Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Oct 1928, p. 69

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October 26, ·928 VILLAGE OF WILMETTE WI'L" METTE L'IPE one (1) Inch and smaller ln size, at $10.00 per ton . . . . 800.00 5100 square yards of sheet asphalt pavement with a binder course a veraglng one and one-half inches thick, laid on the present brick pavement, said binder course . · shall consist of 5% asphalt, 30% of sand and 65% of stone of one (1) inch and smaller in size, heatea, mixed, spread and rolled :while hot and plastic. And a wearing course one and one-half inches thick consisting of 10% asphalt, 20% pulverlzed limestone, and 70% S!tnd, heated, mixed, spread and rolled while hot and plastic witb a ten-ton roller, and covered with Portland Cement in the proportion of three (3) barrels to 1,000 square yards, at $2.08 per yard .............. 10,608.00 Total ... . ...... . ...... $12,020.00 The owners of a majority of the frontage of the lots and lands upon said streets and roads wherein the said work is to be done may within ten (10) days of the date hereof as provided by law elect to take said work and enter into a written contract to do said work at ten per centum (10%) less than the price at which the same has been awarded. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C. MILES McDONALD HANS von REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette. L5-ltc VILLAGE OF' 'VILl\IETTl: of the ftrst and second am~ya · weet · · of Fifth Street from the south curb line of Gregory Avenue to the north . line of Isabella Street and the central eighteen (18) feet of the first a.lley souUI of Gregory A venue connecting said alleys In the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illlnola, (Wilmette Special Assessment No. 241) were opened on the 23rd day of October, A. · D. 1928, and Paul Reschke being the lowest responsible bidder, the c~mtract was · awarded to said Paul ReschKe on the 23rd day of October A. D. 1928. Said bid is for the work as a whole and is as follows: 300 lineal feet of eight (8) Inch internal diameter vitrified tile pipe sewer @ $1.45 per foot .... : ............. .. .. ... $ 435.00 2 brick catch basins, three (3) feet In internal diameter, 5 feet deep, with wall eight (8) inches thick, of hard burned sewer brick with cast iron cover and lid wei~hlng 470 lbs @ $60 00 .· b, . ~" . · , . , ...... ·....... .. ~. . . 120.00 425"clt.:itc yaras..of excavation @ 425 00 $1.00 per yard · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 1100 square yards of Portland cement concrete pavement seven (7) inches thick, with one-quarter inch asphaltic felt expansion joints, at thirty (30) foot Intervals, cured by application of sodium chloride, and with a concealed longitudinal metal joint of deformed black painted or galvanized metal of No. 18 gauge, on the connecting alley pavement, @ $2.80 per square yard . · .. · 3,080.00 Total · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · $4,0SO.OO The owners of a majority of the front.; age of the lots and lands upon said streets and roads wherein the said work ) d ays is to bedate donehereof may within ten (1 0 of the as provided by law elect to take said work and enter into a written contract to do said work at tf'n per centum (10%) less than the prieP Ht which the same has been awarded. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C. MILES McDONALD HANS von REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvt>m~:nts of the Village of Wilmette. L5-ltc VILI.AGE OF ~ ot.lce SPECU.L' A88B88:m!:liT1fOT:lCE VILLAGE OF . WILIIBTTB SPECt:AL .A.88E8811BNT NO. lfi NOTICE is hereby given to all per·sons Interested that the PrealcJent and Board of Trustees of the VIllage of Wllmette, tn the . County of Cook and Stat~ of Illinois, having ordered that a co~ nected system of saultary eewers and storm water sewers of vltrlfted tile pipe, with necessary · manholes and · catch basins, and a system of cast iron water mains with nece~sary valves, ftttlnas be constructed in Lake Avenue frorp Kenton A venue to a line three hundred and three (303) feet west thereof; tn Kenton · Avenue from Lake Avenue to WasbJQgton Avenue: In- Spencer Avenue and Seger Street from Kenton Avenue to the west line of the Midland Trust Company's Lakenton Subdivision, and in Knox Avenue from Seger Street to Washington Avenue, together with house connections connecting with said sanitary sewer; constructing and lnstaJllng valve chambers and fire hydrants, the ordinance for the same being on ftle In the oftice of the Vlliage Clerk, and said Vtllage having applied to the County Court of Cook County for an assessment of the cost of said Improvement, according to benefits, and an assessment ·therefor having been made and returned to said Court, Docket No. 245, the final hearing thereon wlll be had on the 12th day of November, A. D. 1928, or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections in said court before said day and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance provides for the payment of said assessment In ten (10) installments, with annual Interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum. Dated, Wilmette, Illinois, this 26th day of October, A. D. 1928, CHARLES N. EVANS, Person · appointed by the President of the Board of Local 1mprovements of the VIllage of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, to make said assessment. L5-2tc Notlee of Aw&l'd of Contraet For grading and paviJJg the first alley west of Wood Court from Oakwood Avenue to Prairie Avenue. Wilmette Special Assessment No. 244 . Wilmette, Illlnols, October 24, 1928 Notice ·is · hereby given to aU persons interested that the bids for grading, paving with Portland cement concrete and otherwise Improving the first aJley west of Wood Court from the south curb line of Oakwood Avenue to the northeast ·curb line of Prairie A venue In the Village of Wilmette, Cook .County, Illinois, (Wilmette Special Assessment No. 244) were opened on the 23rd day of October, A. D. 1928 and Paul Reschke being the lowest responsible bidder, the contract was awarded to said Paul Reschke on the 23rd day of October A. D. 1928. Said bid Is for the work as .a whole and is as follows: ·,", . . ! 500 cubic ya'fds of ej(ca,·ation @ $1.00 per yard . .. ..... . . .. $ 500.0& 1040 Square yar~s of Plortland cement concrete pavement seven (7) inches thick with one-quarter (%) inch asphaltic felt expansion joints; set normal to the center line of the pavement at thirty foot intervals and with a longitudinal concealed metal joint six and one-half (6%) inches high of painted or galvanized sheet steel of eighteen gauge set along the center line of the pavement and with one-half (%) inch round steel tie rods, three feet long set normal to the joint at intervals of five (5) feet and cured with two (2) pounds of Calcium Chloride ftakes or granules spread "venly over each square ::rard of pavement, nt $2.80 Jler square yard . . . ... . $2,912.00 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,412.00 The owners of a majority of the frontage of the lots and lands upon said HtreetR and roads wherein the said work is to be done may within ten (10) days of the date hereof as provided by law elect to take said work and enter into a written contract to do said work at ten per centum (10%) less than the price at which the same has been awarded. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C. MILES McDONALD HANS von REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the Village . o~ ~U~n:e.tte. L5-ltc VILLAGE OF WILMETTE .Xotlce of Award of Co11tract For grading ancj paving the firl;t aile ~· southwest of Main Street from Oakwood Avenue to the first alley northwest of Linden Avenue. Wilmette Special Assessment No. 24:: Wilmette, Illinois, October 24, 1928 Notice is hereby given to all persons interested that the bids for grading, }laving with Portland cement concrete and otherwise improving the first alley southwest of Main Street fr01n the north curb line of Oakwood A venue to the southeast line of Linden Avenue in the Village of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, (Wilmette Special Assessmt'nt No. 243) were opened on the 23rd da~· of October, A. D. 1928, and M. Foley Company being the lowest responsible biddtr, the contract was awarded to said :\1:. Foley Company on the 23rd day of October A. D. 1928. Said bid is for the work as a whole and Is as follows : 650 cubic yards of excavation @ $1.00 per yard ... $ 650.00 1900 square yards of Portland cement concrete pavement seven (7) inches thick, and with one-quarter (%) inch asphaltic felt expansion joints, set normal to the center line of the pavement at thirty foot intervals and with a longitudinal conct>aled metal joint six and one-half (61h) inches high of painted or galvanized sheet steel of eighteen (18) gauge set along the center line of the pavement and with one-half ( %) inch round steel tie rods, three feet long set normal to the joint at intervals of five (5) feet, and cured with two (2) pounds of Calcium chloride ftakes or granules spread evenly over f'ach square yard of pavE>ment @ $2.78 per square yard . . . 5,282.00 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,932.00 The owners of a majority of the frontage of the lots and lands upon said streets and roads wherein the said work is to be done may within ten (10) days of the date hereof as pro\·ided by law elect to take said work and enter into a written contract to do ~aid work at ten per centum (10%) less than the ~rice at which the same has been a warded. EARL E. ORNER ERNEST C. CAZEL ALBERT L. GRINNELL PAUL A. HOFFMAN C. MILES McDONALD HANS von REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the Vlllage of Wilmette. L5-ltc VILLAGE OF 'VILJU~TTI: WILliETTl~ Nor shore Will Show Sound Film, "Our Dancing Daughters" Th~ modern girl and the modern girl's parents are the subject of an intensive study in the picture, "Our Dancing Daughters," which will inau~ urate the showing of sound films at the Norshore theater this Saturday, October 27. The picture is a gripping and glamorous one because of the brilliant acting of its principals, the beauty of sets and scenery, and the smartness of apparel and groomjng. Three daughters appear for your consideration. They are : Diana, honest and unafraid ; pal of many men who adore and respect her; child of intelligent, up-to-date parents. who, hav.ing taught her cleanliness and self-respect, allow her full liberty and accord her full trust-a trust she never betrays. Joan Crawford is Diana. Beatrice, second of the trio, is the warm-hearted, impulsive, w i s t f .u 1 daughter of a father and mother who have been too strict-parents doubtful and suspicious, imagining evil where none exists, parents who have lacked understanding, and so failed to win confidence. . Dorothy Sebastian is Beatrice. Anne is the third daughter and she is the tricky, rotten-minded child of a gold digging mother. From babyhood this girl has been urged to marry a rich man. She has been schooled in the art or tleceptive flattery and taught physical purity because "a man wants his money's worth." She drinks privately, but publicly shyly spurns ev.en· a sip. Anita Page is Anne. On the stage At Kvale and t.he Jazz Collegians will present 44 Sunny Spain." The Norshore theater symphony orchestra will present several orchestral features. A NEW ACTOR of Award of Contrad N otlee of A ward of Contract For paving with sheet asphalt and otherwise Improving Park Avenue from Lake A venue to Wilmette A venue. Wilmette Special Assessment No. 213 Wilmette, llllnois, October 24, 1928 Notice Is hereby given to all persons interested th-.t the bids for paving wlth sheet asphalt .and otherwise improving Park A venue from the south line of Lake A venue to the north line of Wilmette Avenue and the roadway of intersecting streets between the gutter flags and to the outer lines of Park A venue, in the Village of Wilmet~. Cook County, 'Illlnols (Wilmette S~ial Assessment No. 213) were O~Jf.~ ' on the 23rd day of October, A. ·. 1P!~. and John V. McCarthy Co1p .ay bplng the lowest responsible bi d I) th~ .c bntract was awarded to said o p V. McCarthy Company on the 23rd day o~ October A. D. 1928. Said bid h:J for 'the work as a whole and is as follows : 360 lineal feet of broken concrete curb and gutter removed at 20c per foot ...... $ 72.00 360 lineal feet of new concrete curb and gutter, constructed to replace the broken curb and gutter ; said curb and gutter shall be the same size as that now in place, namely six (6) inches thick with curb averaging six (6) Inches high above the gutter flag and wlth gutter ftag six (6) Inches thick and twentyfour (24) inches wide, including the part below the curb, and composed by volume of one (1) part of Portland cement, two (2) parts of torpedo sand and three (3) parts of crushed limestone or gravel from one-quarter to one and one-half Inches In size at $1.25 per foot . . . . . . 450.00 9 manhole covers adjusted to the top surface of the asphalt pavement at $10.00 each. . . 90.00 80 tons of asphaltic binder course for filling depressions previous to laying the o~e and one-half Inch binder course and the one and onehalf Inch sheet asphalt course. Said blnder to conslat of 5% of asphalt, 30% of eand and 4f5% of stone, Notice of A ward of Coutraet For paving grading and otherwise improving ' the ftrst and second alleys west of Fifth Street from Gregory Avenue to Isabella Street. Wilmette Special Assessment No. 241 Wilmette, Illinois, October 24, 1928 Notice is hereby given to all persons interested that the bids for grading, paving with Portland cement concrete and otherwise Improving the full width l<,or paving the first alley southwest of Park Avenue from Washington Avenue to Central A venue. Wilmette Special Assessment No. 242 Wilmette, Illinois, October 24, 1928 Notice is hereby given to all persons interested that the 'bids for grading, paving with Portland cement concrete and otherwise Improving the ftrst alley southwest of Park Avenue from the southeast curb line of Washhigton A venue to the northwest curb line of Central Avenue in the VIllage of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, (Wilmette Special Assessment No. 242) were opened on the 23rd day of October, A. D. 1928, and Paul Reschke being the lowest responsible bidder, the contract '.£.RS awarded to said Paul Reschke on the 23rd day of October A. D. 1928. Said bid is for the work as a whole and is as follows : 450 cubic yards of excavation @ $1.00 per yard . . . . . . . $ 450.00 1100 sctuare yards of Portland cement concrete pavement. :-;even (7) Inches thick with one-quarter (1,4) inch asphaltic felt expansion joints, set normal to the center line of the pavement at thirty foot intervals and with a longitudinal concealed metal joint six and one-half (6%) inches high of painted or galvanized sheet steel of eighteen (18). gauge set along the cen.t er line of the pavement and with one-half (Jh) inch round steel tie rods, three feet long set normal to the joint at intervals of five (5) feet, and cured with two (2) pounds of Calcium Chloride flakes or granules spread evenly over each square yard of pavement, at $2.80 per square yard ................ $3,080.00 Total . . . . . . . . . . $3.5::t0.00 The owners of a majority of the frontage of the lots and lands upon said streets and roads wherein the said work is to be done may within ten (10) days of the date hereof as pr-ovided by law elect to take said work and enter into a written contract to do said work at ten per centum (10%) less than the price at which the same ha~ h~>en awarded. EARL E. ORNER ERNE~T C. CA 7-EL ALBERT L. G'RINNELL PAUT. A. HOFFMAN C. MILES McnONALD HANS von REINSPERG GORDON WILSON Board of Local Improvements of the VIllage of Wilmette. L5-ltc Henry King, the director, has selected John Holland, an unknown actor, to play the leading role opposite Eleanor Boardman in "She Goes to War," a United Artists picture, from the· story 9f Rupert Hughes.

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