58 WILMETTE ·L I.FE Mrs. J. A. Culbertson, 220 Melrose The Kenilworth Evening Bridge club avenue, Kenilworth, entertained a few met at· the home of Mrs. Grant Ridgfriends at luncheon on Tuesday of this way, 2(YJ Cumberland road, on Monweek. day evening, October 8. Postmasters Meet in Glencoe; Elect Orders taken for ~~~~: Pirnapplt. Banana, . Fig and Nut let Crtam ~ Ice Cream Moulds Wilmette fancy Snider-Cazel Drug Co. The Postmasters' association held the first meeting of the winter season at Glencoe. Tuesday evening, at which ti.me officers were elected for the ensumg year. The association meets monthly. The next session will be at Evanston November 14. The Glencoe meeting was preceded by a dinner at Glengables Tea ro<?m, following which the business sesston was held at the Glencoe postoffice. Mrs. Bessie Reynolds, postmistre~s at Fort Sheridan, was elected prestdent; Postmaster Myers, of Deerfield, vice-president, and Mrs. Ellen C. Bremner, assistant postmistress at Glencoe, secretary and treasurer. Postmaster William Hamilton, of Evanston, gave a report of th~. postmasters' national convention recently held at Ashland, N. C. . Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Webber, Jr. of 1923 Estes avenue, Chicago, announce the birth of a ten-pound boy on October 4. Mr. Webber is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Webber of 1219 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette. Lak?f!!~:~:/::thy~~;.l r . £1( e October 19. 1928 L 0 ~ .1 ~ 0 · Auxtltary Mrs. \V. R. Richmond,' who ~s active for the Auxiliary in completmg arrangements for the bi-m?nthly party to be given Monday evemng, Oct?ber 22 at Great Lakes, says the comm1tt~e is 'honoring the spirit of !Jallo~~'en 111 its plans. A large party ts anttct~a.ted. as many Legionnaires and. ~ux1h~ry members have declared thetr mtentton of going. Cars will be provided and will be assembled to leave St. Augustine Club House by 7 o'clock. The first social affair on the Auxiliary calendar for the year is an afternoon card party to be given at the home of Mrs. John Boddie, 1356 Greenwood avenue, November 14. Only 12 tables will be placed for cards, so reservations should be made at an early date with Mrs. George Bassler. Ample funds at interest for loans on homes 5, 10 and 15 year plans, straight or with pre-payment privileges Oar lOGJU are parclaaed 6y UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. cf Cincinnati Comb·n~d There is still opportunity to contribute to the clothing box being ·prepared for the Florida refugees, as shipment is dated for next Wednesday. Mrs. Arthur Johnson (Wilmette 2506) ai1d Mrs. Stanley Peterson (Wilmette 2361) hope to have a much more lively -oto this urgent call before the Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Harper, 719 Park response lid goes on the box next week. avenue, will attend the Dad's Day game at the Univer~ity of . Illinois. Mrs. W. R. Morrison has been reTheir son, Robert, ts attendmg the cently appointed gold star chairman university. for the unit. · DANKERS LIFE CO. of De~ SJ,,_ MONEY Have tunds to loan on eholoe lm· proved North Shore Suburban rulcJence property at &~ CJ(, lnterut. See us on renewals. Molnc':i Assets $))0,000,000 E. G. Pauling A Co. S N. LaSaDe St. Mala IZII After consideration of the report turned in by Mrs. Thomas Halt for the House committee on p,ossible meeting places in the village, the unit voted to accept for the year the hospitality proffered at St. Augustine Club House. Again last Friday the Auxiliary proved its willingness to co-operate with the Legion ~y serving the annual installation dinner for the Post, given at the Woman's club. Legionnaires declared the tables never looked more attractive. The Legion colors were formally displayed at the ends of the table, and the blue and gold were repeated in the blue and gold crepe paper runners; in the tall blue tapers; and again in bouquets of marigolds and callendulas used in abuudance on tho tables. The flowers, the gift of the Wilmette Park board, after gracing the banquet table, were sent to brighten up certain hospital wards. Since the unit by-laws provide for two-year terms for their officers and that only half the terms expire each year, a full slate of officers will not be elected at . the November meeting. The nominating committee, however, wi11 present the names for several important offices. Those whose terms expire at this election are as follows : 2nd vicepresident and membership chairman, Mrs. G. A. Stone; chairman of ways and means committee, Mrs. G. Bassler; chairman of social committee, Mrs. Van Deursen; press chairman and corresponding secretary, Mrs. C. Cochran;. sergeant-at-arms, Mrs. Carl Renneckar. A program chairman is also to be elected. Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Gates and their daughter, Ruth, of Eanston, were reported to be recovering satisfactoril~ this week fro:..t · injuries they sustamed Sunday, October 7, in a motor colJi.sion. genuine You Sa'Ye When YouBu'Y /Made ;,. Chicago You Sa'Ye When You Use '· WE GUARANTEE to demonstrate to your satisfaction that it is to your advantage to use this fuel or it will be removed at our · expense and your money refunded. PHONE YOUR FUEL DEALER TODAY A ..ala aenice ... ia ia JMI' Mitw..n...l. He will call ud iupect J. . · eatiq plut ... MftM J· tM ..... WAJ te laYI __, ea J. . fael WJL EDINGER 4: SONS WILMETTE, ILL. KUTTEN BROTHERS 'ill Main St. WILMETTE, ILL. Phone - Wllmette tfl Phone - Wllmette 1 IBBDALB P A.CDNG aad SHIPPING of HOUSEHOLD GOODS UnlnraltJ' 1101 STORAGE