6 WILMETTE L'IFE October 26, 1928 · · "Splita TICket with "Cbica1o" by 6-6 "Illinois." the team coached by Laurie Bennett, and Mr. Funkhauser'a team, "Chicago," fought to a 6-6 tie, last Friday, in one oJ the best played Intramural football games yet seen at New Trier. "ChicagD" is at the head of the heavyweight division, having won four games. Last Friday's deadlock is the first game· that "Chicago" has failed to win. "Illinois" outplayed their opponents during the first half. Paulson started ··Illinois' " drive for a touchdown by breaking away for thirty yards in the second period. A few plays later he crossed .. Chicago's" line on an end run. .. Chicago" bucked up in the second half and was able to tie the score on a pass from Hill to Lundin. .. Illinois" is runner up to .. Chicago" in the heavyweight league standing. Beimett's team has won . two games, tied two and lost one, the first one they played with .. Chicago." "Purdue," coached by Mr~ Ream, comes next with two victories, one tie and two defeats. . W. L. Brown's team, "Indiana," is at the bott~m. It has been beaten in every game. St. Francia Aaaociation to Give Benefit Bridge The St. Francis Parent-Teacher association will hold a Hallowe'en card party next Tuesday afternoon, October 30, at 2 o'clock at t~e school hall. The proceeds of the party will be for the benefit of the school, and the committee in charge of arrangements is urging a large attendance. Students Register 91 Percent for Mock Election on Nov. 6 Approximately '91 per cent of thl' members of the New Trier High school student body registered Tuesday of this week for the mock presid~ntia l election to be held at the high school on the regular election day, November 6. The registration was voluntary and was conducted in the manner of the adult citizens' registration. There wert three judges of election and two clerh at each polling place at the high school. · Lively interest in the presidential candidates and their campaigns ha ~ been ~hown by the students this year. and the percentage of those register ing was much higher than in otht'r mock elections held by the school ;11 past years. A check-up of the registration fig ures showed that approximately 95 per cent of the boys and 87 per cent of the girls registered last Tuesday. The percentage of students registering wa s greater among the lower· classes than among the upper classes, as the fol lowing percentage figures indicate : Freshmen, 94 2; sophomores, 89.8; jun iors, 89.1 and seniors, 88.5. Thirty-six students have been chosen to speak before the adviser rooms <lt the hhrh school on the merits of each presidential candidate and some :ntensive pre-election campaigning is expected before November 6. WITCH ATTENDS BIRTHDAY A group of little friends helped Bernard Flood celebrate his seventh RECOVER STOLEN CAR birthday at his home, 116 Sixteenth A car belonging to Paul Bouch, 601 street, on Wednesday afternoon. As it Main street, parked near the corner was a Ha1lowe'en party, a good witch of Linden avenue and Fourth street, decided to surprise the children, adding excitement to the jolly little group. was stolen between 6 and 8 o'clock last Saturday night. It was recovered the Mr. and Mrs. John B. Stanton of 525 following day in Evanston. Grove street, Barrington, announce the Miss Jeanne Taggart, who lives with birth of a daughter, Dorothy Stanton, on October 11, at St. Luke's hospital. her sister, Mrs. F. A. Wilson of 1118 Mr. and Mrs. Stanton were former Central avenue, is visiting in Minneapolts. residents of Wilmette. II THE SHOP OF NO ~E~RETS " . RIDGE_~VE. PHOMU 3"AMD 3390 - PHARM"CY PREACHES AT SHEBOYGAN HALLOWE'EN AU the wanted articles to mak~ the the children will find all aorta of false faces, pumpkins, etc. party a aucc~aa-and NOVELTIES RIDGE AVENUE PHARMACY C. C. Rennecka1' Rev. Herman W. Meyer, pastor of St. John's Lutheran church, will give a mission sermon in St. James Lutheran church at Shebovgan, Wis .. Sun. .day evening, October 28. He will conduct the morning services at St. John's hefore proceeding to the Wisconsin city. Miss Ida Isabelle Browne has rented her bungalow at 750 Vernon avenue, Glencoe, and leaves Friday, October 26, with her nurse, for Biloxi, Miss., where she has taken a cottage at 640 West Beach street. She will motor down. Opposite St. Joseph School Phone Wilmette 316 Makes You Think 01 DOUGHNUTS but there are doughnuts and dougbnuta. Try ours-Raised, Plain, Sugared, Chocolate or Filled. are spicy and rich, and can be bad in PUMPKIN PIE Ours individual or large sizes. of ours, with its soft, DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE One mallowy frosting, and its Hallowe' en decorations, will put the finishing touch to your party and delight your guests with its goodness. . And We Also Make Many Other Hallowe'en Goodies SUCH AS 0 Orange and Chocolate Daisies, Marzipan Pumpkins, Individual Fancy Cakes, etc. See Out Windows lot Suggestions Opposite New National Bank THE PATTY SBOPPE Phone Wilmette 57 5