64 WILMETTE LliP/ October 19, 192X Classified Advertise~nents (Continued from page 63) 78 FOB SALE-VACANT Ill FOR 8ALB-II8CBLLAlfEOU8 HUDSON SEAL COAT, SIZE 38, GOOD condition, very reasonable. Bronze lamp, silk shade $15. Strong Iron cot $3. Ph. Wilmette 2152 before 9 A. M:. 102LTNf-ltc FOR SALE-SODA FOUNTAIN, MEAT slicing machine and Era 6 tube radio complete. Call Sheridan Delicatessen, 1208 Washington Ave., Wilmette. 102LTN4-3tc VACANT-WINNETKA BEAUTIFUL LOT 125x175 IN HIGHLY restricted neighborhood, for one house FOR SALE-2 MEN'S COATS, SIZE 42, muskrat fur lined $55, plucked otter only. Heavily wooded, close to schools $125, also seal skin cap $7.50. Ph. Wiland transportation. All improvements mette 2573. 102LT4-ltp In and ready for building. Price $150 per foot. Address Winnetka Talk A-176. 78LTN4-ltc FOR SALE-GAS RADIATOR SUITable for bath room or garage. Price $25. Inquire at Wolft-Grlftls, 1119 Cen81 WANTED TO RENT-ROOMS tral Ave., Wilmette. 102LTN4-ltc LIVING QUARTERS OVER GARAGE. Wlll pay cash or give services for rent. FOR SALE-SEALSKIN JACKET, MAH. Address A-178. 85LTNf-ltp chairs and dressing table, rugs. Price reasonable. Ph. Kenilworth 1889. 102LTN4-ltc 88 WTD. TO RENT-FURN. APARTM'TS FOR SALE-A BOY'S LEATHER WANTED TO RENT- FURNISHED 3 sheep-skin lined coat, 14 to 16 yrs., fine rm. apt. Nov. 15th to May 1st. Ph. condition. Ph. Wilmette 1068. Wilmette 863 or Glencoe 1543. 102LTN4-ltc 88LTN 4-ltp SEASON TICKET, SYMPHONY; TUES. t7 WANTED TO BUY-VACANT aft. ; fine seat. 2nd row bal. ; $18. Loeb, Tel. Winn. 1654. 102LTN4-ltc WANTED TO BUY-100x150 OR MORE vacant bul-!lness property in Wilmette, GIRL'S BROWN SQUIRREL COAT, good location. Write Wilmette Life size 7-8. Perfect condition. Tel. Winn. A-175. 97LTN4-ltc 1224. 102LTN4-ltc " ANTIQUES HOOKED RUGS BOY'S MOVING PICTURE MACHINE and film, also post card projector with cards. Ph. Wilmette 663. 102LT4-ltc Several Wilmette business men ex.:. pected to attend some of the sessions of the Illinois Chamber of Commerce tenth annual convention in the Congress hotel, Chicago, yesterday and today. Miss Irene Strickler, secretary of the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce, is the official representative of the local organization. The meeting was to open yesterday morning with a general business session at 10 o'clock followed by a mercantile affairs luncheon at the hotel at noon. Ernest C. Cazel and William Taylor planned to attend this luncheon. At a complimentary breakfast for secretaries and ·presidents of the state Chamber of Commerce, scheduled for this morning, the Wilmette Chamber was to be represented by Miss Strickler and D. E. Allen, vice-president. They planned to remain for the meeting of the directors and officers of local Chamber of Commerce organizations, which was to follow the breakfast. ]. M. Budinger, treasurer of the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce, also expected to attend this meeting. Baritone to muatrate Wilmette Business Next Lecture on Opera People to Attend Irving Gielow, gifted young baritone, has studied opera in Italy for ten State Commerce Meet who years, comes with Tina Mae Haines for the next in her series of lectures in her Music course at the Wilmette "vVoman's club Monday, October ' 29, at 2 o'clock. The topic of Mrs. Haines' talk will be "Italian Opera," which Mr. Gielow will illustrate by singing some of the famous arias. Course tickets, as welt as those ior single lectures, may be procured from Mrs. David F. Hall, chairman of the music der artment of the club, which is sponsoring the series, or at the door. MOTOR TO SOUTHLAND M. K. Mestjian of Mestjian Bro-.., north shore rug dealers, is motoring to New Orleans in company with three Chicago friends. They will visit . for two weeks in various southern cities. Mrs. George F. Butler left Tuesday to spend two weeks at her old home in Monmouth, Ill. Mrs. Butler is living with her daughter, Mrs. P. N. Cutler of 1016 Ashland avenue. --o- ALL SIZE8-REAS. PRICES, GOOD SCELLANEOUt; colorings. A few good antiques. Worth ttl WTD. TO BUY-III a visit. Tel. Glenview 203-Warren, WANTED _ CLEAN, WHITE RAGS, · Glenview Borders, Glenview. lOc per lb. 1232 Central Ave. Wll------------9-9L_T_N_4_-3_tc mette. . 103LTN48-tfp CHEST OF DRAWERS, SECRETARY desk, love seat and other antiques, all LECTURE AT CLUB in A-1 cond. Hubbard Woods Upholstery. Ph. Winnetka 3014. 99LTN4-ltc The Kenilworth Home and Garden lM FOB SALE HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE- KIDNEY OVERSTUFFED liv. room set. $175; din. rm. set with pad. $65 ; bed rm. l'et complete, $75 ; 9xl2 rugR, $40 each; 'Coxwell chair, $60; floor lamp8, $5 ea<'h. Ph. Wilmette 3520. IOOLTN4-ltc SOLID WALNUT DIN. RM. SET, 6 chair~ & tablt>, $25. Tel. Winn. 752. 1040 Pine St. 100LTN4-ltc club met Monday ·afternoon in the home of Mrs. Oliver R. Barrett, 623 Abl>ottsford road. Miss Viola Klenk spoke on "Wild Gardens." She also Dr. and Mrs. John Segsworth are talked on the civic work of the Garden clubs of Ohio and other projects the¥ returning to their home at 1006 Forest were carrying out. Harry Peiffer of avenue this evening after a week's · motor trip to Hannibal. Mo., where Wilmette lectured on "Gladioli."· they visited Dr. Segsworth's sister. Mrs. George Richards, 530 Es·.sex road, Kenilworth, is entertaining sevTO OPEN FOR HOMECOMING November 3 wilt be the occasion of eral friends at dinner before the dance Homecoming at Northwestern univer- at the Kenilworth club Friday evesity. At that time five of the women's ning. --ohalls will be open to guests. An inMrs. James Francis Allee, Jr., of formal tea wiJJ be given in Rogers hall, a new building, in the afternoon, Dover, Del., is the ·houseguest of Mrs. and throughout the day, Hobart hall, R. Tencher, 828 Ashland avenue. also new, will be open for inspection, as will Chapin, Willard, and Pearsons halls. Automobile Storage CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY -0- Mrs. C. ]. DeBerc, who has been in Miss Helen Shepherd, daughter of MAHOG. RADIO TABLE WITH BATtery compartment ; reas. ; 2nd ft. 942 Mr. and Mrs. ). C. Shepherd of 1421 Boston and New Hampshire all sumGlencoe Road, Glencoe. 100LTN4-ltp Maple avenue, entertained a few guests mer visiting relatives. returned recent$600 SCHOLLE LIVING ROOM SUITE at dinner and dancing at the Edge- ly to her home at 1536 Forest avenue. selling for $150; also lam))~. Ph. Wil- water Beach hotel last Saturday eve-omette 2955. 100LTN4-ltc ning in celebration of her birthday. Kenilworth avenue, Kenilworth, enterHOUSEHOLD GOODS FOH SALE. PH. Wilmette 3429 or call at 724 12th St. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Pease of 320 tained twelve guests at dinner VJed100LT4-2tc Leicester road, Kenilworth, and Mr. nesday evening of last week. Blum (Florence --oSPINDLE BED, ANDIRONS, OTHER and Mrs. Wesley old pes. of furn. Ph. Wil. 906-M. Pease) motored to Detroit last FriM rs. F. Vv. Fuermann has returned 100LTN4-ltc day spend. the week-end with Mr. ICE BOX; ELECTRIC cheap. Tel. Glencoe 614. MANGLE; and Mrs. Robert Woodruff (Beatrice 100LTN4-ltc Pease). Mr. and Mrs. Ira C. Darling, 256 A safe, economical place to keep your car in dead storage the months you are not driving. MOVING - PACKING - SHIPPING LONG DISTANCE HAULING Chairs and Tables to Rent PAUL A. RENSCH. Pre~ident to 6 BUHNER RELIABLE GAS STOVE, $15. Tel. Winn. 1523. 100LTN4-ltc -o- to her home at 835 Greenwood avenue, from Ottawa, Ill., where she was called by the death of her uncle, H. Glazier. Twelve Kenilworth men left today Mr. and Mrs. William Marshall on their annual trip to Twin Lakes, UPRIGHT PIANO FOR SALE. CALL Wis., where they will spend Saturday Branch of Kenilworth, who are motorGlencoe 346 before 3 P. M. 100LTN4-ltp and Sunday playing golf. They J.re ing in the East, will be away two staying at the summer home of Rob- weeks. 111 WTD. TO BUY-HSEHLD. GOODS -oert 0. Berger. ~frs. Hugh ]. Foster, 921 Greenleaf WANTED TO BUY - SECOND-HAND --ofurniture and other household goods. avenue, returned 'S unday from a six Mrs. George D. Conlee, 1044 Forest Highest prices for same. Croat Furniture store, 1004-6 Emerson ·St., Ev- avenue, returned Tuesday from a motor weeks' visit to London, Canada, where she was staying with relatives. anston, Ill. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN48-tfc trip through Canada and the East. . --o- RENSCH 1 II'IRI:PROOP WARIEHOUSIE .... I 1 STORAGE 521 MAIN STREET WILMETTE, ILL. Wilmette 32 University 7317 AM. OPPORTUNITY -ia oHered to pGrticip~~te in a ayndictlte bting organized to purchase an exceedingly Well located piece of property. The, income derived from thia proptrty abould be more than suHicient to carry it while bting held. EACH . SYNDICATE MEMBER WILL SHARE IN THE ENTIRE PROFIT IN PROPORTION TO . HIS SUBSCRIPTION. J. SHORTRIDGE Muon Contnctor Porches General Repair Cement, Stone Walb and lnveatigtation will ahow thia to bt a moat attractioe propoaition. For complete information Write A-174 Care of tbi1 p«ptr 421 RicJ.nd 1\oae lelihrorth 2735