·c~C::.J:f. the GLB:NC<JID NBWS. GOVERNESS-SECRETARY, SILVER PLATING ....._ HAVE YOUR ENGLISH 31, desires position &!I governess, ·secgood old pieces renewed at a reason· retary or house manager. Thoroughly able price. Paul Davey, .Jeweler, 1165 capable and trustworthy. Five years Wllmette Avenue. Pho~e Wilmette 6. with previous employer. Finest ref. Ph. 45A-L34-tfe Wilmette 3478. 60LTN5-ltp GENERAL REPAIRS GERMAN WOMAN FOR ·COOKING, housework and laundry by the day. JEWELRY REPAIRING AND RE- · Mrs. Rock. Ph. Ardmore 1347. modeling by · a craftsman of rare a~il60LT3-3tp tty. Paul Davey, Jeweler. 11G5 WUmette A venue. Phone Wilmette 6. aOT..4-tfc GOOD' COMP. MAID WISH;ES WORK In · private family. Ref. Ph. Highland Park 103. . 60LT~5-ltp LOHT AND FOUND ALSO WET WASH, LOS'r-AMBER NECKLACE BETWEEN HOME LAUNDRY. Ph. Univer·lt~· call for and dellver. Forest Ave. & "L" Station Oct. 20th. 60LTN5·lt1' 6893. Call Miss Whttmack, Wil. 1125. 55L5-1tc EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WANTS Call evework for Mon. and Wed. LOST - ~HUR., OCT 18TH, A SMALL 60L6-ltp nlngs, University 8119. enameled Eversharp penctl on corner of Wil. and Central Aves. Ph. Wilmette 55L5-1tp 11 SITUATION WTD.-MALE 1962. . October . 26 1928 81T. WTD-FBMALE. . . - f FOR SALE-AUTOS !5 INSTRUCTION FOR BEGINNERS, SATURDAY MORNings. 2 In class, $1 a lesson. Anna PRICED RIGHT Chh!,lund, Instructor, Columbia School 1928 Master S~x l:!t'dan, only run 5,500 of Music, 627 11th St., Wll. Ph. Wilmiles, $425 down payment. Gold Seal. mette 3612. In studio every day from 1927 Nash Six, 4 dr. sedan, very clean 2 to 6. 25L4-2tp WHITE GIRL, 'FOR GEN. HSWK. $250 down payment. ' Refs. req. Tel. Winn. 2872. A .l<"'ORMER COLLEGE TEACHER WILL 56LTN5-ltc '1927 5 pass. Buick Sedan. $370 down tutor Algebra, Latin, Arithmetic, 1927 Studebaker Big Six, 5 pass. s'edan Geometry, English, French and Ger- MAID, NEAT, RESPONSIBLE. (}ENS~O~wa ' man. William R. Morrow, 6530 WinCadillac 63, 2 door sedan, interior pereral hsewk. and assist with care of 2 throp Ave., Chicago. Ph. Longbeach feet, good looking car, can be bought children. 9~3 Tower Rd. Ph. Winn. 1394. 3~00. 25LTN4-2tp for $270 down. 56LTN5ltc WILL ACCEPT OLD CAR AS CASH 17 INTERIOR DECORATING TOWARD DOWN PAYMENT WTD. "W'BITE GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework or mothers' helper. 4 tn family. Ph. Wilmette 1798. 56LTN5-ltc J 027 Davis St. Univ. fi961-2 4LTN5-ltc WHITE MAID FOR GEN. HSWK. Small family. Tel. Winn. 2138. ARTISTIC TEMPERAMENT WILL AL56LTN5-ltc ways react to the appeal of beauty. A room is attractive when Its lamps and shades are in perfect harmony. We WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK., SM. bse. and fam. Tel. Wlnn. 2119. study your home and carefully analyze 56LTN5-1tc YOUR lighting needs. Vases wired. SPECIAL Fall Clearance Sale PIANO · CLASS LESSONS SIT. WTD.-2 OR 3 FURNACES TO care for. can Wilm~tte 1351. 61L4-2tp WOMAN · FOR WANTE~APABLE preparing and managing school chlldren's lunches. Part time work. Write YOUNG MAN DESIRES PORTER AND janitor work. Ph. University 6637. atiL5-ttc . Wilmette Life A-184. 61LTN5-ltp PROT., GEN. GIRL, EXP., WHT., hswk., like children, fam. 4. Winn. 492. EXP. ALL AROUND MAN. TEL. WINN. 61LTN5-ltp 56LTN5-1tc 2776. HELP WTD.-FEMALE - SIT. WTD.- EXPERIENCED CHAUFfeur. Ref. Wm. Whitmore. Ph. Greenleaf 5523. 61LTN5-ltp EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER DE.,. sires full or part time work ; days or evenings. Write Wilmette Life A-180. 61LTN5-ltp WORK BY THE HOUR OR DAY. Cleaning wood_!!ork or windows. Servlng & waitl~g table. Landscape work a specialty. Tel. Winn. 1657. 61LT5-ltp CHAUFFEUR-COL., 10 YRS. EXP. A-1 ref. We!!tworth 1604 or Univ. 1283. 61LTN5-ltJl North Shore Buick Co. PARCHMENT SHADES PAINTED TO ORDER PRICE! ASSORTMENT! CONDITION! Everything 632 Church St. In the Buyer's Favor '25 Oakland Coach, new tires ...... $295 '26 Dodge Sedan, driven little ..... $425 '26 Studebaker Sedan, )>lg six .. . .. : $625 '26 Oakland Sedan . . . .............. $485 ALLOW ME TO REARRANGE YOUR '!6 Oakland Coach, like new ...... $425 furniture, giving the charming and ' 25 Studebaker Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . $285 balanced etrect you have often wished ' 24 Nub Sedan, 7 pass. . ..... . .... $235 for. Fee most moderate. Ph. Glen' 27 Ford Coupe . . . . . . .. _..... $200 view 203. Myrtle Warren. 27LTN3-4tc Ford Credit, Immediate deliverv F. S. BRASOR ART STORE Picture Framing Chicago Ave., EVANSTON, · Unlv. 1010 Chicago Ave. Univ. 59 1312 917!'. 21LTN4-16tp 4LTN5-ltc LOAlf8 GOODRICH STUDIO HOl\lE SERVICE HOUSECLEANING, STORM WINDOWS, hedges trimmed, lawns cleaned, all around riian. Ph. University 3204-M. 61LTN4-ltp WHITE GIRL, GENERAL HOUSEwork, family of 3. Wilmette 1129. Greenleaf 816 ..--56LTN5-ltp I! SIT. WTD.-MALE A FEMALE 27LTN5-ltc EXP. WHITE MAID; GEN. HSWK. 4 COLORED COUPLE, EXPERIENCED 56LTN5-ltp adults. Tel. Wlnn. 2030. chauffeur or house man, wife, cook or maid, good reference~. Call M. Butler, WANTED - GiRL FOR % DAYS BY Univ. 5021. · · 62LTN5-ltc the week for gen. hswk. Tel. Wlnn. 3267. 56LTN5-ltc FOB BE~T--·OOMS WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- FURNISHE:P ROO~ FOR 2 ADULTS work or to assist. Wil. 1472. employed ; light a~d pleasant : hot and 56LTN5-1tc cold running water. Phone Wil. 4207. 66L25-tfp 57 HELP WTD.-:MALE 2 EXCEPTIONALLY NICE ROOMBone of them has - a. private bathroom No housekeep! nfl rent reasonable. privileges. Ph. Wilmette 3587. FOR PARTICULARS SEE MR. WOOD66L5-ltc cock ·at Wilmette Realty Co., 613 4th St. Ph. Wilmette 192. 57L5-ltp LARGE, DESIRABLE 'FRONT ROOM with wood burning fireplace and two SITUATION WTD.-FEMALE closets. Central eut location. Phone 66L5-ltc Wilmette 2671~ FIRST CLASS LAUNDRESS WISHES work first part of week. Ref. Ph. University 3204-M. 60LTN4-ltp FOR RENT - 1 OR 2 WELL FURN. front roQins l~ east slcJ,e home. Ph. Wil:rpette 1940. 66L5-ltc COMPETENT LAUNDRESS & CLEANer wants work by day. Tel. Wtnn. 1667. 60LTN5-ltc D~SIRABLE ROOM, NR. 'fRANSP., exclusive neighborhood. Te1. Winn. 2144. 66L5-ltp THOROUGHLY EXP. WHITE MAID with 5 yr. old boy wishes position as general maid ; exc. ccok, best refs. Wlll FOR .RENT- 2 SINGLE ROOMS. 731 66LT4-2tc accept Jess wages. Tel. Winn. 1963. lOth St., Wilmette. 60LTN5-ltc VERY LARGE FRONT RM. KIT. PRIV. hot water. Ph. Wilmette 3206. WTD. - WASHING AND IRONING TO 66LT5-ltp take home by experienced laundress. Will can for and deliver. Ph. Wilmette 904. 60LT5-ltc FOR RENT - LARGE NICELY FURnlshed room. 437 Chestnut Ave., Win66LT5-ltc EXP. COL. GIRL WISHES TO COOK netka. . and serve dinner. Good ref. Ph. University 9658. 60LTN5-1tp 2 FRONT ROOMS FURNISHED FOR light housekeeping, gas, electricity, hot WANTED BY LAUNDRESS TUES. & and cold water, also sleeping rooms. 66L4-ltp Fri. Ph. Buckingham 987 4. 118 Maple Ave., Wll. 60LTN5-ltp LARGE RM., PRIVATE BATH. GAR.. LAUNDRY WORK OR CLEANING near transp. Ph. Winnetka 1643. 66LTN4-lt(· Wed., 'fhurs. and Fri. Maggie. University 5655. 60LTN5-ltp FOB BENT-APTS. 17 l"IRST CLASS LAUNDRESS WANTS day work, can Greenleaf 5621. 60L5-ltc Lake Shore Auto Sale.s . GOOD USED CARS ·· ·· .. Chandler Sedan ................ . . $ 65.00 Buick Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75.00 Ford Touring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95.00 Dodge Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375.00 Oldsmobile Roadster . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395.00 Studebaker Roadster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400.00 Dodge Coupe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450.00 Packard Sedan ................... 600.00 Dodge Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 795.00 Buick Roadster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 835.00 Salesmen Wanted Charles H. Brethold 1st and 2nd Mortgagee 545 Main St., Wilmette Tel. 65 30L17-tfc .. C. M. McDONALD Dodge Motor Cars 1019 Davia St. Evanston Unlv. 224 ON FIRST MORTGAGES ; NO COMP.IISsion. 4LTN5-ttc WINNETKA BLDG. & LOAN ASSN. 716 Elm St., Winnetka FoR SA~VARIOUS REPOSSESSED 3f'IL'I'N 4-3tc automobile· at prlcea 26% leas than elsewhere ; down payment U5 to 160. AUTOMOBILE LOANS, R.I!:ASUNA.HL.I!: rates, Immediate service. Motor Accepbalanee In semi-monthlyJ:iyments. Motor Aece1)tanee Co., Ph. nlveralty 1204. tance Co., State Bank & Trust Co. Bldg., Evanston. Ph. University 1204. 4T~'I'N4-tfc 30LTN4-tfc 11 DRBSS:MA.KING REPAIRING & REFINISHING 41 DRESSMAKING, FURS REMODELED, by day or shop. Ph. Wilmette 3464. WATCH REPAIRING DONE BY EX17LT5-ltc pert. Watches cleaned and adjusted. Paul Davey, Jeweler, 1165 Wilmette !I 43L34-tfc ELECTBICAL REPAIRS Avenue. Phone Wilmette 6. CLOCKS REPAIRED BY EXPERT. ff Clocks called for and delivered. Paul Davey, Jeweler. 1165 Wilmette Avenue. Phone Wilmette 6. 23L34-tfc II MONEY '1'0 LOAN SERVICE BUREAU GREENI.,EAF 6130 INSTRUCTION TUTORING JANE. TRIGGS, We furnish male and female help The most reliable and oldest employment agency on the North Shore. PROMPT SERVICE B. A. WELLESLEY. Tutoring In grammar and high school nbjecta. Ph. Wilmette 3588. 25LT4-2tc N. S. Emp1oytnent Agency ~ 1618 Sherman Ave., Evanston PART TIME HSWK. CLEANING, 44LTN5-ltc cooking and serving. Ph. Wilmette 964. 60LT5-ltc ~ ·~ ,.· · Waat Ad Ia bautoa, too This Office will accept classified advertising to be ran ia THE EVANSTON REVIEW, reaching 16,000 familia ia E·aa·ton. REVIEW copy must be in by 5 p. m. oa Taaday. - ~ INFANTS' NURSE, GERMAN, HOSpital training, desk ref. $25 a mek. Write Wilmette Life A-182. 60LTN5-ltc A REFINED LADY WITH DAUGHTER ~ in high school, wishes a position as companion to lady. 804 Central Ave Ph. Wilmette 2065. . 60LT5-ltp 4 AND 6 ROOMS . Here in Wllmette·a ·most convenient and exclusive location, you will ftnd well-arranged apartments. All apartments have outside rooma which provide an abundance of light and air. Ample closet apace. Schools, churehea, and shopping facllltte· within Immediate access. See these apartments today. Agent on preml~~e~~. LINDEN CREST APTS. WILMETTE ..... Telephone Wilmette 4300 or Winnetka 2000 - DAY WORK, % DAYS, SERVING OR care of children. Tel. Glencoe 446. 424 Linden Ave· 60LTN5-ltc QUINLAN & TYSON. INC. Wll. 460 t7LTN2 tfe -