! :October· 26, 1928 . . 1.. 1: . i ·. f :': ··, , ·. · . :: :· : .· , ~. · · · .: ! o. I' . " '\, Desirable·· Locations . Fall and Wintet Building l EAST KENILWORTH LOT The most outstanding homesite in East Kenilworth. One block away from Sheridan road and traffic. Has several beautiful flowering crab trees and hedges; on either side surrounded by beautiful bomes. Lot I o ox 1 7 5. Considerably under the price of _ s urrounding property. IDEAL HOMESITE . . If you are planning to build 'a hom_ e this fall, it would be well to ·select a·site· at. once. This is the rush season, when ,hu. ndreds of o ther '. . . . --· ·. : home-planners are thinki~g about the house the_ y_ will move into next. _ s_ p ring. They . are ~l~ay~ combing the North Shore for the best available sites. . . : ~· Fascinating spot to build your home. Within 2 0 blocks to Hubbard Woods station, stores, 1 block to school; on quiet street of artistic homes; large trees: abundance of shrubbery; highly restricted section; size 50X15o at low priCe of $ 1 5o per ft., part cash . Only lot of its kind for sale. See today! You can view the property situation at once on the charts in our offices. We are equipped to analyze the problem thor<?ughly, from the data made available through a broad organization and 44 years' : experience in this _ district. The vacant property : under our exclusive control includes r~1any of _ the most desirable sites to be found. Let us show you some of the best sites on the market. · We will be glad to drive you around on a tour of inspection at an,y time. For 44 years specialists in North Shore residential. and business sales and rentals. First mortgage loans and investments. Insurance of all types . ' I Chicago, 40 N . .Dearborn St., Central 0227 Evanston, Fountain Sq., University 2600 Winnetka, 714 Elm Street, Winnetka 2199 Wilmette. 424 Linden ~ve.·, Wilmette 460 ..-.