October 26. 1928 WILMETTE LIPE NELSON DIRECI'S WAY ·Tri-Ship Club to TO NEW TRIER.VltlORY Entertain Members Morrie Does It With Long Kana and· Paaaing to Cruab · Waukegan Entry S11111111ariea New Trier (19) Waukegan (0) Guy LE Colby Rossltter LT H. Maki Wienecke LG R. Maki Cullen C Spoor McArthur RG Stark Thompson RT Walt Borncamp RE Lindgren Hunter Hicks QB Drew Nelson LH ~anneback B. Richards RH Levandusky AI Richards FB Byars Touchdowns-A! Richard, Borncamp, Nelson. Point after touchdown-Rossitter. of Suburban League Lineup: · j ' - Waukegan started their Homecoming Day celebration off in good shape, last Saturday, by winning a tight battle from the New Trier Freshman-Sophomore team, 6 to 0 and beating La Grange in a two mile cros.s country run, 16 to 20. New Trier's varsity spoiled the day for them though and paid back last year's defeat by giving \.Vaukegan's highly touted team a ·19 to 0 drubbing. On the ground New Trier played a wonderful game. The aerial attack was not so good. Only two out of ten attempts at passing were completed. The passing can't be called a failure however, for one of the two successful passes scored a touchdown. Waukegan's passing was more certain. They made seven attempts and completed five. Morrie Nelson ran 70 yards for a touchdown in the last quarter and threw the pass on which Borncamp made the second touchdown. He made several other long runs too and was the outstanding star of the game. The Richards brothers were close behind him in gaining ground and Al Richards was responsible for New Trier's first score. Richards Scores Levandusky and · Byars started the game off well for Waukegan by making a drive down the field that resulted in two first downs before the New Trier line got warmed up. The GrayGreen line got going in time to avert a touchdown though and New Trier captured the ball on a fumbled center. The drive started the other way then and New Trier didn't stop going until AI Richards fought over the line for New Trier's first touchdown; The attempt to score the extra point on a ·pass failed. 'The finish of the cross country run between La Grange and Waukegan came between the halves. George Lehto won the race for Waukegan with nearly half a lap to spare. He covered .the two miles in 10:58.9. Morrie Nelson started the second half by fighting through center for 30 yards. This was the start of another New Trier drive which ended as successfully as the first. Morrie passed to Borncamp who caught the ball on the scoring side of Waukegan's goal line. Rossitter made a perfect place kick for the extra point. Nelson in 70-Yard Run After this Waukegan began to fight desperately and, chiefly through the efforts of Ewing and Byars, began to gain on the visitors. Ewing got off some long punts and made several big gains around end. Byars, a huge negro, was almost always good for a few yards through center. By the middle of the last period the New Trierites had been forced back to their own 30 yard line. Then Morrie int~rcepted an enemy pass, straightarmed Byars, who came at him like a charging bull, shook off the rest of the Waukegan team and sprinted to the goal line 70 yards away. Rossitter's kick for the extra point was unsuccessful but that didn't matter much as Attendance of sixty boys from the New Trier, Evanston, Deerfield, Oak Park, Morton, and Proviso high schools is expected this Saturday, at a meeting to be held at New Trier High school under the auspices of the Tri-Ship club. · The six schools, each of which will send ten representatives, are members of a new Suburban High School league formed last spring. Fostering of more friendly relations among these schools is the ultimate aim of the gathering. An intermingling of th~ schools in forensic and in social and club affairs as well as on the athletic field is desirable, according to Donald Frisbie, faculty sponsor of the TriShip club. . Frederick A. Kahler, dean of boys at New Trier, who was recently elected president of the Suburban league, will speak at the meeting. George Cogswell, president of the Tri-Ship club, will welcome the visitors. Alan Hoagland is chairman of the club committee which has charge of arrangements for the conference. Make it a Party Your Guests Won't Forget! Partits. ginn at Hottl Sovutign· are successful parties. Fot Sovuetgn affords ideal stttings, an unusual cuisine, and an orga~iztd strvict that bas bttn perftct through ynn of cattnng to a stltct clitnttle. Hrre arr· an usual facilitia for . dinners, dinner-dances, luncheons, receptions, wrc:ldings--largt or small, .formal or informal social gatbrnngs. T rltpbone or we-itt as for suggestions. Let us brlp you .makt your party a rully difftrtnt and distinctive affair! 62oo Kenmore An. North .!!~~ 'Pbonr Briargatt 8ooo · y OUt inapection of apartments, IUittl, Ot lingle rOoml i1 cordially incited. You'll enjoy lioing at Hotel Sooertign-tbere il no aeroant problem here/ . ENTERTAINS CLUB The Blue Monday club met last Monday night with Miss Josephine Schneider in her home at 2023 Birchwood avenue, She entertained the seven other members of this new club at a Bunco party and a Hallowe'en sp read. The members are the Misses Angeline Meier, Helen Hernes, Regina Borre, Dorot.hy and Elizabeth Bleser, Margaret and Elizabeth Nanzig. the score was already: · New Trier 19, Waukegan 0. New Trier's second team played for the rest of the game. .,. , , ,. , ,"' " " '" ",. , ., ,. . .,., . . .! A New f'"Tailored Tie" IJf)llt) Produced in genuine Calcutta or Brazil . Lizard with Glace Kid to match I ; - Colors _ _.. Pewter.Grey Seal ·Brown ormBlack . BlaCk Silver Fox FURS - You are invited· to drive out and see these beautiful and interesting animals raised on our ranch. Select the for you wish by seeing it on the living animal that bears it. Buy your fat direct from ... The style trend of a youthful era .... a fashion rhythm expressive of the Spirit of Youth .... with SMARTNESS in the fullest meaning of the word . . . . this is the rr Mode Moderne by Foster · ;; the Ranch at a aubatantial saving. We do the pelting and will have fur~ . mad_ e up f~r you, if you wish. 78.7oster 6r? Gmpany .. ·.: ~ ·~~ i t~e ~o~~er ~1. Orrington . . ·~ -- ~ ~~tnue- ·and Church Stra:t· ! j i - · ~y~STQN STORE . it