Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Oct 1928, p. 14

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,. Told by the Pupils Published WHklu bu tiH ~ehool chrldren of W ilmtttl UtHI« auptrvi~ton of Wilmette PlavJ~ound and R«rtation Botlrd. VOL 1 Nu 38 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, OCTOBER 26, 1928 Hallowe'en Parties · to Be Held Oct. 31 at Howard and Stolp : The annual Hallowe'en parties will be ·held at the Stolp and Howard school gymnasiums, Wednesday, October 31, at 7 :30 o'clock, continuing unttl 10 o'clock. The parties are given under the direction of the Wilmette Playground and Recreatlorr board. They will start with a parade In costume. There will be twenty-four prizes otrered for the best costumes at ea~h gypjnaslum, eight for doubles and sixteen ~for singles. After tbe parade prizes ·wm be awarded. Next wlll come tjle movies. At Howard, Harold Lloyd In "Grandma's Boy" will be shown and also Our Gang In ··shivering Spooks." At Stolp, Junior Coghlan In "Let'er Go Gallegher," and Our Gang In "The Mysterious Mystery." Bet ween reels there will be a clog dancer and an accordionist at each gymDaBium. All the children will be given a doughnut and an apple. These will bt> the best parties the Playground and Recreation board has ever given in the four years of Its exlstence.-Lawrence Buckmaster, 8C Stolp INQUIRING REPORTER Question : What sport do you like the best? Edwin Horn, 7B Howard : "Horseback riding. It's goo_ d exercise." Lee Blaylock, 8B Howard : "Swimming. It's healthy and good exer- Steam Shovel Digs Hole for New School Boilers Work stopped suddenly one day on the eicavatlng of the new . addition on Howard school and the steam shovel rode around to the back of our school and began to dig. We came to find out that they had to put In a new boiler to heat the new addition and the only available way to put It In the building was througH the foundation. The digging Is now complete and the boiler was put in Monday.-Henry von der Hotr, SA Howard Glee Clubs Prepare for Busy Season of Singing The Glee clubs are in action at Howard this week. Mrs. Clark has charge of the girls and boys of Howard and Stolp. There are sixty-four boys and fifty girls. The Glee club at Howard Is much larger than last year. The boys will wear long white trousers, white shirt, red neckties and black shoes. The girls will wear 'White middles and skirts, white stockings, red neckties with black shoes like the boys.-Marshall Doose, SB Howard Citizens Club Functions Perfectly at Central We have a Citizen's club In Mrs. Burtner's room. We have not broken one rule. We keep our school grounds clean. If we see a piece of paper we are supposed to pick It up and keep our room clean and to have self-control all the time. We have tour stars now and we hope we do not break a rule.-Dorothy Baldwin, Third Grade, Central PRACTICE FOOTBALL Some of the boys from Howard school are going out for football under the coaching of Mr. Ball. Their first practice game was Monday. It rained and the field was soggy. Everyone was wet. Their first game will be Friday with Boltwood.-Ray Jones, 8A Howard GIVES MUSIC TEST The Howard 8A had Its first test In music on tbe morning of October 17 under Mrs. Clark's supervision. We had CHANGE MANUAL SCHEME ten questions about music and music apThe eighth grades of Howard are haYpreciation. Most of us finished the test Ing a dltrerent schedule in manual trainbut a few weren't ready · for the bell.- Ing. Instead of having woodwork all the year, we are going to have woodwork FINE FOR T ABDINESS five months and metal work the remainThe 8B class room made a new rule Ing months. That gives us a chance to to avoid tardiness. The rule that every complete something worth while In woodtime we are tardy we put ten cents in work and metal work.-Bob Klemm, 8A the jar. I was tardy once after that. Howard. The idea was suggested at one of our club meetings. Ernest Bostrom, SB KICKBALL CHAMPIONS Boward 7A played their last game fn kickball Monday, October 15, and won that game. KEEP GROUNDS CLEAN We are now champions In kickball as we We keep our school building and school have played every team twice and won crounds clean. We have not broken the "'Very one. Our captain is Elsie vonrules. We have had a perfect score. We Reinsperg.-Phyllis Carleton, 7A Stolp are trying to keep our school record perfect-Alice Haake, Third Grade, CenMISS BROWN'!!i ROOM WINS tral &ehool Tuesday, October 16, 1\llss Brown's "oom played Miss Fox's room in football. VISIT ABT INSTITUTE \lisa Brown's room got 13 points in the Monday, October !!, the 7B cla.ae went 1rst half and 14 points in the second to the Art Iutltute.-Ruth Sanderaon, '·Jtlt, making the total score 27 to 0. Miss 1 '78 Stolp 1 Fox's room did not score. At school Miss :Moor~ has made quite a few rules about inside the school and outside. So the children will help keep the school neat and clean. Not many have broken the rules yet. Most of the rooms have perfect scores. She has one cise. ~· rule that is quite important. It Is to Mark Simonds, 7A Howard : "Basehave perfect order in line when you come ball. Everybody gets a even chance." In morning, recess and noon. I think Betty Paddock, SA Howard: "I like that it is a perfectly good rule myself, basketball best because there is alnot to stand in the hall after you have ways lot of action." come ln. That is a good rule. -Ronald Fuermann, SA Howard She has councilmen to see that the boys keep quiet in line. We have Junior Police to see that the boys and girls do not cross the streets in front of cars. They watch them cross. They see that they do not do wrong. They stop all fights. Jack, the janitor, keeps the boys and girls out of the school before you The children of Miss Scheidler's room can come. in. John too.--.Tack Randall, went to the Art .Jnstltute last Tuesday . Central Miss Upton showed us one of the sphinx. It had the head of King Kufre. She told us that the Egyptians liked blue hair R.nd as they could not grow blue hair they shaved otr their real ll_air and put on wigs. They valued these wigs so much that they made covers for them The Wilmette football teams are in out of linen so as not to get them dirty . fast motion. Mr. Ball has charge of all Linen was their chief cloth. Miss Upton the teams. Practice lasts till 5 :30 o'clock showed us some of the linen they made. every evening. Practice is held at She also showed us some mummies. Washington park. Mr. Ball likes to They had very bright paintings on them. make us run. ·We have to run around The pictures told stories and were very the field four times. Yesterday he interestlng.-Shlrley Leason, 6B Howard showed us how to tackle and block. It helps us a great deal in winning games. The heavyweights have two teams. The lightweights have two teams and thtpeewees have five teams. Mr. Ball will pick -the teams tonight, October 17.The first editions of Popular Science Marshall Doose, 8A Howard have been distributed among the pupils of Miss Stevens' classes who have subscribed for the magazine. The magazine is going to help us in our General Science work. The magazine if bought at a newstand costs 25c but school Thursday, October 11, Howard SA children get it at a reduced price of 15c a copy. The magazine not only helps us girls had a game of kickball against St. in our work but gives us plans and in- Toseph's at the Village Green. It was structions for building airplanes, boat!'! an interesting game and quite a runaway for Howard, the score being 50 to 5. We and radios.-Robert Klemm, Howard still have four games left. They are as follows: October 17-SA Howard vs 8B Howard, October 24-SA Howard vs St. Francis, October 31-SA Howard vs St. Some new pictures were hung this .Joseph, November 7-8A Howard vs 8B Howard. morning in the northwest hallway at We hope to win all these games. Howard. There are four of them. The -Elsa Carlsen, SA Howard two nearest the door hang opposite each other, the one on the north wall is " A Side View of the Cologne Cathedral." The one OJl the south wall is "St. Markl:l of Venice." The other pictures are separated. One hangs on the south wall opposite Mrs. Stalling's door. The other l\fonday, October 15, Stolp 8A gridders hangs between Mrs. Stalling's and l\frs. Groves' room over the lockers.-George whipped Howard 8B, 31 to 20, to wrest tht> \'ktory shield from the "westsiders." Yoeman, 8B Howard Ct>cil Williams, our able skipper, made a 11 the touchdowns, while Bob White and Charles Knapp made it a great deal easier for Cecil with their fine interference. The Village Green was hard and muddy and it was nearly a game of Our class took a trip to the Art In- water polo.-Angus Steven, SA Stolp stitute, October 2. We saw slides the day before we went. We . started in the WI.N A'r KKSILWORTH afternoon. First we went to the station Friday, October 19, 8A Howard md and waited for the car. The car soon came and we were on our way. We and defeated SB Howard girls in kickwere lucky to have a private car. When ball. This was near the close of the we reached tbe Art Institute Miss Upton kickball season. The girls of SA Howshowed us a sphnix, mummy cases, ard had a score of 56 and the 9B Ho\"·Egyptian pottery, and many other thincrs. ·ard made but seven runs. Though the was i'h.iny both teams played r went home with ideas I never had be- weather welL-Virginia McConnell, 8A Howard. fore.-David Haas, 6A Howard Fifth Grade Grid Pupils Behave Nicely With Junior Cops Busy Squads Lock Horns in a Close Tussle October 11, the boys of 5C had a game of football with the boys of 5A. Walter vonRelnsperg Is captain of 5C and a boy by the last name of Clark was the captain of SA. In the beginningof the game 5A kicked oft to 5C. Robert Strube picked the ball but then he fumbled It and Matthew Krllchlver picked It up and ran for about ten yards and was tackled by a boy whom they called Beans. The teams were pretty even because they ·would get about ten or fifteen yards from the goal but didn't make a touchdown. At the end of the first half Robert ·Strube ran for a touchdown but they did not make their goal. In the second half the two teams changed goals. 5C kicked off to 5A and they gained about seven yards and Walter tackled him. 5A saw that 5C wert' beating them so they started to play as hatd as they could. 5A made a touch down but failed to kick goal and that made the score 6 to 6 and two minutes to play. 1\Iatthew of 5C took the ball and ran for about 50 yards but did not make a . touchdown. Then Walter took the ball and made a touchdown so that made the score 12 to 6 In 5C's favor. Mr. Ball was the umpire.-Else vonReinsQ_erg, 7A Stolp _,__,_,__,_....,.___, ·I · Study Egyptian Displays in Art Institute Visit School Football Teama Now Going at Full Tilt ____ Subscribe to Magazine for Lessons in Science Sees Airplane as Moat Uaeful -of Inventions Of all recent inventions the alrplan t' is likely to be the most useful. The airplane, a mechanical device which fti e1' through the air, was invented by OrvilJt. and Wilbur Wright about 50 years ago . They -put the steering apparatus in front and the big wings in back but now tht> wings are in the front and the steerage is in the back. The airplane is used ·for a number of different things such as carrying mail, carrying bombs or scout lng ln warfare and some of our grea explorers have used them for exploring. It is also used for transportation be tween large clties.-Charles Knapp, 8A Howard ( Howard Kickball Team Has a Heavy Schedule .. Hang New Paintings in Howard School Gallery Aihi Camp Fire Group Takes in New Members The Aihi Camp Fire group has take1 in four new girls. They are: Eleano1 Jackson, Marjorie Sue bold, Marjorit Houghton, and Margaret Hughes. The first activity they attended was a hike to the Glenview Forest Preserve Frida~ afternoon, October 12. We had suppe1 out there and returned home about 6:30 o'clock. June Kehl had the meeting Oc tober 16 at her residence. Eileen Burke had a meeting at her home October !) -Alison Burge, SA Stolp HOWARD KICKBALLERS WIN Thursday, October 11, the 8B Howarcl g-j ~ 1s played St. Francis eighth grade ii kickball and the SA played St. Joseph They were mighty tine games too becamk Howard won them both. The score was SB Howard 2S, St. Francis 7 ; SA How ard, 50, St. Joseph 5. -Jessie Steelt>, 8.\ Howard SEASON FOR TESTS The teachers of the eighth gradt-. Stolp, are either preparing or correcting· tests in the different subjects. The re port cards are due to come out next week. All the children want to be able to show a good card so they are working very hard on their tests.-Robert Fletcher, SA Stolp OH, OH, LOOK OUT! Monday, October 15, Mrs.. Stalli,ng, teacher of 8B Howard brought to school a new Ford. She was trying it out on the circle at Howard. It Is a Tudor se dan with two-toned blue. We will have to give it a christening.-Marshall Doose, 8B Howard. NOTE TO PARENTS The P. T. A. memberships aren't coming In very fast for SA. We have only nine so far, with the drive ending October 30. Parents are not members until dues are paid.---carl Anderson, SA Howard Stolp School Gridders Take Crown From Howard David Gets New Ideas From Egyptian Display LOST AND FOUND Found Fountain pens Combs A whistle Keys Wearing apparel Eversharp pencils 1 green hat 1 black gym neckerchief 1 small boy's suit coat with hat to match 1 black tam 1 Reading and Living book 1 7th grade Social Science One black notebook One woman's gold wrist watch on Village Green Also some money October 11, 1928. If anything Is lost or found report to 1\lr. Todd.-Walter Haas, Howard SA Lost 1------------------l Last week 7B- II, our team, played Miss Davis' room again. But we lost. It surely was an eicltlng game, 15 to H in their tavor.-Lucy Jonas, 7B Ce1;1tral

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