WILMETTE ·LIFE October 26. 1928 Sportcraft Football A tough genuine cowhide football made in England. Just the thing for the neighborhood football · teams! To Give Recitals Bridge Prizes $2.75 Art Instruction Fiction Beggar's Can Choose . $2.00 Free instruction in the makMargaret Weymouth Jackson ing of modernistic lampst screens, and novelties. Come The New Temple .. $2.50 tn now before the holiday Johan Bojer rush. Completely to remove sewage pol· - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Jution from the Des Plaines river and restore to the valley its former whole sameness and · charm, the Sanitary trustees under the le:tdership of President T. ]. Crowe thjs week approved plans for a gigantic interceptin g sewer running from the city of De s Plaines to Roosevelt road. The huge artery will cost $4,000,000 and will collect the sewage of the towns of DesPiaines, River Grove, Park Ridge, Franklin Park and Elm wood Park. The trustees also author ized a sewer running ea·3 t on Howard street to the North Side treatment plant providing an outlet for Nile s and Morton Grove. The action of the board marks th e culmination of several years' campaign on the part of ·the Izaak Walton league to clean up the Des Plain es river. Several lead ers of the leagu e were present at the board meetin g and expres'3ed their satisfaction at the adoption of President Crowe's program. This week groups of surveyors started to lay ·out the project. I Sanitary District Acts to Clean Up DesPiaines N. U. Football Tickets on Sale Here 630 Davis Street, Evanston University 123 ·Wilmette 724 · rs A series of organ recitals will follow the dedication Sunday of the new organ at the Evanston First Bapti'3t church by its organsit, William H . Barnes. The organ is one. of the finestin a town of· excelled mstruments, and was built under Mr. Barnes' planning adn 3upervision. Mr. Barnes was formerly organist at the Wilmette Baptist church. Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Barton of Switzerland to Feature Saturday Movie Program The weekly Raymond fund enter tainment for children to be given tit Field Museum of Natural History this Saturqay, consists of the following fiv..: moving pictures: "Switzerland," "Seaside Friends and Their Country Cousins," "A Day at the River," "Where Snow Time Is Joy Time," and "Mountain Climbing in Glacier National Park." Admission is free, and children from all parts of Chicago and suburbs are invited. The pictures will be run continuously from 10 a. m. until noon, in the James Simpson theater of the museum. 1216 Chestnut avenue have returned ·from a motor trip through Connecticut and New York and to .\Vashington, D. C. -oMr. and Mrs. David Nelson of 921 Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fisher of 826 Elmwood avenue have returned from Greenwood avenue motored to Mil- a trip to Boston where they attended waukee last week-end. the laundrymen's convention. We'd Like to Have You Call w~lcome to inspect our acres of growing stock at anytime. of the year there is fascination in a A visit to the Charles Fiore Nurseries. The public is T EVERY SEASON r I Drive out Sunday or any week day-an interesting visit is always assured. Our nurseries in Prairieviewt near Highwood, is reached directly by the Halfday Road. Here you will see a selection of trees and shrubs so comprehensive and varied that choice may be quickly and advantageously made if you me. But you will not be desire to purchase when you co· asked to buy-we welcome you because we like to have . you drop in. OUR CATALOGUE SENT ON REQUEST Tricot combineJ with. Felt gives a distinctive air to this Milgrim Hat $25 Telephone Highland Park 523 Modishly Modern Rhythm in line influenced by the modernistic trend of fashion is a dominant note in the new Millinery Creations of . ... IN Landscape Gardeninf> 49 PRAIRIE AVENUE HIGHWOOD. ILL. NE~ILG1{{~D 600 .MICHIGAN BOULEYARD · SOUTH CHICAGO