12 WILM~TTE LIFE October 26, 1928 .. . , Who'll Be Our Next President? :~ The radio will tell you the night of Tuesday, Nov. ·6'. · · Millions will cast their votes for Hoover or Smith that day, and as fast as the figures are tabul~ted after .the close · of the polls, they will be put on th.e air by practically all ot the country's broadcasting stations. . . HOOVER vs. SMITH PHILCO vs. ANY .SET It is only through compa1'ison, investigation and analysis that the merits of the candidates will be most apparent. In like manner should your radio be chosen. Decide only after careful consideration of each set for appearancet ease of operation, , tone quality, engine_ ering background and price. Prices are reasonable, ranging from $115 to $275. Speakers from ~?.5 to ~50. All sets are A. C. Operated. Philco welcomes comparison. It "stands up" under every test. Only the finest sets can be considered competitive. You owe it to your· good judgment to come in to see, hear and otherwise compare this· set with the. finest you've ever heard. Wilmette Battery ·& Eleetrie Service . 140 Twellth Staeeet Phone Wilmette 691 c EQUA~~ONNE ~eSPARTON ~ . Musical Marvel- The Spartonn Radio's Richest Voice combined with a · twelve 'record phonograph at $875 com· . .plete. · .Five other beautiful models from $147 up. Tubes are included. M R. HINSON invites you to hear this RADIO SERVICE&: INSTAllATION 411 Linden Avenue WILMETTE. ILLINOIS or SKoKIE RADIO SHoP 910 Linden Avenue HUBBARD WOODS, ILLINOIS 14 It pays to buy from those wflo know Radio"